Effects of selected conservation tillage practices on dry spell mitigation, productivity of water and cost benefit Mkoga, Z.J.a, Kihupi, N.a, Tumbo, S.D.a, Semoka, J.b a Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land planning, P.O. Box 3003, Morogoro, Tanzania b Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Soil Science, P.O. Box 3003, Mororgoro, Tanzania Corresponding author email: mkogazj@yahoo.co.uk ABSTRACT A considerable amount of knowledge on the advantages of conservation tillage practices as dry spell mitigation and productivity enhancement measures exists.. However, there is still not much done especially in semiarid Africa to elucidate soil water balance components and its effect on dry spell mitigation as induced by conservation tillage practices (Hensley and Bennie, 2003). A field experiment was carried out in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons in Mkoji sub catchment of the great Ruaha river basin in Tanzania. Conventional tillage (ox-ploughing crop residues removed) was comparatively evaluated with conservation tillage practices of ox ploughing, tie ridging and ripping with surface crop residues and lablab dolicos cover crop. Agricultural drought analysis in the 2006/07 season showed that a 14 days dry spell (69th and 83rd DAP) in the ox ploughing bare (CT) soil treatment was reduced to 5 days (74th to 79th DAP) from effect of ripping with surface crop residues (RR) treatments. Similarly, in the 2007/08 season dry spell of 25 days with CT treatment was reduced to zero days with RR treatment. Analysis of productivity of water showed that Ripping with crop residues with or without cover crop gave highest productivity of water of 0.5 and 0.6 kg/m3 respectively, compared to 0.3 kg/m3 with ox ploughing bare soil being an increase of about 50%. Conservation tillage practice proved to be the most effective practice in runoff reduction if a ripping depth of at least 25 cm is achieved. Similarly, a simple practice of leaving crop residues on the surface has a significant effect in reducing runoff even with conventional tillage with ox-plough though not as effective as for ripping and tie ridging. Ripping with surface crop residues with or without cover crop has are much more effective in locations that receive seasonal rainfall between 300 and 700 mm. Key words: Productivity of water, dry spell mitigation, conservation tillage, Soil moisture, rain water reserve 1 Introduction Rainfed agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and Tanzania in particular, is a risky enterprise because it is dependent on low and erratic rainfall and subject to long dry spells (Barron et al., 2003, Tilya and Mhita, 2007). Tanzanian economy is highly dependant on rainfall in which about 50% of GDP comes form rainfed agricultural production (World Bank, 2005), and over 80% of the population live on agricultural earnings. Based on agricultural production potential and rainfall analysis, it is estimated that more than one third of the land in Tanzania is dry or drought prone. Semi aridity is characterized by low amounts of rainfall, high evaporation rates, and poor temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall (Nieuwolt, 1973). The challenges are to maximize infiltration, mitigate dry spells, and improve soil fertility management (Rockstrom et al., 2003). Mkoji sub-catchment in the Great Ruaha River Catchment in Tanzania is no exception to this. The area is comprised of semi-arid conditions subject to frequent dry spells causing great reductions in yields and productivity of water. According to the 2002 national irrigation masterplan only 20% of the cultivated land in Tanzania in under irrigation (JICA/MAFC, 2002) and therefore can have access to supplementary irrigation. 1 For example in Mkoji sub-catchment out of the cultivated 84,351ha only about 36% (30,270 ha) is under irrigation (SWMRG-FAO, 2003). Ex-situ rainwater harvesting, which is another option for dry spell mitigation is mainly practised in paddy growing areas by using bunds (majaruba) (SWMRG-FAO, 2003); and very little if any in maize. On the other hand the benefits of conservation tillage agriculture as in-situ rainwater harvesting in stabilizing and increasing crop production have not been well studied in Mkoji subcatchment (ARI Uyole, 2005). Even the research in locations outside Mkoji sub-catchment has not always yielded consistent results in quantifying the amount of moisture conserved by the different conservation tillage practices (RELMA, 1998). Most important is that not much has been done to explain the soil water dynamics of the conservation tillage practices and how much soil water is potentially available to be productively used by the crop, especially the potential of the practices in dry spell mitigation (Hensley and Bennie, 2003; ARI Uyole, 2005). The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential of conservation tillage practices in enhancement productivity of water through dry spell mitigation in Mkoji sub-catchment. The specific objectives were (1) to assess the potential effects of selected conservation tillage practices in runoff and infiltration, (2) Soil moisture conservation; (3) yield and productivity of water; (4) cost benefit analysis. