- Photonics21

Buildings in general are designed to last 50 years or more. Hence this places an ever greater
demand on OPV products that exhibit lifetimes in the range of decades. Thus, the life-time issues
mentioned above are even more important here than for a typical large area PV installation, where
OPV competes with inorganic flat-plate PV with performance warrantees of >20 years. An
interesting approach to extending the lifetime of OPV products is via luminescent down-shifting
(LDS), whereby luminescent materials are integrated into an overlying polymeric layer. This layer
can serve three purposes:
enhance the efficiency of the underlying OPV device by “shifting” poorly utilised uv/blue
photons to regions where the OPV device exhibits a high quantum efficiency;
protect the underlying device from the more harmful high-energy photons; and
the luminescence process can also be tuned to optimise the colour of the devices, and hence
enable coloured products for BIPV, automotive use, etc.
The flexibility and semi-transparency of OPV makes it’s the #1 technology
I do not think this statement can be justified and would contest that it is not supportable against
similar claims made by proponents of transition metal xide semiconductors, perovskite and other
solution enabled materials, nor even against the claims made for conventional thin-film solar such as
a-Si, CGS etceteras. A clearer statement of USP is required herein.
The expert speaker, Thibaud Le Seguillon, who introduced the OPV topic during the workshop
replied as follws on this comment: “We still believe that transparency and flexibility is a key
differentiator for OPV. Companies like AGC, which choose to cooperate with Heliatek, have reached
the same conclusion. The only other mature semi-transparent technology is a-Si, which comes in a
reddish, not very attractive, colour. Furthermore companies offering flexible a-Si have all but
disappeared. Perovksite is still in its infancy, and while it can be transparent, we do not know of any
companies which currently offer it on flexible substrate. Flexible CIGS is not transparent. The
transparency of OPV is tuneable (from opaque to 40 or 50% transmission light), and comes in
attractive green, blue or grey colours. Therefore, we will stand by the statement that the flexibility
and semi-transparency of OPV makes it’s the #1 technology …”
Organic Image sensors
huge work done both at university , research centre and many at industrial level. Which are
targeting wide market segments and very concrete business cases:
visible image sensor : with excellent recent results from PLL and ISORG awarded both at
Flextech 2014 and 1st April 2014 the Product Development award of Printed Electronic berlin 2014)
X ray imaging for medical , biometric, security … ( Trixell, Philips, Siemens, ISORG, NIKKOIA Imec, TNO, CEA, PARC
You will find illustrations of applications and markets for printed optical sensors in the following
document :
http://ubuntuone.com/5qi5y9Iy4wZh82vsBrXCcV : Medical, industry 4.0 and consumer electronics.
We have also started developments for optical sensor in display for 3D interactive display :
see video http://ubuntuone.com/2rgj7wgoBbtZk9ZoTSai2u
and video of first image sensor on plastic:
http://ubuntuone.com/3COOQfFWtsoK60oK2B0b1M (viewed more than 3 000 times on
Is this the only displays action in Horizon2020? This seems very narrow given the European market
for smart signage, smart labels, media façade of buildings, in-windows displays etcetera… I note that
there is even a new LCD display line in Europe, for signage… has no one from these industries been
encouraged to participate?
Plastic and Printed Electronics
It must be kept in sight that this is an Organic AND Large Area Electronics Platform not focused on
organic materials and not the mechanistic target for supporting individual business interests.
I would recommend that some research into the role played by pipes and other dislocation in Auger
processes and mechanisms to reduce thermal droop and inhibited power from single die. This is a
pure physics topic of high relevance and able to sustain European leadership in the ongoing
emergence of III-V and II-VI growth and epitaxial process development of LED and laser devices.
My feeling is that EU is not enough competitive with respect to the research programs of other
countries in terms of development of LED component and systems.
Several issues - at material and device level- must be solved before the performance of LEDs can be
sufficient to guarantee a good market penetration (currently around 11%!). More specifically: the
performance of LEDs is still limited by a number of issues, including the efficiency droop (decrease in
efficiency at high current levels), and the quenching of the luminescence at high temperatures.
These factors may reduce the efficiency by more than 40 % (wrt the nominal values), when LEDs are
operated at high current/temperature levels. Moreover, operation at high temperature/current
(which is necessary to reduce the costs of the luminaires and of the heat sinks) can significantly
accelerate the degradation. These issues must be solved (through research at material and device
level) before LEDs can significantly penetrate the market.
These topics are very important: other countries (e.g. the US with the DOE program on Solid-state
lighting) are defining roadmaps for the development of high efficiency LEDs; similar initiatives (and
related funded projects) would be necessary also in EU.
Innovation Action
User centred design in order to investigate new needs, latent desires and possible new applications
of lighting. In this regard the following topics will be instrumental:
Balancing user control versus autonomous lighting systems
Open systems for lighting connected to the IoT
The wide diffusion of intelligent LED systems requires not only new approaches to R&D, but also new
approaches to manufacturing and innovative ways addressing distribution and sales. Standardization
and rapid and flexible manufacturing are required in order to cope with the market needs. Lighting
products will become integrated with other systems as part of an overall experience, i.e. lighting as a
service. This service offer should span the entire product life cycle, resulting in improved
sustainability of the offer and a superior service to the user. In particular, the SSL system would
allow for replacing and reconditions the hardware components, while the software components
should become upgradable. This system upgradability should be supported by new business models,
i.e.: pay per use, leasing or renting.
Research Action
Tweaking the spectral power distribution to the specific needs of the application is still largely
unexplored territory. Reliable engineered high quality lighting spectra could result in:
Better colour rendering in the GDO, fashion and retail sectors
Circadian light for humans
Photo-biological growth stimulation for plants
Cetemmsa would like to see some research actions in the field since only innovation is described. In
this sense, we believe that further research in alternative OLED architectures, with demonstrated
proof-of-concept, is needed so they can develop from TRL 3 or 4 to TRL 5 or 6.
In order to support the envisioned innovation action it is recommended to organize a series of
workshops led by OLED experts in order to develop advantageous application scenarios. Students,
lighting engineers and designers, sociologist and architects should be invited to participate in these