Curriculum Vitae EDWARD M. BRUNER October, 2008 Address: office: Department of Anthropology 607 South Mathews University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-3616 Home: 2022 Cureton Drive Urbana, IL 61801 217-384-6383 (cell) 217-898-9093 (fax) 217-384-7720 Marital Status: Married, two children Degrees: Ph.D. University of Chicago 1954 M.A. Ohio State University 1950 B.A. Ohio State University 1948 Ph.D. Thesis: A Study of Cultural Change and Persistence in a Mandan-Hidatsa Indian Village. Academic Positions: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Professor Emeritus of Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois, 1994Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Spring semester, 1998 Professor of Anthropology (1966-1994), Professor of Criticism and Interpretive Theory (1982-1994), University of Illinois Adjunct Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, 1990-1994 Field Director, International School of America, International Honors Program, 1983-1984 Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, 1966-1970 Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Illinois, 1961-1966 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Yale University, 1954-1960 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1953-1954 1 Elected Offices: President, President-elect, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, 1987-1991 Member, Board of Directors, American Anthropological Association, 19891991 President, President-elect, American Ethnological Society, 1980-1982 Chairman, Indonesian Studies Committee, Association of Asian Studies, 1976-1978 Honors, Appointments: Resource Editor, Annals of Tourism Research, 2004Member, Advisory Board, Tourist Studies, 2000Consultant, Natural Resource Conservation and Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance Project, USAID and MUCIA, Cape Coast, Ghana, 1994 Member, Editorial Board, Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, 1993Summer Scholar, School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1992 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Illinois, 1989 William F. Prokasy Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1989 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Anthropology, 1987-1988 Member, Program Committee for Annual Meetings, American Anthropological Association, 1988-1989 Member, International Commission on Urban Anthropology, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1980 Representative, American Anthropological Association, to Section H (Anthropology), American Association for the Advancement of Science, 19791983 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1980 Center for Advanced Study, University of 1982-1983, 1970-1971 Illinois, Associate, Interdisciplinary Fellow in Literary Criticism, University of Illinois, 1979-1980 AMOCO Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum Development Award, University of Illinois, 1978 Director, Doris Duke American Indian Oral History Project, 1967-1974 2 Consultant, Ford Foundation, National Assessment of Education in Indonesia, July 1969, August 1970 Member, Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group, 1967-1972 Chairman, Committee for Advanced Test in Anthropology, Educational Testing Service, 1967-1969 Consultant, Cultural Anthropology Fellowship Review Committee, National Institute of Mental Health, 1966 Social Science Research Council, Faculty Grants Committee, 1966 Institute of Advanced Projects, East West Center, University of Hawaii, Senior Scholar, 1963 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, Fellow, 1960-1961 Grants, Fellowships: Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics. Faculty Fellowship, Spring, 1991 National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 1989 Center for Asian Studies, 1971, 1974, 1985 University of Illinois Research Board, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1989, 2005, 2006 Wenner-Gren Foundation, 1964, 1966-1967, 1976-1977 Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group, research grant, 1969-1971 Center for International Comparative Studies, 1968, 1969, 1970 Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, 1970 National Science Foundation, 1968 National Institute of Mental Health, research grant, 1957, 1965 Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference grant, Burg Wartenstein, 1964 National Science Foundation, Fellowship, 1961 Social Science Research Council, grant-in-aid, 1960 Ford Foundation, Foreign Area Training Fellowship, 1957-1958 Ford Foundation, grant-in-aid to facilitate research in the behavioral