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Experimental location, layout and design A field experiment was conducted at the Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute Igurusi farm located within ‘Igurusi ya Zamani’ Traditional Irrigation Scheme (IZTIS), representing the semi arid low lands in the Mkoji sub-catchment and run for two rainy seasons of 2006/07 and 2007/08. IZTIS lies on latitude 8.330 S and longitude 33.530 E, at an altitude ranging from 1100 to 1200 m above mean sea level. The location was strategically selected to make use of the long-term climatic data at Igurusi agro-met station and to represent typical soils under maize production in the semi-arid part of the sub-catchment. Six tillage treatments were tested in the experiment as follows: i) Conventional tillage with ox-plough, with crop residues removed (CT), ii) Conventional tillage with ox-plough, with crop residues left on the soil surface (CTR), iii) Conventional tillage with ox-plough, with crop residues left on the soil surface and lablab dolicos cover crop (CTRCv), iv) Tie ridging, with crop residues left on surface (TR), v) No till with ox-drawn ripper, with crop residues left on surface (RipR), vi) No till with ox-drawn ripper, with crop residues left on surface with lablab dolicos cover crop (RipRCv). The experiment was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six tillage treatments replicated three times. This resulted in 18 experimental plots of 4.5 m wide and 15 m long with length (67.5 m2) running down the 2% slope. 2.2 Agronomic operations Tanzania Maize Variety 1 – Streak Resistant (TMV1–ST) (Zea mays L.) composite maize cultivar was used as a test crop being one of the maize varieties commonly grown in the study area. The crop was planted in rows at spacing of 0.75 m between rows and 0.30 m between plants within a row in all the plots, which resulted in 300 plants per plot (extrapolated plant population of 44,444 plants per hectare). Planting was done on 21st December, and 15th January for the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons, respectively. Tillage was done 5 days before planting in each season. Di-ammonium phosphate fertilizer (N:P:K 18:46:0) was applied at the rate of 60 kg P/ha and 54 kg N/ha at planting. Weeding was done twice over the growing season. First weeding was about two weeks after planting while the second one was done when the crop stand was about knee high. Top-dressing was carried out at five weeks after planting using Urea fertilizer at the rate of 66 kg N/ha to bring the total nitrogen applied from the two fertilizer applications to 120 kg N/ha, as recommended by Uyole Agricultural Research Institute for the study area (Mowo et al., 1993). At about five weeks after planting an insecticide Actellic 50 EC was sprayed to control stalk borer infestation. 2 2.3 Soil moisture characteristics of the experimental site A soil pit of about 1.0 m was dug at a representative location in the experimental site for soil description according to FAO soil legend (FAO, 1999). Three soil horizons were observed from which core samples were collected from each soil horizon and used to determine bulk density, and soil moisture characteristics. Double plate pressure extractor was used to establish soil moisture at saturation, field capacity (0.001 bars) and wilting point (15 bars). 2.4 Assessing runoff and soil moisture content A standard rain gauge was used to record daily rainfall over the three seasons of the experiment. Burnt bricks masonry wall of about 15 cm high was used to enclose each of the experimental plots. A slopping rectangular trough, measuring 4.5 m long and 0.25 m wide was provided at the end of each experimental plot to collect runoff water. Two collector concrete tanks placed in series and provided with multi-slot divisor system of concrete tanks were used to collect and measure run-off such that one third of runoff water was collected in the second tank. Soil moisture content was monitored in the experiment using an Institute of Hydrology Neutron probe (Didcot 3965 NE Instrument Company, Abingdon). In the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons soil moisture content measurements were taken twice a week, on Saturdays and Wednesdays. In case there was a rainfall event reading was postponed to the next day. Two access tubes were installed at five meters apart lengthwise along the centre line of each of the experimental plots. When taking the measurements, the probe sensor was lowered through the access tubes to measure soil moisture content at 0-150, 150-300, 300-450, 450-600, 600-750, 750-1000 mm depths. The Neutron probe was calibrated for the experimental site at the beginning of the experiment. The Neutron probe was calibrated for the 0-150 mm depth and for the 150-1000 mm depths as recommended by the manufacturers. Due to the presence of mudstones and gravels below the one-metre profile depth in the fields, access tubes could not go below 1.00 m depth. Therefore soil moisture was only monitored in the one-metre soil profile depth. 