Trinity United Church Ministers: The Whole Congregation Rev. Dr. John Moses - Worship, Administration and Pastoral Care Rev. Greg Davis - Christian Development, Community Building and Pastoral Care Mr. Donald Fraser - Organist and Choir Director Web Page: E-mail: Phone: 902-892-4114 Office Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:30 am - 3 pm Order of Service September 20, 2015 – 10:30 am Second Sunday of Creation * denotes standing (please stand if able) Nursery Service Available Prelude: "All Glory Be To God On High" (Pachelbel) Words of Welcome Life and Work of the Church Introit: “Let Us Build a House” (Hymn#1 More Voices, v.1) Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive. Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; here the love of Christ shall end divisions: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place! Entry of Bible and Christ Candle: Sarah & Kate Scantlebury Call to Worship: People of God, look around you! Look and see what God has made— your sisters and brothers.... creations of beauty! The birds of the air, the fish of the sea... creations of joy! Every star, every planet, every atom, every quark... 1 creations of love! As part of this love-given, joy-filled, beautiful creation, let us give thanks to God who gives us life and holds us in being. Alleluia! Alleluia! ALLELUIA! [Adapted from a Call to Worship by Richard Bott, St. Andrew’s U.C., Maple ridge, B.C. Gathering, Pentecost 2, 2015, p.24. Used with permission] *Hymn #30 (MV) “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker” Prayer of Approach: God, we are still trying to learn how to live in this world you have given us. Very often, we get it wrong. We grab and jostle and try to elbow our way to the head of the line. We are afraid that there will not be enough for everyone, so we have to get our share —and more than our share. Help us become more like Jesus who came among us as one who serves; who had no home to call his own, and yet welcomed everyone; who laid down his life rather than take life. Teach us to walk, day by day, in this good path. Amen. *Hymn #661 “Come to My Heart” (v.1-2) Children at the Front of the Church The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn #661 “Come to My Heart” (v.3) Responsive Psalm 1, p.724 (Please join in singing the refrain.) Epistle: James 3: 13-4:3, 7-8a Anthem: "Rejoice, O Land" (Willan) Gospel: St. Mark 9:30-37 Sermon: Can We Live the Welcome? (The Rev. Dr. John Moses) *Hymn #31 “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You” Pastoral Prayer Led by Joan Smith Stewardship Second: Each time we welcome any of God's children, we welcome Christ in our midst. Offering Offertory: "Hark! A Voice Saith, All Are Mortal" (J.S. Bach) Presentation of Offering: Hymn #191 (More Voices) “What Can I Do?” (2x) What Can I do? What Can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing? I’ll sing with joy, I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. Prayer of Dedication: You have welcomed us, God; your love has embraced us, not caring how important we are, not caring how unimportant we feel. May these gifts be used to pass the welcome on. We pray in the name of Jesus in whom you came to us. Amen. *Hymn #145 (MV) “Draw the Circle Wide” Commissioning and Benediction Dismissal: Hymn #298 “When You Walk from Here” When you walk from here, when you walk from here, walk with justice, walk with mercy, and with God's humble care. (2X) Postlude: "Abide With Us, Lord Jesu" (Walther) Ushers: 3 Head Usher: Ken MacDonald North Side: Velda Ward, Vicki AllenCook, Chris Cook South Side: Kira Duckworth, Jim & Lynn Clements Balcony: David Younker Announcements Sympathies of the congregation are extended to Bernice Bell on the death of her husband, Claude. Today's bulletins are in loving memory of Ian W. Taylor and Joseph H. Taylor, presented by the family. Happy Birthday to Debby Floyd on Sept. 22. Happy 58th Wedding Anniversary to Howard and Florence Murray on Sept. 25. 9th Charlottetown Trinity Beaver Colony will have their weekly meeting on Thursdays from 6 to 7 pm. The Colony continues to grow so we are in need of additional Leaders to deliver the weekly program. For more information contact Confirmation 2016: Youth grades 9 and up wishing to be confirmed in May 2016 are invited to contact Greg Davis. The confirmation program will begin in January and continue through to May. Greg’s contact info: School Supplies Needed: Can you help? Our UCW Faith in Action Committee, in conversation with the Salvation Army, has learned that there is a real need for all school supplies, especially new or gently used backpacks. Please place your donations in the food bank baskets or bring them to our office. Thank you in advance. Prince Street Breakfast Program: “Give a person a fish, and you feed her for a day; show her how to catch fish, and you feed her for a lifetime.” When you share support for the Prince Street Breakfast Program, you are investing in a child’s future. The food they receive nourishes their body, which in turn fuels their brains to learn! A little act