Avg. Doc Size - Columbia University

Nina Wacholder
David K. Evans
Judith L. Klavans
1st author's affiliation
2nd author's affiliation
3rd author's affiliation
1st line of address
1st line of address
1st line of address
2nd line of address
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2nd line of address
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Indexes -- structured lists of terms that provide access to
document content -- have been around since before the invention
of printing [31]. But most text content in digital libraries cannot
be accessed through indexes. The time and expense of manual
preparation of standard indexes is prohibitive. The quantity and
variety of the data and the ambiguity of natural language make
automatic generation of indexes a daunting task.
Over the last decade, there has been an improvement in natural
language processing techniques that merits a reconsideration of
automatic indexing. This paper addresses the problem of how to
provide users of digital libraries with effective access to text
content through automatically generated indexes consisting of
terms identified by statistically and linguistically informed natural
language processing techniques.
We have developed LinkIT, a software tool for identifying
significant topics in text. [16]. LinkIT rapidly identifies noun
phrases in full-documents; each of these noun phrases is a
candidate index term. These terms are then sorted based on filters
a significance metric called head sorting [39]. Wacholder et al.
2000 [41] shows that these terms are perceived by users as useful
index terms. We have also developed a prototype dynamic text
browser, called Intell-Index, that supports user driven navigation
of index terms.
The focus of this paper is on the usefulness of the terms identified
by LinkIT in dynamic text browsers like We analyze the
suitability of the terms identified by LinkIT for use in an index by
analyzing its output over a 250 MB corpus consisting of text in
terms of coverage, quality and consistency. We also show how the
usefulness of these terms is enhanced by automatically bringing
together subsets of related index terms. Finally, we describe
Intell-Index, a prototype dynamic text browser for user-driven
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browsing and navigation of index terms.
Indexing, phrases, natural language processing, browsing, genre.
Indexes are useful for information seekers because they:
support browsing, a basic mode of human information
seeking [32].
provide information seekers with a valid list of terms, instead
of requiring users to invent the terms on their own.
Identifying index terms has been shown to be one of the
hardest parts of the search process, e.g., [17].
are organized in ways that bring related information together
In spite of their well established utility as an information access
tool, expert indexes are not generally available for digital
libraries. Human effort cannot keep up with the steady flow of
content. Indexes consisting of automatically identified terms have
been legitimately criticized by information professionals such as
Mulvany 1994 [31] on the grounds that they constitute
indiscriminate lists, rather than synthesized and structured
representation of content.
LinkIT implements a linguistically-motivated technique for the
recognition and grouping of simplex noun phrases (SNPs). LinkIT
efficiently gathers minimal NPs, i.e. SNPs, and applies a refined
set of post-processing rules to these SNPs to link them within a
document. The identification of SNPs is performed using a finite
state machine compiled from a regular expression grammar, and
the process of ranking the candidate significant topics uses
frequency information that is gathered in a single pass through the
document. Our data consists of 250 megabytes of text taken from
the Tipster 1994 CD ROM [36] . Text is from four different
sources, the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, the Federal
Register and Ziff –Davis Publications.
We consider several questions related to the usability of the terms
extracted by LinkIT from this data in an automatically generated
index, as measured both by the quality of the index terms and the
number of index terms.
Are automatically identified terms of sufficient quality and
consistency to serve as useful access points to text content?
What automatic techniques are available for organizing and
sorting these terms in order to bring related terms together
and eliminate terms not likely to be relevant for a particular
information need?
((On average, how many useful index terms are identified for
individual documents and corpora?))
The research approach that we take in this paper emphasizes fully
automatic identification and organization of index terms that
actually occur in the text. We have adopted this approach for three
Human indexers cannot keep up with the volume of text.
For publications like daily newspapers, it is especially
important to rapidly create indexes for large amounts of text.