2.5 Crop development and yield Crop development stages were recorded in four stages according to Doorenboos and Kassam (1979). The stages were; establishment stage, vegetative stage, flowering stage, and grain filling stage. The duration of growth stages were based on field observation of the crop development. The establishment stage was from planting to 6-8 leaves formation. The vegetative stage was from crop establishment to tassel formation. The flowering stage was from tassel formation to silking, and the grain filling stage included milk, dough and dent stages of grain formation to physiological maturity. At harvest, seven middle rows in each plot constituting an area of 2.5 m by 5.0 m (12.5 m2) were harvested by cutting the aboveground dry matter in each plot and weighed. The seven middle rows were harvested in order to minimize border effect on the yield results. After weighing the dry matter, the maize cobs were removed from the stalks, threshed and weighed to obtain the grain weight. The grain moisture content at threshing was determined in the laboratory and the grain yield was adjusted to 14% moisture. 2.6 Record of cost items Cost items for cost benefit analysis of the different tillage practices were recorded. This included labour and farm inputs. The duration involved in the different tillage treatments was measured using a stop watch. A record of labour in mandays was determined as a combination of the number of people involved in the operation and the duration of an activity. In case of labour input which could not be collected from this research, data from past research work done in Tanzania was used. Most of the data was averaged from long term research results of conservation tillage in Tanzania by Maganzu et al. (2007), Mkomwa et al. (2007) and Ringo et al. (2007). Market prices were used to calculate cost of labour and other inputs. A simple benefit cost analysis was done considering all costs and sales of grain yield at the prevailing market price. 3 2.7 Data analysis Where applicable, data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the effects of cumulative runoff, above ground biomass yield, grain yield, and productivity of water based on the statistical model: Yi jk i j ij Where: Yijk = the responce μ = the general mean ρi = the effect due to block i, αj = the treatment effect, ωij = the main error Mean separation was performed using Turkey test at 0.05 alpha levels. Results were portrayed in graphical forms and tables. 3 Results and Discussions 3.1 Effect of tillage treatments on runoff yield Results of the two year experiment showed consistent good effects of conservation tillage in moderating runoff at the partitioning point in favour of mitigating agricultural dry spells. Table 2 shows variation of cumulative runoff amount between tillage treatments in the two seasons of experiment. The figures in brackets indicate the proportion of runoff as percentage of seasonal rainfall. Runoff yield differed significantly (P<0.01) between treatments consistently over the two seasons (Table 2). Conventional practice of ox-ploughing with removed crop residues gave the runoff of about 14% and 29% for the 2006/07 and 2007/8 seasons respectively, being significantly different from other treatments at P<0.01) at varying magnitudes. Table 2: Comparison of cumulative runoff (mm) for the respective tillage treatment during the three experimental seasons Tillage treatment 2006/07 2007/08 Ox-Ploughing 110.5a (14%) 181.2a (29%) Ox-Ploughing crop residues 63.7ab (8%) 89b (14%) Ox-Ploughing crop residues lablab 21.2bc (3%) 49.5c (8%) Tie ridging 7.7bc (1%) 12.1f (2%) Ripping crop residues 10.3bc (1%) 19.6d (3%) Ripping crop residues lablab 4.4c (1%) 12.7e (2%) Means in a column followed by different letters differ significantly at P<0.01 according to Turkeys’ Multiple range test. Cumulative runoff data showed that crop residues on the surface has a significant effect in reducing runoff even if conventional tillage with ox-plough is practiced. This was indicated in the contrast between ox ploughing bare soil and ox ploughing with surface crop residues for which there was a significant difference between placement and removal of crop residues at 99% (P<0.01) level of significance. Where as conventional tillage treatment with bare soil produced runoff ranging between 14% and 29%, placement of residues reduced runoff to a range from 8% to 14% (Table 2). This is equivalent to runoff yield reduction of between 42.8% and 51.7%. However this is practically difficult to implement because it needs to remove crop residues before ploughing and put back after planting. 4 Three treatments, namely; tie ridging, ripping with crop residues and ripping with crop residues plus D. lablab cover crop, showed the lowest and highly significant (P<0.01) runoff compared to ox-ploughing treatments. Runoff produced in the three treatments maintained a low range of between 1% and 3% throughout the three years of experiment. The effect of tie ridging in runoff reduction and moisture conservation has been found in many other studies (Wilson and Gichuki, 1996; Kovar et al., 1992). However, tie ridging involves high labour input in making them, and may be a reason for it not being very popular among farmers with land in moderate slopes. Table 2 shows that ripping with surface crop residues can have similar effect in reducing runoff as tie ridging. This was not expected because tie ridges are presumed to have higher depression storage than ripping and thus higher effect in harvesting rain water. However, the two passes of ripper applied in this experiment had a deep tilling effect (about 25 