sciences, Yale University, 1957 National Science Foundation, research grant, 1957 Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, grant, 1957 3 University Fellow, University of Chicago, 1950-1951 Field Research: Tourism - Yunnan, China, 1999 Tourism - Kenya, 1995, 1999 Tourism - Ghana, West Africa, 1994 (6 weeks) Lincoln's New Salem Historic Site, Illinois, 1988-1990 Tourism - Java, Bali, and Sulawesi, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1997 Tourism - Bali, Kenya, Egypt, Israel, 1983-1984 Culture change - Java and Sumatra, Indonesia, 1969-1973 (12 months) Urbanization - American Indians, Chicago, 1966 Village life, urbanization - Toba Batak, Sumatra, Indonesia, 1957-1958 Acculturation - Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota, 1952-1953 Culture change – Ramah Navaho, New Mexico, 1948 Interests: Tourism, interpretive anthropology, narratology, performance, processes of change, urbanization, ethnicity, Indonesia, American culture Professional Societies: Fellow, American Anthropological Association American Ethnological Society Society of Humanistic Anthropology Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Fellow, Association for the Anthropological Study of Play Fellow, Society of Cultural Anthropology Listed in: Who's Who in America PUBLICATIONS: Books: 1979 Art, Ritual and Society in Indonesia. Southeast Asia Monograph 53. Athens: Ohio University Press. Pp. 189. (ed. with Judith 0. Becker). 1984 Text, Play and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society. (ed.) 1983 Proceedings, American Ethnological Society. Washington D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Pp. 364. Reissued, 1988, Chicago: Waveland Press. 1986 The Anthropology of Experience. Urbana: University of Illinois. Pp. 391. (ed. with Victor W. Turner). Translated, Spanish edition, Madrid: Ediciones Jucar. 1995 International Tourism: Identity and Change. (ed. with MarieFrançoise Lanfant and John Allcock.) London: Sage. 2005 Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Japanese edition, Tokyo: The Asano Agency. Articles, chapters: 4 1951 Pilot Study of a B-50 Air Crew. HRRL Report 21, Headquarters Command, Bolling Air Force Base. (with C. L. Shartle, J. K. Hemphill, and R.W. Hites) 1953 A Level-of-Aspiration Study Among the Ramah Navaho. Journal of Personality 21 (3): 375-385. (with J. B. Rotter) 1953 Assimilation Among Fort Berthold Indians. (4): 21-29. 1955 Two Processes of Change in Mandan-Hidatsa Kinship Terminology. American Anthropologist 57 (4): 840-850. Reprinted in: Kinship and Social Structure. Nelson H. Graburn, ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1971. 1956 Cultural Transmission and Cultural Change. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 12 (2): 191-199. Reprinted in: Social Structure and Personality. Y. Cohen, ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. Pp. 112-116. Reprinted in: Personality and Social Systems. Neil J. Smelser and William T. Smelser, eds. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1963. Pp. 481-487. Reprinted in: Readings in Anthropology. J. D. Jennings and E. Adamson Hoebel, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. Pp. 337-342. Reprinted in: The Emergent Native Americans: A Reader in Culture Contact. Deward E. Walker, Jr., ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1972. Pp. 69-75. 1956 Primary Group Experience and the Processes of Acculturation. American Anthropologist 59 (4): 605-623. 1956 Family, Ethnic Groups. In: Area Handbook on Indonesia. Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, for Human Relations Area Files Inc., New Haven. 1957 Life History of a Fort Berthold Indian Psychotic. Microcard Publications of Primary Records in Culture and Personality, Vol. 2, No. 9. 1957 The Toba Batak Village. In: Local, Ethnic, and National Loyalties in Village Indonesia: A Symposium. G. W. Skinner, ed. Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, and the Institute of Pacific Relations, New York. 1957 Kinship Organization Among the Urban Batak of Sumatra. Transactions, New York Academy of Sciences 22 (2): 118-125. 1960 The Concept of Culture. 1960 Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (with E. Friedl and R. F. Herzfeld) 1961 Mandan. In: Spicer, ed. 277. 1961 Urbanization and Ethnic Identity in North Sumatra. American Anthropologist 63: 508-521. Reprinted in: Urbanization in Indonesia: Selected Readings. James C. Jackson, ed. Singapore: The American Indian 6 Perspectives in American Indian Culture Change. E. H. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 187- Asia 5 Pacific Press (Pte) Ltd., 1972. Reprinted in: People and Housing in Third World Cities. Essex: Longman. 