these minutes are subject to approval at the next board of finance

January 15, 2009
The Regular Meeting of the Chester Board of Finance was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by
Jennifer Wislocki. Those in attendance included Jennifer Wislocki, Rick Morrow, Chris
Johnson, John Brodzinski (seated for Kim Just) and Virginia Carmany.
Dave Cohen and Rich Nankee arrived at 7:20 p.m. Rich will not be seated.
Virginia Carmany made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 18, 2008
minutes, with corrections. Rick Morrow seconded the motion. Discussion followed:
Corrections: correct spelling to Greeney and Maas throughout document.
Page 5 – paragraph 6 – the woman referenced is Jackie Caron
Paragraph 7 – add that Virginia Carmany suggested reducing the Road Budget
temporarily to accommodate for this one-time expense.
Jennifer Wislocki reported that the letters to be submitted referenced on page 8 were not,
in fact, submitted with the minutes. Therefore, she suggested the BOF not approve these
minutes until the full board has received these letters. Tom Marsh continued that the
letters were included in the hard copy of the minutes and is in the safe at town hall. An
electronic copy of the letters will be sent to members.
Virginia Carmany made a motion to table the December 18, 2008 minutes subject to the
letters being distributed to the BOF. Dave Cohen seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
First Selectman’s Report
Tom Marsh reported that the pipe has been laid for the sewer project and the blasting has
been completed. There are still several laterals that need to be placed however the cold
weather has hindered that process. The contractor plans to do the winter paving next
week. Hopefully, this work will be completed before 1/22/09 as that is the official date
of the 154 bridge closing. The anticipated completion date of the bridge is May 10, 2010.
The state police have assigned additional troopers on the 22nd to ensure police coverage
to handle traffic and detours. The official DOT detour is exit 4 and exit 7. Tom does
anticipate cars going through town as a detour and he has discussed his concerns with the
DOT as well as Jamie Spallone.
2009-2010 Budget Process
Tom Marsh reported that a draft schedule has been sent out with all of the budget
packets. The various departments should return their budgets by January 31, 2009 and
distribution to the BOS and BOF should be completed by February 17, 2009. A tentative
meeting has been scheduled on February 19, 2009. This meeting will discuss the
Revenue and Capital Budgets. The Governor presents her budget on February 4, 2009.
Traditionally, her numbers have been more conservative when compared to the
Legislatures. The Governor’s figures will be incorporated into the Town’s Revenue
budget. The Capital Budget policy will be reviewed. Upcoming meeting dates include:
February 17, 2009
February 19, 2009
March 3, 2009
March 19, 2009
March 24, 2009
Joint BOS and BOF meeting
Regular BOF meeting – BOS will attend
Regular BOS meeting – BOF will attend
Regular BOF meeting – BOS will attend
BOF meeting - Board Chair input
The final review of the budget will be in mid April with a Public Hearing in late April.
The town will vote on the budget on May 12, 2009.
Tom continued that he met earlier with area First Selectmen, House and Senate majority
and minority leaders. It was a unified message to the legislature that the biggest concern
of the towns is to receive an early budget from the legislature. We do not want to be in a
position of voting on our budget in May if the state’s budget is still being discussed.
Their goal is to get a state budget passed in April.
Tom Marsh reported that on January 22, 2009 a Public Forum will be held with the
boards to solicit input from residents.
Tom Marsh reported that usually, the Grand List is signed at the end of January. This
year, because of the revaluation, that official number will not be ready until the end of
February. We will, however, have a “ball park” figure before February.
Tom briefly defined the process for revaluation and the effect it may or may not have on
individual taxes. He encouraged the BOF to identify a mil rate as a result of the
Tom Marsh reported that the BOS has requested that the town operating budget, the
elementary school budget and the region 4 school budget all come in at a 0% increase.
Tom continued that Martin Heft recently met with the High School Principal. His
comment was that the Deep River BOS had issued the same statement. Essex’s message
was for the budget to be flat.