of caring goes a long way, it will make a difference in the life of a child! Sobeys gift cards and your volunteer help are always appreciated. Discernment Committee meets on Mon., Sept. 21 at 6:30 pm and Mon., Sept. 28 at 6 pm. Sherwood UCW meets on Tues., Sept. 22 at 10 am in the parlour. Church Council meets on Tues., Sept. 22 at 7 pm in the Chapel. All Committee Chairs are asked to attend. Final Congregational Workshop - "Discerning Our Future" October 8: The Discernment Committee has held two congregational workshops on "Where We Want To Go" after having met with all the standing committees of Trinity Clifton to find out "Where We are Now". We have attended and held more than 40 meetings to date and have received a lot of input during the summer. A THIRD AND FINAL congregational workshop will be held at Trinity on Thurs., Oct. 8 from 6:30 until 9 pm. It will be facilitated by Lori MacKay and Steve Dowling and supported by all Discernment Committee members. The meeting will be lively and informative. We need to hear your voice! Please come and share what is important to you in your church. We would be grateful if you'd let Ellen know if you are coming: 902892-4114 or by email at It helps our planning. To All Parents of Sunday School-aged children (ages 3 - 18): The Discernment Committee would like to meet with all parents of children aged 3 - 18 for a brief meeting at the front of the church immediately after the service on Sun., Oct. 4 to gather input about current and potential Sunday School programming. Capital/Roof Campaign: To date, $86,245 has been given or pledged for our ongoing project. Thank you for your support. Progress report on our Journey to becoming an Affirming Congregation: The Affirm Committee has been meeting throughout the summer months, working on the draft of an Action Plan. We have consulted with several members of the LGBTQ community to get outside input. The notice in the bulletin requesting the participation of other interested persons in the congregation did have a positive result. We were contacted by one person who worships with us during the summer. She had some helpful comments on the action plan and in general on what we are trying to accomplish, and asked 5 to be kept informed of our progress. Our plan is to have the Draft Action Plan ready to present to the Affirm Study Group at a meeting on October 3rd. After the suggestions from that group are incorporated into the plan, it will go to Council and to Affirm Canada for approval. If those approvals are forthcoming, it will be presented to a congregational meeting in November. Again, if approved, we hope to hold a special service early in the new year at which our Affirm Status will be celebrated. This then will mark the beginning of the next phase of the process as the congregation begins implementation of the Action Plan UCW Catering Policy: At a recent general meeting of Trinity UCW it was passed that, effective immediately, UCW catering will be limited to funeral receptions only. This service will be provided to church members and adherents, when requested, and on such occasions the families will be advised that a donation to the UCW would be greatly appreciated. Trinity Choir: We welcome new members to the choir at any time of year. Now is a great time to join! Speak to me or any of the choir members if you are interested. The choir is great fun and usually gets to Razzy's Roadhouse at least once a year. - Don Fraser Trinity Events The first Supper Club meeting of the fall will be held on Tues., Oct. 6, at 5:30 pm. The speakers will be Majors Glenda and Daniel Roode, the new Salvation Army officers in town. Cost of the meal is $10. Everyone is welcome. Special Youth BBQ on Fri., Sept. 25 from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. The Discernment Committee would like to meet with all youth ages 14 18. Come and share special food, activities and music. We want to know what you would like to see at your church. There will be a special guest, Rev. Keith Gale from Nova Scotia and fabulous food! This will be held at the home of Martha Deacon, 69 Upper Prince. RSVP - 902-368-7102 to Martha or to Logan Duckworth ( or to Coulton Duckworth ( Christmas Fair Craft Sessions: Helpers needed! It's that time again when we start to create items for sale in the craft room at the Christmas Fair. We have good craft instructors in Vicki AllenCook and Monica Macdonald so you need not be the creative type to join in the fun, you just need to be willing to follow simple instructions. Many hands make light work so the more people, the merrier. Following are the dates set for the sessions held from 7 to 9 pm the evenings of Wednesday, Sept 23; Tuesday, Sept 29; Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20 and 27; Tuesdays November 3 and 10. Why not consider joining us for a couple hours of fun? Gala Dinner - Sept. 26: Four tickets are available. Please contact Ellen at 892-4114. If you have ordered tickets, please pick them up. The silent auction team wants to thank you for your enthusiastic response to our auction. We appreciate