mm depth), which when accompanied with crop residue mulch enhances ability to reduce runoff (Chiliba and Kabambe, 2003). The conservation tillage practices are also important in mitigating effects of uneven distribution of rainfall in a season. Figure 1 shows rainfall distribution in the respective maize crop growth stages for the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons. In the 2006/07 season the crop received no rain in the grain filling stage. This has effect in reducing grain size and eventually grain yield (Kefale and Ranamakhaarachchi, 2004). Cummulative rainfall (mm) 500 444.5 450 2006/07 2007/08 400 350 300 268 256 223 250 200 150 106 89 100 33 50 0 0 Establishment Vegetative Flowering Grain filling Crop growth stages Figure 1: Distribution of rainfall received in the respective growth stages in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 experimental seasons In the season 2006/07 also there was only 89 mm of rain received during flowering stage as opposed to crop requirement for most maize cultivars. For example TMV1 requires about 136 mm of water for evapotranspiration at flowering stage (Table 2). In such a season crop water requirement can only be satisfied by the moisture reserved in the soil from the previous rainfall events. This is much more ensured if conservation tillage practice is used. Figure 2 demonstrates the effect of conservation tillage practices on reserving rain water to meet crop water demand in the different crop growth stages of TMV1 maize cultivar in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 experimental seasons. It demonstrates the ability of conservation tillage treatments to ‘reserve’ rainwater in the soil for the crop to utilise during the meteorological dry spells. For example in the 2006/07 season there was a deficit during flowering (41 mm) and grain filling (88 mm) stages, respectively of the incident rain to meet crop water requirement (Fig. 2). Similarly in the 2007/08 season rain water deficit of about 54 mm was recorded during the grain filling stage. In both seasons incident rainfall was not sufficient to meet crop water requirement during the respective stage (Fig. 2). Conservation 5 tillage practices consistently maintained higher levels of water reserves by reducing runoff component of rainwater partitioning. For example in the 2007/08 season, while there was only 82 mm of seasonal rainwater reserved after meeting crop water requirements in the CT treatment there was more than twice as much (213 mm, about 260%) as water reserve in the RRCv treatment (Fig 2). This is a significant saving and can be very useful in extreme weather conditions. The 2007/08 season received higher seasonal total (789 mm) which also recorded higher rainwater reserves ranging between 279 (CT) and 379 (RRCv). A lower seasonal rainfall (630 mm) was recorded with rainwater reserves ranging between 82 mm for CT and 213 mm for RRCv treatments in the 2006/07 season. Considering semi-aridity condition of the Mkoji sub catchment proportion of deep drainage is negligible. Most of the reserve is therefore available to mitigate effect of dry spells. The bigger the rainwater reserve the higher the ability of a tillage practice to mitigate effects of dry spells. The water reserve is an insurance against intra-seasonal shocks of dry spells. This reserve water is also useful to maintain low soil water matrix pressure necessary for water uptake by the crop and to support soil ecosystem processes which keep the soil lively. This depends on soil moisture holding capacity which can also be improved by adopting appropriate conservation tillage practice. 400 2006/07 season Rain water reserve (mm) 300 373 330 368 346 376 279 200 100 0 -100 CT CTR CTRCv TR -200 6 RR RRCv 250 209 Rain water reserve (mm) 2007/08 season 204 189 200 213 155 150 82 100 50 0 -50 CT CTR CTRCv TR RR RRCv -100 Tillage treatment Establishment Vegetative Flowering Grain filling Seasonal reserve Figure 2: Rainwater reserve in the respective crop growth stages based on effective rainfall after subtracting crop water requirement (Table 4) and runoff (Table 5), indicating adequacy of the incident rainwater in meeting crop water requirement for the TMV1 maize cultivar (CT = Ox ploughing bare soil, CTR = Ox ploughing with surface crop residues, CTRCv = Ox ploughing with surface crop residues and lablab dolicos cover crop, RR = Ripping with surface crop residues, RRCv = Ripping with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop). 3.2 Effect of tillage practices on mitigating dry spells The two years’ rainfall and soil moisture data were used to show trends of both meteorological and agricultural dry spells and the effect of the different tillage treatments in mitigating the intra-seasonal dry spells (Figs 3 and 4)1. Generally, the trend showed that in all treatments soil moisture was well above wilting point throughout the growing seasons indicating that there was no complete crop failure due to water stress. However there existed some dry spells which might have some effects on crop performance. It was not possible to explain the complete trend of soil moisture in all the crop growth stages because there were some data gaps due to instrument failure in some days. For example in the 2006/07, no soil moisture data were recorded between 1st and 