Jennifer Wislocki stated that the BOE feels that, overall, it will take program cuts to bring
their budget in at 0%. Tom responded that the BOE will have to be creative and make
priority decisions as will the rest of the boards. He continued that, at the end of the day,
it is a public vote.
Virginia Carmany requested a copy of the final actuals for the 07/08 year. This will be
Tax Collector’s Report
The Tax Collector’s Report was included in the Board’s packet. Jennifer reported that
we had budgeted collections of 98.5% of taxes and, to date, 60.7% have been collected.
Tom Marsh reported that this report was prepared by our new Tax Collector and things
are going well in the department. He added that these figures are through December 31,
Monthly Financials
The monthly financials were included in the Board’s packet. The BOF reviewed and
discussed same.
Tom Marsh reported that the current balance for Winter Maintenance is $22,000.00. The
recent storms have been depleting this account.
Proposed Open Space Acquisition
Consideration and vote on Town Meeting Call
Jennifer Wislocki reported that the BOS voted to move a Town Meeting Call as follows:
The electors of the TOWN OF CHESTER, CT and all other citizens qualified to vote in
town meetings of the said TOWN OF CHESTER are hereby notified and warned that a
Special Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Meeting House at 4 Liberty Street to consider and act upon the following:
1. To authorize the transfer of $219,000 from 20-00-31-0000-046 Capital
Reserve Main Street Project and $9,000 from 20-00-01-0000-007 Capital
Reserve Undesignated to 20-00-01-0000-008 Farmland Preservation.
2. To authorize and additional appropriation of $150,000 from the general fund
balance to 10-05-62-1000-150 Capital Non-Recurring.
3. To authorize an additional appropriation of $150,000 to line item 20-00-010000-008 Farmland Preservation.
4. To authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $385,000 from 2000-01-0000-008 Farmland Preservation for the acquisition of certain property
described herein and to authorize the BOS to acquire for open space purposes
the following parcel of land from David and Maria Otfinoski, the current
owner, all that real property known generally as a parcel located at Parker’s
Point Road in Chester, CT containing 4.6 acres more or less, and shown as lot
#9 on Chester’s Assessor’s Map #4 together with any improvements thereon
and appertence thereto collectively known as the premises as recommended
by the BOF.
A copy of all texts is on file with the Town Clerk’s office.
Signed and sealed in Chester this 14th day of January, 2009
Thomas E. Marsh
First Selectman
Bruce H. Watrous
Martin L. Heft
Virginia Carmany made a motion that the BOF move this notice of Special Town
Meeting to a Town Meeting. The motion was not seconded.
Laura Straub reported that she and her husband did not approve the purchase of this
John Bellos, President of the Land Trust, reported that it has always been in the town’s
Plan to acquire riverfront property. He continued that a number of years ago, the BOF
closed the Open Space Fund. If that had not happened, money for this purchase would be
available now. He felt it was shortsighted to pass on this opportunity as the funding from
the state will not be available again.
Sandy Prisloe, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, reported that the
Conservation Commission recommended the acquisition of this property. He continued
that a recommendation in the Vision Statement was that the town acquires riverfront
property. The POCD also identifies as a priority the acquisition of frontage on the river.
All of the local boards and commission that have been involved in decision making have
recommended acquisition of property on the Connecticut River. He expressed
disappointment that the motion was not seconded; which would have allowed discussion.
He added that the community will now not have an opportunity to vote on the purchase.
Mrs. Straub asked if there was a plan for safety and privacy on the property. Tom Marsh
responded that he discussed the issue with Adam Brown, the Resident Trooper. Adam
did not have any concerns with the purchase of the property from a law enforcement
Jeannette Caron, a neighbor, read the following into the minutes:
I am against using town funds for the purchase of land on Parker’s Point Rd., especially
taking money from the Main Street Project when we should be conserving these funds
and adding them for future work as well as protection against emergencies. I am also
against the acquisition of any land without a town plan on how it is going to be used.
Inasmuch as various Chester Boards and Commission will always recommend the
acquisition of riverfront land, I believe that a much more suitable will be available in the
future and we should be saving for that instead of taking money from town funds now.
