REAGENTS Agar (500 g; Fisher Cat.# S70213) GenePure LE Agarose (ISC Bioexpress Cat.# E-3120-500) AvrII (NEB Cat.# R0174S) BamHI (NEB Cat.# R0136S) BglII (NEB Cat.# R0144S) Gatway LR Clonase II Enzyme Mix (Invitrogen Cat.# 11791-020) DAPI (Fisher Cat.# ICN15757401) 1 mm Electroporation cuvettes (Fisher Cat.# BTX610) 2 mm Electroporation cuvettes (Fisher Cat.# BTX620) pENTR/D-TOPO lit with TOP10F (20 rxn.; Invitrogen Cat.# K2400-20) GoTaq Green Master Mix (Promega Cat.# M7122) HindIII (NEB Cat.# R0104S) KpnI (NEB Cat.# R0142S) 1 kb Ladder (NEB cat.#N3232S) T4 DNA Ligase (NEB Cat.# M0202S) Montage PCR Single Sample PCR Cleanup (Millipore Cat.# UFC7PCR50) NheI (NEB Cat.# R0131S) NotI (NEB Cat.# R0189S) 100 mM dNTP set (10µmol each; Promega Cat.# U1330) Paclitaxel (5 mg Fisher Cat.# ICN19353205; 25 mg Fisher Cat.# ICN19353225) Paromomycin Sulfate (Sigma Cat.# P5057-5G) PCR Cloning Kit (QIAGEN Cat.# 231222 or 231122-without cells) 0.2-mL Flat Top PCR Tubes (1000/bag; BIO-RAD Cat.# TFI-0201) Pen/Strep/fungizone (Fisher Cat.# SV3007901) Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase (100U; NEB Cat.#F-530S)Proteose Peptone (500g, Fisher Cat.# DF0122-17-4) TopTaq DNA Pol. (250U; QIAGEN cat.#200203) QIAEX II Gel Extraction Kit (QIAGEN Cat.# 20021) QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (50 ct; Qiaprep Cat.# 27104) AMV Reverse Transcriptase (Promega Cat.#M5101) RNase Inhibitor (NEB Cat.#M0307S) SalI (NEB Cat.# R0138S) SacI (NEB Cat.# R0156S)Sodium Acetate (Fisher Cat.# S209-500) SpeI (NEB Cat.# R0133S) Freezer Storage Boxes (12 ct, Fisher Cat.#11-678-24A & 11-678-24CDividers). Tris Base (Fisher Cat.# BP152-1) Wooden Stick Applicators (Fisher Cat.# 19086333) XbaI (NEB Cat.# R0145S) XhoI (NEB Cat.# R0146S) Yeast Extract (Fisher Cat.# DF0127-17-9) COMMON RECIPES Ampicillin Stock Prepare stock at 100 mg/ml (5.0g ampicillin sodium salt to 50ml in dH2O). Filter sterilize, prepare 5ml aliquots in sterile falcon polypropylene tubes, # each tube in series. 0.5 M HEPES stock pH7.5 For 100 ml, weigh out 13.01g and add to 75 ml dH2O, adjust pH w/ 12N HCl. Bring to volume. Filter sterilize. Store on bench. When making working solution (ie 10mM), this must be autoclaved before using w/ Tetrahymena. Stock IPTG (200mg/ml or 0.8M) Dissolve 2 grams of IPTG in 8 ml autoclaved water. Adjust volume to 10 ml with autoclaved water and filter sterilize using 0.2µm filter. Aliquot into 1.5 ml tubes and store at -20C Kanamycin Stock Prepare stock at 50 mg/mL (2.5g ampicillin sodium salt to 50ml in dH2O). Filter sterilize, prepare 5ml aliquots in sterile falcon polypropylene tubes, # each tube in series. LB Media Broth: 10g/l bacto-tryptone 5g/l Yeast Extract 10g/l NaCl ForPlates: -add 15 g bacto-agar To 2 liter flask, add one 950 mL dH2O, mix solution, Then bring up to 1 liter. Make foil cap, mark with autoclave tape, autoclave for 30-45 mins. on liquid cycle. 10 mM dNTPs Add 10 µL of each dNTP (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP) together then add 60 µL of RNase/DNase free water. Then aliquot 10 µL to 0.5-mL tubes and freeze at -20°C. 2% PPYS 20.0 g Proteose peptone 2.0 g Yeast extract 30.0 mg Sequestrine 20% PPYS (frozen stock) 200g Proteose peptone 20 g Yeast extract 0.3 g Sequestrine Bring to 1 L. Add the solids with the water stirring vigoursly. Spin at 7000 for 20 minutes. Store frozen (-20 C) in 200 ml aliquots. SOB media To 950 mL of deionized H2O add: 20 g Tryptone 0.5 g Yeast Extract 0.5 g NaCl Then stir until dissolved. Add 2.5 mL of 1 M KCl and adjust pH to 7.0 with 5 N NaOH (~0.2 mL). Then bring volume up to 1.0 L and sterile by autoclaving. Just before use add MgCl2 (5 mL/1 Liter or 50 µL/10 mL). Note: Add 5ml 2M MgCl2 / 1 L SOB just before use. SOC Media Same as SOB media but just before use after autoclaving add 40% Glucose to final concentration of 0.4 % (10 mL/ 1 liter or 100µL/ 10 mL) when adding MgCl2 (5 mL/1 Liter or 50 µL/10 mL). If you do not use all of the media it can be stored at -20°C. Sucrose Lysis Buffer for miniprep (50ml) [Stock] amount [final] sucrose 4g 8% Triton x-100 0.25ml 0.5% (very viscous, weigh out) 0.5M EDTA 5.0ml 50mM 1M Tris pH8.0 0.5ml 10mM H20 enough to make 50ml TAE 50x Gel Buffer For 1 liter 242.0 g Tris Base 57.1 ml Glacial Acetic Acid 100.0 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0 Fill to volume with ddH20. TBE (5x) Gel Buffer For 2 liters 108 g Tris Base (Trizma) 54 g Boric Acid 20 ml O.5M EDTA ph 8.0 final (5x) concentration 0.45M 0.45M 0.01M Fill to volume with ddH20. (pH ~ 8.3) TE (Tris-EDTA pH 8) 10mM Tris pH 8.0 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0 500 µl 1M Tris pH 8.0 + 100 µl 0.5M EDTA + 49.4 ml water/ Make 50 mls (or less) and store in a 50 ml Corning tube on bench. Stock X-gal (20mg/ml) Dissolve 200mg X-gal in 10 ml of dimethylformamide, than aliquot into 1.5 ml tubes and wrap in foil to prevent damage by light and store at -20C.