100 funds - Give - The University of Kansas Hospital

Employee Campaign Funds
The Employee Campaign is part of the hospital’s Culture of Giving. The hospital does not receive state or federal funding. As
a result, we rely on contributions from both outside and inside our organization to support needs not covered in our
budget. When you support the Employee Campaign, you can direct your tax-deductible gift to the area most meaningful to
you. Giving options cover every practice area, patient care, growth and staff education. For even more options, or if you
need additional information, please contact Ruth Gardner at 913-588-4497 or email rgardner@kumc.edu.
Ancillary Services
Area of Greatest Need
Provides general support for hospital programs, services
and initiatives, in areas with the greatest immediate need.
For example, the fund may provide furnishings, equipment,
supplies, educational and reference materials, and support
patients in need.
Clinical Laboratory
Provides support for equipment, patient and staff
education and ongoing operations.
Clinical Nutrition
Provides general support for the hospital’s clinical nutrition
Dialysis Unit
Supports the purchase of equipment, continuing education
opportunities for clinical staff, program enhancements and
patient assistance.
Elizabeth Clark Caring Excellence Award
Honors one part or fulltime employee annually for their
excellence in patient care in any department of the
George J. Farha, MD Patients First Fund
Supports innovative patient programs, resources and
Hospital Chapel
Supports the purchase of furnishings and artwork for a new
hospital chapel.
Jane Corley Information Technology Education
Supports employee education programs and continuing
education opportunities in the field of Information
Project CALM
Supports aesthetic improvements to the adult inpatient
psychiatric unit.
STAR Fund: Employees Invest in The University of Kansas
Funds new or existing patient-focused programs, new
equipment, supplies and other items to help patients and
Cytogenetics Continuing Education
Supports continuing education expenses for staff and the
purchase of equipment for the Cytogenetics department.
Elaine Polsky Breast Center Changing Suite
Provides support of operations and amenities for the
Changing Suite.
Friends of the Breast Center
Supports Breast Imaging by funding patient health,
prevention and treatment initiatives.
Hospital Radiology Department Fund
Provides support for equipment, continuing education for
staff and ongoing operations.
Hospital Respiratory Therapy Fund
Provides support for patient and staff educational
programs and patient amenities.
Pharmacy Fund
Provides support for the Poison Control Center, Pharmacy
and Nuclear Pharmacy, including equipment, continuing
education for staff and support for ongoing operations.
Burn Center / Trauma
Burnett Burn Center
Provides general support for equipment, patient and staff
education and ongoing operations.
Thomas McCool Award for Excellence in Burn Nursing
Supports an annual award to honor an outstanding burn
nurse nominated by his or her peers.
Supports professional education for staff in the trauma,
burn and critical care areas. Also provides support for
community outreach in prevention through programs,
services and equipment.
Inpatient Bone Marrow Transplant
Supports patient and staff needs for the inpatient BMT
Brandmeyer Patient Resource Center
Provides continued support for the center, located within
the Richard and Annette Bloch Cancer Care Pavilion. This
help may include equipment, educational and reference
materials and support for ongoing operations.
Burns & McDonnell Clinical High Risk Prostate Cancer
Prevention Program
Supports the clinical high risk prostate cancer prevention
program, including personnel and marketing the program
to potential patients.
Cancer Staff Continuing Education
Supports continuing education for inpatient and outpatient
cancer nurses and clinical staff members.
Clinical Trials for NCI
Provides support for clinical trials related to National
Cancer Institute (NCI) designation.
Community Cancer Support Program
Supports patient and family services, continuing education
for non-physician staff, approved community cancer
programs and clinical trials associated with the Community
Cancer Program.
Garden of Infinite Possibilities
Supports the Garden of Infinite Possibilities at the
hospital's Richard and Annette Bloch Cancer Care Pavilion.
Here, unique opportunities are available to honor a loved
one or friend who has felt the impact of cancer.
Jonathan Elliff Hematology/Oncology
Provides general support for the Hematology, Medical
Oncology and Gynecological Oncology care units at The
University of Kansas Hospital. This may include furnishings,
equipment, education and reference materials and general
support for the ongoing operations of the unit.
Judy Sherrer BMT Continuing Education
Supports the continuing education endeavors of outpatient
BMT non-physician staff.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma Research
Supports the research efforts of mantle cell lymphoma by
the hospital’s BMT team.
Missys’ Boutique
Provides support for the appearance center at the Richard
and Annette Bloch Cancer Care Pavilion, which assists
cancer patients in the fitting and purchasing of appearance
enhancing items, such as wigs, prosthesis, and support
Outpatient Blood and Marrow Transplant
Supports growth of the outpatient Blood and Marrow
Transplant program in areas of capital improvements,
patient and staff education and support for ongoing
Outpatient Cancer Palliative Care
Provides for cancer palliative care services, including
patient education, program supplies and staff support.
