Specialist Provision for Family support, Leisure and Childcare Services for 0-19 year olds Name, Address (including post code) & contact details of Provision Tuesday Club (0-5 yrs) Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY What Type of Provision is provided Ages Catered For (e.g. 57 yrs, 14+ etc) Types of Activity Drop in for families who have a special needs child. 0-5 years Play and singing session Family Support Workers from DCT. Experience of working with Families and Complex family matters. 1:1 Family support 0-19 years Activities either at home or out in the community Family Support Workers from TDC. Have experience and training on ASD, Moving and Handling needs, Complex Health Needs Contact: Eleanor Hains Tel: 0208 547 6524 or: Contact: Disabled Children’s Information Service Tel: 020 8934 6378 Family Support Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 What are the staff skills to enable them to provide this provision Sessions Available (include times, days of the week, term time, school holidays, weekends etc) Every Tuesday Service flexible to meet needs of family How many places are offered per session What is the allocation process What is the charge to parents / carers per session Drop In n/a Free Only offered on Assessed Need Social work assessment and panel decision Free to parents and carers. Sitting service is £4.50 per hour Share the Care Team for Disabled Children Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Clare Warne Tel: 020 8547 6577 clare.warne@rbk.kingston.gov.uk Support for pre school children to access holiday play schemes Based at Surbiton Children’s Centre Alpha Road Surbiton KT5 8RS Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Disabled child/young person linked to family, couple or individual for family based short breaks in link carers home or out in community 0-19 years Sessions take place in link carers home or out in community and may include social, sporting, leisure activities Link carers assessed and approved in similar way to foster carers. They receive preparation training Day care only at the moment, usually at weekend, holidays and occasionally after school. O/N scheme to be developed again soon. Usually one to one, but disabled siblings may go together Referrals from Team for Disabled Children No charge to parents.. Link carers receive a sessional fee to cover expenses Holiday play scheme for under 5’s with autism who need additional support. Children with PMLD also attend 3–5 years Activities at the play scheme Family Support Workers from Disabled Children’s Team. Have experience and training on ASD, Moving and Handling needs, Complex Health Needs Main school holidays 10-1pm. Set weeks Only offered on Assessed Need. Social work assessment and panel decision £8 per session Specialist Trampoline Drop in Session For children over 5 years with a disability Trampoline coaching BAGA Qualified coach in attendance 1st Saturday of every month 4.00 – 5.00pm All year round… 2008 dates 2nd Feb, 1st March, 5th April etc 8 per session Drop in session – no need to book £4.95 per session £3.95 per session for Centre Members Free to kinetika members Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 Trampolining Tolworth Recreation Centre Fullers Way North Tolworth KT6 7LQ Contact: Tolworth Recreation Centre Tel: 020 8391 7910 Swimming Course (5-7yrs) Kingfisher Leisure Centre Fairfield Road Kingston KT1 2PY Contact: Carol Beard Tel: 020 8546 1042 for assessment Holiday Play Scheme – Acorns (for children 5-8 with PMLD) Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 Holiday Play Scheme - Tigers Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 Support to access mainstream holiday play schemes Various locations around the borough Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden Specialist Courses 5–7 years Swimming Lessons ASA Swimming Instructor with Disability Module Wednesdays 5.30 – 6.00pm Term time only 6 per class Contact Carol Beard for assessment £6.95 per lesson paid by DD monthly Holiday play scheme for children with PMLD 5-8 years Community based fun leisure activities Family Support Workers from TDC. Have experience and training on Moving and Handling needs, Complex Health Needs Main school holidays 1 day a week 10-3pm Only offered on Assessed Need Social work assessment and panel decision £12.00 Holiday play scheme for children with autism and/or severe learning disability 5-8 years Community based fun leisure activities Family Support Workers from Disabled Children’s Team. Have experience and training on ASD Main school holidays 1 day a week 10-3pm Only offered on Assessed Need Social work assessment and panel decision £12.00 Additional support to mainstream play schemes to enable access for disabled children 5-14 years Activities at the centre or trips out Play scheme staff +1 :1 support for some children from Family Support Support staff need an awareness of Children with All school holidays Only offered on Assessed Need. Usually 2 days a wk per child Social work assessment and panel decision £18-£20 Per day KT3 3HY special needs and may need further training as needed Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 Kingston Holiday Club Green Lane Scout Hall, Green Lane New Malden KT3 5BX Contact: Laura Power, Early Years and Childcare Service Tel: 0208 547 6546 Specialist Holiday Play Scheme for children with disabilities that could not cope in mainstream even with support and for disabled children who are 13+ that need to access full day childcare. The play scheme is only for children whose parents/carers that work full or part time during the school holidays 5years up to 18th birthday Hall based activities early morning and late afternoon. From 10am – 4pm (approx) community outings and activities. 