Ömer Fatih Eser

Kentsel Tasarıma genç bakışlar sempozyumu
young visions on Urban Design symposium
Author 1*, Author 2**
*İstanbul Technical University,MSc in Urban Design, ** İstanbul Technical University, Department of Architecture
The rock occurrences in different places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration processes occurred by external and internal
conditions. These factors affect rocks by changing their physical, chemical, mineralogical, petrographical, mechanical and elastic
properties. In this study, the numerical definition of these changes on rock body have been tried to be obtained. As the fact of that,
the numerical definitions of these changes on the rock body under the control of the internal and external factors which will be more
efficient than those of the verbal ones. In this study was applied in Tuzla geothermal area of 70 km 2 placed in Çanakkale. And the
results were obtained by using physical properties which were taken from rock samples picked up from the investigation area and
image analysis data which were taken from thin section of the rock specimens. The image analysis data which exhibits the rock
specimens’ conditions represents the all phenomena that rock has them. The rock occurrences in different places in the world exhibit
weathering-alteration processes occurred by external and internal conditions.The results were obtained by using physical properties
which were taken from rock samples picked up from the investigation area and image analysis data which were taken from thin
section of the rock specimens. The image analysis data which exhibits the rock specimens’ conditions represents the all phenomena
that rock has them. The rock occurrences in different places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration processes occurred by
external and internal conditions.
Keywords: 3-5 words
1. Introduction
In this study, the numerical definition of these
changes on rock body have been tried to be
obtained. As the fact of that, the numerical
definitions of these changes on the rock body under
the control of the internal and external factors which
will be more efficient than those of the verbal ones.
In this study was applied in Tuzla geothermal area of
70 km2 placed in Çanakkale. And the results were
obtained by using physical properties which were
taken from rock samples picked up from the
investigation area and image analysis data which
were taken from thin section of the rock specimens.
The image analysis data which exhibits the rock
specimens’ conditions represents the all phenomena
that rock has them. The rock occurrences in different
places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration
processes occurred by external and internal
conditions [1].
Yazışmaların yapılacağı yazar: Author 1. isim@itu.edu.tr; Tel: (000) 000 00 00 .
Bu makale, birinci yazar tarafından İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Disiplinler arası Kentsel Tasarım Yüksek Lisans
Programında tamamlanmış olan "…." adlı yüksek lisans tezinden hazırlanmıştır.
O. A. Arıkan, İ. Öztürk
3. Effect of organic municipal solid waste
addition on wastewater treatment plant sludge
The image analysis data which exhibits the rock
specimens’ conditions represents the all phenomena
that rock has them. The rock occurrences in different
places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration
processes occurred by external and internal
conditions. These factors affect rocks by changing
petrographical, mechanical and elastic properties. In
this study, the numerical definition of these changes
on rock body have been tried to be obtained [3].
Moreover, the area identification of the rock changes
at every target zone or formation was determined by
using the physical properties and the image analysis
values. The rock alteration values’ changes between
the zero and one shows that the sequence of light
and heavy changes of the rock specimens. The rock
occurrences in different places in the world exhibit
weathering-alteration processes occurred by external
and internal conditions. These factors affect rocks by
changing their physical, chemical, mineralogical,
petrographical, mechanical and elastic properties. In
this study, the numerical definition of these changes
on rock body have been tried to be obtained. As the
fact of that, the numerical definitions of these
changes on the rock body under the control of the
internal and external factors which will be more
efficient than those of the verbal ones. In this study
was applied in Tuzla geothermal area of 70 km2
placed in Çanakkale. The rock occurrences in
different places in the world exhibit weatheringalteration processes occurred by external and
internal conditions.
Pi(xi,yi) coordinate. Moreover, the area identification
of the rock changes at every target zone or formation
Table 1. Composition of solid waste
Solid waste composition
% 100 mud AAT
% 67 mud AAT
% 33 organic waste
The image analysis data which exhibits the rock
specimens’ conditions represents the all phenomena
that rock has them. The rock occurrences in different
places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration
processes occurred by external and internal
conditions. These factors affect rocks by changing
petrographical, mechanical and elastic properties. In
this study, the numerical definition of these changes
on rock body have been tried to be obtained [2].
was determined by using the physical properties and
the image analysis values. The rock alteration
values’ changes between the zero and one shows
that the sequence of light and heavy changes of the
rock specimens. The rock occurrences in different
places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration
processes occurred by external and internal
conditions. These factors affect rocks by changing
petrographical, mechanical and elastic properties. In
this study, the numerical definition of these changes
on rock body have been tried to be obtained. As the
fact of that, the numerical definitions of these
changes on the rock body under the control of the
internal and external factors which will be more
efficient than those of the verbal ones. he rock
occurrences in different places in the world exhibit
weathering-alteration processes occurred by external
and internal conditions (See Table 1).
Sıcaklık, C
2. The aim and the scope of the research
Zaman, gün
Figure 1: Change of temperature in reactors
Author 1, Research Assistant, İstanbul Technical University,
He Studied architecture at Istanbul Technical University. He
received his MSc degree in 1995 from ITU Faculty of
Engineering. He started to work as assistant professor in 2003 in
the same faculty. He has been a visiting scholar at University of
Newcastle upon Tyne, CARDO, UK in 1995 and at The Bartlett
School of Graduate Studies in 2000 and in 2004/2005 academic
year. He has involved in a number of research projects.
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