Decentralization of Education Management General Education Law (GEL) / Organic Law for Regional Governments (OLRG) / Organic Law for Municipalities (OLM) Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL REGIONAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Regional Education Office Local Education Management Unit Art. 66 GEL Art. 74 GEL Art. 47 OLRG “... The purpose of the Educational “(a) Contribute to the formulation of “(a) Formulate, approve, implement, Institution is to ensure that students regional and national education policy“ evaluate and administer regional policies learn and receive holistic education. related to education, culture, science The Institutional Educational Plan Art. 82 OLM and technology, sports and recreation in guides its management....” “(1) Promote sustainable human the region.” development at the local level, fostering the development of educating com- Art. 47 OLRG “(e) Promote, regulate, motivate and munities.” supervise services related to initial, primary, secondary and non-university higher education, in coordination with the local government and in harmony with the policies and norms of the corresponding sector, and the requirements of coverage and educational levels of the population.” Art. 68 GEL "(a) Develop, approve, implement and evaluate the Institution’s overall education plan, as well as its annual plan, in accordance with its axiological principles and relevant education policy guidelines.” Art. 74 GEL “(b) Design, implement and evaluate the Education Plan in its jurisdiction in accordance with the Regional and National Education Plans and with the contribution of Local Governments, as appropriate.” Art. 47 OLRG “(b) Design, implement and evaluate the regional education plan; programs for development of culture, science and technology; and the program for the development of sports and recreation in the region, in accordance with national education policy.” NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art 79 GEL “Definition and purpose The Ministry of Education is the National Government body whose purpose is to define, direct and serve as a nexus for policy related to education, culture, recreation and sports, in harmony with the overall government policy”. Art. 80 GEL “(a) Define, direct, regulate and evaluate, in coordination with the regions, the national policy for education and pedagogy and to establish specific policies for equity.” Art. 80 GEL "(b) Formulate, approve, implement and evaluate, in consensus, the National Education Plan and guide the education planning process.” Art. 82 OLM “(2) Design, implement and evaluate the education plan for its jurisdiction, in coordination with the Regional Education Office and the Education Management Units, when appropriate, contributing to regional and national education policy with an inter-sectoral approach and action.” Laws referenced: General Education Law N° 28044 – Signed into law on July 28, 2003 Organic Law for Regional Governments N° 27867 – Signed into law on November 8, 2002 Organic Law for Municipal Governments N° 27972 – Signed into law on May 26, 2003 1 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art. 68 GEL Art. 74 GEL “(b) Organize, conduct and evaluate “(d) Provide guidance for the institutional management, pedago- pedagogical and administrative mangical and administrative processes.” agement of the educational institutions under its jurisdiction, respecting their institutional autonomy.” Art. 68 GEL “(e) Foster an institutional environ- Art. 74 GEL ment conducive to the students’ “(c) Regulate and supervise the activities and services provided by development.” the educational institutions, ensuring their institutional autonomy.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art. 47 (OLRG) "(t) Serve as a nexus, provide guidance and monitor the local management units in the areas of pedagogy and administration.” Art. 47 (OLRG) “(e) Stimulate the creation of Educational and Technological Resource Centers that contribute to improving learning processes in schools and educational programs.” Art. 74 GEL “(d) Provide guidance for the pedagogical and administrative management of the educational institutions under its jurisdiction, respecting their institutional autonomy.” Art. 74 GEL “Provide administrative and logistical support to the public educational institutions in its jurisdiction”. Art. 33 GEL Art. 33 GEL “...each educational institution “... diversification occurs at the develops its curriculum proposal, regional and local levels, responding which is officially recognized… “ to the characteristics of the students and the environment…” Art. 68 GEL “© Diversify and complement the Art. 74 GEL basic curriculum, implement tutoring “(n) Promote and support curriculum and select textbooks and educational diversification in the educational materials.” institutions under its jurisdiction.” Art. 82 OLM “(3) Promote curriculum diversification, incorporating contents relevant to the socio-cultural, economic, productive and ecological situation.” Art. 33 GEL Art. 33 GEL “... diversification occurs at the regional “... The Ministry of Education is and local levels, responding to the responsible for designing the characteristics of the students and the national basic curriculum ...” environment....” Art. 47 OLRG “© Diversify the national curriculum, incorporating contents relevant to the socio-cultural, economic, productive and ecological situation and responding to the needs and interests of those who are being educated.” Art. 80 GEL “© Draw up basic curriculum designs for the different levels and programs of the educational system, and establish technical guidelines for their diversification.” 