14th days after planting, and 42nd to 65th day after planting. Similar data gaps were recorded in the 2007/08. However it was possible to identify the occurrence of some meteorological and agricultural dry spells using recorded data. Rainfall trend shown in Figure 3 shows one meteorological dry spell exceeding 7 days in the 2006/07 season. The dry spell spanned between 62nd and 70th day after planting (8 days). The remaining meteorological dry spells were of less than 6 days which is considered to be less damaging. However further examination of 1 The soil moisture content data were plotted with soil moisture characteristic parameters (wilting point or the Lower Limit - LL and field capacity or the Drainage Upper Limit - DUL) and the critical soil moisture content below which crops start to experience soil moisture stress. The critical soil moisture is a cut point below which crop moisture stress and so the agricultural dry spell begins. For the case of maize water stress begins at a depletion factor of 0.55 based on the daily evapotranspiration of 5 mm/day (FAO, 1998). For the soils at the experimental site the field capacity (DUL), critical soil moisture (0.55D) and wilting points were determined at soil moisture contents of 0.31 (mm/mm), 0.244 (mm/mm) and 0.19 (mm/mm), respectively. 7 rainfall pattern in this season showed that the period between 57th and 84th days after planting (24 days) received light showers which could not meet potential evaporative demand of the atmosphere (Fig. 3). In this period the effective rainfall of 45.7 mm was received while potential evapotranspiration demand was 114.1 mm, being more than twice as much as the rainfall amount. Similarly, there were two meteorological dry spells in the 2007/08, one between 36th and 49th day after planting (13 days) and the other between 52nd and 61st day after planting (9 days), both during the vegetative growth stages (Fig. 4). However, between 34th and 50th day after planting (16 days) cummulative effective rainfall of 6.5 mm was received against the potential evapotranspiration demand of 87.7 mm. If evapotranspiration demand was considered, the length of meteorological dry spells would therefore be longer than normally conceived. Soil moisture in such periods can drop to as low as to the critical soil moisture below which agricultural dry spell is eminent. Ability of cover crop and crop residues to conserve moisture and mitigate effects of dry spells has been demonstrated both in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons (Figs. 3 and 4). In the 2006/07 season RRCv and RR treatments recorded soil moisture at 0.269 (± 0.013) mm/mm and 0.257 (± 0.014) mm/mm, respectively and significantly higher than in the CT treatments (0.247 ± 0.014 mm/mm) at P<0.01), about 9% difference. Similarly in the 2007/08 season the RRCv and RR treatments recorded soil moisture of 0.263 (± 0.01) mm/mm and 0.257 (± 0.014) mm/mm, respectively, which was significantly higher than that recorded in CT (0.246 ± 0.008) at P<0.01, about a 6% difference. The effects of surface crop residues were evidenced from the soil moisture trend in both Figure 3 and 4. The ox ploughing treatment with surface crop residues (CTR) in both the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons recorded soil moisture content of 0.263 ± 0.002 mm/mm and 0.257 ± 0.01 mm/mm which was significantly higher than 0.246 ± 0.003 mm/mm and 0.248 ± 0.01 mm/mm about 7% difference, respectively at P<0.01. 70 Daili rainfall: 2006/07 season Rainfall/ ETo (mm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 0 Days after planting Rainfall (mm) Soil moisture comparison RR versus CT in the 2006/07 season 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.33 ET (mm) Days after planting CT RR RRCv LL 8 DUL 0.55D 0.33 Soil mopisture comparison: CT versus CTR in the 2006/07 season Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 0.17 Days after planting CT CTR CTRCv LL DUL 0.55D Figure 3: Comparison of profile soil moisture between ripping and ox ploughing treatments in the 2006/07 season as affected by trend of rainfall storms. (CT = Ox ploughing bare soil, CTR = ox ploughing with surface crop residues, CTRCv = ox ploughing with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop, RR = Ripping with surface crop residues, RRCv = Ripping with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop, DUL = Drainage upper limit, LL = Lower Limit, 0.5D = Depletion at 0.5 of available soil water). Rainfall/ ETo (mm) 60 Daily rainfall: 2007/08 season 50 40 30 20 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 0 Days after planting Rain (mm) Soil mois ture comparis on RR vers us CT in the 2007/08 s eas on 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.33 ET (mm/d) Days after planting CT RR RRCv LL 9 DUL 0.5D Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.33 Soil mois ture comparis on: CT vers us CTR in the 2007/08 s eas on 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 0.17 Days after planting CT CTR LL DUL 0.55D Figure 4: Comparison of trend of profile soil moisture over the 2007/08 growing season between oxploughing and ripping treatments with crop residues and cover crops as affected by rainfall pattern (CT = Ox ploughing bare soil, CTR = ox ploughing with surface crop residues, CTRCv = ox ploughing