1963 Medan: The Role of Kinship in an Indonesian City. In: Pacific Port Towns and Cities. A. Spoehr, ed. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. Pp.1-12. Reprinted in: Kinship and Family Organization. B. Farber, ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. Pp. 418-426. Reprinted in: Peasants in Cities: Readings in the Anthropology of Urbanization. W. Mangin, ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970. Pp. 122-134. 1963 Family Interaction at Two Levels of Acculturation in Sumatra. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 33: 51-59. (with Alan 0. Ross) 1963 The Introductory Course in Cultural Anthropology. In: The Teaching of Anthropology. D.G. Mandelbaum, G.W. Lasker, and Ethel M. Albert, eds. American Anthropological Association. Memoirs 91. Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 141-152. (with George D. Spindler). Abridged edition, 1967. Pp. 129-140. 1964 The Psychological Approach in Anthropology. In: Horizons of Anthropology. S. Tax, ed. Chicago: Aldine. Pp. 71-80. Second edition, S. Tax and Leslie G. Freeman, eds. Pp. 344-354. Reprinted In: Ideas of Culture. Frederick C. Gamst and Edward Norbeck, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Pp. 154-160. 1964 Culture and Personality. Voice of America, Forum Lectures. Anthropology Series 19. Pp. 1-8. 1966 Discussion, the Navaho Urban Relocation Research Project. Research Report 17, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Pp. 73-83. 1968 Some Observations on Cultural Change and Psychological Stress: Indonesia. Report, Eighth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Tokyo. Pp. 399-400. 1970 Anthropological Observations on Primary Education in Indonesia. Workshop on Problems of Education in Developing Countries, TuguBogor, Indonesia. (with Elaine C. Bruner) 1972 Batak Ethnic Associations in Three Indonesian Cities. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 28 (3): 207-229. 1973 Kin and Non-Kin. In: Urban Anthropology. Aidan Southall, ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 373-392. Reprinted in: Pokokpokok Antropologi Budaya. T.O.Ihromy, ed. Jakarta: Obor. Pp. 159179. 1973 The Missing Tins of Chicken: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Culture Change. Ethos 1 (2): 219-238. 1973 Introduction, The Labors of the Datoe and Other Essays on the Bataks of Asahan (North Sumatra), by Harley Harris Bartlett. Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia No. 5. Pp. ix-xiii. 1974 The Expression of Ethnicity in Indonesia. In: Urban Ethnicity. Abner Cohen, ed. ASA Monograph 12. London: Tavistock. Pp. 251-280. 6 Also in Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group, Papers, Series 72-9. Pp. 20. Reprinted in: Sociology of Southeast Asia. HansDieter Evers, ed. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. Pp. 140152. 1974 Indonesian Homecoming: A Case Study in the Analysis of Ritual. Module Publication 54. Addison-Wesley 1974 The City in Indonesia. Proceedings, Conference on Indonesian Studies. Madison, Wisconsin. Pp. 4-5. 1976 Tradition and Modernization in Batak Society. In: Responses to Change. George DeVos, ed. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 234-252. 1978 Beyond Binaries. 1979 Indonesian Models in Social Action. In: Art, Ritual and Society in Indonesia. Bruner and Becker, eds. Southeast Asia Monographs 53. Athens: Ohio University Press. Pp. 1-9. 1979 Modern? Indonesian? Culture? In: What is Modern Indonesian Culture. Gloria Davis, ed. Southeast Asia Monographs 52. Athens: Ohio University Press. Pp. 300-306. 1979 Personal Anthropology. 1980 Gender Differences in Graffiti: A Semiotic Perspective. Women's Studies International Quarterly 3:239-252. (with Jane Paige Kelso) Reprinted in: The Voices and Words of Women and Men. Cheris Kramerae, ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Reprinted in: The American Dimension: Cultural Myths and Social Realities. W. Arens and S. Montague, eds. Sherman Oaks, California: Alfred Publishing, 1981, 2nd edition. 1980 Anthropology 280: Personal Anthropology. In: Currents of Warm Life: Popular Culture in American Higher Education. Mark A. Gordon and Jack Nachbar, eds. Bowling Green, Ohio: The Bowling Green University Popular Press. Pp. 111-115. 1980 Image and Reflexivity in Social Life. 1981 Exchange Theory and Migration. In: Persistence and Exchange. Roland W. Force and Brenda Bishop, eds. Honolulu: Pacific Science Association. Pp. 135-140. 1982 Models of Urban Kinship. In: Towards a Political Economy of Urbanization in Third World Countries. Helen I. Safa, ed. