CPD150 Sample Syllabus

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Fall 2014
Paradise Valley Community College
CPD150 -Class #: Strategies for College Success
Class Dates -, Room:
Welcome! Our goal in this course is to offer you one of the most valuable learning
experiences of your life. Your full cooperation is needed to make it work!
NOTE: This class counts as an elective for PVCC degrees and transfers to all major
Arizona universities.
Phone Counseling Dept. (602) 787-6540
Course Description: Focus on increasing student success through college orientation and
personal growth, study skills development, and educational and career planning.
Prerequisites: None
Review Course Competencies - http://www.maricopa.edu/curriculum/A-C/976cpd150.html
MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
Identify and describe campus student support resources.
Identify and apply time-management strategies.
Identify and apply goal-setting strategies.
Identify preferred learning style and describe its relationship teaching and
learning strategies
Identify and utilize interpersonal communication skills.
Identify and utilize strategies to organize study materials.
Identify and utilize note-taking strategies.
Identify and utilize textbook, academic, and classroom strategies.
Identify and utilize test-taking strategies.
Identify and utilize strategies to improve memory.
Identify and utilize strategies for critical and creative thinking.
Describe the process of educational and career planning.
Describe current occupational trends and outlooks.
Utilize career-planning resources.
Develop an education plan.
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Required Textbook for CPD 150 available at the PVCC bookstore: On Course: Strategies
for College Success by Skip Downing. You are required to bring your book to class each
Required Materials: Paper, pen/pencil, 3-ring notebook with pockets (1 inch width, minimum,
with section dividers)
Note about this document: A printed copy of this syllabus has been handed out and should be
incorporated into the Journal Notebook. The printed version obviously does not allow
hyperlinks to function so you should also access it through Canvas.
Canvas Site: http://www.pvc.maricopa.edu - select Canvas link on the top of the page
Required Communication: All students must use their Maricopa email to receive
communications from instructors. Emails will not be sent to personal email addresses.
To find out your Maricopa email go to: https://google.maricopa.edu/
Your Maricopa (gmail) email address will be automatically directed into Canvas and is your
college account (go to http://www.maricopa.edu/google/ to sign in to your account).
You are responsible for checking this email address daily for college and course business.
NOTE: This syllabus is subject to instructor change.
Course Objectives – In this course you will learn how to…
1. Take charge of your life. You will learn how to take greater personal responsibility,
therein gaining more control over the outcomes and experiences that you create both in
college and in life.
2. Increase self-motivation. You will learn to create greater inner motivation by
discovering your own personally meaningful goals and dreams.
3. Improve personal self-management. You will learn numerous strategies for taking
control of your time and energy, thus allowing you to move more effectively and efficiently
toward the accomplishment of your goals and dreams.
4. Develop interdependence. You will learn how to develop mutually supportive
relationships with people who will help you achieve your goals and dreams as you assist
them to achieve theirs.
5. Maximize your learning. You will discover the natural process of effective learning and
understand how to apply that process according to your individual learning style preference.
This knowledge will enable you not only to get better grades in college, but also to be a more
effective lifelong learner.
6. Increase self-awareness. You will learn how to revise your self-defeating patterns of
behavior, thought, and emotion as well as your unconscious limiting beliefs.
7. Master effective study skills. You will learn how to raise your grades in college by
improving essential study skills like reading, note taking, studying, and test taking.
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What are the ground rules?
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is taken in every class. This class is about college success and the first rule of
success is to show up! This class meets two days a week. If you miss four classes your grade
will be dropped one full letter (ie, A to B). If you miss five classes you will be dropped from the
course. If you know you will miss a class ahead of time, it is advisable to contact the instructor
prior to missing class and turn in the assignment early. The only exception to this attendance
policy will be made for absences related to documented and pre-approved school functions. In
other words, activities that the college requires of you (such as a field trip, performance, or an
athletic event) are considered excused and will, therefore, not be counted against you. However,
please note that written verification of such activities needs to be submitted to me before
you are absent. The official attendance policy of the Maricopa Community College District can
be found in the PVCC General Catalog & Student Handbook. If you wish to withdraw from the
class, you must do so officially. Otherwise you will receive a grade based on the points you’ve
earned in class.