Sandy Prisloe reported on the Grants received for the purchase of this property which
amounted to approximately half of the cost of the property. He continued that the town
has an opportunity to purchase a piece of property at a cost to the town which is far below
the property’s market value.
A woman reported on the “plan” for the property. She reported that this is a park for
passive recreation. The town receiving money from the DEP for the purchase of this
property limits anything that can be done to the property. At the most, we could put
picnic tables and benches and possibly a walking trail. This purchase is about preserving
the property. She continued that we’ve received over $500,000 dollars in grants for this
purchase. This money will not be available again. While the safety concerns were valid,
she felt that they could be overcome. She added that the Land Trust presently has
$17,000 pledged for the purchase. Their goal is $75,000.00. She briefly reported on the
town’s healthy fund balance.
Jennifer Wislocki reported that the town is facing a tremendous time of uncertainty in our
state budget and revenue. She does not feel that we have seen the worst of the economic
crisis yet. She is not comfortable of recommending this sizable expenditure with so
much uncertainty facing the town and our economic stability. She felt it was important
for the BOF to look at this purchase in context of the budget planning for 09/10.
A gentleman responded that he feels we need to look beyond these uncertain times but
this is a one time opportunity.
A gentleman reported that he understands that the town is interested in acquiring
riverfront property. However, with the economic uncertainty, he felt it important to
separate what the town would like to do and what the town needs to do. He did not feel
that the town needs to acquire riverfront property. He felt it would be unfair for the town
to ask that the boards have a 0% increase in their budgets and then turn around and make
this purchase. He encouraged the BOF to look at the financial aspects of such a purchase.
He continued that the town already has a great deal of open space.
A BOF member stated that he feels that the issue should go to a town vote; however, he
did not feel that there was ample information at this time. Questions include the
pricing/value of the property, issues of access, egress, boat launching etc. He would like
to see more information.
Another BOF member expressed concern with transferring money from the Main Street
Project. He was also concerned with purchasing the property now when we are still at
the beginning stages of the budget process. His recalled that the auditors felt that a 14%
fund balance was a “good place to be at this time” and that we should not be below 10 or
A gentleman thanked the BOF for their diligence.
Another gentleman asked if there were any ADA requirements that would incur costs to
the town if the property were purchased.
A gentleman stated that he does believe that this process should go to a town vote. He
felt there were many unanswered questions, including concerns about the negotiation
process and the individuals involved in same.
Amy Patterson, TPL, stated that TPL was contacted by the town to act as a third party
facilitator to assist the town in a complex real estate transaction. As a third party, their
role is to negotiate directly with the land owner. The contract is between the TPL and the
land owner. This contract is full of contingencies including financing and town approval.
Should the town approval occur, TPL would turn around and have a contract with the
town. The contract that TPL has with the land owner has a closing date, which has been
renegotiated 3 times due to the delay in a response regarding state grants. We now have a
closing date of mid March. While she understands there are still unanswered questions,
she stated that TPL needs a time period from the BOF. She continued that TPL has
worked hard to obtain grant money. If this deal “dies” and does not move forward, we
will not have this grant money in the future. She stated that she would like detailed
questions from the BOF but admitted that she may not be able to provide answers to all
the questions including future costs. She expressed disappointment that this project is not
moving forward at this time. She felt the town should have an opportunity to vote on the
Regarding the ADA, Amy responded that the state grant does not require ADA
compliance. When a town plans to improve a property, they should take into account the
ADA requirements. However, the statute also states that if it is impractical, due to many
different reasons, there are exemptions to the requirements. She added that the
Conservation Easement restricts what can be done on the property. As it stands right
now, the property could be used without any improvements, as a public park. She
continued that very few public parks can meet the ADA requirements.
A Board member suggested transparency with the negotiations and possible BOF
representation on negotiations. Amy responded that the town has full involvement in the
Another TPL member stated that when TPL enters into a transaction, they try to get the
best deal possible for the town. She continued that TPL has been doing such transactions
for 35 years. She stated that TPL also works to get the best terms as well. Currently, the
contract is between TPL and the property owner. They have invested time and money
into this project. To have another party negotiate with them, really makes things
difficult. T his is TPL’s nationwide policy.