your generosity. No further items are now needed. Looking forward to a great evening Sat., Sept. 26. See you there! Welcome-Back Corn Boil: Everyone is welcome to “rub shoulders and eat corn!” The Trinity welcome-back corn boil will take place after church today from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. All are welcome --- bring a friend! United Church Events Fall Concert: Church fundraiser concert featuring Tim Archer & Friends will be at the Park Royal United Church, Sun., Sept. 27 at 7 pm. Many musicians from across PEI will be there to perform the songs from Tim Archer's new gospel CD "Where No One Stands Alone". General admission $20. A portion of the proceeds will be going to the local community programs funded by the church. Children 12 years and under are admitted free. Drumming Workshop: Looking for a way to spice up your worship services, to add a new dimension to your music program, to relieve stress, and have some fun? Come to Park Royal United Church on Sat., Oct. 3 at 9:30 am for an African drumming workshop. (Drums will be provided for those who don't have one.) Clinician will be Chris Kennedy, a nationally known djembe expert and owner of The GoatWorks in Halifax, NS. Cost for the workshop is $30. To register, please contact Valerie - registration deadline is September 25. Space is limited so please sign up early to avoid disappointment. 7 Ten Thousand Villages Sale: Coming to Park Royal Church on Fri., Sept. 25 from 11 am - 8 pm and Sat., Sept. 26 from 10 am - 4 pm. Come find that unique handcrafted gift and support artisans from developing countries. This event was a huge success last year and we're anticipating another successful sale this year. Thanks for your support. For more information, please call Donna at 902-894-9656. or email Spring Park United Church Gala Dinner: This dinner will take place on Oct. 24 and only 130 dinner tickets will be sold. Tickets will cost $40 each. The Evening will include musical entertainment, a three-course dinner catered by Chef Emily Wells, a live and silent auction, and men from the congregation will act as hosts and refreshment servers. Reserve your table of 6 now with actual tickets available in September. For reservations contact Jerry Ivany at: or 902-892-7807. Community Events Gospel Unity, in concert on Wed., Sept. 23 at 7:30 pm at St. Paul’s Anlican, the corner of Church and Grafton Street. The concert is free with a collection at the door. This choir from Bockenem, Germany is touring Eastern Canada. The repertoire includes traditional and international gospel music and spirituals with powerful themes and positive messages. For info call 902-892-1691. The Confederation Centre Youth Chorus and the Confederation Singers have openings for new members. Registration for both choirs will take place until mid-October. Members of the choirs enjoy participation in Mainstage concerts, Island community concerts, and travel. Please phone 628-6144 for further information. Adults are encouraged to join the Confederation Singers. The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada will be having a yard sale on Sat., Sept. 26 at the Upstreet Brewery parking lot from 10am – 2pm, with all proceeds made from the sale going to help support refugees. They are looking for yard sale items that you might have to donate to the event (except clothes), and if so, please contact Etta Esler at the PEI ANC at (902)628-6009, or by email at to drop off the items before Sat., Sept. 26. PEI UCW Presbyterial Fall Workshop at Camp Abegweit on Sat., Sept. 26. Registration 9- 9:45 am, lunch $12.00. Theme " Healing Self, Healing World". All ladies welcome. The PEI 100th year CGIT Celebration will be held on Oct. 3 at Trinity United Church in Summerside. The day will begin with Registration/Meet and Greet at 11 am and end with Taps at 4 pm. Please bring a small lunch to share. We will need volunteers to – play the piano, lead a sing-song, do registration, and take part in the worship service. We hope you will bring written memories, skits, and memorabilia. The deadline for registration is Sept. 25. For more information or registration you may contact Joyce Bridges at or 902-436-3818. Public Forum on Water: Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians and a former Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly, and a leader in the campaign to have water recognized as a human right by the UN, will be the keynote speaker at a Public Forum on Water on Tues., Sept. 22 at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel beginning at 7 pm. The Forum will address water as a human right, the PEI water act, corporate interests in PEI's ground water, and the impact of high capacity deep water wells on PEI's ground water and agriculture. Also speaking will be Tracy Glynn, forestry campaigner with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick; Steven MacKinnon, PEI farmer and district director of the National Farmers Union; and Catherine O'Brien, chair of the Coalition for the Protection of PEI Water. The Forum is free and open to the public. 9 11