Turning in Work:
Some work assigned via Canvas can be turned in via Canvas. Otherwise, work will be turned in
at class, unless otherwise specified.
Homework Expectations:
Homework assignments must be typed. In essays and reports, be mindful of spelling, grammar,
and punctuation. Staple each assignment separately with our name and clear heading at the top.
Late Work Policy:
No late work will be accepted after the due date. No work will be accepted after the last day
of class.
Classroom Etiquette:
Portable electronic devices must be turned off during class instruction, as they are very
disruptive to the learning process. Option: If you receive a second warning about using your
cell phone in class, you will be docked 15% of your final grade. Please arrive on time, leave
when class is dismissed, and listen respectfully when someone else is speaking. Students whose
behavior interferes with the learning process will be asked to leave class.
For Your Protection:
It is your responsibility to SAVE your journals, essays, and assignments on your hard drive or
other storage device. Keep these copies in a safe place until you have received your final grade.
First Week Student Schedule Changes:
During the first week of class, students may change sections or drop/add a class without penalty
and without the instructor's permission.
Modification of Course Competencies, Syllabus, and Grading System
Students are responsible for the information contained in the syllabus. Notification will be given
to students by the instructor of any changes in the course requirements or policies.
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Special Student Population Policy
If you have any physical or other challenges that might hamper your progress in this course,
please tell us as soon as possible so that proper arrangements and reasonable accommodations
can be made. Informing us as early as possible will benefit all parties involved (yourself and us).
You may also contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 602-787-7174 or
www.pvc.maricopa.edu/~drc/ that coordinates services which will ensure students with
disabilities to have equal access to college programs and resources.
Student Responsibility for College Policies: Every student is expected to know and comply
with all current published policies, rules, and regulations as printed in the college catalog, class
schedule, and/or student handbook.
Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct
Please consult the Student Handbook to know your rights, responsibilities, and conduct as well
as other policies regarding your participation in the campus community. All policies in the
handbook apply to this course.
Guidelines for Journals and Papers
Your success journal provides an opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings as you
experiment with the success strategies presented in On Course. By carefully examining each
strategy in your journal, you will discover which ones will assist you to create a rich, personally
fulfilling life.
- - - - - - Write your journal entries for yourself, not for your instructor. - - - - - Be sure to keep all of your journals, as you will need them to write the final Philosophy of
Success paper.
Journal Evaluations:
I will not read each and every journal entry you turn in. Occasionally, I will provide general
feedback on your journal entries. If you want more specific or elaborate comments on a
specific journal entry, please let me know. Each journal will be awarded the maximum
points if it fulfills the following two criteria:
The entry is complete (all steps in the directions have been finished), and
The entry is written with high standards (i.e., an obvious attempt has been made to go
beyond a superficial response).
Note: Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will NOT be factors in awarding points in this
journal. You are free to express yourself without concern for Standard English conventions.
Other papers will be graded according to the following (unless identified in the specific
instructions for each paper):
Acceptable: An Acceptable response contains all or most of the following
characteristics: the response is succinct, logical, and meaningful. Appropriate and ample
examples are provided.
Needs Improvement: A Response that Needs Improvement: the response is not logical,
lacks meaning and/or does not answer the question, there are too few examples or does
not relate to the explanation.