6 staff are qualified play workers or nursery nurses (NVQ 2 OR 3). Other staff members either work within special needs schools or are students work for the club during the holidays. All staff attend a days training which focuses on Behaviour, ASD, Epilepsy, Communication etc. School Holidays Only except Christmas and Bank Holidays. (Operational: February, May, October Half Term holidays. Summer and Easter holidays.) Monday – Friday 8:30am -6pm 9 spaces are offered per session/day For Full or Part Time Working Parents Only. Self referral or Social Services inform parents of the Club. Parents are requested to return their date grid (which is sent by LP) back by a certain date and any parents that miss this deadline will not be included in the allocation for that holiday. Places are allocated fairly and make every effort to meet the needs of all the parents £20 per child per session/day Gymnastics Sessions Tolworth Gymnastics Club Tolworth Girls School Site Fullers Way North Tolworth Sports for Pan Disability 5 to 19 years of age Gymnastics Excellent communication , Patience, Confidence, Understanding, Enthusiastic, Caring Excellent communication , Patience, Confidence, Understanding, Enthusiastic, Caring Monday’s – After School Thursday’s 6.30pm to 8.30pm Open Session £2.00 to joint Gymnastics Assoc, then free Sports for Pan Disability 5 to 19 years of age Tennis coaching Excellent communication , Patience, Confidence, Understanding, Enthusiastic, Caring Wednesdays 4.30pm to 5.30pm 10 Open session no need to book £3.00 per session Specialist Courses 7 – 10 yrs Swimming Lessons ASA Swimming Instructor with Disability Module Tuesdays 4.00 – 4.30pm Term time only 6 per class Contact Carol Beard for assessment £6.95 per lesson paid by DD monthly A Saturday club for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and/or social and 8-13th birthday The group offers structured play and encourages young people to interact and socialise Experience of working with young people with ASD and attending appropriate training. Two sessions run on Saturday mornings, term time only. 8 places per session Young people attending the group must meet the following criteria: attending mainstream £5 per session (there places at reduced cost as well for people with Contact: Andy Piekarski Tel: 020 8224 2037 Tennis Lessons Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club Berrylands Surbiton Surrey KT5 8JT Contact: The Active Kingston Team Tel: 020 8547 5207 sports@rbk.kingston.gov.uk Swimming Course (7-10 yrs) Kingfisher Leisure Centre Fairfield Road Kingston KT1 2PY Contact: Carol Beard Tel: 020 8546 1042 for assessment Social Skills Group Surbiton Children’s Centre Alpha Road Surbiton KT5 8RS Contact: Disabled Children’s 09.40 – 10.40 Information Service Tel: 020 8934 6378 communicatio n difficulties attending mainstream school. Holiday Play Scheme – Mini Activity Group Holiday play scheme for more active children with Autism, severe learning disability or cognitively able children with high physical needs Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 enhancing social skills. The programme includes cooperative play, drama/role play, cooking, crafts, show & tell and circle time. 8–14 years Community based fun leisure activities 10.50 – 11.50 Family Support Workers. Experience and training on ASD, moving and handling needs, complex health needs and managing behaviour which is challenging Main school hols Xmas – 2 days a wk Easter 4 days a wk Summer 3 days a wk for 4 wks 10-3pm Only offered on Assessed Need. Usually 2 days a wk per child. school, have ASD with social or communicatio n difficulties, not be in need of high level/ one-to-one support, resident of Kingston, be committed to attending the group A young person’s suitability will be agreed by Caroline Baxter and Social Skills Group staff financial difficulties) Social work assessment and panel decision £15.00 Warren Park Holiday Scheme Warren Park Kingston Hill Kingston KT2 &LX Disabled Children’s Team Family Support Service 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Holiday play scheme for disabled children and young people with high support needs 8-19 years Trips out in to the community and activities at the centre Warren Park play scheme staff. Experience and training on ASD, moving and handling needs, complex health needs Main school hols Xmas – 