Supplementary information Phenotype of leukemic mice Recipient type leukemias In observation time of 11 months we noted two cases of precursor T-cell leukemias, one in the SRS.SF.IL2RG.pre transplanted mice in exp.I and one in the MFG.γC group of the exp.II. In both cases no retroviral vector genomes could be detected in the leukemic cells by qPCR and Southern blot (1). We conclude that both of these leukemias were not vector related but irradiation induced, as also observed by others (2). No symptoms of vector-associated leukemia were found in primary recipients, as diagnosed by histopathology, distribution of the leukocyte lineages in bone marrow and blood analysis by FACS and differential cell counts. Lymphoblastic leukemia (M32-1 and M32-2 and M35-1 and M35-2) Four mice developed leukocytosis, enlarged lymph nodes (cervical, inguinal, popliteal, mesenterial), enlarged spleen, infiltrations in liver, kidneys and lung (exp.II/M32-1 and exp.III/M32-2, exp.III/M35-1 and exp.III/M35-2). The leukemic cells were negative for most lineage markers tested (CD11b, Gr1, CD19, CD3, CD4, CD8, C25, Ter119, CD41), but positive for B220, Sca-1, ckit, CD44 and CD24. The cytomorphology of the leukemic cells was lymhoblastic (Figure 3a, b). Importantly, molecular analysis of these four leukemias by ligation-mediated PCR (LMPCR) and Southern blot revealed the same leukemic clone (as characterized by the insertion site) in all four mice, indicating that the founder cell had undergone a self-renewal division already during the short culture phase prior to the first BMT. This lymphoblastic leukemic clone contained its single insertion 5,100 bp upstream of the fourth exon of Evi1 that harbours the translational start site. Myeloid leukemia with maturation (M34-2) A fifth leukemia case had a myeloid phenotype by FACS (Gr1+ and CD11b+) and cytology (exp.III/M34-2, Figure 3a). There was no strong involvement of the lymph nodes, but the spleen was enlarged and the liver infiltrated by leukemic cells. Southern blot analysis identified four retroviral vector copies in the leukemic clone and therefore this leukemia was distinctly different to the B220 positive leukemia detected in the four other mice (Figure 3c). This leukemic clone contained a vector insertion -69,696 bp upstream of the second exon of Evi1. The three further insertions of this clone were close by the genes Lcp2, Snx10 and Mrpl39 (suppl. Table 1). MPD-like myeloid leukaemia (M31-1 and M31-2) Two further mice (exp.III/M31-1 and M31-2) transplanted from the same primary donor were diagnosed leukemic during necropsy despite not showing any obvious symptoms while being alive. Spleen and bone marrow were infiltrated by CD11b/Gr1 positive myeloid cells that were well differentiated to granulocytes. The leukemia was therefore phenotyped as a MPD-like myeloid leukemia. Southern blot analysis detected the same single vector insertion in both mice (Figure 3c) that was located upstream of the second exon of Evi1 (-109 689 bp), Myeloid leukemias induced by LTR vectors M3-1 (exp. I): This mouse presented with massively enlarged spleen and liver and no involvement of the thymus. The BM was pale. There was ten times increase of leukocyte counts. The leukemic cells were positive for the surface marker Gr1 and CD11b as shown in the suppl. figure 3. M(48-50)-1 and M(48-50)-3 and M(48-50)-2 and M(48-50)-4 (exp. III): All mice has enlarged spleens and liver (see table2) and leukocytosis. Leukemic cells were positive for Gr1, CD11b and ckit (see suppl. figure 3). Supplementary Materials and Methods Virus production Cell–free supernatants were generated by calcium phosphate transfection of 293T packaging cells or Phoenix-gp cells (kindly provided by G. Nolan, Stanford, USA) by co-transfection of a gag/pol construct (MLV or HIV gag/pol) and the ecotropic envelope construct (kindly provided by T. Kitamura, Tokyo, Japan). In addition, for lentiviral vectors, a plasmid encoding Rev was co-transfected. Virus titrations were performed on SC1 fibroblasts. Viral titres were in the range of 1-10x106 t.u./ml. BM cell purification and transduction Briefly, Lin- cells were isolated from complete BM by magnetic sorting using lineage- specific antibodies (Gr1, CD11b, CD45R/B220, CD3e, TER-119; Miltenyi