New names and terms are constantly being invented
and/or published. For example, new companies are formed
(e.g., Verizon Communications Inc.); people’s names appear
in the news for the first time (e.g., it is unlikely that Elian
Gonzalez’ name was in a newspaper before November 25,
1999); and new product names are constantly being invented
(e.g., Handspring’s Visor PDA). These terms frequently
appear in print before they appear in reference sources.
Therefore, indexing programs must be able to deal with new
Techniques that rely on existing resources such as
controlled vocabularies are usually not readily adopted
for domains where these resources do not exist.
For these reasons, the question of how well state-of-the-art natural
language processing techniques perform index term identification
and organization without any manual intervention is of practical
as well as theoretical importance. This paper also makes a
contribution toward the development of methods for evaluating
indexes and browsing applications. In addition, index terms are
useful in applications such as information retrieval, document
summarization and classification [45], [2].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows ((to add later)):
2. Automatically identified index terms
The promise of automatic text processing for automatic generation
of indexes has been recognized for several decades, e.g.,
Edmundson and Wyllys 1961 [13]. However, the quantity of text
and the ambiguity of natural language have made progress in this
task more difficult than was originally expected. For example,
((need nice ambiguous example))
In the 1990’s, increased processing power and the decreasing cost
of storage space made it feasible to process large quantities of text
in a reasonable period of time ((need example)). At the same time,
advances in natural language processing have led to new
techniques for extraction of information from text. Information
identification is the automatic discovery of salient information,
concepts, events, and relationships, in full-text documents.
Stimulated in part by the US government sponsored MUC
(Message Understanding Conference) competitions [11],[12],
natural language processing techniques for identifying coherent
grammatical phrases, proper names, acronyms and other
information in text have been developed.
The lists of terms identified by information extraction techniques
are not identical to those compiled by human beings. They
inevitably contain errors and inconsistencies that look downright
foolish to human eyes. It is nevertheless possible to identify
coherent lists with precision in the 90%s for certain kinds of terms
typically included in indexes. For example, Wacholder et al. 1997
[40] and Bikel et al. 1997 [5] achieve these rates for proper names
using rule-based and statistical techniques respectively. Cowie et
Lehnert 1996 [7] observe that 90% precision in information
extraction is probably satisfactory for every day use of results.
The most important development vis a vis identification of
indexing terms has been the development of efficient, relatively
accurate techniques for identify phrases in text. Most index terms
are noun phrases, coherent linguistic units whose head (most
important word) is a noun. It is no accident that expert indexes
and controlled vocabularies consist primarily of noun phrases, as
a scan of almost any back-of-the-book index will show. The
widespread availability of part-of-speech taggers, systems that
identify the grammatical category, makes it possible to identify
lists of noun phrases and other meaningful units in documents
(e.g., [8], [37], [1], [15]). Jacquemin et al. 1998 [23] have used
derivational morphology to achieve greater coverage of multiword terms for indexing and retrieval.
In addition, there has been a great deal of research on identifying
subgroups of noun phrases such as proper names [5],[33],[38],
technical terminology [10],[24],[6],[22] and acronyms [28], [44].
These are the types of expressions that are traditionally included
in indexes.
There is also an emerging body of work on development of
interactive systems to support phrase browsing (e.g., Anick and
Vaithyanathan 1997 [2], Gutwin et al. [19], Nevill-Manning et al.
1997 [32], Godby and Reighart 1998 [18]). This work shares with
the work described here the goal of figuring out how to best use
phrases to improve information access and how to structure lists
of phrases identified in documents.
But in spite of a long history of indexes as an information access
tool, there has been relatively little research on indexing usability,
an especially important topic vis a vis automatically generated
indexes [20][30]. There are a lot of issues that need to be
explored: the difference between using a printed index and an
electronic index, useful numbers of index terms for browsing, user
issues… ((In the rest of this paper, we focus on noun phrases, and
on techniques for automatically subclassifying, organizizing and
structuring them for presentation to users.))