2 Educational Institution Art. 68 GEL “(f) Facilitate support programs for educational services in accordance with the students’ needs, under physical and environmental conditions conducive to learning.” LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art. 74 GEL “(i) Support the development and adaptation of new communications and information technologies to improve the educational system, taking an intersectoral approach.” Art 82 OLM “(8) Support the incorporation and development of new technologies for improving the educational system. The purpose of this process is to optimize relations with other sectors.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office Art. 47 OLRG "(h) Integrate the different regional education programs into an integral policy aimed, in the economic area, at improving the region’s productivity and ability to compete; in the social area, at fostering equal opportunities, integration and inclusion at the regional level; in the political area, at the consolidation of mechanisms for citizen participation and accountability at different levels of government; and in the cultural area, at developing a culture of peace and recognition of and respect for diversity.” NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art. 80 GEL “(e) Organize special support programs for educational services to compensate for inequalities and achieve equity in access to education and in educational processes and results. These are based on specific dynamics and social needs.” Art. 80 GEL "(d) Design national programs to take advantage of new communications and information technologies, Art. 74 GEL coordinating their implementation “(j) Promote and implement effective Art. 47 OLRG mid-level educational literacy strategies, in accordance with the "(n) Identify, implement and promote the with socio-cultural and linguistic characteristics use of new, effective and efficient structures.” of each local area.” technologies to improve the quality of education at all levels.” Art 82 OLM “(9) Promote, coordinate, implement and Art. 47 OLRG evaluate literacy programs, in conjunction "(g) Implement and evaluate literacy with regional governments, within the programs in conjunction with local framework of national policies and governments and within the framework programs, in accordance with the socio- of national policies and programs.” cultural and linguistic characteristics of each local area.” 3 Educational Institution Art. 68 GEL “(h) Design, implement and evaluate projects for pedagogical and management innovation, experimentation and educational research.” LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art. 74 GEL “Formulate projects for local educational development and present them to national and international cooperation agencies for funding”. REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art. 47 OLRG "(q) Foster and participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects for educational research, experimentation and innovation that contribute to regional development and the improvement of the quality of educational services.” Art. 80 GEL “(g) Guide the National Program for Educational Research in conjunction with institutions that have expertise in this area and the Regional Education Offices.” Art. 47 OLRG "(j) Promote and implement effective literacy strategies and programs in accordance with the socio-cultural and linguistic characteristics of each local area.” Art. 68 “(k) Participate, along with the Institutional Education Council, in evaluations for the hiring, promotion and renewal of contracts of teaching and administrative personnel. These actions are carried out in agreement with mid-level management offices, in accordance with specific regulations.” Art. 74 GEL “(g) Provide guidance for the evaluation and hiring of teaching and administrative personnel and implement personnel actions to meet the needs of the educational institutions, in coordination with the Regional Education Office.” Art. 80 GEL "(h) Define sector policies related to personnel and improvement programs for management, teaching and administrative personnel, and implement the civil service career for teachers.” 4 Educational Institution Art. 68 GEL "(l) Implement activities.” ongoing LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Office Art. 74 GEL training “(g) Conduct the process for evaluation and hiring of teaching and administrative personnel and implement personnelrelated actions, meeting the needs of educational institutions in coordination with the Regional Education Office. “ Art. 68 “(f) Facilitate support programs for educational services in accordance with the students’ needs, under physical and environmental conditions that are conducive to learning.” Art 82 OLM “(5) Construct, equip and maintain school infrastructure in its jurisdiction in accordance with the jointly designed Regional Development Plan and the allocated budget.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art.47 OLRG "® Implement processes for professional development, training and updating of teaching and administrative personnel in the region, in accordance with the national in-service training plan.” Art. 80 GEL "(f) Guide the System for Continuing Education and Training of teachers in coordination with local and regional offices.” Art.47 OLRG “(m) Design and implement infrastructure and equipment policies, in coordination with local governments.” Art.80 GEL “(i) Lead efforts to increase investment in education and consolidate the national education budget, as well as plans for educational investment and infrastructure.” 