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It is ideal for you to keep all papers, assessments, and other enrichment activities until you
receive your final grade online. The final grade will be posted on my.maricopa.edu. The
following grade spread will be used:
Grading Sheet
Possible Points
Participation Contract
10 points
Scavenger Hunt
10 points
Semester Goals Plan
10 points
5 points each x 30 = 150 points
Roles and Dreams
10 points
Note Taking Strategies\ Test Debrief
20 points
iGoals & DAPPS Goal Setting
35 points
Course Correction
10 points
10 points
Stinkin Thinkin
10 points
Change Thoughts
You Tube Video Assignment
10 points each x 2 =20 points
15 points
Reading Logs (One for each chapter)
10 points each x 9 = 90 points
10 points each x 8 = 80 points
MBII/Strong Interest Inventories
30 points each x 2 = 60 points
Journal entries
Career Action Plan
Paper: Personal Philosophy College Success
10 points each x 16 = 160 points
200 points
150 points
Presentation 50 points
10 points each x 20 = 200 points
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100 points Test x 2 = 200 points
Total Possible Points
A= 1,500 - 1350
B= 1349 - 1200
1,500 points
C= 1199 - 1050
D= 1049 – 900
NOTE: This syllabus is subject to instructor change.
Projects / Course Work / Papers / Journals / Quizes / Etc.
Instructions for these assignments are explained below
under the section titled: Explanation of Assignments
Mon - 8/25
A. Welcome / Get-to-know-you
B. Purpose of the class and how
it ties to your college success
Assignment 1 as follows:
1. Set up Google account: https://google.maricopa.edu
2. Complete Participation Contract (see last page).
3. Purchase textbook and 3 ring binder at bookstore
Wed – 8/27
C. What’s in the syllabus?
D. Pre Survey Self Assessment
E. Cengage Pre-Assessment
Assignment 2 as follows:
1. Complete Pre-Survey Cengage Self-Assessment
2. Register online with Cengage, info in textbook
3. Read Chapter 1
Mon – 9/1
Labor Day No School
Wed – 9/3
A. Chapter 1
B. Quiz 1 (Chp.1)
Assignment 3 as follows
1. Complete Journal 1. You will need your Pre-Survey
Self-Assessment data from last assignments.
2. Finish reading Chapter 1, Getting On Course to Your
Mon – 9/8
A. Quiz 2 (Chp.1)
B. Thinking like a Creator
C. Case Study: The Late Paper
D. The Wise Choice Process
Assignment 4 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 3
2. Complete Chapter 1 Reading Log
(See instructions below)
3. Read Chapter 2
Wed – 9/10
A. Quiz 3 (Chp.2)
B. The Language of
C. Learning Styles Survey
Assignment 5 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 5
2. Stinkin Thinkin worksheet
Mon – 9/15
A. Dead Poet Society part 1
Assignment 6 as follows:
1. Complete Excuses/Reasons worksheet.
2. Complete A + B = C worksheet
Wed – 9/17
A. Dead Poet Society part 2
Assignment 7 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 7
2. Read Chapter 2
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Mon – 9/22
A. Quiz 4 (Chp. 2)
B. Wise Choices in
C. College: Reading Strategies
Assignment 8 as follows:
1. Complete Chapter 2 Reading Log.
2. Read Chapter 3
Wed – 9/24
A. Quiz 5 (Chp.3)
B. V X E = M
B. Motivation
C. Case Study: Popson’s
Assignment 9 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 9
2. Complete Journal 10
3. Complete Roles and Dreams worksheet
Mon – 9/29
A. Quiz 6 (Chp.3)
B. The Power of Goal Setting
C. Wise Choices in College:
Note Taking Strategies
Assignment 10 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 11
2. Complete iGoal & DAPPS Goal Setting. See instructions
3. Complete Chapter 3 Reading Log
Wed – 10/1
A. Wise Choices in College:
Organizing Study Materials
B. Q2 and Big Rocks
Assignment 11 as follows:
1. Read Chapter 4
2. Complete Journal 13. See instructions below.
Mon – 10/6
A. Quiz 7 (Chp.4)
A. The Graduation Game
B. Self-Management tools
C. 32-day Commitments
Assignment 12 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 14
2. Complete Chapter 4 Reading Log
Wed – 10/8
A. Quiz 8 (Chp.4)
B. Stand and Deliver Video
Assignment 13 as follows:
1. Complete Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ (MBTI) and
2. Strong Interest Inventory™ (SII). See instructions
Complete Inventories by No Later than Monday
3.YouTube™ Video Assignment. (See instructions below)
Mon – 10/13
A. Complete MBTI
B. Complete SII
Assignment 14 as follows:
