Overcoming Barriers to Blessings: A Religious Text

John 11:39-44
The incident under consideration is very familiar – the death and the resurrection of Lazarus.
The Lord’s willingness to raise Lazarus from the grave is beyond any doubt. He went to Bethany to do this
despite the risk attendant upon His life (John 11:7-16). The Lord got to the grave of Lazarus and saw where
he was laid (John 11:17,34,38).
The Lord’s compassion for the dead and the grieving family members was beyond any doubt as well. Even
outsiders could see this vividly (John 11:34-36).
The Lord’s power to raise Lazarus from the dead was beyond any question for He Himself is the
resurrection and the life (John 11:21-25,32).
Yet there were visible and invisible stones that would have prevented the miracle despite the Lord’s
willingness, compassion and power.
There was the physical, visible stone that lay in the mouth of the tomb that needed to be removed before the
miracle can happen (John 11:38,39). There was also the spiritual, invisible stone of unbelief that was in the
hearts of the family members that needed to be rolled away before the resurrection could be a reality (John
Psalm 66:18; John 9:31; Isaiah 59:1,2; Matthew 17:19,20; Mark 11:22-24; James 1:5-8; 5:7,11; Hebrews
6:12; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
Just as the physical, visible stone in the entrance of the tomb as well as the spiritual, invisible stone of
unbelief in the hearts of family members were removed before the miracle of resurrection could take place,
so also must we remove every blockage operating at the edge of our miracles.
Lazarus cannot be raised up from the dead whilst the physical stone remained on the doorway to the tomb
and the spiritual stone remained in the heart of the family members.
For us as well, every stone and blockage must be rolled or cleared away before any blessing can come.
Some things that can serve as blockages to breakthroughs include:
(1) Sin
Sin will always serve as a blockage to answered prayer and breakthrough (Psalm 66:18). God heareth not
sinners (who refuse to repent) (John 9:31). Righteousness opens the door to blessings (1 John 3:22). It is sin
that can shut off divine help from us (Isaiah 59:1,2). The wages and reward of sin are always death,
destruction and curse (Romans 6:23; Deuteronomy 28:15-68).
(2) Doubt and unbelief
Doubt and unbelief will always be blockages to breakthroughs (Matthew 17:19,20; 21:22; James 1:5-8;
Mark 9:23; 11:22-24).
(3) Impatience
We must be followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12). The
farmer who sows seeds but is too impatient to wait for the former and the latter rain will never have an
harvest. He will never see results (James 5:7,11).
(4) Demonic opposition
The Prince of Persia might block Daniel’s blessings from coming to him (Daniel 10:12-14,20). Satan can
withstand Joshua the High Priest (Zechariah 3:1-4). However, we are under a better covenant and we have
weapons of warfare that are not carnal but mighty through God and we can use this to pull down every
satanic stronghold, demonic opposition and hindrance (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
Luke 1:37; Psalm 46:1-3,5,11; 37:5,7; 55:22; Mark 1:40-42; 11:22-24; 1 Peter 5:7; Hebrews 10:35; 4:15,16;
Matthew 17:20; James 5:13-18.
Once the stone(s) have been taken away, the way is open for a miracle, the path is cleared for a
breakthrough, the ground is prepared for the showers of blessing and the family is prepared for a divine
visitation. We can then build bridges that will take us to blessings of God and bring forth the anticipated
provision and breakthroughs.
(1) Confidence in God’s ability to help us
With God all things are possible (Luke 1:37). There is nothing too hard for the Lord (Genesis 18:14;
Numbers 11:23; Jeremiah 32:17). Never cast away your confidence of faith which has a great recompense of
reward (Hebrews 10:35). The Lord is a very present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3,11).
(2) Trust in the Lord’s willingness and compassion
Cast your cares and burdens upon the Lord for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). He will sustain and help you.
He will not allow you to be moved (Psalm 55:22; 46:5). He can be touched with the feelings of your
infirmity. His compassion will reach out to bless you (Hebrews 4:15,16; Mark 1:40-42; Psalm 37:5,7).
(3) Prayer of faith and authority
The prayer of faith will bring healing and deliverance (James 5:13-18; Mark 11:22-24). We can say to the
mountain to be cast into the sea (Matthew 17:20).
(1) I repent of every sin, iniquity and transgression that shuts off God’s help and stands in the way of my
blessing (Isaiah 59:1,2).
(2) I command every stone of doubt and unbelief that will hinder my blessing to be rolled away from my
life in Jesus’ name (John 11:38,39).
(3) I pull down every satanic stronghold against my spiritual, physical, financial and emotional
breakthrough. I command them to be demolished in Jesus’ name (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
(4) I decree that every dead and lifeless area of my life come forth to life like Lazarus came forth in Jesus’
name (John 11:43,44).
(5) I pray that the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that raised Lazarus from the dead will quicken
my spirit, soul and body unto righteousness (John 11:44).
(6) Let the resurrection life and power of the Lord be made a reality in every area of my life (John 11:25).
(7) I command that my long awaited blessings (name them specifically) will flow through to me now in the
name of Jesus (Mark 11:22-24).
(8) I speak unto every mountain in my life to be removed and cast into the sea right now in the name of
Jesus (Matthew 17:20).
(9) I thank God because He has heard the voice of my supplication. Let His mighty name be always praised
and exalted in Jesus’ name (Psalm 107:1-30; 103:1-5).