3. Automatically identified noun phrases as
index terms
In this section, we consider two issues related to automatic
identification of noun phrases as related to indexing and browsing
What is the right type of noun phrase to use?
What subtypes of noun phrases are available for sorting
The first problem that concerns us is what the optimal definition
of noun phrase is for indexing purposes. This is more than a
theoretical question because noun phrases as they occur in natural
language are recursive, that is noun phrases occur within noun
phrases. For example, the complex noun phrase a form of cancer-
causing asbestos actually includes two simplex noun phrases, a
form and cancer-causing asbestos. A system that lists only
complex noun phrases would list only one term, a system that lists
both simplex and complex noun phrases would list all three
phrases, and a system that identifies only simplex noun phrases
would list two. A human indexer would choose whichever type is
appropriate for each term, but natural language processing
systems cannot yet do this reliably. From the point of view of
natural language processing systems, For large indexes, Because
of the ambiguity of natural language, it is much easier to identify
the boundaries of simplex noun than complex ones [39]. The
decision to focus on simplex noun phrases rather than complex
ones is therefore made for purely practical reasons.
4. Multiple views of index terms
Index terms are organized in ways that represent either the content
of a single document or the content of multiple documents. For
example, Figure 1 shows the terms in the order in which they
occur in the Wall Street Journal article WSJ0003 (Penn
Treebank). The index terms in Figure 1 were extracted
automatically by the LinkIT system as part of the process of
identification of all noun phrases in a document (Evans 1998
[15]; Evans et al. 2000[16]). The first column is the sentence
number, the second column represents the token span. (This
information will be suppressed below.)
Table 1: Topics, in document order, extracted from first
sentence of wsj0003
Sentence Tokens
Noun Phrase
A form
Kent cigarette filters
a high percentage
cancer deaths
a group
30 years
For most people, it is not difficult to guess that this list of terms
has been extracted from a discussion about deaths from cancer in
workers exposed to asbestos. One reason is that the list takes the
form of noun phrases, a linguistically coherent unit that is
meaningful to people. It is no coincidence that manually created
indexes usually are composed of lists of noun phrases. The
information seeker is able to apply common sense and general
knowledge of the world to interpret the terms and their possible
relation to each other. At least for a short document, a complete
list of terms extracted from a document in order can relatively
easily be browsed in order to get a sense of the topics discussed in
a single document. But in general such ordered lists have limited
utility, and other methods for organizing phrases are needed.
One way that the number of terms is reduced is by use of the Head
Sorting method (Wacholder 1998), an automatic technique for
approximating the identification of significant terms performed by
humans in manual indexing. The candidate index terms in a
document, i.e., the noun phrases identified by LinkIT, are sorted
by head, the element that is linguistically recognized as
semantically and syntactically the most important. The terms are
ranked in terms of their significance based on frequency of the
head in the document. After filtering based on significance
ranking and other linguistic information, the following topics are
identified as most important in WSJ0003 (Wall Street Journal
1988, available from the Penn Treebank; heads of terms are
Table 2: Most significant terms in document, based on head
asbestos workers
cancer-causing asbestos
cigarette filters
asbestos fiber
paper factory
This list of phrases (which includes heads that occur above a
frequency cutoff of 3 in this document, with content-bearing
modifiers, if any) is a list of important concepts representative of
the entire document.
Another view of the phrases identified by LinkIT is obtained by
linking noun phrases in a document with the same head. A single
word noun phrase can be quite ambiguous, especially if it is a
frequently-occurring noun like worker, state, or act. Noun phrases
grouped by head are likely to refer to the same concept, if not
always to the same entity (Yarowsky 1993) [43], and therefore
can convey the primary sense of the head as used in the text. For
example, in the sentence “Those workers got a pay raise but the
other workers did not”, the same sense of worker is used in both
noun phrases even though two different sets of workers are
referred to. Figure 3 shows how the word workers is used as the
head of a noun phrase in four different Wall Street Journal articles
from the Penn Treebank; determiners such as a and some have
been removed.