1. Read Chapter 5, Employing Interdependence, pp. 179-204.
2. Make an Appointment with Adviser to Complete
Semester Goals sheet before Mon. 10/28
Wed – 10/15
A. Quiz 9 (Chp.5)
B. Professor Rogers’ Trial Case
C. Goals, request for help?
Assignment 15 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 16
2. 7 Days One Thing Different worksheet
Mon -10/20
A. Quiz 10 (Chp.5)
B. Study Bingo
C. Wise Choices in College:
Assignment 16 as follows:
1. Study Bingo WS
2. Complete Journal 17
3. Complete Chapter 5 Reading Log
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Wed – 10/22
A. Quiz 11 (Chp.5)
B. Nick Vujicik video
C. Paper Pull activity
D. Making Positive Changes
Assignment 17 as follows:
1. Read Chapter 6
2. Complete Journal 21
Mon – 10/27
A. Quiz 12 (Chp.6)
B. Changing Scripts & Habits
C. Revisit 32-Day Commitment
D. Wise Choices in College:
Taking Tests
Assignment 18 as follows:
1. Read pages 246-266, Wise Choices in College: Taking
2. Complete Test Debrief. See instructions below
3. Complete Chapter 6 Reading Log
Wed – 10/29
A. Quiz 13 (Chp.6)
B. Mid-Term Exam
Assignment 19 as follows:
1. Read Chapter 7
Mon – 11/3
A. Quiz 14 (Chp.7)
B. Counselor Visit
C. How degrees work/ Gen Ed
D. PVCC involvement
E. How to do the Final Project
F. Go Over Personal Philosophy
of Success Paper/Presentation
Assignment 20 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 26
2. Complete the Learning Styles Survey
3. Final Paper: Personal Philosophy of Success – see
instructions below. Due on 12/2
4. Work on Career Action Portfolio. See instructions below.
Due on 12/10
Wed – 11/5
A. Quiz 15 (Chp. 7)
B. Wise Choices : Writing
Assignment 21 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 27
2. Complete Chapter 7 Reading Log
Mon - 11/10
A. Quiz 16 (Chp.7)
B. What is Emotional
C. After Math Case Study
Assignment 22 as follows:
1. Read Chapter 8, Developing Emotional Intelligence,
pp. 314-338.
2. Complete Journal 28, p.318, Understanding and
Recognizing Your Emotions.
Wed - 11/12
A. Quiz 17 (Chp.8)
B. Healthy de-stressing
Assignment 23 as follows:
1. Complete Journal 29, p.328 Positive Methods Reducing
2. Complete Chapter 8 Reading Log
Mon – 11/17
A. Quiz 18 (Chp.8)
B. Wise Choices in College:
Managing Money
Assignment 24 as follows:
1. Read pages 341-348. Wise Choices in College: Managing
2. Complete p. 343, My Financial Plan in an Excel® WS
Wed – 11/19
A. Quiz 19 (Chp.8)
B. Making sense of your self
assessment inventories
C. Review Myers-Briggs
D. Values and Skills Inventory
E. Shift Happens video
Assignment 25 as follows:
1. Review Inventories in Class
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Mon – 11/24
A. Library Resources
Assignment 26 as follows:
1. Library Session
2. Library Worksheet
3. Work on Personal Philosophy of Success Paper due
Monday, 12/2
Wed – 11/26
A. Career Exploration
Assignment 17 as follows:
1. Complete 3 Inventories on Maricopa Career Planning
2. Turn in Summary Printout of Assessments
3. Work on Career Action Portfolio due Wednesday, 12/10
Mon – 12/1
A. Career Planning
B. Career Planning Myths
C. Career Decision Making
Assignment 28 as follows:
1. Complete PostSurvey/Assessment
Wed – 12/3
A. Class Presentation on
Personal Philosophy
Assignment 29 as follows:
1. Personal Philosophy of Success Paper Due
2. Personal Philosophy of Success Presentations
Mon – 12/8
A. Class Presentation
B. Career Action Plan
Assignment 30 as follows:
1. Personal Philosophy of Success Presentations
Wed – 12/10
A. Review Final
B. Review Career Action
Wed – 12/17
Assignment 31 as follows:
1. Final
2. Career Action Portfolio Due
Final class - Celebration
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Reading Logs
List 2-4 main points of the chapter. For each main point, write 2 or 3 sentences describing how
that main point may be relevant for you in school or life.