5 Educational Institution Art. 66 GEL “... The Educational Institution, as a physical and social environment, establishes relationships with the various entities in its area of influence and makes its facilities available for extracurricular and community activities, preserving its educational purpose and objectives as well as the specific functions of the institution’s facilities. Educational programs are governed by the relevant provisions established in this chapter…” LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art. 73 GEL “(b) Stimulate social cohesion, work in conjunction with public and private institutions on the Local Education Plan, contribute to the creation of an environment conducive to holistic education and local capacity building, and foster the organization of educating communities.” Art. 74 GEL Functions “(h) Foster the formation of educational networks as a means of cooperation among schools and educational programs in its jurisdiction, establishing strategic partnerships with community institutions that have particular expertise.” Art.68 GEL “(j) Cooperate in the various educaArt. 82 GEL Coordination with and tional activities of the community.” support from municipalities. “In the area of education, the Ministry of Education, the Regional Education Office and the Local Educational Management Units coordinate their actions with municipalities in accordance with the provisions of their Organic Law and this law. Within this framework, municipalities support the provision of educational services and contribute to educational development in their jurisdictions.” Art 82 OLM “(6) Support the creation of educational networks as an expression of participation and cooperation among schools and educational programs in its jurisdiction. To accomplish this, strategic partnerships will be established with community institutions that have particular expertise.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art. 77 GEL “© Sign agreements and contracts with national and international cooperation agencies to improve the quality of education in the region, in accordance with established norms.” Art.80 GEL "(n) Ensure, from an inter-sectoral standpoint and in conjunction with other sectors of the national government, holistic attention to students, ensuring efficiency and balanced development.” Art. 47 OLRG “(h) Integrate the different regional educational programs into an overall policy aimed, in the economic sphere, at improving the region’s productivity and ability to compete; in the social sphere, at fostering equal opportunity, integration and inclusion at the regional level; in the political sphere, at defining mechanisms for citizen participation and accountability at all levels of government; and in the cultural sphere, at developing a culture of peace and of recognition and respect for diversity.” Art 47 OLRG “(s) Strengthen educational institutions, in conjunction with local governments, promoting their autonomy, capacity for innovation and democratic operation, as well as inter-sectoral linkages and networking, with the participation of society.” Art 47 OLRG “Foster and serve as a nexus for the participation of universities, businesses and civil society institutions in the implementation of regional development plans.” 6 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art.68 GEL Art.74 GEL “(g) Formulate, implement and “(f) Provide guidance in the formulation, evaluate the institution’s annual implementation and evaluation of the budget.” educational institutions’ annual budget.” Art. 86.- Self-generated income for educational institutions. “In using income generated by state educational institutions, preference will be given to funding specific investment projects or educational development projects considered in the Institutional Education Plan. These resources are independent of the budget amount allocated by the Public Treasury for operating expenses, and regular reports on their use will be submitted, according to the corresponding regulations.” Art.74 GEL “(l) Formulate, implement and evaluate the budget, based on the needs of schools and education programs, and make arrangements for local, regional and national funding.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art.77 GEL “(b) Formulate, implement and evaluate the region’s education budget in coordination with the Local Education Management Units.” Art.80. GEL “(i) Lead efforts to increase investment in education and consolidate the national education budget, as well as plans for educational investment and infrastructure”. Art.77 GEL “© Sign agreements and contracts with the national and international community for support and cooperation, in accordance with established norms.” Art.80. GEL "(q) Reach agreements for and promote national and international technical and financial cooperation for improving education.” Art.77 GEL “(d) Identify investment priorities that result in the harmonious and equitable development of educational infrastructure in its area of jurisdiction and make arrangements for funding.” 7 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art.74 GEL “© Regulate and supervise the activities and services provided by educational institutions, preserving their institutional autonomy.” Art.68 GEL “(K) Participate with the Institutional Education Council in evaluations for the hiring, promotion and renewal of contracts of teaching and administrative personnel. This is done in agreement with mid-level manage- Art.74 GEL ment entities in accordance with “(k) Encourage the activity of the Local specific regulations.” Participatory Council on Education to reach agreements and foster community oversight.” Art.68 GEL “(m) Provide an annual account of pedagogical, administrative and Art.82 OLM financial management to the “(7) Encourage and organize the Local educational community.” Participatory Council on Education to develop consensus-based agreements and promote community oversight and monitoring.” Art.74 GEL “(s) Inform the relevant official entities and the general public of the results of its administration.