IDEA - The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

Connecticut State Department of Education
Bureau of Special Education
Bureau of Early Childhood, Career and Adult Education
Middletown, Connecticut
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Connecticut General Supervision Activities 2006-07
Part C to Part B Transition: FAPE by 3
Activity 1
Data Merge
Activity 2
Data Verification
Activity 3
Data Review and
Data Merge Activities between SEA 619 and Part C
coordinators and data personnel regarding transition and
FAPE by 3
Collaboration between 619 and Part C data personnel to
ensure accuracy of the data
Data information sent to SEA 619 coordinator/ consultant
SEA 619 coordinator/consultant follow-up with all school
districts identified as not providing a FAPE by age 3 to one
or more children
Follow-Up with school districts via e-mail or letter
requesting verification of the data – data verification is
specific to individual children identified as not receiving a
FAPE by age 3 – children identified by SEA data
Follow-up with non-responsive school districts
SEA 619 coordinator receives and reviews information
from school districts – includes transition data verification
grid and supporting documentation to verify data provided
in grid (e.g., desk audit)
Analysis of school district information by SEA 619
Determination if FAPE at 3 requirement has not been met
and reason(s)
Maria Synodi, Coordinator
Early Childhood Special Education
Connecticut State Department of Education
Connecticut General Supervision Activities
Part C to Part B Transition: FAPE by 3
Page -2-
Activity 4
Option: Site Visit
Possible on-site visit to include individual child record
review, interview with administration and staff
Action 5 (a)
Feedback to
school districts –
FAPE by age 3
provided with or
Follow-Up with school districts
 FAPE by 3 requirement met – and/or
 FAPE by 3 requirement justifiable (e.g., parent
reason, move, etc)
 Possible recommendations – attention to data
accuracy and reporting, specific request to follow-up
with regard to data accuracy and reporting
Action 5 (b)
Follow-Up with school districts
 FAPE by 3 requirement not met
 SEA specific recommendations made based upon
data analysis of information provided by school
district – changes to be implemented immediately
 Determination whether non-compliance is
local or systemic
 SEA specific recommendations for change of
policy, practice
Feedback to
school districts –
FAPE by age 3 not
provided – SEA
for LEA action
Action 6*
Action 6
Follow-up technical assistance with school districts when
non-compliance is identified as systemic –
 Submission of an improvement plan
 School district action required with on-going SEA
monitoring and review – action implementation in
one (1) year
Letter school district confirming that the ‘non-compliance’
is closed based upon school district action taken in
response to SEA
* School districts identified for 2 consecutive years as not providing a FAPE by age 3 for
children transitioning from the state’s Part C Program and whose data and verification activities
indicate a systemic issue will be requested to submit an improvement plan. School district
progress will be monitored by the SEA. Technical assistance, monitoring and general oversight
of the school district’s improvement plan will be provided by the SEA to bring the school district
into full compliance.
Maria Synodi, Coordinator
Early Childhood Special Education
Connecticut State Department of Education