In Chapter 1, the main point is that we are responsible for our choices that determine our
success as a college student. This is important for us because it means we are in control of
being successful in school, and there are specific actions we can take that can help us be
Critical Forks In The Road
Choose three questions identified in the section and answer each question you choose. Please
write 2-4 sentences for each question. Also, please write the question you are responding to
above your response.
Test Debrief
After reading the section, Wise Choices in College: Taking Tests, use the Test Debrief to analyze
one of the tests you have received back from another course.
Goal Setting Using iGOAL and DAPPS
Please access — https://igoal.pvc.maricopa.edu/igoal/
Click on "Welcome to iGoal – click to view DAPPS tutorial"
After viewing the tutorial, write two goals using this system. Answer the following questions:
 Did this activity clarify what you want to achieve?
 Did this activity help or not help you? Please elaborate as much as possible.
The second question will be graded on how you are able to defend your response whether this
activity was helpful or not.
If you have answered each category in DAPPS according to its requirements and the guide
questions above then you will receive a perfect score. Each acronym in DAPPS is worth five
points and the responses to the questions are worth five points. If you miss an item or do not
meet the expected responses for one of them, deductions will be made.
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YouTube™ Video
ACCESS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljbI-363A2Q After viewing, identify what is the
most important thing you learned and explain why that is the case.
There will be a quiz at the beginning of each class. There are no make-ups. If you are late for
class, you will receive a “0” for that class’s quiz. They will be short-answer/short-essay
questions. There will be about 5 questions per quiz. They are designed to help encourage you to
read the textbook, which I believe to be extremely well-written and useful. Statistics of students
who use the "On Course" textbook nationwide is very supportive of increasing students
achieving their goals, staying in school, graduating, and transferring successfully.
Career Research (part of the Career Action Plan)
For each of the 3 careers you have chosen list:
1. Title of Career
2. What are typical duties and responsibilities for this career?
3. What qualifications are needed in terms of interests, values, skills, and personality?
4. What is a typical career path in this field and what opportunities exist for advancement?
5. What is the employment outlook for this career and industry?
6. What is the average salary for someone entering this field? What are the salary ranges
(low to high) for this career?
7. Who are typical employers in this field?
8. What are some related occupations?
9. What sources did you use to find out about this career (you will need at least two)?
Career Action Portfolio
A Career Portfolio will aid in your career development process – the steps you take to make
career decisions and develop plans for new career directions. It is also a place to store
information about yourself – information that will help you look at career options, make
decisions and plans, write resumes, prepare for interviews, and apply to educational programs.
The career portfolio is an on-going creative work that documents your achievements, skills,
values, experiences, and goals. Keeping your portfolio up-to-date will help you as you face new
challenges in the future. I will use the Google sites function so you can keep your portfolio with
you even when you are done with this class!
The Career Portfolio follows the 4 basic steps for the career planning process:
(1) Self Examination
(2) Discovering Career Possibilities
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(3) Making Decisions
(4) Developing Action Plans
SECTION 1: Self Examination:
A. Values Summary
Using the results from your inventories (SII, MBTI), list your top 10 work values
in order.
B. Skills Summary
Skills/Strengths Summary – Ask 3 people who you trust what they believe to be
your top 5 skills. Include the most prevalent skills told to you and include them in
listing your top 10 skills/strengths
C. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Using your MBTI results, list the following:
o Your 4 preferences (Extrovert/Introvert; Intuition/Sensing;
Thinking/Feeling; and Judging/Perceiving)—e.g., ENFJ, INFP, etc.
o 5-10 words that describe you best.
o 5-10 characteristics in your work environment that are most important to
o 3-5 careers that most interest you.
D. Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
Using your SII results, list the following:
o Your 1, 2 or 3 letter Theme Code (e.g., RIC) - see Page 2 on your
inventory (the pages are listed at the upper right hand of the page)
o Your top 5 Basic Interest Scales – Your Choice – these may or may not
match what the inventory lists as your top 5 – see Page 3 on your
inventory (the pages are listed at the upper right hand of the page)
o Your top 5-10 careers listed as being most similar to you – Your Choice pages 5-8
o 5-10 words that best describe you – you don't have to list 5-10 words for
each Theme Code (e.g., R). You can list 5-10 total words from all 3
Theme Code Handouts
SECTION 2: Discovering Career Possibilities:
Research on 3 Careers – see the section Career Research
SECTION 3: Making Decisions:
How does each career fit who you are (how do Section 1 and 2 match)?
Wise Choice Process – relate your present situation in the career decision making process
to the wise choice process in selecting a career path. Be detailed and specific.
SECTION 4: Developing Action Plans:
Goals – connect 3 short-term and 3 mid-term goals to one career-related long-term goal.
Include the education/training you will be involved with at each stage.
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After this class is over, you may want to include documentation of important records in your
portfolio. Some ideas include:
Military Record
Languages Spoken
Professional Licenses
Evaluations (e.g., work)
Reference Letters
Certificates of Completion
Job History
Examples of Your Best Work
Community Service/Volunteer Work
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“Personal Philosophy of Success”
Essay Guidelines
PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate
your understanding of key concepts and techniques related to college and life success, to
evaluate your own patterns of thought and behavior, to reflect on your strengths and progress as
a college student, to identify your goals for improvement, and to articulate your current beliefs
about college and life success.
FORMAT: Submit your assignment as one integrated essay, typed, and identified with your
name, date, and the title ("Personal Philosophy of Student Success"). The paper should be
double-spaced, 12 point type, 1-inch margins all around. Use standard college-level English (as
contrasted with language used for email, text messaging, personal journaling, or casual
conversation). There is no minimum or maximum length; the essay will be graded on the quality
and clarity of your answers (see also the attached grading criteria). As a general guideline, you
should expect to write about 2-3 pages total.
HOW TO PREPARE: Review your textbook and Active Reading Logs, all handouts provided
in class, your assigned journal entries and summaries, notes you took in and out of class, and any
other personal journal entries related to your college or life experiences.
ESSAY TOPIC: Evaluate your current preparedness for college study, based on the concepts
and skills (the 8 choices of successful students; study strategies) covered in this class. Please
incorporate all of the following in your essay:
Based on your learning in this class, as well as your own life experiences, what do you
personally believe are the most important factors that contribute to college and life
success? Please explain your answer.
Identify your individual strengths and discuss how they can help you with academic and
career success. What areas do you need to improve and why? What success strategies
have you implemented? Please evaluate your progress with the strategies you tried.
Which strategies would be useful for you to implement now?
What are you learning about yourself (i.e., what insights have you gained) as a student
and about the college experience?
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Your essay will be graded according to the following factors:
Essay is typed and labeled as per given standards.
Content is well-organized and clear.
On Course topics are italicized or bold.
Introduction is clear and gives a "road map" for the rest of the paper.
Main points are well developed.
Supporting details are concrete and related to main points.
Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are correct.
Content Review
More than 2 strategies per chapter are covered
Strategies are defined and discussed with accuracy and depth.
Strategies are applied to issues in your life.
The problem under analysis is stated clearly.
The strategy and actions you are committed to taking to ensure your
college success are clear, relevant, and related to what is included in our
course text.
A = 135 – 150 points
B = 120 – 134 points
C = 105 – 119 points
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Participation Contract
I have read and understood the content of this syllabus to the best of my ability at this time. I
that we will work from the book, Strategies for College Success,
that there are defined materials required,
that the assignments are due at the beginning of each week,
that quizzes will be given at the beginning of each class session unless otherwise stated
by the teacher, and
I further understand that I will keep an accurate reading log and journal as defined by the
materials and assignments described above.