2 days a wk Easter 4 days a wk Summer 5 days a wk for 4 wks. 10-5pm Only offered on Assessed Need. Usually 2 days a wk per child Social work assessment and panel decision £16.50 Sports for Pan Disability 8 to 80 years of age Athletics, Boccia & Football sessions led by qualified coaches Excellent communication patience, confidence, understanding, enthusiastic, caring Fortnightly – Monday’s 6.00pm to 8.00pm 30 They are open session pay as you go £3.00 per session Spartans Disabled Swimming Club For Adults & Children with a physical disability age 8 80 Swimming session with support from Spartans staff 7 instructors and helpers = 18 Thursdays 6.30 – 8.00pm All year round Average 28 swimmers Contact Spartans £5.00 joining fee, then 75p Contact: Tracy Beard Tel: 0208 547 6524 Special Olympics Surrey (SOS) Richard Challoner Sports Hall Manor Drive North New Malden Surrey KT3 5PE Contact: The Active Kingston Team Tel: 020 8547 5207 Swimming Club Spartans Swimming Club Malden Centre Blagdon Road New Malden KT3 4TA Contact: Hilary or Sarah Young on Tel: 020 8941 3255 FAB Club Warren Park Kingston Hill Kingston KT2 7LX Social education programme of activities and trips out 8-19 years Sports, Workshops Music Arts and Crafts Trips out Qualified youth workers Velocity Wheelchair Racing club For Children aged 9 years and over with a Disability (in a wheelch air) Athletics session specifically for wheelchair athletes Great Britain Athletics Coaches Mondays & Wednesdays at 6.30pm Contact the Club directly for more info Chris Parsloe on 020 8545 3669 Contact Chris Parsloe on 020 8545 3669 Contact the club directly for more info. Chris Parsloe on 0208 545 3669 Specialist Courses 10 years + Swimming Lessons ASA Swimming Instructor with Disability Module Wednesdays 5.00 – 5.30pm Term time only 6 per class Contact Carol Beard for assessment £6.95 per lesson paid by DD monthly Sally Glossop c/o Youth Office Room 103 Guild Hall 1 Kingston KT1 1 EU Experience of working with young people with disabilities Saturdays 20 10 am – 3 pm Self referrals. Completion of membership form Term time only £3 per session. Additional charge for trips out. Contact: Youth Service Tel: 0208 547 5815 Wheelchair Racing Velocity Wheelchair Club Kingsmeadow Fitness & Athletic Centre 422a Kingston Rd Kingston KT1 3PB Contact: Chris Parsloe Tel: 020 8545 3669 Swimming Course (10 years +) Kingfisher Leisure Centre Fairfield Road Kingston KT1 2PY Contact: Carol Beard Tel: 020 8546 1042 for assessment YADAPA Art workshops 11-19 Art based workshop session with exhibition at the end of the programme Club leader supported by up to 3 Youth Workers 2 week workshop in summer holiday 40 Applications made directly to the organisations No charge Recreational for Learning Disability 12 to 18 years Sports, Arts & Crafts, Music etc. Tuesdays 6.30pm to 8.00pm Up to 34 places Members must live in Kingston. Members assessed to have a learning disability, usually attending St. Phillips or Dysart School Membership £2.00 per annum and £2.00 per session. Transport available £1.00 each way Individual befriender linked to disabled young person Friendship & fun Short break for Carers 12-19 years Social & sporting activities in community include: shopping, football, swimming, cinema, eating out, bowling etc according to interests of young person and befriender, in consultation with young Excellent communication patience, confidence, understanding, enthusiastic, caring. For higher needs young people additional support worker requested. Funding sought through social worker or parent/carer Safe caring induction training Usually Sat/Sun, School holidays 3 – 4 hours per session one to one Referrals from Team for Disabled Children. Individual links are based on needs and interests of the disabled young person and attributes of the volunteer befrienders No charge to parents but they pay their young person’s expenses. Befrienders reimbursed for their expenses plus small sessional fee 39 Selwyn Road New Malden KT3 5AU Contact: Fran O’Brien Tel: 0208 949 5183 Xpression Youth Project Queen Mary Hall, Cambridge Gardens, Cambridge Estate, Kingston KT1 Contact: Youth Club Leader – Eric Richardson Tel: 07749 275 425 Befriending Project Team for Disabled Children Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Clare Warne Tel: 020 8547 6577 clare.warne@rbk.kingston.gov.uk 14+ Group Transition Service Disabled Children’s Team Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre, 17 Beaconsfield Road, New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Transition Team Tel: 0208 547 6568 Community Access Group (C.A.G) Transition Service Disabled Children’s Team Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Group activity for disabled young people to promote independence skills 14-16 years Group activity to enable disabled young people with very high level support needs to access community activities 14-19 years Sports for children with Aspergers Syndrome 15+ years of age person’s parents. or in young person’s home Community based leisure activities Trained Transition workers and