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pp. 105-118. 1983 Emergent vs. Invariant Models. In: Beyond Samosir: Recent Studies of Batak Peoples of Sumatra. Rita Smith and Richard D. Kipp, eds. Monographs in Southeast Asia. Athens: Ohio University Press. Pp. 13-20. 1984 The Opening Up of Anthropology. In: Text, Play, and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society. Bruner, ed. Pp. 1-16. Reviews in Anthropology 5 (2): 189-195. Anthropology Newsletter 20 (8): 18-20. The Cresset 63 (7): 7-10. 7 1984 Dialogic Narration and the Paradoxes of Masada. In: Text, Play and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society. Bruner, ed. Pp. 56-79. (with Phyllis Gorfain). Reprinted in: Anthropological Poetics. Ivan Brady, ed. Savage, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1990. Pp. 177-203. 1984 The Symbolics of Urban Migration. In: The Prospects for Plural Societies. David Maybury-Lewis, ed. 1982 Proceedings, American Ethnological Society. Washington D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Pp. 64-76. 1986 Experience and Its Expressions. In: Experience. Turner and Bruner, eds. 1986 Ethnography as Narrative. In: The Anthropology of Experience. Turner and Bruner, eds. Pp. 139-155. Reprinted in: Memory, Identity, Community: The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences. eds. Hinchman and Hinchman. State University of New York Press. 1996. Reprinted in: Narrative Theory: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. Mieke Bal. London: Routledge. 2004. Reprinted in: Fieldwork, ed. Chris Pole. London: Sage. 2004. 1986 Anthropology and Human Studies. 124. 1987 East Africa: Tourist Performances and Representations. Problemy Turystyki (Problems of Tourism) X (3): 25-29. Warsaw, Poland. (with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett) 1987 Megaliths, Migration and the Segmented Self. In: Cultures and Societies of North Sumatra. R. Carle, ed. Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg. Vol 19. Berlin/Hamburg: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1989 Tourism. In: International Encyclopedia of Communications, Vol. 4. New York: Oxford University Press. Pg. 249-253. (with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett). 1989 Tourism, Creativity, and Authenticity. Interaction 10: 109-114. 1989 On Cannibals, Tourists, and Ethnographers. 4:438-445. 1990 Introduction: Experiments in Ethnographic Writing. In: Conversations in Anthropology: Anthropology and Literature. Paul Benson, ed. Steward Journal 17: 1 and 2, Fall/Spring 1987-1988, pp.1-19. 1990 Touristic Diversity: Report on Theory Session. Conference on Tourism and the Change of Life Styles, Instytut Turystyki, Warsaw, Poland, Sept 16-18, 1988). Problemy Turystyki (Problems of Tourism) XII (12): 101-102. (with Michel Picard). 1991 Man Alive, Woman Alive. The Anthropology of Pp. 3-29. Cultural Anthropology 1(1): 121- Studies in Symbolic Cultural Anthropology Reviews in Anthropology 16: 195-201. 8 1991 The Transformation of Self in Tourism. Vol. 18 (2): 238-250. Annals of Tourism Research. 1993 Epilogue: Creative Persona and the Problem of Authenticity. In: Creativity/Anthropology. Smadar Lavie, Kirin Narayan, and Renato Rosaldo, eds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Pp. 321-334. 1993 Introduction: The Ethnographic Self and the Personal Self. In: Anthropology and Literature. Paul Benson, ed. University of Illinois Press: Urbana. Pp. 1-26. 1993 Introduction. In, Museums and Tourism. (ed.) Edward M. Bruner, special issue, Museum Anthropology 17 (3): 6. 1993 Lincoln's New Salem as a Contested Site. In, Museums and Tourism. (ed.) Bruner, ed. special issue, Museum Anthropology 17 (3):14-25. 1993 Authenticity, Reproductions, and the Patrimony of Abraham Lincoln. Le Tourisme International Entre Tradition et Modernite. Centre d'Etudes Tourisme et Civilisation. Laboratoire D'EthnologieUniversite de Nice. pp. 49-57. 1994 Tourism as Process. (with Bennetta Jules-Rosette). Annals of Tourism Research 21 (2): 404-406. 1994 Abraham Lincoln as Authentic Reproduction: A Critique of Postmodernism. American Anthropologist 96 (2): 397-415. Reprinted in The Political Nature of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Dallen Timothy (ed.) Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing. 1994 Maasai on the Lawn: Tourist Realism in East Africa. (with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett). Cultural Anthropology 9 (2):435-470. 1995 The Ethnographer/Tourist in Indonesia. In International Tourism: Identity and Change. (eds.) Marie-Françoise Lanfant, John Allcock, and Edward M. Bruner. London: Sage. Pp. 224-241. 