with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop, RR = Ripping with surface crop residues, RRCv = Ripping with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop, DUL = Drainage upper limit, LL = Lower Limit, 0.5D = Depletion at 0.5 of available soil water). Although these differences look small they are sufficient to indicate treatment performances in term of soil moisture conservation. The differences could be much more pronounced in locations with poorer rainfall amount and distribution. More important was the effect of conservation tillage treatments in reducing periods of agricultural dry spells. For example in the 2006/07 season a 14 days agricultural dry spell recorded between 69th and 83rd days after planting in the CT treatment was reduced to about 5 days (74th to 79th DAP) from effect of the conservation tillage treatments (RR, RRCv, CTR and CTRv) (Fig 5). Similarly in the 2007/08 season an agricultural dry spell of 25 days was recorded with CT treatment which was reduced to zero with RRCv treatment and to 4 days with RR treatment (Fig. 6). Management practices, such as straw retention, that alter evaporation or albedo may be the ones expected to change the soil water regime, regardless of inherent soil characteristics ( Linden et al., 2000). Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.330 2006/07 season 0.310 0.290 0.270 0.250 0.230 0.210 0.190 0.170 64 69 74 79 84 Days after planting CT RR RRCv LL DUL 0.55D Figure 5: The effect of conservation tillage in mitigating effects of dry spell and reducing soil moisture stress in the 2006/07 season 10 Soil moisture (mm/mm) 0.33 2007/08 season 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Days after planting CT RR RRCv LL DUL 0.5D Figure 6: The effect of conservation tillage in mitigating dry spells and reducing soil moisture stress in the 2007/08 3.3 Effect of tillage practices on maize grain yield and productivity of water Table 3 shows a comparison of the effect of tillage practices on maize grain yield for the 2006/7 and 2007/8 seasons. Yield of maize ranged between 2.3 and 2.9 t/ha and between 1.7 and 3.8 t/ha, for the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons, respectively. Average grain yield was 2.7 and 2.8 recorded in 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons, respectively. Table 3: Effect of tillage treatments on yield of maize for the three growing seasons Yield of maize grain per season (t/ha)* Treatments 2006/07 2007/08 Ox-Plough bare soil 2.84a 1.70b Ox-Plough crop residue 2.86a 1.97ab Ox-Plough crop residue lablab 2.74a 2.37ab Tie ridge 2.69a 2.70ab Ripping crop residue 2.30a 3.82a Ripping crop residue lablab 2.39a 3.82a Coefficient of variation 14.4% 19.1% Average 2.71 2.75 Seasonal rainfall (mm) 789.5 630 *Means in a column followed by different letters differ significantly at P<0.05 according to Turkeys’ Multiple range test There were no significant differences in yield between treatments (P<0.05) in the 2006/07 probably due to sufficient rainfall in the season which was better distributed than in the 2007/08 season. Although there was no rainfall received during grain filling stage in the 2007/08 (Fig 1), there was equally a high rainwater reserve (Fig 2) to mask the rain water deficits recorded during flowering and grain filling stages. This was adequately explained by the soil moisture trend in Figure 4 which recorded only a slight soil moisture stress in the CT treatment during flowering stage. 11 Grain yields in the 2007/08 season differed significantly from each other at P<0.05. This may have been attributed to insufficient rainfall during the crop establishment stage. Figure 7 shows that the 2007/08 season received less rainfall to support crop establishment. It was found that up to 8 Days after planting (DAP) only 4 mm of rain were received in 2007/08 season compared to 113.5 mm for the 2006/07 season. Even after 14 DAP 2007/08 crop received only 44 mm as compared to 210 mm for the 2006/07 season. Further analysis showed that about 60% of cumulative rain (i.e.106 mm) which was recorded (between 0 and 23 DAP) in 2007/08 season, fell in the last seven days of crop establishment stage well after seed germination and seedling emergence stages have elapsed. This must have resulted in reduced water supply and poor crop establishment in tillage treatments which had low ability to conserve moisture. This could be explained by the amount of soil moisture at the seeding zone (about 50 mm depth). However such data could not be collected because it was beyond the scope of this study. Available data relate to an average soil depth of 150 mm which cannot explain precisely the soil moisture condition at the seeding zone. 300 Cummulative rain (mm) 250 2006/07 2007/08 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Days after planting Figure 7: Comparative trend of cumulative rainfall during crop establishment stage between the three seasons Ripping with crop residues and ripping with crop residues and D. lablab cover crop, yielded 3.8 t/ha which was significantly higher than the other tillage treatments (P<0.05). The effect of insufficient rainfall during crop establishment stage discussed above may explain this phenomenon. Germination difficulties and low plant densities were observed at the beginning of the 2007/08 season and