Certified Nurses Aide Competency


Texas Nurse Connection, Ltd

Nurse Aide Competency Exam

Name _________________________ Date of Exam:_______________________




Prior to entering a resident’s room the nurse aide should:

A. Peek in to see if anyone is in the room

B. Walk in without saying anything

C. Say who you are in a loud voice

D. Knock on door, approach resident calmly, and explain who you are

When communicating with a resident the nurse aide should:

A. Talk really loud because they can not hear you

B. Speak clearly and face the resident on resident’s eye level

C. Turn your back to the resident

D. Keep asking them questions until they answer you

The definition for Fowler’s position is:




A. Lying flat on back

B. Lying on either side

C. Lying on stomach/Abdomen

D. Sitting Position

4. When making an occupied bed you should:

A. Leave resident covered with top sheet

B. Take all linens off at one time

C. Unlock the wheels of bed

D. Lower side rail to assist resident to roll over linen toward you

When giving a bed bath the nurse aide notes that Mrs. Jones has a red rash on her back. What action should be taken?

A. Apply lotion

B. Apply antibiotic cream

C. Scrub area vigorously

D. Report to the charge nurse

When providing incontinence care you should:

A. Remove heavy soiling prior to perineal care

B. Clean everything at once

C. Work as quickly as possible to not embarrass the resident

D. Keep the head of the bed elevated

Nail care is provided only to residents who:

A. Ask for help

B. Are diabetics

C. Residents nails are hard and thick

D. May require assistance and a plan of care has been initiated

Texas Nurse Connection, Ltd

Nurse Aide Competency Exam

Name _________________________ Date of Exam:_______________________



When assisting a resident with eating the nurse aide will:

A. Encourage them to eat quickly so the food does not get cold

B. Not allow resident to help because they might get food on clothing

C. Provide encouragement and help with assistive devices as indicated

D. When everyone else is finished remove tray whether the resident is finished or not

When a nurse aide is feeding a resident the resident often chokes and coughs. What should the nurse aide do to prevent this from occurring?

A. Give smaller bites

B. Feed them faster

C. Make the food runny by adding water

D. Make resident feed self

10. The nurse aid should report which pulse to the charge nurse?

A. 68

B. 77

C. 82

D. 50

11. When providing any type of care to a resident the nurse aide should FIRST



A. Wash Hands

B. Gather supplies

C. Lower side rails

D. Greet resident

12. Nurse aide Julie did not have time to help Mrs. Jones drink her water when she needed hydration.

This is a form of:

A. Abuse

B. Neglect

The following are all physical changes in the elderly that increase the risk of accidents except:

A. Impaired Hearing

B. Walking with a cane

C. Decreased Vision

D. Tremors or shaking

The acronym “RACE” is utilized for fire emergencies. What do the letters stand for?

R –

A –

C –

E –

Texas Nurse Connection, Ltd

Nurse Aide Competency Exam

Name _________________________ Date of Exam:_______________________


15. When giving a bed bath what is the appropriate work flow?

A. Dirtiest area first

B. Incontinence care first

C. Washes, rinses and dries from clean to dirty areas

D. Start where the resident wants you to

16. Personal Protective Equipment

A. is required for all residents

B. May be used until they are soiled

C. Can be worn out of room to get

D. Is generally put on outside of the isolation area

17. A nurse aide has found several patients with lice select the following scenario that would attribute to this transmission.

A. The nurse aide gloves and washes hands before and after resident care

B. The nurse aide replaces infested residents items into an isolation bag

C. A nurse with long braids changes the bed and gives all of the infested

residents their baths

D. All the nurse aides have their hair pulled and do not allow it to come into

contact with the residents

18. Good body alignment for lifting include all the follow except:

A. Keep your back straight

B. Keep your knees bent

C. Keep your feet at shoulder width

D. Bend at the waist

19. When documenting Intake and output a normal fluid intake would be:

A. 2300 cc

B. 1000 cc

C. 1800 cc

D. 800 cc

When a resident is restrained the following must occur.

A. The nurse aide must sit in the room with the resident

B. The resident visually check every 30 minutes and the restraint removed every

2 hours for at least 10 minutes

C. No hydration during the time the resident is restrained

D. Patient food is withheld during the time they are restrained
