CATALOG # CF7030 CIP # DATE: July 30 2003 Moberly Area Community College Common Syllabus MATH FOR NURSES Current Term Instructor: Office number: Office hours: Contact information: Classroom number: Class days and time: Catalog Description: CF7030 Math for Nurses (1-0-0) This course prepares students for the critical skills exam given in the Fundamentals of Nursing Course. Students will learn basic principles and methods for medication administration. This course reviews basic math operations before introducing more specific concepts. Topics covered are: drug measures, medication labels, syringe utilization, insulin administration, medication administration systems, other dosage calculations, and documentation of medication administration. Prerequisite: none Text: Curren, A. M. & Munday, L. D. (2000). Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions. (8th Ed.) San Diego, CA: ; W. I. Publications. 0-918082-09-9. Also available in Allied Health Office: AccuCalc: Comprehensive Dosage Calculations Learning System. (CD-ROM). (1997). Albany, NY: Delmar. 0-8273-8389-4. Purpose of Course: Students will develop skills in calculation of mathematical formulae and ratios, specifically focusing on medication administration. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Convert Roman numerals and Arabic numbers 2. Reduce fractions to lowest terms 3. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions 4. Convert fractions to decimals 5. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers and decimals 6. Use ratio and proportion to calculate problems for missing term(x) 7. Convert percents to fractions, decimals, and ratios 8. Identify standard medication abbreviations 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Identify common measurements used in medication administration in the metric system Identify symbols and measurements in the apothecary system Identify symbols and measurements in the English or household system Convert to equivalent measures between apothecary, English, and metric systems of measurement Identify and utilize the “five rights” of safe medication administration Identify factors influencing medication dosages, and identify the common routes for medication administration Interpret medication orders Identify the necessary information that must be transcribed to a medication administration record (MAR) Read and interpret information on a medication label Apply ratio and proportion method to problem solving Apply the formula method to problem solving Calculate dosages for oral and liquid medications using either ratio proportion or the formula method Read and measure dosages on a syringe Read medication labels on parenteral medication and calculate dosages from reconstituted medication (mixed from powder) Measure insulin when mixing of regular and NPH is required Convert insulin units to millimeters Calculate subcutaneous doses of heparin COURSE CONTENT: 1. Basic arithmetic 2. Drug measurements 3. Medication labels and syringes 4. Parenteral medications 5. Formula and ratio method of calculation 6. Medication documentation Assessment of Student Learning Students must obtain 78% on written work in this course. The critical skill for math computation and medication administration will be attained during the first half of the Fundamentals of Nursing course. Students must achieve 85% on this exam. Students may repeat the critical skill exam one time in an effort to achieve 85%. Please note that it is possible to achieve a B in this course, with 83-84%. A score of 85% is needed, however, to successfully complete the critical skills exam. As in the Fundamentals of Nursing course, NO LATE PAPER WORK IS ACCEPTED. In the RARE situation when extraordinary circumstances occur (death of immediate family, unavoidable illness), the instructor will consider the situation, and student management of the situation (i.e. proper notification of instructor regarding circumstances and proper documentation of circumstances). Grading: Quizzes, assignments, etc. Unit exam Cumulative final exam Grading system: 10% 60% 30% A = 92 100% B = 83 - 91% C = 78 - 82% D = 66 - 77% F = below 66% Description of Major Assignments: Course Calendar: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introductions, abbreviations, roman numerals. Basic math from Chapter 1, 2 &3 Exam 1 (Basic Math, abbreviations) Drug measures from Chapter 4 & 5 Exam 2 (Drug Measures) Medication labels and syringes from Chapter 6, 7 & 8 Exam 3 (Med labels and syringes Insulin dosages and calculations from Chapter 9, 10, 11 and 12 Exam 4 (Insulin dosages and calculations) Medication Administration Systems from Chapter 13 & 14 Critical Skills Exam in Fundamentals of Nursing 1. Exam 5 (Medication Administration Systems) 2. Other Dosage Calculations from Chapter 15 & 16 3. Review and student questions; course and instructor evals. 4. First half of Final Exam – Comprehensive, including calculations using BSA & wt 5. Second half of Final Exam – Comprehensive, including calculations using BSA & wt Attendance Requirements: Any student who misses two consecutive weeks of class during a regular sixteen (16)-week semester or the equivalent proportion of the class time during a shorter session will be dropped from the class unless acceptable justification is supplied to the instructor and the Dean of Student Services. The student will be notified in writing of the action through the Office of Student Services. Additionally, any student who misses more than one-fourth of the class meetings during any scheduled session may be dropped from that class by that instructor if, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have reasonable opportunity to succeed in the class. Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: Students with documentable disabilities may register proper documentation with the Office of Student Services. The Student Services Office will then notify appropriate instructors of the suggested official accommodations. Students may also wish to personally inform their instructors of their particular disabilities. )