I will follow the syllabus as described above and will endeavor to participate in each class to the
best of my ability.
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Syllabus Acknowledgement
Personal contact information is used only in cases that the class will need to be notified with emergency
changes pertaining to this course.
Current Address: ____________________________________________________________
Semester ___________ Course #__________ Day/Time/Section # __________________
I have received a copy of the course syllabus for this class. I have read it and understand the course
content, class procedures, and what is expected of me to earn credit with a specific grade in this class. If
circumstances are such that I cannot complete the semester, I understand that it is my responsibility to
withdraw officially from the course. If I do not withdraw officially, I know that I may receive a failing
I also understand that it is my responsibility to know and follow all college polices as outlined in the
“General Catalog & Student Handbook” which can be obtained from the enrollment center and online.
Student Signature
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PVCC Student Services
The majority of services are open Monday – Thursday 8:00 -7:00 and Friday 8:00 – 5:00. Appointments may be
required for some areas. Visit our Web Site at www.pvc.maricopa.edu for more information.
Athletics – To learn more about our athletic programs call (602) 787-7173 or e-mail us at
Academic Advising – KSC Building, (602) 787-7060. Advisors are available to assist with classes and degree
information. Discuss your goals, education history, and interests with the advisor.
Admissions and Records – KSC Building, (602) 787-7020. Services include registration, transcript requests,
graduation requests, and educational records. This office maintains all student records.
Assessment Center – KSC Building, (602) 787-7050. Services include placement, ESL, instructional and CLEP
testing. Assessment helps students identify their existing skills and knowledge.
Bookstore - KSC Building, (602) 787-7120. The Bookstore, operated by Follett, sells new and used textbooks,
school supplies, greeting cards, gifts, sundries, college clothing, trade books, and educationally priced software.
Career Services, KSC Building, (602) 787-7073. This office provides job listings on and off campus, assistance in
job searches, internships, and Maricopa Career Network for on-line postings.
College Safety – KSC Building, (602) 787-7900. Provides safety and security measures for the campus. Services
include lost and found, emergency assistance, first-aid, parking decals, photo ID’s.
Counseling/Personal Development – KSC Building (602) 787-6540. Free, confidential counseling is available to
prospective and currently enrolled students at PVCC. Counselors are available by appointment. Please call or stop
by the Counseling Office.
Disability Resource Center – KSC Building (602) 787-7174. This office participates in the Americans with
Disabilities Act which include reasonable accommodations with access, resources, and support services. Student
development activities include student orientations, ESL student support, and student diversity program.
Financial Aid – KSC Building (602) 787-7100. Services include financial counseling for students, assistance in
completing the financial aid process and information about scholarship programs. Financial aid includes grants,
loans, student employment and scholarships.
Honors Program – K-Building, (602) 787-7888. Special opportunities for the more advanced student including
scholarships, speakers, annual retreat, challenging courses, designation on diploma, social activities, and more.
Learning Support Center, E Building, (602) 787-7180. The Learning Support Center provides free tutoring and
other learning support for most PVCC courses. Free tutoring includes study groups, drop-in tutoring, individual
appointments and on-line tutoring. Learning Support resources include video tapes, software, and print materials to
provide help with both course content and study skills.
Library - E Building, (602) 787-7200. The PVCC Library offers a print and media collection of approximately
40,000 items. In addition, the library now has a collection of electronic books. An online catalog provides indexing
to much of the material held by PVCC as well as materials owned by other Maricopa County Community College
Student Life - KSC Building (602) 787-7244. The center encourages students to participate in college and
community life. Some activities include honors, leadership training, service learning, student clubs, Student
Leadership Council, Emerging Leaders Program and student insurance.
Veteran’s Services, KSC Building, (602) 787-7045. Http://www.paradisevalley.edu/veterans. PVCC provides
on-campus services for all veterans and veterans' dependents. Named a Military-Friendly school by GI Jobs.