1996 My Life in an Ashram. 1996 Tourism in the Balinese Borderzone. In Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity, Smadar Lavie and Ted Swedenburg (eds.), Durham: Duke University Press. Pp. 157-179. Reprinted in: Tourists and Tourism: A Reader, Sharon Bohn Gmelch (ed.), Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press. Pp. 219-238. 1996 Tourism in Ghana: The Representation of Slavery and the Return of the Black Diaspora. American Anthropologist 98 (2): 290-304. Reprinted in The Political Nature of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Dallen Timothy (ed.) Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing. 1999 Deconstructing the Role of the Discussant. In: Subject to Writing: the Victor Turner Prize and the Anthropological Text. Barbara Babcock, ed., special issue, Anthropology and Humanism 24 (2): 129133. Qualitative Inquiry 2 (): 300-319. 9 1999 Return to Sumatra: 1957, 1997. American Ethnologist 26 (2): 461477. Reprinted in: The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln, eds. London: The Bardwell Press. 2001. 2000 Culture Broker, Photography, Professional Native, Gifts, Invention of Culture, Natives, Spatial Interaction. Entries for Encyclopedia of Tourism. Jafar Jafari, ed. London: Routledge. 2001 Ethnic Tourism: One Tribe, Three Contexts. In: Tourism, Anthropology, and China. Tan Chee Beng, Sidney C. H. Cheung, and Yang Hui, eds. Bangkok: White Lotus. Pp. 55-70. 2001 The Maasai and the Lion King: Authenticity, Nationalism, and Globalization in African Tourism. American Ethnologist 28 (4): 881908. Reprinted in: Tourists and Tourism: A Reader, Sharon Bohn Gmelch (ed.), Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press. Pp. 127-156. 2002 The Representation of African Pastoralists: a Commentary. In: Persistent Popular Images of Pastoralists. Robert J. Gordon and Corinne A. Kratz, (eds.), Visual Anthropology 15 (3-4):275-280. 2005 Through the Looking Glass: Reflections on an Anthropological Life. Special Issue in Honor of Edward M. Bruner. Anthropology and Humanism 30 (2): 201-207. 2006 Mission Creep in the IRB World. (with C.K. Gunsalus et. al.) Editorial, Science 312 (5779):1441, June 9, 2006. 2007 The Illinois White Paper: Improving the System for Protecting Human Subjects: Counteracting IRM “Mission Creep.” Qualitative Inquiry 13 (5): 617-649. (with C.K. Gunsalus, et. al). 2009 Remembering My Jewish Father. Anthropology and Humanism. 2009 Around the World in Sixty Years. In: Should I Stay or Should I Go? New Fieldsites, New Visions. Ed. Alma Gottlieb. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Reviews, Comments: 1952 Review of: Alfred W. Bowers, Mandan Social and Ceremonial Organization. The Americas 9 (2): 242-243. 1956 Review of: J. E. Manchip White, Anthropology. American Anthropologist 58 (1): 189-190. 1956 Rejoinder to: A. Kimball Romney and Duane Metzger, On the Processes of Change in Kinship Terminology. American Anthropologist 58 (3): 554-556. 1957 Differential Culture Change: Report on the Inter-university Summer Research Seminar, 1957. Items 11 (1): 1-3. 1957 Review of: Robert H. Lowie, The Crow Indians. American Anthropologist 59 (4): 727. 10 1961 Review of: H. G. Barnett, Being a Paluan. John Beattie, Bunyaro: An African Kingdom. C. W. M. Hart and Arnold R. Pilling, The Tiwi of North Australia. E. Adamson Hoebel, The Cheyennes: Indians of the Great Plains. Oscar Lewis, Tepoztlan: Village in Mexico. American Anthropologist 63 (1): 141-143. 1962 Review of: Edwin Thompson Denig, Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri: Sioux, Arickaras, Assiniboines, Crees, Crows. American Anthropologist 64: 657-58. 1962 Review of: Koentjaraningrat, Some Social-Anthropological Observations on Gotong-Rojong Practices in Two Villages of Central Java. American Anthropologist 64: 1089-90. 1963 Hidatsa. 1963 Review of: J.W. Gould, Americans in Sumatra. Anthropologist 65: 492. 1963 Review of: E. Goffman, Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. American Anthropologist 65: 1416-17. 1964 Review of: Robbins Burling, Rengasanggri: Family and Kinship in a Garo Village. Journal of Asian Studies 23 (3): 492. 1965 Review of: R.E. Engler, Jr., Regional Traditions and Social Patterns: The Challenge of Diversity. Science 149: 736. 1965 Urban Anthropology. 1966 Review of: Clifford Geertz, Peddlers and Princes: Social Change and Economic Modernization in Two Indonesian Towns. American Anthropologist 68 (1): 255-258. 1967 Comments, Urbanization and Social Change in Africa. Current Anthropology 8 (4) 284-285. 