GENOMICS 1.3 Genome: d (ii) Genomics From the Arrangements (ii) Genomics Many genomes have been sequenced, particularly of disease -causing organisms, pest species and species that are important model organisms for research. Comparisons of genomes reveal that much of the genome is highly conserved across different organisms. Teacher’s notes This section is based on the summary questions on page 5. There are two activities related to these questions. The first is to read the background information card and answer the questions. Alternatively, do not print off the background information but get the students to research the answers to the questions using the internet. Less-able students could be given a copy of the suggested websites. Print the background information back to back. These printouts could be reused. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 1 GENOMICS Background information Human genomes The human genome project culminated in 2003 after 13 years of work costing three billion dollars. The project included work on human diseases, model organisms such as bacteria, yeast, worms, flies and mice, the development of new technologies for biological and medical research, such as computing, and programming power to analyse mind boggling amounts of complex data. Perhaps less than 2% of the three billion base pairs codes for the 20 000 to 25 000 genes we are estimated to have. Much of the DNA has, as yet, no known function. In 2007 Craig Venter’s genome was published. Within his genome there were 4.1 million variations, 3.2 million being single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; single base substitutions) the rest being deletions, insertions and duplications. Over a million of these variations were previously unknown. The project took about ten years and cost 100 mi llion dollars. In 2008, James Watson’s genome was published; it cost 1.5 million dollars and took just four months. In December of 2010 a personal genome machine for less than 50 000 dollars came onto the market that will sequence your genome in less than two weeks at a cost of less than 10 000 do llars. No doubt as the technology advances hospitals or even health centres will be able to diagnose genetically complex predispositions such as cancers, diabetes and neurological disorders, and to optimise treatments or advise life management systems within the space of a day. It is interesting to note that Watson started to take cholesterol-lowering drugs straightaway after he had his DNA sequenced but did not want to know about any of his genes which may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Early sequencing technology relied on radioactive nucleotides and X -ray film for determining the order of bases. The next generation of sequencers used fluorescent dyes and laser optics instead of radioactive isotopes. In turn fluorescent dyes have been superseded by semi-conductor sequencers that rely on chemical rather than optical means of reading the sequence. Comparative genomics In early 2011, the genomes of over 1000 prokaryotes and over 300 eukaryotes were published with many more in the pipeline. Soon all the m ajor crop and farm animals along with all their main disease -causing organisms will have their genome sequences stored in huge computer databases. 2 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 GENOMICS Comparative genome sizes of humans and other model organisms Taken from genomics-13239404. Organism Human (Homo sapiens) Mouse (Mus musculus) Estimated size (base pairs) Chromosome number Estimated gene number 3 billion 46 ~ 25 000 2.9 billion 40 ~ 25 000 165 million 8 13 000 157 million 10 25 000 97 million 12 19 000 12 million 32 6 000 4.6 million 1 3 200 Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) Plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) Roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans) Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Bacteria (Escherichia coli) From the table, Arabidopsis has a smaller genome than the fruit fly but twice as many genes: about the same as a human. An important lesson, therefore, is that genomic size, or the number of genes, is not proportional to an organism’s place on the evolutionary tree. However, by using powerful software it is possible to recognise individual genes within genomes and to compare these genes between species. Fruit flies are thought to share 60% of their genes with humans, in other words we share a core set of genes with a fly. Furthermore, about two -thirds of genes known to be involved with cancer have also been found in fruit flies. By studying how these genes work in a much simpler orga nism we should get a better understanding of how these genes operate in humans and therefore be able to control or prevent them becoming diseased. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 3 GENOMICS The Japanese puffer fish (Fugu rubripes) has a genome eight times smaller than humans but with a similar number of genes: it lacks any lengthy repetitive sequences. About 75% of puffer fish genes have a human equivalent even though men and fish diverged from their common ancestor 450 million years ago. This has proved to be a useful model organism since the puffer fish genome project has revealed about a thousand new genes in the human genome. At the DNA level humans and chimpanzees are remarkably close. Most of the differences are thought not to be in the genes but in regions of the DNA which control the genes. One study compared highly conserved regions of DNA in mice, rats and chimpanzees. The sequences that are conserved (the same or similar) between species are thought to be important to the organism since selection pressures have kept them, whereas mutati ons generally occur much more frequently in non-coding regions. The study also took the chimpanzee sequences and compared them to the same human sequences and found 202 ‘highly accelerated regions’ (HARs) that showed higher rates of variation between humans and chimpanzees. The region with the most differences makes a piece of RNA that has a role in brain development. Amazingly, only three of these HARs are thought to contain sequences encoding proteins, the rest are located very close to genes. This analysis was carried out using computer software to compare the data with that of other research groups. There is no doubt that DNA sequencing will reveal much about our developmental processes and evolution. In addition to brain development, the other major differences between humans and chimpanzees are in the immune system. This is thought to be due to an evolutionary ‘arms race’: viruses and bacteria evolve very quickly so the human immune system has been under selection pressures to positively match new pathogenic threats. Since humans live in a much wider range of environments and behave differently to chimp anzees, humans have been exposed to a much wider assortment of pathogens and consequently have a more sophisticated defence system. Genomics will reveal much to scientists. Agriculturalists will improve crop yields and engineer crops to be resistant to specific diseases, pests or environmental factors such as global warming or drought resistance. Energy production in terms of biomass will benefit. Farm a nimal production may be improved – preventative medicines to tackle their associated diseases will be developed. This branch of veterinary medicine will no doubt run parallel to advances in human medicine. All this will be made possible with the advance of powerful computers and their software to manipulate sequence data. So far the science of bioinformatics makes it possible to search genome databases with gene 4 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 GENOMICS sequences, to compare gene sequences from different organisms, to build up the complete genome sequence for an organism and to assess the variation between individual’s genomes and between the genomes of two different species. In the future it will allow us to predict how genes are regulated, how proteins will be synthesised, how they will fold and function in the cell, and how they will interact with other molecules , be they natural or synthetic. Without computers the secrets of the genome would remain undiscovered. Learning objectives By answering these questions you should know that the genomes of many organisms, including humans, have been sequenced , especially: those of economic importance, such as farm crops and animals the disease-causing organisms of farm crops and farm animals simpler organisms that act as models to help unravel the human genome. You should understand that many genes are very similar from organism to organism and these are said to be conserved. Summary questions Use the background information card or the internet to answer these questions. 1. In terms of base pairs how big is the human genome? 2. In Craig Venter’s case how many genetic variations were found in his genome? 3. What sort of genetic predispositions will health centres be able to diagnose in the future? 4. What drugs did James Watson start to take once his genome h ad been sequenced? 5. How many organisms have had their genomes sequenced to date? 6. Is there any relationship between the size of an organism’s genome and its place in the evolutionary tree, ie the bigger the genome the more advanced the organism? UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 GENOMICS 7. What percentage of genes in a fruit fly is thought to be shared with humans? 8. What advantages for human medicine may come out of studying fruit fly genomics? 9. How many new human genes have been discovered by studying the puffer fish genome? 10. Why is the puffer fish a good model organism to study human genes? 11. Where are most of the differences between chimpanzee DNA and human DNA thought to be located? 12. What does conserved mean when talking about genes? 13. What are the two main differences between humans and chimp anzees? 14. Give examples of how genomics will help improve agriculture and medicine. 15. What is meant by ‘bioinformatics’? Suggested websites Try Googling ‘James Watson’s genome’ or ‘Craig Venter’s genome’. Look at the links below. Rather than type in the whole IP address Google the main part of the address then find the correct (or similar) links in your search results. comparative-genomics13239404 Some of these web sites may be text heavy but G oogling the question or key words in the question will quickly get you the answer. Remember to stay focused on the 15 questions. These suggested websites are only a starting point! 6 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011