Patient and Family Resource Center for Inpatient Cancer
Provides for patient comfort furnishings, equipment,
educational and reference materials and ongoing
Patient and Family Support Services
Provides support for program services and counseling staff.
Richard and Annette Bloch Cancer Care Pavilion
Supports programs, projects and capital improvements to
benefit cancer care and outpatient services at the Richard
and Annette Bloch Cancer Care Pavilion.
Richard and Annette Bloch Radiation Oncology Pavilion Main Campus
Provides support for technology, patient and staff
education, and ongoing operations.
Robert K. Dempski Cord Blood Research
Supports cord blood research, programs and patient
Tiles of Hope
Provides for the purchase of supplies for the Tiles of Hope
program, which offers to BMT patients a creative outlet
providing hope and healing through art.
Cancer Nursing
Award for Excellence in Hematology/Oncology Nursing
Supports annual awards to honor one inpatient and one
outpatient nurse for providing exceptional hematology and
oncology care.
Evelyn Ridgway Memorial Nursing Scholarship in
Covers continuing education fees for nurses employed on
the Hematology, Medical Oncology and Gynecological
Oncology care units at The University of Kansas Hospital.
Sheila and Duffy Ehrich Hematology/Oncology Nursing
Supports travel and other expenses related to nursing
education and professional development for inpatient
hematology/oncology nurses.
Adelaide C. Ward Women’s Heart Health Center
Provides support for operations, educational programs,
patient services and marketing of the center.
A Change of Heart
Supports the women's heart health program, including
heart health assessments and related expenses,
promotional and advocacy activities and staff salaries.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Supports the cardiac rehabilitation program, including
continuing education for staff, patient education materials
and services.
Cardiology Lecture Series and Symposiums
Funds the development of educational symposiums,
presentations and other cardiology forums. This includes
expenses, such as honorariums, facilities, food costs,
rentals, printing, equipment and event advertising.
Center for Advanced Heart Care
Provides for capital expansion, equipment and patient
services in the hospital's Center for Advanced Heart Care.
Dr. William and Mary Reed Cardiovascular Surgery Center
Provides support for capital needs, technology, patient and
staff education, patient services and ongoing operations.
Electrophysiology Program
Supports electrophysiology by funding clinical research,
equipment purchases, patient needs and services and
patient and staff education.
Electrophysiology Research and Education Fund
Provides funding for electrophysiology clinical research
education and training, including salary and benefits,
research expenses, travel expenses to meetings or
conferences and educational materials.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Supports community outreach, staff education and clinical
research for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Lynn Kindred, MD, Catheterization Laboratory
Provides support for capital needs, technology, patient and
staff education, patient services and ongoing operations.
MAC/MATCS Endowment Fund
Develops and maintains cardiovascular and cardiothoracic
surgery programs that advance the mission of the
hospital's Center for Advanced Heart Care, Mid-America
Cardiology Associates (MAC), and MidAmerica Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgeons (MATCS).
Richard and Annette Bloch Heart Rhythm Center
Provides support for capital needs, technology, patient and
staff education, patient services and ongoing operations.
Sudden Cardiac Death Education and Screening Program
Provides support for community education seminars and
materials, and provides funding for a part-time nurse
coordinator for the Sudden Cardiac Death Education and
Screening Program.
Surgical Hybrid Suite
Provides support for capital needs, technology, patient and
staff education, patient services and ongoing operations.
White Heart Learning and Resource Center
Provides continued support for the center located within
the Center for Advanced Heart Care, which may include
equipment, educational and reference materials and
support for ongoing operations.
Cardiology Nursing
Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Surgical Nursing Award
Supports annual awards to honor two nurses for providing
exceptional cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgical care.
Jodie C. Hatzenbihler Clinical Excellence Education Award
Supports an educational award to recognize a cardiology
nurse for providing exceptional care.
Robert A. Long Cardiology Nursing and Staff Development
Provides support for continuing education of registered
nurses and staff of the Center for Advanced Heart Care at
The University of Kansas Hospital.
Department of Nursing GI
Provides support to nursing staff for educational expenses,
including class fees, conference registrations and travel
Cambridge North Building
Support for the design, construction, furnishings,
equipment and technology of the Cambridge North
Medical Intensive Care Unit (Micu)
Eleanor H. Marting Fund for Medical ICU
Supports staff, patient and family needs in the hospital's
Medical Intensive Care Unit.
Elizabeth Wisdom Award for Excellence in Medical ICU
Provides support for one qualified nurse to attend The
National Teaching Institute Conference for Critical Care
Nurses each year.
Pulmonary Nursing Excellence Award
Provides support for one qualified nurse to attend The
National Teaching Institute Conference for Critical Care
Nurses each year.
Kidney/Pancreas Transplant
Provides support for physician and staff education, patient
education and services and other program needs.