Biotech, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). Prior to retroviral transduction lin. neg. BM cells were prestimulated for 2 days in StemSpan HS2000 medium (CellSystems, St. Katharinen, Germany), containing 50 ng/ml mSCF, 100 ng/ml hFlt-3 ligand, 100 ng/ml hIL-11, 10 ng/ml mIL-3, 1% penicillin/streptomycin, 2 mM glutamine. On day 3, cells were infected on virus preloaded Retronectin (TaKaRa, Otsu, Japan) plates. For preparation of plates, the bottom surface of the wells were coated with 10 µg/cm 2 Retronectin and virus loaded by centrifugation of viral supernatants by 900-1000g for 30 minutes at 4C. Virus preloading was repeated up to three times to enrich low titre supernatants (3). Lin- cells were infected on two following days (day 3 and 4). Transduction efficiency was measured before BMT (day 5) by FACS, and after BMT by PCR in genomic DNA of blood leukocytes. Analysis of leukemic mice Mice were sacrificed when symptomatic and macroscopically examined for pathological abnormalities during dissection. Enlarged organs were weighted. A panel of tissues was collected, fixed in 4% formalin, and paraffin-embedded for histological examinations. Cells from BM, spleen, thymus (if enlarged) and blood were subjected to flow cytometry using a FACS calibur. After red blood cell lysis, cells were stained with lineage-specific antibodies against Gr1, CD11b (myeloid cells), CD19, B220 (B-cells), Ter119 (erythroid cells), CD3, CD4, CD8, CD25 (T-cells), CD41 (megakaryocytes), Sca1 and c-Kit (Pharmingen, Hamburg, Germany). Antibodies were usually directly linked to FITC, PE or APC fluorochromes. Dead cells were excluded by propidium iodide staining. Leukocyte morphology was also evaluated in Giemsa stained blood smears and cytospins of BM and spleen cells. Blood cell counts were collected by microscopic counting or by using an automatic analyzer (SCIL Vet abcTM blood counter). Mice that did not develop leukemia were analyzed according this protocol after an observation period of 6-11 months. LM PCR To amplify the 5’LTR junction of transduced BM cells, DNA was digested with 2.5 U of restriction enzyme Tsp5091 (New England BioLabs, UK) per microgram of DNA for 2 h at 65° C. For primer extension 0.25 pmol of biotinylated retroviral primer LTR1 (5’bioTGCGGTGACCATCTGTTCTTGGCCCCG3’) was used. The first PCR (95°C for 5 min; 95°C for 1 min, 55°C for 30 sec, 68°C for 2 min for 30 cycles; 68°C for 10 min) was performed by using Extensor Hi-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (AB gene), retroviral primer LTR2 (5’GACCTTGATCTGAACTTCTC3’) and linker specific primer OCI (4). The nested PCR was performed under identical conditions, but using retroviral primer LTR3 (5’TCCATGCCTTGCAAAATGGCG3’) and linker specific primer OCII. For the detection of gammaretroviral SIN vector insertions a wPre specific primer was used for the linear extension (SINPRE: 5’bioGCACTGATAATTCCG TGGTGTTGTC). For the exponential PCRs LTR primers were used as follows: SIN LTR2: 5’AGCGATATCGAATTCACAACC3’, SIN LTR3: 5’CCCAATAAAGCCTCTTGCTGT3’. In the case of amplification of gammaretroviral SIN vector insertion sites in the leukemic clone of mouse M34-2 the SIN LTR2 primer was used as biotinylated primer for the linear extension. The exponential PCR was performed with and additional primer SIN LTR2b: 5’GTCCTCCGATTGACTGCGTCG3’ and SIN LTR3. For the detection of lentiviral insertion sites the primer were used as published in (4). lvLTR1: 5’bioGAACCCACTGCTTAAGCCTCA3’, lvLTR2 5’AGCTTGCCTTGAGTGCTTCA3’. lvLTR3 5’AGTAGTGTGTGCCCGTCTGT3’. As reverse primers for the exponential PCR in the gammaretroviral SIN LMPCR and lentiviral LMPCR the linker specific primer OCI and OCII were used. PCR products were isolated after gel electrophoresis using QIA quick Gel Extraction Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden Germany), subcloned into the pCR2.1 TA vector (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) and sequenced using M13 primers. Quantitative PCR Quantitative PCR for the PRE and IL2RG was performed on a 7300 Real Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using QuantiTect SYBR Green (Qiagen). For quantification of vector copy numbers a qPCR was used detecting a 94 bp wPRE specific