Table 3: Comparison of uses of worker as head of noun phrases
across articles
workers … asbestos workers (wsj 0003)
workers … private sector workers … private sector
hospital workers ... nonunion workers…private sector
union workers (wsj 0319)
workers … private sector
Steelworkers (wsj 0592)
workers … United Auto Workers … hourly production
and maintenance workers (wsj0492)
terms, only a few of which will be of interest to a particular user.
This contrasts with information retrieval systems, where the user
typically specifies their information need through the query. Out
of the context of an individual user’s information need, it is hard
to determine what terms should be included.
The standard evaluation metrics, precision and recall are not
helpful here because ((…)).
This view distinguishes the type of worker referred to in the
different articles, thereby providing information that helps rule in
certain articles as possibilities and eliminate others. This is
because the list of complete uses of the head worker provides
explicit positive and implicit negative evidence about kinds of
workers discussed in the article. For example, since the list for
wsj_0003 includes only workers and asbestos workers, the user
can infer that hospital workers or union workers are probably not
referred to in this document.
We therefore assess the quality of our terms by two different
measurements. First we assess the quality of terms randomly
extracted from our 257MB corpus. 475 index terms (0.25) % of
the total were randomly extracted from the corpus and
alphabetized. Then we gave each term one of three ratings:
useful -- a term is arguably a coherent noun phrase.
Therefore it makes sense as a distinct unit, even out of
context. Examples of good terms are sudden current shifts,
Governor Dukakis, and terminal-to-host connectivity.
The three figures above show just a few of the ways that
automatically identified terms are organized and filtered in our
system. We have developed a prototype Dynamic Text Browser,
called Intell-Index, that allows users to interactively sort and
browse terms that we have identified. Figure 1 on p.8 shows the
Intell-Index opening screen.
useless – a term is neither a noun phrase nor coherent.
Examples of useless terms identified by the system are
uncertainty is, x ix limit, and heated potato then shot. Most
of these problems result from idiosyncratic or unexpected
text formatting. Another source of problems is the part-ofspeech tagger; for example, if it erroneously identifies a verb
as a noun (as in the example uncertainty is), the resulting
term is not a noun phrase.
intermediate – any term that does not clearly belong in the
useful or useless categories. Typically they consist of one or
more good noun phrases, along with some junk. In general,
they are enough noun phrase like that in some ways they fit
patterns of the component noun phrases. Examples are up
Microsoft Windows, which would be good if it didn’t include
up. This is a reference that justifies being listed in a list of
NPs referring to Windows or Microsoft. Another example is
th newsroom, where th is presumably a typographical error
for the. ; Acceptance of responsibility 29, which would be
fine if it didn’t include the 29. Many of these examples
result from the difficulty in deciding where one proper name
ends and the next one begins, as in General Electric Co.
MUNICIPALS Forest Reserve District.
The user first selects the collection to be browsed and then either
browse the entire set of index terms identified by LinkIT or a
Figure 2 on p.8 shows the browsing screen, where the user may
either click on a head, which will give them a list of all of the
terms with that head, or on a particular term, which gives only the
specific expansion of the head (or only the head)
Alternatively, the user may enter a search string, and specify
criteria to select a subset of terms that will be returned. This gives
the user better control over the search. For example, the user may
specify whether or not the terms returned must match the case of
the user-specified search string;. This facility allows the user to
view only proper names (with a capitalized last word), only
common noun phrases, or both. This is an especially useful
facility for controlling terms that the system returns. For example,
specifying that the a in act be capitalized in a collection of social
science or political articles is likely to return a list of laws with the
word Act in their title; this is much more specific than an
indiscriminate search for the string act, regardless of
As the user browses the terms returned by Intell-Index, they may
choose to view a list of the contexts in which the term is used;
these contexts are sorted by document and ranked by normalized
frequency in the document. This is a version of KWIC (keyword
in context) that we call ITIC (index term in context). Finally, if
the information seeker decides that the list of ITICs is promising,
they may view the entire document.