recorded as plant stand 21 days after emergency. Figure 8 shows variation of number of plants established per unit area in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons. There was no significant difference in plant establishment in the 2006/07 season. In the 2007/08 season more plants per unit area were established in tillage treatments which have ability to conserve soil moisture. In this season both ripping with residues and with or without cover crop treatments recorded 2.1 and 2.9 plants/m2, respectively, being significantly higher than the rest of the treatments (P<0.05). This may have caused the ripping treatment coupled with crop residues application to record highest and significantly different yield (P<0.05) from conventional tillage with ox-plough. This is further related to treatments with high ability to mitigate dry spells. The number of established plants closely correlated with final recorded yield for each plot. Severe water deficit is common during crop establishment in many areas of the semi-arid tropics. Results of this research suggest that use of crop residue mulch can help in conserving 12 soil moisture needed for enhancing germination, maintain good plant population and high yield. Abrecht and Bristow (1996) argues that maintenance of soil cover in close proximity to the emerging seedling slows soil drying, thereby improving water availability to the seedling, delaying the onset of high soil impedance and reduces maximum soil temperature. The overall effect is to increase both the rate of emergence and proportion of seedlings that emerge which relates to final grain yield. 3.5 Plant density (Plants/m2) 2006/07 2007/08 2.9a 3 2.9a 2.5 2 1.5 1.7b 1.3b 1.8b 1.4b 1 0.5 0 CT CTR CTRCv TR Tillage treatments RR RRCv Figure 8: Variation of plant population 21 days after sowing between the different tillage treatments in the 2006/07and 2007/08 seasons (CT = Ox ploughing bare soil, CTR = ox ploughing with surface crop residues, CTRCv = ox ploughing with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop, TR = Tie ridging, RR = Ripping with surface crop residues, RRCv = Ripping with surface crop residues plus lablab dolicos cover crop) Table 4 provides an overview of productivity of water in terms of mass produced per unit of rain water received during the crop growth period. There is a similar trend of productivity of water in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons as that of grain yield discussed above. The highest (0.6 kg/m3) and least (0.3 kg/m3) productivity of water were obtained in the seasons. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in productivity of water between treatments in the 2006/07 season. Productivity of water in the second season differed significantly (P<0.01) between treatments. Ripping with surface crop residues and Dolicos lablab cover crop recorded the highest productivity (0.6 kg/m3) and significantly different from all the other treatments. Conventional tillage produced maize grain of 0.3 kg/m3 the ripping with surface crop residues and with D. lablab produced 0.5 and 0.6 kg/m3, respectively in the 2007/08 season. This was equivalent to an increase of about 67% to 100% with RR and RRCv treatments, respectively, compared to CT treatment. The productivity values reported here relate to those reported by other workers in Mkoji sub catchment and elsewhere. Recent research recorded productivity of water for maize in rainfed agriculture was 0.19, 0.27 and 0.66 kg/m3 in the middle, upper and lower Mkoji sub-catchment, respectively (SWMRG-FAO, 2003). Igbadun et al. (2005) study with official production data from Mbarali district Mbeya Tanzania, reported maize grain productivity ranging between 0.19 and 0.49 kg/m3 based of total seasonal rainfall. Rao and Okwach (2005) reported productivity of water for maize grain of 0.3 kg/m3 and 0.12 kg/m3 in the normal and above normal years, respectively from a study in Machakos, Kenya. The reported water productivity for the sub Saharan Africa ranges between 0.1 and 0.6 kg/m3 (Rosegrant et al., 2002). The productivity values reported in this study are therefore within reasonable range as found by other studies. However, high levels of productivity are closely associated with high fertility use because, water saving 13 investment alone is unlikely to give potential productivity benefits because low soil fertility is a fundamental constraint in smallholder agro ecosystems unless coupled with nutrient management (Twomlow et al., 2006, Rockstrom et al., 2007). Table 4: Effect of tillage treatments on physical productivity of water for the three growing seasons Productivity of water based on seasonal rain (kg/m3) Treatments 2006/07 2007/08 Ox-Plough bare soil 0.3a 0.3b Ox-Plough crop residue 0.3a 0.4ab Ox-Plough crop residue lablab 0.4a 0.4ab Tie ridge 0.3a 0.4ab Ripping crop residue 0.3a 0.5a Ripping crop residue lablab 0.4a 0.6a Coefficient of variation 14.4% 19.1% Probability P<0.05 P<0.01 Average 0.34 0.43 Total rain during growth season (mm) 789.5 630 *Means in a column followed by different letters differ significantly at the indicated probability according to Turkeys’ Multiple range test. 3.4 Comparison of benefits and costs between tillage practices A comparison of simple benefit cost analysis between conventional ox-ploughing, tie ridging