Organ Transplant
Provides support for physician and staff education, patient
education and services and other program needs.
Organ Transplant Donor Advisory Council
Support for living or deceased organ donors and their
Jake Clough Family Room
Supports maintenance and other amenities for the Jake
Clough Family Room located on the hospital's
Neuroscience Care Unit 61.
Neuroscience Care Fund
Provides for equipment, patient and staff education and
support for ongoing operations.
Pain Management
Pain Management
Supports staff and patient education programs in pain
Palliative Care
Riss Family Award for Excellence in Neuroscience Nursing
Supports annual awards to honor two nurses for providing
exceptional neuroscience care.
Patricia Hopkins Palliative Care
Provides support for the hospital's palliative care program
by funding staff training, patient services and the purchase
of supplies and furnishings.
Sandra L. Stewart Palliative Care Education Fund
Provides for palliative care staff education.
Clinical Excellence in Nursing
Supports travel expenses and materials for specialty
certification and provides an honorarium for guest
lecturers on advance practice topics.
Emergency Department Nursing Award
Funds raised will establish a new annual award, recognizing
excellence in ED nursing.
Nurse Academy
Provides support for the hospital’s Nursing Academy.
Offered twice a year, the Nursing Academy provides high
school students with an opportunity to experience the
nursing profession through hands-on seminars and
Nursing Resource Center
Supports the ongoing operations of the Nursing Resource
Center at The University of Kansas Hospital.
Nursing Service Development
Provides for professional development and educational
opportunities for nurses.
Organ Transplant
Carol A. Pettus Liver Transplant Fund
Provides support for liver transplant staff, patients and
family members.
Provides for patient comfort furnishings, equipment,
patient and staff education and support for ongoing
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Provides for patient comfort furnishings, equipment,
patient and staff education and support for ongoing
Patricia Huffman Award for Excellence in Maternal/Child
Supports an annual award to honor nurses for providing
exceptional maternal/child care.
Pediatric Units
Provides for patient comfort furnishings, equipment,
patient and staff education and support for ongoing
Elizabeth Page Award for Excellence in Rehabilitative Care
Supports an annual award to honor a professional rehab
therapist, nurse or social worker in the inpatient rehab
unit, for excellence in inpatient rehabilitation care.
Kirsten Project Spinal Cord Injury
Supports patient rehabilitation from spinal cord injuries by
providing grants to patients for the use of outpatient
rehabilitation equipment, funding staff education and
purchasing new rehab equipment.
Rehabilitation Services
Provides general support for the hospital's Rehabilitation
Services Department, which may include furnishings,
equipment, education and support for ongoing operations.
Social Services
64-Slice CT Scan Imaging for Patients in Need
Provides for 64-Slice imaging scan services for heart
patients who need, but cannot afford, this state-of-the-art
imaging option.
Breast Cancer Patients in Need
Provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients who
cannot afford services or treatment.
Dr. Sherri L. Brown Oncology Medication Assistance
Program Fund
Provides immediate assistance to cancer patients who
cannot afford their medications.
Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Patients in Need
Provides financial assistance to kidney/pancreas transplant
patients who cannot afford services or treatment.
Kim Mercer Fund for Indigent Care
Provides financial help to meet the small, emergency needs
of patients and their families.
Liver Transplant Patient Support
Provides financial assistance to liver transplant patients
who cannot afford services or treatment.
Missys’ Boutique Patients in Need
Provides financial support to patients who lack the
resources to pay for prescription goods or services from
Missys’ Boutique, a cancer appearance center.
Molly and Matthew Kirse Pediatric Patients in Need
Provides financial support to pediatric patients who can’t
afford services or medication.
Oncology Patient Assistance
Provides financial assistance to oncology patients who are
unable to pay for their care, treatment or medication
because of personal hardships.
Patients in Need
Provides financial assistance to patients who cannot afford
hospital services or medications.
Spine Center
George Varghese, MD, Spine Learning and Resource
Provides furnishings, equipment, educational and
reference materials, staff salary and supports the ongoing
operations of this center located in the hospital's Marc A.
Asher, MD, Comprehensive Spine Center.
James P. McLean, MD, Memorial Conference Room
Provides ongoing support and maintenance of the James P.
McLean, MD, Memorial Conference Room in the hospital's
Marc A. Asher, MD, Comprehensive Spine Center.
Marc A. Asher, MD, Comprehensive Spine Center
Provides general support including furnishings, equipment,
patient and staff education and ongoing operations of this
center, located at The University of Kansas Hospital.
Sutherland Family Nursing Excellence Award in the SICU
Supports an annual award to honor a nurse for providing
exceptional care in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit.
Volunteer Services
Bernice S. Wiglesworth Endowment for Volunteer
Provides training for volunteers at The University of Kansas
Hospital to increase patient comfort and satisfaction.