The problem of how to identify what are good enough terms for
browsing is a difficult one. Indexes are designed to serve diverse
users and information needs, and by design they contain multiple
Table 4 shows the ratings by type of term and overall. Proper
names includes all terms that look like proper nouns, as identified
by a simple regular expression based on capitalization of the head.
The acronym category contains all terms that might be acronyms,
using a regular expression that selects terms with two or more
capitalized letters. While both of these heuristics are crude, they
are easily applied to the list of terms, and efficiently separate out
the terms into general classes. The common category contains all
other terms. (For this study, we eliminated terms that started with
non-alphabetic characters. ((the types need to be defined above))
((Also, I wrote some explanatory text with the tables that I gave
you earlier about the utility of breaking the terms into classes,
which might fit well here – or a discussion of why we would want
to do this.))
Table 4: Quality rating of terms, as measured by
comprehensibility of terms.
Table 1. The numbers in parenthesis are the number of words per
document and per corpus for the full-text columns, and the
percentage of the full text size for the noun phrase (NP) and head
Table 5 Corpus Size
The percentage of junk terms is well under 10%, which puts our
results in the realm of being suitable for every day use according
to the metric of Cowie and Lehnert mentioned in Section 1.
Another way to get at this question is to give users a task and an
index and find out how easy/hard it is to find information. We
leave this possibility to future research.
In this section, we consider the problem of quantity of text and
quantity of terms as metrics of index usability. Thoroughness of
coverage is one of the standard criteria for index evaluation [20].
However thoroughness is a double-edged sword when it comes to
computer generated indexes. The ideal is thoroughness of
coverage of important terms and no coverage of unimportant
terms, though of course the term important is problematic in this
context because we assume that different users will be consulting
the index for a variety of different purposes and will have
different levels of domain knowledge.
We do not know of any research which evaluates user processing
of lists; however, we assume that larger lists and more diverse lists
are harder to process. Diverse lists are harder to process because
there the context provides less information about how to interpret
the list. ((example))
We also need to establish a uniform standard for evaluation of
browsing/indexing tools.
Our test corpus consisted of 257 MBs of text from Disks 1 and 2
of the Tipster CD-ROMs prepared for the TREC conferences
(TREC 1994 [11]). We used documents from four collections—
Associated Press (AP), Federal Register (FR), Wall Street Journal
1990 and 1992 (WSJ) and Ziff Davis (ZD). To allow for
differences across corpora, we report on overall statistics and per
corpus statistics as appropriate. However, our focus in this paper
is on the overall statistics.
The first question that we consider is how much the reduction of
documents to noun phrases decreases the size of the data to be
scanned. For each full-text corpus, we created one parallel version
consisting only of all occurrences of all noun phrases (duplicates
not removed) in the corpus, and another parallel version
consisting only of heads (duplicates not removed), as shown in
Full Text
12.27 MB
7.4 MB
5.7 MB
(2.0 million words)
33.88 MB
20.7 MB
13.7 MB
(5.3 million words)
45.59 MB
27.3 MB
18.2 MB
(7.0 million wds)
165.41 MB
108.8 MB
67.8 MB
(26.3 million wds)
The number of non-unique NPs and Non-unique heads reflects the
number of occurrences (tokens) of NPs and heads of NPs.
From the point of view of the index, however, this is only a first
level reduction in the number of candidate index terms: for
browsing and indexing, each term need be listed only once. After
duplicates have been removed, approximately 1% of the full text
remains for heads, and 22% for noun phrases. (( Should we put
this in the table? Or maybe we don’t need this first table at all, but
should just state this information.)) This suggests that we should
use a hierarchical browsing strategy, using the shorter list of heads
for initial browsing, and then using the more specific information
in the SNPs when specification is requested.