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art. 76 GEL “... The purpose of the Regional Education Office is to promote education, culture, sports, recreation, science and technology, and ensure that educational services and holistic programs in its jurisdiction are characterized by quality and equity. To accomplish this, it coordinates with the Local Educational Management Units and calls for the participation of various community stakeholders”. Art. 80 GEL “(j) Establish a national plan for transparency in management that consolidates ethical standards in public service.” Art. 80 GEL “(p) Establish basic guidelines to ensure civil society participation in the orientation and improvement of education.” Art. 47 OLRG “(h) Integrate the various regional education programs into an overall policy aimed, in the economic sphere, at improving the region’s productivity and ability to compete; in the social sphere, at fostering equal opportunity, integration and inclusion at the regional level; in the political sphere, at defining mechanisms for citizen participation and accountability at all levels of government; and in the cultural sphere, at developing a culture of peace and of recognition and respect for diversity.” Art. 47 OLRG Art. 80 GEL “(o) Develop and implement infor- "(j) Implement an information sysmation systems and make them tem for making strategic decisions.” available to the population.” 8 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art.74 GEL “(o) Promote cultural centers, libraries, theaters and art workshops, as well as sports and recreation, providing support in this area to local governments when necessary. This is done in coordination with decentralized public agencies in the zone.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art.47 OLRG Art. 80 GEL “(i) Constantly promote intercultural "(o) Strengthen the operations of education and the use of the region’s Decentralized Public Agencies and original languages.” regulate their relationship with the Ministry of Education.” Art.47 OLRG “(k) Foster and disseminate cultural expressions and reinforce the region’s artistic and cultural institutions, in coordination with local governments.” Art.82 OLM “(11) Organize and maintain cultural centers, libraries, theaters and art Art.47 OLRG workshops in provinces, districts and “(l) Declare, protect, conserve and communities.” promote regional and local cultural heritage in coordination with local Art.82 OLM governments and corresponding agen“(12) Promote the protection and cies.” dissemination of the nation’s cultural heritage within its jurisdiction, and the defense and conservation of archeological, historical and artistic monuments, collaborating with the appropriate regional and national entities for their identification, registry, monitoring, conservation and restoration.” Art.82 OLM “(13) Foster a culture of prevention through education for environmental preservation.” Art.82 OLM “(14) Promote and manage zoological parks, botanical gardens and natural forests directly or through contracts or concessions, in accordance with regulations in this area.” Art.82 OLM “(15) Foster sustainable tourism and regulate services in this area, in cooperation with the appropriate entities.” 9 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit Art.82 OLM “(17) Promote opportunities for participation, education and recreation for senior citizens in the community.” REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art.82 OLM “(18) Regulate, coordinate and promote sports and recreation for children and the general community through the construction of sports fields and recreational areas or the temporary use of appropriate urban areas for the purposes indicated above.” Art.82 OLM “(19) Promote various cultural activities.” Art.82 OLM “(16) Stimulate a civic culture of respect for communal goods and maintenance, public hygiene, conservation and community embellishment. ” Art.82 OLM “(17) Promote opportunities for participation, education and recreation for senior citizens in the community.” Art.82 OLM “(18) Regulate, coordinate and promote sports and recreation for children and the general community through the construction of sports fields and recreational areas or the temporary use of appropriate urban areas for the purposes indicated above.” Art.82 OLM “(19) Promote various cultural activities.” 10 Educational Institution LOCAL LEVEL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Local Education Management Unit REGIONAL LEVEL Regional Education Office NATIONAL LEVEL Ministry of Education Art.47 OLRG “(p) Periodically and systematically evaluate the region’s progress in the area of education and support evaluation and measurement actions implemented by the Ministry of Education, and contribute to the development of policy for the accreditation and certification of educational quality in its area of competence.” “(m) Promote an educational evaluation that stimulates the student’s integral development, in accordance with the principles and purposes of education as established by this law.” "(k) Coordinate, with the entities responsible for operating the National System for Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality, processes for the measurement and evaluation of progress in learning, according to the terms established by law, as well as their dissemination.” 11