1. An overview of the Medical Society
2. Sponsorship opportunities
3. Sponsorship Benefits
4. Committee 2009-10 contacts
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
1. An overview of the Medical Society
What is the Cambridge University Medical Society?
Cambridge University Medical Society (CUMedSoc) was founded in 1784 and represents
students of the Cambridge University Medical School. It was established to liaise with the
University and the town’s people on behalf of the student body but has since grown. Aside from
having a strong say in the way course is organised and run, CUMedsoc plays an important part
for other aspects of student life for the students, from arranging discounts for books at local
retailers to running workshops to help new students. In addition we provide book grants and
subject related travel grants to support students.
The society also holds many events through out the year which include: Sports tournaments,
Garden parties, Bi-termly socials, Annual dinners and Guest Speakers. Our aim is to continue,
and increase, the provision of support academically, and organisation socially for our members.
How big is the Cambridge University Medical Society?
There are just under 900 undergraduate Medical students and a further 400 at clinical school in
Cambridge, most of who are life members of the society. However, the society is not just
restricted to medics, with as of last year membership being extended to those studying biological
sciences at the university, of whom there are around 250 students per year. The Cambridge
University Medical Society is the second biggest society in Cambridge, the first being the
student Union itself.
Why sponsor a Medical Society?
The very size of the society and the direct interaction that it has with its members means that is
an ideal opportunity to reach large numbers of potential consumers. Though we represent a body
of Medical students, the events we run are attended by many non-medics, the dinners, the
socials, the sports events and even the talks attract a large number of students from other
disciplines. In addition some of the students decide to leave the study of medicine after they have
obtained their BA after their third year, and are thus also eligible for recruitment. And with
Cambridge consistently ranked as one of the highest performing medical schools in the country,
we provide you with direct access to future world leaders in various medical (and non-medical)
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
2. Sponsorship Opportunities
The events listed below are only the largest events that have become fixtures in the CUMedSoc
calendar. We also hold smaller events throughout the year such as guest speakers, meeting with
the course organizers, student information lectures, sports tournaments and formals, which are
regularly promoted by our weekly emails.
Freshers’ Fair (£200)
Date: October 2009
Venue: Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre
Attendees: The entire first year at Cambridge ~4000 people.
This is the Societies fair which is attended by all of the first years of the university, from every
college and of every subject. We have a stall in the fair and it is the first opportunity for new
members to sign up. Usually leaflets, flyers and freebies; pens, notepads, medical dictionaries
etc, which have been given to us by our sponsors, are handed out and we can discuss with the
students the advantages of joining the society.
We also put up banners and posters from our sponsors at the stall and are happy to advertise or
promote any particulars on their behalf.
Ents (£250)
Date: Twice a term
Attendees: 400+
The ents are popular throughout the university with members and non-members attending.
Nearly 400 tickets are sold for the night before hand, with the remaining 500 tickets being sold
on the door, this is due to nightclub policy and not due to lack of interest. We arrange for cheap
entry, drink promotions and our own DJ. In return for sponsorship for this event, we include our
sponsors’ logo on the advertising posters and on the wrist band tickets that we sell. With such a
large number of people attending from all years and many different subjects, this really is a great
sponsorship opportunity for the society and our sponsors.
Clinical School Forum (£100)
Date: Michaelmas 2009
Venue: BMS
Attendees: 300
This is the opportunity for third year medical students to hear from the various different clinical
schools that they can apply to. It is an important event in helping third years decide where to
apply. It is a brilliant opportunity for recruitment for non-medical companies as some of the third
years may be looking to leave medicine for employment. We can advertise your logos and
contact information.
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
Year Dinner (£100)
Date: Unconfirmed
Attendees: 200
The third year dinner is an annual black tie dinner for the graduating third year medical students,
before they continue onto clinical schools, research or even jobs. We can offer to advertise your
business on the posters, e-mails and tickets of the events.
Garden party (£150)
Date: Easter 2009
Venue: St Johns Fellows garden, Cambridge.
Attendees: 200
This is the final event of the society’s calendar. After 6 weeks of a stressful exam term, guests
are able to relax and enjoy the company of other medical students where they can enjoy the
summer in Cambridge’s beautiful gardens. The event is open to all students, and usually the turn
out of non-medics is just as large as medics. Tickets are in large demand and as a result we are
look to find a new venue that will allow more people to attend. As with the 3rd year dinner, we
can offer to advertise your business on posters, tickets and in e-mails.
Hoodies (£200)
We are in the process of finalizing a design for a new CUMedSoc hoodie, which will be bought
by a large number of our members, in past years we have sold around 200. We can incorporate
your logo onto our hoodie, which will provide you with a powerful means of advertising as there
will be, in effect, a large number of walking advertisements. The reach of your advertising will
extend to all members of Cambridge University (of which there were 17 000 recorded members
in January 2008) as they see your logo around colleges, in lectures and even on the streets.
This is the Society Magazine. We publish two editions, one in Michealmas term and the second
in Lent term. We print around 800 copies which are given to our members free of charge. It
contains useful information for students. Regarding the course, exams, Club nights and Gigs in
the city, restaurant promotions etc. We also advertise various businesses within the magazine,
and would be happy to promote your business or recruitment. There are a number of advertising
opportunities which prices varying accordingly, please feel free to ask for further details.