sequence (wPRE specific primers forward 5’GAGGAGTTGTGGCCCGTTGT-3’ and reverse 5’-TGACAGGTGGTGGCAATGCC-3’). The PRE specific signal was normalized by the signal of a housekeeping gene (flk-1 intron enhancer (AF061804, bases 352-459), forward 5'-GTGAATTGCAGAGCTGTGTGTTG-3' and reverse 5'- ATTCATTGTATAAAGGTGGGATTG-3'). The primers have equal efficiencies. Results were quantified using the comparative CT method using a murine hematopoietic cell clones with 9 retroviral genome copies as a standard. The copy number of IL2RG integrated genomes was quantified with IL2RG specific primers (IL2RG forward: 5’-TGCTAAAACTGCAGAATCTGGT-3’; IL2RG reverse 5’- AGCTGGGATTCACTCAGTTTG-3’). For the specific quantification of the Mds/Evi1 fusion and Evi1 transcript primers were designed as follows: Mds/Evi1 forward primer 5’GATTCCAGCTATGGATGGGAGATCTTAGATGAG-3’; Evi1 exon 1/3 forward 5’-GACCTTCATCGAAAGAGGCACAGATCTTAGATGAG-3’, Evi exon 2/3 forward 5’-GAGGCCGTAGAAATCGGAAGATCTTAGATGAG -3’, Evi1 exon 3 reverse 5’-CTGGCATGCAACAAGGTTGTGCTGATC-3’. Chromosome preparation and spectral karyotyping Metaphase chromosomes were prepared by treating cells with colcemid (0.035µg/ml, 6 hours) followed by incubation in 0.075M KCl for 20min at 37°C and fixation in a freshly prepared mixture of methanol:acetic acid (3:1) at room temperature. Cell suspension was dropped onto glass slides in a climate chamber (Polymer, Kassel, Germany) at 22°C and 48% humidity. Spectral karyotyping (SKY) was performed as described previously (5) and according to the manufacturer´s instructions (ASI; Applied Spectral Imaging, Ltd., Migdal HaEmek, Israel). 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Table 1: Insertion sites recovered from retroviral SIN vector transplanted mice nearest gene 2010208K18Rik 2310022M17Rik 4933400A11Rik 5830415L20Rik 6530401C20Rik 6720456B07Rik Acox1 Ap1b1 Arpc2 Arrb1 B3gnt2 Bcl11a Capzb Ccdc50 Cstad Dhx34 Dnajc5 Dscr3 Dusp2 EG433632 EG627782 Etv1 Etv6 Evi1 Evi1 Gpr85 Haao Hipk1 Iqgap1 Krt80 Lcp2 Lmo2 Lrrfip1 Lsm4 Map4k5 Mbd6 Memo1 Ndufb6 Nos2 Osbpl3 Palld Pdcd1lg2 Plekha5 Prdm16 Rasgrp4 Scd1 Sec14l1 Sema4b Slc35e1 Smarca5 Snx10 Spnb2 Stat4 Strn3 Stx1a Tbc1d2 Tex22 Tpd52-ps Trmt5 Vps45 gene ID chromosome 72096 69556 66747 68152 231842 101314 11430 11764 76709 109689 53625 14025 12345 67501 78617 71723 13002 13185 13537 433632 627782 14009 14011 14013 14013 64450 107766 15257 29875 74127 16822 16909 16978 50783 399510 110962 76890 230075 18126 71720 72333 58205 109135 70673 233046 20249 74136 20352 270066 93762 71982 20742 20849 94186 20907 381605 75671 107730 76357 22365 7F4 11A4 XF5 5A1 5G1 6E3 11E2 11A1 1C3 7F1 11A3.2 11A3.3 4D3 16B2 2B 7A2 2H4 16C4 2F2 3F3 XA1.2 12B3 6G1 3A3 3A3 6A2 17E4 3F3 7E1 15F3 11A5 2E2 1D 8C2 12C3 10D3 17E2 4A5 11B5 6 8B3.3 19C2 6G1 4E2 7B1 19D1 11E2 7E1 8C2 8C3 6B3 11A4 1C1 12C1 5G1 4B2 12F2 8 12D1 3F2 RTCGD × × × CIS × CIS × × CIS × CIS CIS CIS × × CIS × CIS × CIS × × × × × description RIKEN cDNA 2010208K18 gene RIKEN cDNA 2310022M17 gene RIKEN cDNA 4933400A11 gene RIKEN cDNA 5830415L20 gene RIKEN cDNA 6530401C20 gene RIKEN cDNA 6720456B07 gene acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase 1, palmitoyl adaptor protein complex AP-1, beta 1 subunit actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2 arrestin, beta 1 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A (zinc finger protein) capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, beta coiled-coil domain containing 50 CSA-conditional, T cell activation-dependent protein DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 34 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 5 Down syndrome critical region gene 3 dual specificity phosphatase 2 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library similar to proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit ets variant gene 1 ets variant gene 6 (TEL oncogene) ecotropic viral integration site 1 ecotropic viral integration site 1 G protein-coupled receptor 85 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase homeodomain interacting protein kinase 1 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 keratin 80 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 LIM domain only 2 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1 