and ripping with crop residues over the two seasons consistently showed advantages of conservation tillage. Conservation tillage practice (i.e. ripping with crop residues) was most profitable in the two seasons. It gave highest returns for every unit input of crop production as shown by the benefit-cost ratio (Fig. 9). Tie ridging also showed a consistent ability to give profit by conserving moisture even in a poor season. However the returns were smaller per unit of input (Fig. 9). The major problem with tie ridging is the high labour input required annually for making the ridges. It was found in this research that a total of labour input of about 134 mandays/ha/year is required for maize production based on tie ridging (Table 5). Ripping treatment had a labour requirement of only 31 mandays/ha/year which accounts for labour saving of about 70%. The most sensitive factors affecting benefits in maize production include yield fluctuations and cost of inputs. Conservation tillage practice maintained high yield throughout the two seasons, while conventional oxploughing did not. Also there was a sharp rise of price of fertilizers over the years. For example a 50 kg bag of basal fertilizer, Di-ammonium Phosphate, was costing Tshs 30,000 at the beginning of 2005/06 season. The price rose to Tshs. 100,000 in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons. Therefore, conservation tillage practices have high ability to cushion effects of both yield fluctuations and cost of inputs by mitigating bad effects of intra-seasonal dry spells. 14 2 2006/07 1.5 2007/08 Benefit cost ratio 1 0.5 0 Conventional tillage Tie ridging Ripping with crop residues -0.5 -1 Treatments Figure 9: Comparison of benefit cost rations between conventional and conservation tillage practices at Igurusi Table 1: Comparison of labour requirement (mandayS/ha) between conventional and conservation tillage practices Treatment Requirement Labour saving/loss Conventional tillage Tie ridging 104 134 0.00% -37.50% Ripping with crop residues 31 70.20% 4 Discussion Tillage practices such as ripping have considerable effect in runoff reduction and soil moisture conservation in a similar level as tie ridging (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The effect was much more shown in Figure 2 in which a concept of rain water reserve is demonstrated. The rainwater reserve concept has been used to present the effect of ripping, crop residues and cover crops in harvesting runoff and maintain high soil moisture used to bridge the intra seasonal dry spells, maintaining high yields and productivity of water. In a way it has been a tool to exhibit the ability of conservation tillage practices in mitigating meteorological and agricultural dry spells by harvesting incident rainwater keeping it in the soil for the subsequent use during the dry spells. However crop residue mulch seems to have bearing in augmenting the effects of tillage on runoff and soil moisture. This was shown by its effect in reducing runoff (Table 2) and maintaining higher soil moisture (Fig2) even with conventional tillage practice. In a recent study Enfors (2009) found that ripping alone without surface mulch provide very temporary effect on soil moisture and that mulching has an additional 15 effect in decreasing soil evaporation and increase infiltration. The advantage of ripping over tie ridging is exhibited also in terms of labour saving (Kaumbutho and Kenzle, 2007; Shetto and Owenya, 2007), and higher cost benefit ratio. There is also the advantageous effect of biological breaking of plough induced soil hardpan by means of deep growing tap root of cover crops (ARI Uyole, 2005). However, management practices such as conservation tillage do not result in consistent effects on productivity for all soils and environments (Zobeck et al., 2007). For example, in locations of insufficient rainfall such as Makanya, Same Northern Tanzania, which receives seasonal rainfall of less than 300 mm, Enfors (2009) found no in-situ rainwater harvesting effect in seasons with poor distribution, but realised some positive effects in a good rainfall season (549 mm) in terms of yield increase. Therefore the effect of conservation tillage is well realised if incident total rainfall is sufficient to meet seasonal crop demand. For example farmers in Mayale village, Iringa Tanzania were able to harvest maize from ripped plots in 2001 when rainfall was 560 mm (Mkomwa et al. 2007). The same was reported in Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania in locations with rainfall range of between 300 - 700mm (Ringo et al. 2007). 5 Conclusion Conservation tillage practices which involves components of ripping, crop residues and cover crops have significant effects on absorbing weather related shocks shown by consistent effects on reduced runoff, maintaining high soil moisture regimes, improved yield, high productivity and high profits realised even in bad seasons where conventional tillage practices have recorded severe economic losses. Use of conservation tillage helps in conserving soil moisture needed for enhancing germination; maintaining good plant population and yield, thus mitigating severe water deficits during crop establishment common in many areas of the semi-arid tropics. 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