The Chelsea School Spelling Programme

The Chelsea School Spelling 2014
Spelling Changes This Year
Due to many queries last year, and a year of teachers researching
spelling, Chelsea has decided to change the way we teach and assess
This year, children will be tested at school to assess their spelling level
in week 1. This assessment will ascertain their needs and spelling age.
They will then be grouped in class according to their spelling needs and
spelling age.
Spelling rules and conventions will be taught at school as part of the
literacy programme.
Each Monday, learners will bring home a list of 15 spelling words to
learn; 10 will be level list words and 5 will be either mistakes from their
daily writing or errors from their Friday spelling test.
List words will mostly be based on spelling rules/conventions and/or
word families.
Each Friday, students will have a buddy spelling test to check up on their
learning for the week.
Learners will be reassessed in June and November to ascertain value
added progress and consequent needs.
Any questions, please see your child’s teacher.