LSM4 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 6 RIKEN cDNA 0610016J10 gene NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 6 nitric oxide synthase 2, inducible, macrophage oxysterol binding protein-like 3 palladin, cytoskeletal associated protein programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 5 PR domain containing 16 RAS guanyl releasing protein 4 stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1 SEC14-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) semaphorin 4B solute carrier family 35, member E1 SWI/SNF related, actin dependent regulator of chromatin sorting nexin 10 spectrin beta 2 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 striatin, calmodulin binding protein 3 syntaxin 1A (brain) TBC1 domain family, member 2 testis expressed gene 22 Tpd52-ps tumor protein D52, pseudogene TRM5 tRNA methyltransferase 5 homolog (S. cerevisiae) vacuolar protein sorting 45 (yeast) position to orientation TSS (F, Forward; R, mouse ID (i, intron; e, Reverse) exon) 11184, i F M(53-55)-3 -60784 F M60 -219062 R M60 -55662 F M28 11392, i F M25, M25-1 -725 F M60 677, e F M25-1 25047, i F M14 13372, i F M34 2249, i F M60 -6487 F M26 163769 F M25 3035, i F M56 28831, i R M29 -7471 R M57 950, i F M29 -442 F M26 -1288 R M57, M(56+57+60)1/2 -2981 F M56 35477 F M35 342, i R M25, M25-1 127291 R M56 966, i R M53, M(53-55)-2 -105562 F M30 -109689 F M31 -30981 R M26 -56356 R M53 2057, i R M34 24870, i F M55, M(53-55)-1/2/3 23616 F M25 -16909 R M34 -36395 F M26 9889, i R M15 1561, i R M60 1047, i R M53 -742 R M56 -8908 R M31 -50342 F M53 -34585 R M56 3021, i R M16 -7342 R M29 22162, i F M25 -87020 F M15 50160, i F M16 397, i F M16 31, e F M15 31610, i F M29 10578, i F M60 2788, i F M54 -600 R M29 90129 F M34 29913, i R M25 4527, i R M54 -136910 R M57 2275, i R M30 6057, i F M60 -26985 R M54 1897 R M15 -83911 F M57 -12568 R M56 vector outcome DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG IL2RG DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG IL2RG DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED DsRED IL2RG DsRED DsRED healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy Insertion sites recovered from lentiviral vector transplanted mice (RRL.PPT.IL2RG.pre) nearest gene gene ID chromosome RTCGD description 2210404O07Rik 72273 10 2310005P05Rik 67484 9A4 RIKEN cDNA 2310005P05 gene B3gntl1 210004 11E2 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1 Ccdc53 67282 10C2 coiled-coil domain containing 53 E030018B13Rik 381994 7 Fras1 231470 5E3 Fraser syndrome 1 homolog (human) Ibrdc3 75234 4D2.2 IBR domain containing 3 Klrb1f 232408 6 CIS killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B member 1F Lap3 66988 5B3 leucine aminopeptidase 3 LOC100039599 100039599 15 LOC100043572 100043572 3 P2ry1 18441 3E1 purinergic receptor P2Y Pgr 18667 9A1 progesterone receptor Rasa1 218397 13C3 CIS RAS p21 protein activator 1 Rbm17 76938 2A1 RNA binding motif protein 17 Rshl3 212892 10B1 radial spokehead-like 3 Zfp26 22688 9A3 zinc finger protein 26 position to TSS orientation 7285 R 43446 R 19581 R 16305 R -16980 F 56034 R 18129 R -12858 F -7609 F 87996 F 6636 F -51108 F 4263 R -30932 R -9274 R 24991 F 20567 F Mouse ID M37-1 M37-1 M39 M38 M40-2 M40-2 M38 M39 M36 M39 M37-1 M23-2 M36 M38 M38 M23-2 M40-2 Vector IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG outcome healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy Insertion sites recovered from SIN leukemias nearest gene gene ID chromosome Evi1 14013 3A3 Evi1 14013 3A3 Evi1 14013 3A3 Lcp2 16822 11A5 Mrpl39 27393 16C3.3 Snx10 71982 6B3 position to TSS orientation -109689 F -5100 R -69696 R -16909 R 153095 R 90129 F Mouse ID M31-1 M32-2 M34-2 M34-2 M34-2 M34-2 Vector IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG IL2RG outcome MPD-ML LL ML ML ML ML RTCGD CIS CIS CIS × description ecotropic viral integration site 1 ecotropic viral integration site 1 ecotropic viral integration site 1 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L39 sorting nexin 10 Insertion sites recovered from LTR leukemias nearest gene gene ID chromosome RTCGD description position to TSS orientation Mouse ID Vector outcome Prdm16 70673 4 E2 CIS PR domain containing 16 -1327 R M3-1 dsRED ML