1967 Review of: Alfred W. Bowers, Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization. American Anthropologist 69 (1): 116-117. 1968 Review of: George Catlin, O-Kee-Pa: A Religious Ceremony. Ethnohistory 15 (4): 441-442. 1969 Review of: Clellan S. Ford, Smoke From Their Fires: The Life of a Kwakiutl Chief. Man 4 (1): 154. 1969 Review of: James L. Peacock, Rites of Modernization: Symbolic and Social Aspects of Indonesian Proletarian Drama. American Anthropologist 71 (3): 535-537. 1970 Review of: James T. Siegel, The Rope of God. Studies 29 (3): 740-741. 1971 Review of: Paul B. Pedersen, Batak Blood and Protestant Soul: The Development of National Batak Churches in North Sumatra. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2 (2): 239-40. Encyclopedia Britannica, XI: 542-43. American Current Anthropology 6 (1): 118-119. Journal of Asian 11 1972 Julian H. Steward: A Memorial. Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 3 (2): 107-110. 1973 Comments, Anthropology and Colonialism. (5): 593. 1973 Review of: A.B. Hudson, Padju Epat: The Ma'anyan of Indonesian Borneo. Man 8 (1): 131. 1975 Review of: Masri Singarimbun, Kinship, Descent and Alliance Among the Karo Batak. Pacific Affairs 48 (4): 647-8. 1976 Review of: R.H. Barnes, Kedang: A Study of the Collective Thought of an Eastern Indonesian People. Journal of Asian Studies 35 (2): 356-357. 1977 Review of: Koentjaraningrat, Anthropology in Indonesia: A Bibliographical Review. American Anthropologist 79 (3): 691 1980 Review of: James Siegel, Shadow and Sound: The Historical Thought of a Sumatran People. Man 15 (1): 213-214. 1980 Review of: George D. Spindler (ed.), The Making of Psychological Anthropology. American Ethnologist 7 (1): 198-200. 1986 Review of: Richard Schechner, Between Theatre and Anthropology. American Anthropologist 80 (3): 761-762. 1989 Review of: Barbara Tedlock, Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives. American Ethnologist 16 (3): 602-603. 1990 The Scientists vs. The Humanists. Anthropology Newsletter, February 1990: 28. 1990 The Transformation of Self in Tourism. Supplement 160, 90S22129/ISA/5811. 1990 Tenure Narratives. Anthropology Newsletter. September 1990: 48- 1991 Review of: Richard Schechner and Willa Appel (eds.), By Means of Performance: Intercultural Studies of Theatre and Ritual. American Anthropologist 93(4): 966-967. 1993 Review of: Dean MacCannell, Empty Meeting Ground: The Tourist Papers. London: Routledge. American Anthropologist 95: 459-460. 1994 Review of: Vikram Jayanti, Les Blank, and Chris Simon, Innocents Abroad. Flower Films. Annals of Tourism Research 21 (4): 889-891. 1995 Review of: Michael Hitchcock, Victor T. King, and Michael J. G. Parnwell, eds. Tourism in South-East Asia. London: Routledge. American Ethnologist 22: 432. 1998 Clifford Geertz: His Critics and Followers, 1998. Review of: Sherry B. Ortner, ed. The Fate of Culture: Geertz and Beyond. Special Issue, Representations 59, Summer 1997. Anthropology and Humanism 23 (2): 215-217. Current Anthropology 14 Sociological Abstracts, 12 2000 Review of: Sight Unseen, a film by Nicholas Kurzon. News and Reviews 3 (2):8-9, Asian Educational Media Service, University of Illinois. 2004 Ethnographic Practice and Human Subjects Review. Newsletter 45 (1):10. January 2004. 2005 Tourism Fieldwork. Anthropology Newsletter 46 (5): 16-19. 2006 IRBs: Going Too Far or Not Far Enough? David L. Felten;, Thomas M. Vogt;, C. K. Gunsalus, Edward M. Bruner, Nicholas C. Burbules, Leon Dash, Matthew Finkin, Joseph P. Goldberg, William T. Greenough, Gregory A. Miller, and Michael G. Pratt. Science 8 September 2006: 1388-1389. 2009 Review of: The Study of Tourism: Anthropological and Sociological Beginnings. Edited by Dennison Nash. Annals of Tourism Research. 2009 Review of: Bayo Holsey, Routes of Rememberance: Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Anthropology Papers presented at meetings and sympoisia: 1948 The Navaho and the Maya: A Comparison of World View. Ohio Academy of Science, Anthropology Section. 1949 A Study of the Physical Anthropology of the Ramah Navaho. Central States Branch, American Anthropological Association. 1952 Assimilation Among Fort Berthold Indians. Association of American Indian Affairs. 1953 Mandan-Hidatsa Kinship Change. Association. 1954 Kinship Projections. Central States Branch, American Anthropological Association. 1954 Acculturation Processes. 1955 Mandan-Hidatsa Differential Culture Change. Anthropological Association. l958 American Indian Acculturation. Association. l959 Urbanization and Culture Change: Anthropological Association. 