The Atmospheric Environment Atmospheric Environment Macroenvironment - up to 5 ft above the ground, representative of the overall climate Microenvironment - immediate vicinity of the turfgrass plant, ranging from the canopy surface to the bottom of the rootzone Climate Light Temperature Moisture Wind Relative Humidity Light Absorption Vital to life Affected by mowing, leaf area Affected by leaf angle Influenced by surroundings clouds buildings trees Clippings - light exclusion! Light Duration Affects Form Short days (spring and fall) affect: increased density greater tillering/stolons/rhizomes shorter leaves more leaves smaller shoots more prostrate growth habit Opposite occurs in long days of summer Light Intensity Seasonal Latitude Time of day Atmospheric screening Topography Sufficient Light Intensity is required to sustain adequate photosynthesis and thus growth. All turfgrasses prefer to grow in full sunlight. Three Components of Photosynthesis: Compensation point - where the light level is low and just adequate to produce enough photosynthesis to match respiration. The net gain of carbon is zero. Intermediate light levels produce enough carbohydrates to compensate for nighttime respiration, plus enough extra to support new growth and sustain tissue High light, where photosynthesis is high enough to produce extra carbohydrate that can be stored Temperature and other stresses can affect the ability of a turf to effectively utilize higher light levels Physiological Responses to Low Light Higher chlorophyll content Lower respiration Lower compensation point Reduced carbohydrate reserves Lower demand for water, nutrients Reduced heat, cold, drought, wear tolerance Developmental Responses to Low Light Reduced growth Thinner leaves Reduced shoot density; Reduced tillering Longer, more erect leaves Leaves are more succulent (less substance) Longer internodes Slower establishment Shade Increases Disease Thinner leaves less resistant Sun inhibits spore germination Higher humidity Shade is not just Reduced Light Light quality can change as it passes through the tree canopy. The tree leaves “remove” the red and blue light components, leaving mainly the green, which is not effective in photosynthesis Shade moderates air temperatures Shade is associated with increased humidity, which may increase heat load, diseases Shade from Trees: Tree roots compete for water and nutrients. Where are the tree roots? Allelopathy - some tree roots exude specific chemicals which interfere with turf growth Deciduous trees present extra problem in fall when leaves are shed. This can lead to extreme light exclusion. Best Species for Shade Tolerance Cool Season Warm Season Tall fescue Fine fescues Bentgrass St. Augustinegrass Zoysiagrass Centipedegrass Managing for Shade Thin tree canopy. Also increase wind, reduce humidity Raise cutting height Reduce N fertility Irrigate deeply, infrequently Control traffic Fungicides to control disease Fertilize tree roots separately Temperature The most important environmental factor affecting the adaptation of turfgrasses to a particular geographic region. Growth generally confined to > 40o, < 105o F Temperatures fluctuate depending on the amount of energy received from the sun Heat can be Transferred from One Environmental Component to Another Evaporation Reradiation Conduction Convection Advection Turf Modifies Temperatures Temperature extremes much less with turf surface than with bare soil, paving Turf absorbs a substantial amount of energy Much of the energy is dissipated by one of the transfer processes. The most important is evapotranspiration (ET, total loss of water from turf and soil surface). Evaporation requires large input of energy, which is “used up” by converting water from liquid to gas Turf Response to Temperature Minimum Maximum Optimum 60-75 o for cool season shoot growth 80-95 o for warm season shoot growth Root growth can continue as long as soil temperatures are favorable 50-65 o for cool season 75-85 o for warm season Temperature Effects on Roots Optimum temperatures produce white, long, multi-branched roots Sub-optimal temperatures produce white, shorter, slower growing, less branched roots Supra-optimal temperatures produce roots that become brown, spindly, mature rapidly, die faster, and aren’t replaced as fast. High Temperature Stress (often associated with drought stress) Indirect: rapid turnover of roots, resulting in loss of root system decrease in shoot growth, perhaps due to reduction in photosynthesis, carbohydrates. May lead to summer dormancy Direct: High temps can kill turf. CS at 100-130o F Crown, young leaf, apical meristem are more tolerant than older tissue Heat Hardiness of Cool Season Turfgrasses Tall Fescue, Creeping Bent Kentucky Bluegrass Fine Fescues Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass Low Temperature Stress Direct stress: when the liquid inside the cell freezes. Cells may rupture, proteins denature. Depends on level of tissue hydration Prevent by correcting compacted soils Avoid excessive fall nitrogen Maintain adequate potassium, phosphorus Minimize thatch accumulation Cold Tolerance of WS Turfgrasses Zoysiagrass, Buffalograss Bermudagrass Bahiagrass Centipedegrass St. Augustinegrass Aerial Components CO2 and O2 are important in the plant and in the soil. Low levels of CO2 in the plant will limit photosynthesis. Low levels of O2 in the soil limit root respiration and thus root function. When does soil O2 become a problem? When soils are warm and microbial respiration is high During flooding or ponding When surface is sealed, diffusion is low Wind Evaporative cooling Increases ET, evapotranspiration Enhances CO2 exchange. How? Wind-blown sand as abrasive Deposits soil, sand, snow, seeds, pollen, spores Sources/Forms of Water Precipitation Irrigation Dew and guttation Gaseous - Relative Humidity Dew and Guttation Dew is condensation caused by differences in temperature between air and a surface. How does this happen in turf? Guttation occurs when the plant absorbs more water from the soil than it loses through the stomates. The excess is exuded through cut leaf ends or through special pores called hydathodes, at the leaf tips Guttation Occurs at night, shortly after fertilizing with soluble N fertilizers and with frequent irrigation Liquid contains sugars, salts, amino acids, a perfect growth medium for pathogens Guttation is removed to reduce disease and to improve mowing quality, reduce clippings from clumping Relative Humidity Can influence night temperature. High humidity reduces long wave reradiation, which keeps surfaces warmer. Desert turf cools off at night due to low humidity, permits CS turf to be grown in very hot climates. Controls the amount of dew Partly controls evaporative cooling