Interestingly, the percentages are relatively consistent across
Table 6 shows the relationship between document size in words
and number of noun phrases per document. For example, for the
AP corpus, an average document of 476 words will typically have
about 127 ((unique—non-unique??) NPs associated with it.
can list all nouns; this list is constantly growing, but at a
slower rate than the possible number of noun phrases).
Table 6 SNP per document
Avg. Doc Size
Avg NPs
((Avg NPs/
In general, the vast majority of heads have two or fewer different
possible expansions. There is a small number of heads, however,
that contain a large number of expansions. For these heads, we
could create a hierarchical index that is only displayed when the
user requests further information on the particular head. In the
data that we examined, on average the heads had about 6.5
expansions, with a standard deviation of 47.3.
((In this table, we’ve lost a number for the Ziff data. Also, is it
really correct that the max for Ziff is 15877?? is this true?))
Table 8: Average number of head expansions per corpus
(476 words)
(1175 words)
(487 words)
(461 words)
Tolle and Chen 2000 [35] identified approximately 140 unique
noun phrases per abstract for 10 medical abstracts. They do not
report the average length in words of abstracts, but a reasonable
guess is probably about 250 words per abstract. In contrast,
LinkIT identifies about 130 SNPs for documents of just under 500
words. This is a much more manageable number, and we get the
advantage of having an index for the full text, which by definition
includes more information than an abstract. ((length issues—not
considering here what happens here to index terms as text gets
longer, e.g., 20,000 word articles or _____ word book))
((Dave do unique SNPs and heads maintain capitalization
distinctions? what about plural?)
increases much faster than the number of unique heads – this can
be seen by the fall in the ratio of unique heads to SNPs as the
corpus size increases.
Table 7 shows another property of natural language—the number
of unique noun phrases increases much faster than the number of
unique heads – this can be seen by the fall in the ratio of unique
heads to SNPs as the corpus size increases.
Table 7: Number of Unique SNPs and Heads
Ratio of Unique
Heads to NPs
% <=
< 50
% >=
Additionally, these terms have not been filtered; we may be able
to greatly narrow the search space if the user can provide us with
further information about the type of terms they are interested in.
For example, using simple regular expressions, we are able to
roughly categorize the terms that we have found into four
categories: regular SNPs, SNPs that look like proper nouns, SNPs
that look like acronyms, and SNPs that start with non-alphabetic
characters. It would be possible to narrow the index to one of
these categories, or exclude some of them from the index.
Table 9: Number of SNPs by category
# of
# of
# of nonalphabetic
# of
Table 7 is interesting for a number of reasons:
the variation in ratio of heads to SNPs per corpus—this may
well reflect the diversity of AP and the FR relative to the
WSJ and especially Ziff.
as one would expect, the ration of heads to the total is
smaller for the total than for the average of the individual
copora. This is because the heads are nouns. (No dictionary
Over all of the copora, about 10% of the SNPs start with a nonalphabetic character, which we can exclude if the user is searching
for a general term. If we know that the user is searching
specifically for a person, then we can use the list of proper nouns
as index terms, further narrowing the search space (to
approximately 10% of the possible terms.)
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This work has been supported under NSF Grant IRI-97-12069,
“Automatic Identification of Significant Topics in Domain
Independent Full Text Analysis”, PI’s: Judith L. Klavans and
“Computationally Tractable Methods for Document Analysis”, PI:
Nina Wacholder.
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Figure 1 Intell-Index opening screen < http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~nina/IntellIndex/indexer.cgi>
Figure 2: Browse term results
Browse Term Results
6675 terms match your query
political ability
political accommodation
significant accomplishment
human rights abuses
Trilateral Accord
Background De-Nuclearization
widespread acceptance
broad acceptance
full access
U.S. access
accession quick accession
accessions earlier accessions
subsequent post-Soviet accord
bilateral accord
bilateral nuclear cooperation
accounting ...