family support workers who are able to relate to and communicate with disabled young people 1 day a week 9.30am 4.30pm during main school holidays Maximum of 12 Referral by social worker or transition worker based on assessed needs £15 per day or a contribution from parents who are currently un Employed Community based leisure activities Trained Transition workers and more skilled family support workers who can manage behaviour which is challenging 1 day a week 10am-4pm during main school holidays Maximum of 6 places per session Referral by social worker or transition worker based on assessed needs £15 per day or a contribution from parents who are currently unemployed Supervised use of the gym Excellent communication , Patience, Confidence, Understanding, Enthusiastic, Caring Every 3rd Saturday of the month Contact Community Sports Coach for details Contact Community Sports Coach for details Contact Community Sports Coach for details Contact: Transition Team Tel: 0208 547 6568 Fitness Sessions YMCA, 49 Victoria Road Surbiton KT6 4NG Contact: The Active Kingston Team Tel: 020 8547 5207 16 + Group Transition Service Disabled Children’s Team Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Group activity for disabled young people to promote independence skills 16-19 Years Community based leisure activities Trained Transition workers and family support workers who have skills in working with disabled young people 1day a week 9.30am4.30pm during main school holidays Maximum of 12 Referral by social worker or transition worker based on assessed needs £15 per day. contribution from parents who are currently un Employed Support to enable disabled young people to attend a music festival 16-19 Overnight camping experience at music festival Trained Transition workers and family support workers Stamina! 1 weekend a year Maximum of 6 Referral by social worker or transition worker Contributio n is requested towards the cost of the weekend ticket and food. (2007 £60) Activity programme and workshops to support young people making transition from full time education 16-25 Computer workshops, music, Trips out Qualified youth workers, Social workers, Care assistants Fridays 25 Self referrals. £1.50 per session Contact: Transition Team Tel: 0208 547 6568 Guilfest Transition Service Disabled Children’s Team Beaconsfield Children’s Resource Centre 17 Beaconsfield Road New Malden KT3 3HY Contact: Transition Team Tel: 0208 547 6568 TAG Club Devon Way Centre Devon Way Chessington Surrey KT9 2RJ Contact: Debbie Mann Tel: 0208 547 6797 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm Term time only Completion of membership form Yorda Adventures After School Club Dysart School 190 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6HL Contact: Laura Smyth Tel: 07939 844 978 Inclusion Grant Contact: Laura power Early Years and Childcare Service 020 8547 6546 After School Club, family fun days – every 6 weeks. Residential, 2 night hols as and when funding allows Project based – ages & charges depend on type of project being run Partnerships with Oxygen & other organisations planned for the future Experience of working with children with disabilities including severe autism After school club runs 36pm every day after school. All other projects times are set according to what funding is available After school club – between 5 and 7 places per session. Depends on the activity or who funding is from Varies All other projects vary Funding for mainstream provisions to access only. The mainstream provision contact Laura and apply for funding to pay for an additional worker (if needed) for the child with disabilities. The mainstream provision supplies the worker NOT Early Years or family support. Provisions can only access this funding for an additional worker if the child’s parent/carer are working or studying. The Inclusion Grant DOES NOT pay for the child place. The parent/carer and child must live in the Kingston Borough. Age - all children aged up to 18 years Provision – group settings, holiday/after school groups. Funding - can be applied for up to 3 sessions a week. Cost - max of £8.50 per hour (76.50 per week). Early Years and Childcare Service All out of school childcare providers in Kingston work with the Early Years and Childcare Service to provide inclusive childcare for all Kingston’s children. Children with disabilities have successfully attended mainstream breakfast, after school clubs and holiday play schemes for many years with support workers if necessary. The working parent’s inclusion grant pays for extra staffing to enable the after school or holiday play scheme to fully meet the needs of each child attending and so offer a fully inclusive service to Kingston families. All out of school childcare providers have received training in disability awareness and providing an inclusive play environment. This training is ongoing and updated on a regular basis. If you would like information regarding inclusive childcare please contact the family information service on 0208 547 6582 or email: cis@rbk.kingston.gov.uk