CU MedSoc Ball
Date: Michaelmas 2009?
Attendees: 250+
This year, for the first time in over a decade, MedSoc hopes to bring ball a Medics’ Ball. Other
societies within the university (for example, LawSoc) enjoy a very successful Law Ball, and we
medics feel we also deserve such a privilege, given that without a doubt we comprise the single
most hard working student population within the university. We estimate that such a ball would
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
cost in the region of £15000, and would be delighted with any financial assistance you could
provide. The event would be open to medics and non-medics alike and with your name on
tickets, posters, banners and possibly even alongside the ball itself, you would be provided with a
widespread audience.
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
3. Sponsorship benefits
Graduating members of CUMedSoc, be they sixth years or third years are looking for jobs .
CUMedSoc provides a brilliant opportunity for recruitment and publicity to a very large student
body. Furthermore, many of our event-goers are not even members so publicity reaches beyond
the membership base of the society.
We endeavour to help advertise your business and the recruitment of graduates and interns via
the following ways:
1. CUMedSoc Email Updates
During term time, the committee sends email updates to all our members [current and life
members]. They mainly serve to inform members of all upcoming events and any other relevant
issues. CUMedSoc utilises these emails to promote sponsors by acknowledgment of sponsorship
in every update.
2. Exclusive Email Updates
We can offer to e-mail the society exclusively about your business and recruitment, this will
ensure that members are made aware of the standing of your business
3. Individual Pigeon-holing/Invites for Events
We will be pigeon holing when companies are hosting events in Cambridge for a specific target
audience. The “pigeon hole” is one of the primary modes of communication to students via
flyers, or letters. For example, if there is a recruitment event targeted at penultimate year
students, then we ask you to provide us with the necessary flyers/invites for the members, and we
will send these to the target audience based on our membership database. This will help to
increase awareness about the event.
4. Publicity at CUMedsoc events
All major sponsors will be publicised at every MedSoc event by putting up banners/posters that
you supply. Additionally, at the Freshers’ fair, flyers/freebies [such as pens and post-its which
carry the sponsor’s logo]/booklets from sponsors will be given out to every member present.
This allows for direct contact with the large number of people that attend the fair.
5. Publicity through our publications
Depending on the level of sponsorship, we also allow sponsors to put up advertisements in our
publications; Murmur. As explained above we place advertising for businesses but we also
acknowledge all major sponsors in every issue, allowing for them to put up advertisements in it.
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
6. Publicity on the CUMedSoc website
The Society has an official website at www.medsoc.org.uk. We acknowledge all sponsors on the
website’s home page, and we will also have a poster/logo be put up on our Sponsors page. We
receive over 700 hits per month on the website, thus your logo will be very wide-reaching.
7. Publicity on Hoodies
As mentioned above, CUMedSoc hoodies will provide you with a powerful means of
advertising. Your company’s logo will be on display to thousands of people, members, nonmembers and even those not part of the university.
8. Assistance in holding recruitment drives/talks
Should you decide to hold a recruitment drive or talk in Cambridge, we will be able to provide
assistance and support, such as the booking of seminar rooms. We will also help to publicise the
event to our mailing list and to the other societies that we currently have links with.
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
4. Committee 2009-10
Vignesh Vetrivel, Gonville & Caius College, president@medsoc.org.uk
Vice president:
Dana Khoriati, Emmanuel College, vice@medsoc.org.uk
Leo Scott, St. John’s College, sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
Charlotte Zheng, Churchill College, secretary@medsoc.org.uk
Dinesh Aggarwal, Churchill College, treasurer@medsoc.org.uk
Entertainment: Richard Veerapen-Pierce, Clare College, ents@medsoc.org.uk
Alex Walton, Gonville & Caius College, ents@medsoc.org.uk
Amy Taylor, Gonville and Caius College, publicity@medsoc.org.uk
Ollie Osunkunle, Gonville and Caius College, website@medsoc.org.uk
Susannah Keene, St. John’s College, academic@medsoc.org.uk
Clinical Liaison: Charles Parker, Gonville & Caius College, clinical-liason@medsoc.org.uk
Murmur editors: Kartik Kumar, Gonville & Caius College, murmur@medsoc.org.uk
Natalie Zhang, Gonville & Caius College, murmur@medsoc.org.uk
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk
CUMedSoc realise that recruitment and publicity strategies vary from company to company and
are therefore willing to listen to your interests and create a package tailored to your needs.
We stress again that each of the above sponsorship quotes is only a suggestion and we can merge
or create new ideas to tailor your needs, for which terms and prices can be negotiated. We will
happy to receive any questions you may have.
If you would like to discuss sponsorship feel free to contact me; Vignesh Vetrivel, my contact
details are at the bottom of the page.
Thank you so much once again!
Yours truly,
Vignesh Vetrivel
President 09/10
Cambridge University Medical Society
President: Vignesh Vetrivel,
Vice-President: Dana Khoriati
Sponsorship Officer: Leo Scott,
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
St. John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
Email: president@medsoc.org.uk
Email: vice@medsoc.org.uk
Email: sponsorship@medsoc.org.uk