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Chapter 17: Alexandria
Research task and oral presentation: Assessment task
(Total marks: 30)
Date issued: ______________________
Date due: ______________________
Outcomes assessed: P1.1, P2.1, P3.1, P3.6, P4.1, P4.2
Task description: This task requires you to research one of the key thinkers or
scholars who lived and worked in Alexandria. You will present your findings in an
oral format.
Criteria: Specified in each part of the task.
Part A: Research and oral presentation (20 marks)
describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events,
institutions, societies and sites within the historical context
identify historical factors and explain their significance in contributing to
change and continuity in the ancient world
locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources
plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and
synthesising information from a range of sources
use historical terms and concepts appropriately
communicate knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues
using appropriate oral and written forms.
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Antiquity 1, 3rd edition, Chapter 17
Task description
From the list below, select one of the key thinkers and scholars who lived and worked
in ancient Alexandria. Prepare a biographical profile of your chosen subject. Your
biographical profile should contain the main features of your subject’s life, such as
place and date of birth; discipline (area of academic interest and expertise); interesting
life events; written works; inventions.
 Archimedes of Syracuse
 Dionsysius Thrax
 Eratosthenes
 Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria
 Aristarchus of Samos
 Herophilus of Chalcedon
 Galen
 Callimachus (also Kallimachos)
 Claudius Ptolemateus
 Euclid
 Zenodotus of Ephesus
 Theocritus of Syracuse
 Claudius Ptolemaeus
 Philo of Alexandria
 Clement of Alexandria
 Hipparchus
 Manetho
 Origen
 Hypatia
 Aristophanes of Byzantium
 Didymus Chalcenterus
Using the information you have found for the biographical profile, prepare an oral
presentation for the class of about 5 minutes in which you outline the life of your
chosen scholar and assess the contribution they made to their discipline.
Criteria: Part A
well structured and organised presentation that addresses all parts of the task
selection of material that is relevant and appropriate to the topic
coherent, appropriate judgements about the scholar’s contribution to their
engagement and communication with the audience; the presentation should be
clear and the audience’s attention should be held for the duration
material well-known enough to be presented with minimal use of notes
effective use of voice: appropriate tone, volume, pace, intonation
use of appropriate historical terms and concepts.
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Antiquity 1, 3rd edition, Chapter 17
Part B. Research log and bibliography (10 marks)
plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and
synthesising information from a range of sources
Task description
Keep a research log which records the development of the task. It should be
updated each time you work on your assessment task.
Submit your completed research log as part of the task.
Provide a full bibliography set out according to faculty guidelines
For THREE of the resources used, give a description of how and where they
were used in the task and provide an assessment of their reliability and
range, depth and complexity of historical sources consulted
evidence of ability to analyse and synthesise information from a variety of
perspectives and sources
evidence of effective planning and review strategies which identify and
manage the competing demands of the complex task
evidence of effective use of time and resources to complete the historical
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Antiquity 1, 3rd edition, Chapter 17
Marking guidelines
Part B: Research and oral presentation (20 marks)
describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events,
institutions, societies and sites within the historical context
identify historical factors and explain their significance in contributing to
change and continuity in the ancient world
use historical terms and concepts appropriately
communicate knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues
using appropriate oral and written forms
A well organised and well-structured presentation that effectively addresses all
parts of the task
An outline that indicates the main features of the subject’s life using relevant and
appropriate material
Coherent, appropriate judgements about the scholar’s contribution to their
Constant audience engagement with minimal use of notes
Clear and effective use of voice
Uses a wide range of historical terms and concepts, which are effectively
An organised and structured presentation that addresses all parts of the task
An outline that indicates some features of the subject’s life using relevant
Appropriate judgements about the scholar’s contribution to their discipline
Frequent audience engagement with some use of notes
Clear use of voice
Uses some historical terms and concepts, which are mostly effectively integrated
A structured presentation that addresses most of the task
An outline that indicates features of the subject’s life using some relevant
A description of the scholar’s contribution to their discipline
Some audience engagement with reliance on notes
Less clear and ineffective use of voice
Uses some integrated historical terms and concepts
A presentation that addresses some of the task
Reference to some features of the subject’s life including some reference to
contribution to their discipline
Little audience engagement with substantial reading of notes
Poor use of voice
Uses some historical terms and concepts
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Antiquity 1, 3rd edition, Chapter 17
Minimal reference to the subject’s life and contribution to their discipline
Little to no audience engagement; speech entirely read
Little attempt to use voice effectively
Unable to correctly use and/or identify appropriate historical terms
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Antiquity 1, 3rd edition, Chapter 17
Marking guidelines
Part C: Research log and bibliography (10 marks)
locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources
plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and
synthesising information from a range of sources
Use of more than 6 sources of a wide range and complexity
Demonstration of effective analysis and synthesis of varied information
Evidence of effective planning and review strategies to complete the task
Clear evidence of effective use of time and resources
Use of at least 5 or 6 sources of a some range and complexity
Demonstration of some analysis and synthesis of varied information
Evidence of planning and review strategies to complete the task
Evidence of effective use of time and resources
Use of fewer than 5 sources of limited range and complexity
An attempt at analysis and synthesis of information
An attempt at planning and review strategies to complete the task effectively
Evidence of use of time and resources
Use of one or two sources of limited range and complexity
Little or no attempt at analysis and synthesis of information
Little or no attempt at planning and review strategies to complete the task
Little evidence of use of time and resources
Reliance on one or two sources
No attempt at analysis and synthesis of information; work may be substantially
or totally copied
No attempt at planning and review strategies to complete the task effectively
No evidence of use of time and resources
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