1959 Kinship Organization Among the Urban Batak of Sumatra. New York Academy of Sciences, Division of Anthropology. l959 Ethnic and National Loyalties in the Indonesian Village. Association of Asian Studies. American Anthropological American Anthropological Association. American American Anthropological Indonesia. American 13 l961 Medan, Sumatra. Symposium on Pacific Port Towns and Cities, Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu. l96l The Role of the Mother in Batakland. Association. l962 The Village-City Network in Indonesia. Studies. l964 Voluntary Descent Groups in an Indonesian City. Seventh International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Moscow. l964 Toba Batak Social Structure in the Late l950's. Society, Amsterdam. 1964 Kin and Non-kin in Medan. Wenner-Gren Symposium, Cross-Cultural Similarities in the Urbanization Process. Burg-Wartenstein, Austria. l964 Mechanisms of Modernization: The Adjustment of Rural Migrants to Medan. American Anthropological Association. l965 An Incident in Batakland: Two Perspectives. Fort Ross Conference, Interpersonal Relations in South and Southeast Asia, Center for International Studies, University of California, Berkeley. l965 Observations on Urban Ethnography. Association. l966 Some Problems in American Indian Urbanization. Anthropological Association. l968 Cultural Change and Psychological Stress. Eighth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Tokyo. 1970 Anthropological Observations on Primary Education in Indonesia. Workshop on Problems of Education in Developing Countries, TuguBogor, Indonesia. (with Elaine C. Bruner) l970 Indonesian Ethnicity. London. l973 National Integration in Indonesia. Keynote Speaker, Conference on Indonesian Studies. Association of Asian Studies, Madison. l973 Indigenous Conceptions of Modernity in Indonesia. American Anthropological Association. l973 Ethnic Identity in Modern Southeast Asia. Ninth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago. 1974 The City in Indonesia. Conference on Indonesian Studies. Association of Asian Studies, Madison. 1975 Minorities in Indonesia. American Anthropological Association of Asian Dutch Ethnological American Anthropological American Association of Social Anthropologists, Association of Asian Studies. 14 1976 The Periphery Modernizes. Conference on Indonesian Studies, Association of Asian Studies, Madison. 1977 Symbolic Aspects of Exchange in the Lesser Sundas and Moluccas. American Anthropological Association. 1977 Art, Ritual, and Society. Conference on Indonesian Studies, Association of Asian Studies, Madison, Wisconsin. 1977 Migration Theory, Symbols, and the Segmented Self. Midwest Conference on Asian Studies. 1978 Models of Urban Kinship. Symposium on Urbanization in Developing Areas, The Informal Economy and Capitalist Penetration. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, New Delhi. 1979 Meaning and the Comparative Method in Batakland. American Anthropological Association. 1980 Ethnography as Narrative. 1981 Megaliths, Migration and the Segmented Self. Symposium on Cultures and Societies of North Sumatra, University of Hamburg. 1982 The Symbolics of Urban Migration. 1983 Dialogic Narration and the Paradoxes of Masada. American Ethnological Society. (with Phyllis Gorfain) 1984 Creative Persona and the Problem of Authenticity. American Anthropological Association. 1985 The Semiotics of Authenticity. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett) 1985 Tourist Performances and the Ethnographic Original. Symposium, In and Out of Boundaries. American Anthropological Association. (with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett) 1986 Mayer's Ranch: A Tourist Performance in East Africa. Round Table on the Social and Cultural Impact of International Tourism. Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique, Unit‚ de Resherche En Sociologie du Tourisme International, Paris. (with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett) 1988 Toward a Postmodern Tourism: Leading a Tour to Indonesia. Conference on Tourism and the Change of Life Styles. Instytut Turystyki, Warsaw, Poland. 1988 The Ethnographer as Storyteller. Introduction, symposium on Narrative Ethnography. American Anthropological Association. 1988 Discussant, Unveiling Agendas: Person and Power in the Creation of Anthropological Knowledge. American Anthropological Association. American Anthropological Association. American Ethnological Society. American Folklore Society. (with 15 1988 Toward a Postmodern Tourism. American Folklore Society. 1990 The Scientists vs. The Humanists. Association. 1990 The Transformation of the Self in Tourism. Sociology, Madrid, Spain. 