Evi1 14013 3A3 CIS ecotropic viral integration site 1 -71264 R M(48-50)-1 dsRED ML Bcl2l1 12048 2H1 CIS Bcl2-like 1 43444, i R M(48-50)-1 dsRED ML Bmx 12169 XF BMX non-receptor tyrosine kinase -61 F M(48-50)-1 dsRED ML Evi1 14013 3A3 CIS ecotropic viral integration site 1 -109564 R M(48-50)-2 dsRED ML 9530008L14Rik 109254 13 A4 × RIKEN cDNA 9530008L14 gene 59566, i R M(48-50)-2 dsRED ML Paqr7 71904 4 D3 × progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VII 1270 R M(48-50)-2 dsRED ML × ( inserton site listed in the RTCGD only once), ML (myloid leukemia), MPD-ML (MPD like myeloid leukemia), LL (lymphatic leukemia), RTCGD (retrovirus-tagged cancer gene database), CIS (common insertion site), TSS (transcriptional start site) All insertion site were amplified in DNA of blood or BM samples taken at the day of sacrifice Figure legend Suppl. figure 1 DsRED2 transgene expression in mice of exp. III in primary and secondary recipients. SIN vectors and LTR vectors expressing DsRED showed similar long-term expression with the exception of two cases: In the SIN vector group, one mouse died due to bone marrow failure and one other mouse had no transgene positive cells in the bone marrow at necropsy despite an initial high gene marking in the blood at 9 weeks post BMT. The initial lower transduction rate of the SIN.SF transduced cells is apparent also in vivo (blue lines) compared to the LTR transduced cells (red lines). Suppl. figure 2 (a) The sensitivity of the LM PCR that was developed to detect insertions sites of gammaretroviral SIN vectors was tested in defined DNA samples: DNA of a single clone, containing a single integration, was mixed into a mass culture at different percentages. Starting with 20% input clone DNA the single clone became already apparent. (b) The absolute sensitivity of the LM PCR for gammaretroviral SIN vectors was tested by titration of the amount of input DNA. DNA of one single clone with multiple vector copies was used as test DNA. (c) LM PCR amplified in DNA of BM, spleen and peripheral blood cells of one healthy mouse. The pattern was in all samples almost identical, indicating that indeed dominant hematopoietic clones were identified by LM PCR. Suppl. figure 3 FACS analysis of the three leukemic clones that developed after gene transfer with the SF91 LTR vector. All three leukemias had a similar myeloid phenotype. Suppl. Figure 4 LMPCR analysis of mice that received BM after prolonged culture time showed stronger selection for single clones (M14-M16) compared to mice that received BM cells directly after the transduction (M2833). Right hand side picture shows the selection of dominant clones after secondary transplantation including the leukemic mice M31-1 and M31-2. Suppl. figure 5: Spectral karyotyping (SKY) analysis of mouse M3-1. No chromosomal alterations were detected. Suppl. figure 6: The leukemic clone of M34-2 contained four insertion sites. To verify that the insertions were contained in the same cell, leukemic cells were plated in semisolid methylcellulose medium. After a week clones derived from single cells were picked and expanded in suspension culture for further three weeks. DNA was extracted and LMPCR performed. The detection of the indentical insertion pattern in all four clones derived from the leukemic mouse M34-2 clearly shows that the insertions were within the same cell. (The LMPCR was performed using a biotinylated first primer that spanned the deletion in the U3 region for primer extension. Therefore, an internal band was amplified, as indicated.) Suppl. figure 7: Enlarged view of figure 5c: The number of genes with forward orientation was divided by the number of genes with reverse orientation and the resulting ratio was plotted. Here, the data is plotted to a window size of 10 kb giving a better resolution of the distribution around the TSS. Red line: gammaretroviral SIN vectors, blue line: gammaretroviral LTR vectors. Suppl. figure 8: LMPCR analysis of mice transplanted with lentiviral transduced bone marrow cells. LMPCR was performed on DNA extracted from peripheral blood of primary and secondary mice taken on the day of sacrifice. Mouse M23-2 was transplanted with BM cell that were expanded in vitro for 5 days prior to transplantation.