1991 Between Tourism and Ethnography in Bali. Association. 1992 Postmodernism, Reproductions, and Originals. Centre d'Etudes Tourisme et Civilisation, and the Working Group on Tourism, International Sociological Association, joint conference, International Tourism Between Tradition and Modernity, Nice, France. 1992 Abraham Lincoln as Authentic Reproduction. Association. 1992 Discussant, symposium, Is There a Future in Anthropology for Comparative Research? American Anthropological Association. 1994 New Salem as a Contested Site. Springfield, Illinois. 1994 Authentic Representations, Authentic Meanings. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. 1994 Stone Spring Symposium, Urbana, Illinois. 1996 Performance Studies and Tourism Inquiry. The Jyväskylä Symposium on Paradigms in Tourism Research, Jyväskylä, Finland. 1996 Performance and Tourism. Conference on Performance, Tourism and Identity. Centre for Performance Research, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales. 1997 Recent Developments in American Social Science. University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia. 1997 Discussant, Symposium on Beyond Binaries. Association, Washington D.C. 1997 Discussant, Symposium on, Subject to Writing: the Victor Turner Prize and the Anthropological Text. American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. 1998 Return to Sumatra: 1957, 1997. Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1998 The Ethnographer as Tour Guide: Adventures in Bali. The Hong Kong Anthropological Society, and The Hong Kong Museum of History. Hong Kong. 1999 Ethnic Tourism: Producers and Their Audience. Conference on Anthropology, Chinese Society and Tourism. Yunnan University, Kunming, P.R. China. American Anthropological XII World Congress of American Anthropological American Anthropological Abraham Lincoln Association. American Anthropological 16 1999 Discussant, Symposium honoring James Fernandez. Movements of Moral Imagination: Engaging the An-Trope-Ology of James W. Fernandez. American Anthropological Association. Chicago. 2000 Tourism as Myth: Nation Building in Kenya. Symposium on Traveling the Nation and the Nation's Others: Tourism and the Anthropology of Tourism in National Context. American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. 2002 Discussant, session on, Traveling to the Past to Create the Future: Jewish Tourism in the 21st Century. American Anthropological Association, November 2002, New Orleans 2002 Discussant, session on, Tarzan was an Ecotourist...and Other Reflections on the Anthropology of Adventure. American Anthropological Association, November, New Orleans. 2004 Roundtable Discussant, session on "How Does Ethnography Fit Into IRB Guidelines?" American Anthropological Association, November 2003, Chicago. 2005 Experience, Narrative and Memory in Tourism. Keynote address, conference on Tourism and Performance: Scripts, Stages and Stories, July 14-18, 2005. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England. 2005 The Role of Narrative in Tourism. Conference, On Voyage: New Directions in Tourism Theory, October 7-8, 2005. Berkeley, University of California. 2005 Through the Looking Glass: Reflections on an Anthropological Life. Session on Performance, Tourism and Ethnographic Practice: An Exploration of the Work of Edward M. Bruner. American Anthropological Association, December, 2005, Washington D.C. 2006 Auto-Anthropologia Del Turismo. 9, 2006. 2007 From Native America to Indonesia to Africa to US and Beyond. Session on “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Challenges—and Pleasures—of Switching Field Sites.” American Anthropological Association, November 2007, Washington D.C. 2008 The Life of an American Anthropologist: Pro and Con; American Heritage Sites, Abraham Lincoln, and Lost Authenticity. Lectures at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. April 2008. 2008 Discussant, Session on The Legacy of Daphne Berdahl, American Anthropological Association, December 2008, San Francisco. Casa della Cultura, Milan. October Lectures at Universities: University of Hawaii, Southern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Yale University, Brown University, Loyola, Mt. Holyoke, University of Colorado, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Oregon, University of Virginia, Rice University, 17 University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin, Ohio State University, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York University, University of North Sumatra, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bucknell University, Doshsiha University 18