The BOF member responded that he did not question TPL’s integrity but he felt more
information is needed before the project is put to a town meeting. He suggested that the
BOF provide questions to TPL for clarification. Amy Patterson asked for a timeline from
the BOF since TPL has dates in their contract with the owner as well as funding
Jennifer Wislocki stated that she would like to make this project part of the budget
planning and was looking a 3 to 4 additional months.
Amy Patterson reported on the length of the grant. She stated that it may take 2 years for
the town to get money. The state is looking for a situation where the town has approved
the deal and is moving forward with the process to get the grant money in place. The
longer the decision making progress is pushed out, the less likely that the state will
“hold” the money and “wait”.
Tom Marsh reported that the state will not “pull” the money in the middle of progress.
They may pull the money when there is no activity.
Jennifer Wislocki shared input from members that were unable to attend. Ed Meehan
wrote: “I am not in favor of moving too quickly on this purchase until the BOF has a
clearer picture of the 09/10 budget situation”. Jennifer continued that she attended the
BOS meeting last night. At that meeting, Martin Heft expressed concern about how the
purchase would be funded. He did not support taking money out of the Main Street
Fund. He recommended taking the town’s contribution out of the fund balance. Also,
Jennifer distributed additional letters from citizens opposed to the purchase of the land.
A woman expressed concern for the security and safety of the area. She expressed the
need for an action plan for how the area would be maintained and monitored.
A gentleman reported on upcoming layoffs at Pfizer and the possible ramifications on
residents of Chester.
Tom Marsh reported that he gets a number of questions asking “Is that meeting open to
the Public and can I go to a BOS meeting?” Every meeting is always open to the public.
Any project of significance goes through a number of checks and balances. In this
instance, we’ve had the Conservation Commission, P&Z, the BOS and the BOF take a
stand on this project. All of that information is available. Tom referenced a comment
made at the BOS meeting, “you’ve pitted neighbor against neighbor”. He continued that
this is not pitting neighbor against neighbor. This is a discussion where reasonable people
can disagree and respect other opinions. Tom continued that if there is concern about
what will happen with the land, Conservation’s role and Wetland’s role is to look at these
issues. It would have been irresponsible for the BOS to not move this issue to a public
debate. Tom continued that the issue is not “dead”. At this time, it is a matter of
economics. He stated that all of the Boards and Commissions are volunteers and he
appreciated participation. He continued that in November, there will be many positions
that will need to be filled and he encouraged residents to take these positions.
Lori Ann Clymas thanked Mrs. Straub for her past work on various town Boards and
Commission. She briefly discussed the purchase price of the property and the economic
situation throughout the country. She continued that open space saves the town money.
Amy Patterson asked for direction from the town as to the next steps TPL can take that
will help the town to make a final decision on the proposal.
Virginia Carmany stated that due to the economic crisis throughout the state and country,
the town of Chester will struggle to find money to make up for the loss of state money.
This may necessitate a tax increase in town regardless of whether we do this proposed
project or another project. She continued that the timing of this project is difficult. It is
coming to the BOF with a short window to explore questions. She did not feel there was
a plan to use this property any differently than it is used today. She did feel that the BOF
should move this project to the town so that the town can make a decision on it. She feels
that the BOF is not taking into consideration that several years ago $200,000 was
removed from the Capital Budget. This money was intended for Open Space
Acquisition. At that time, the money was needed and no one anticipated a piece of
property coming available that would be less than several million dollars. She added that
the purchase of this property would not necessitate any bonding for the town. This is a
unique situation. While the timeframe is short, she felt it behooved the BOF to let the
public vote upon the purchase of this property.
Jennifer Wislocki thanked residents for coming to the meeting and for their participation.
The consensus of the BOF was to see what the state funding to the town would be, the
town’s tax collections and the budget figures before discussing the potential purchase of
the property discussed. Jennifer encouraged BOF members to call Amy Patterson with
any questions.
Consideration and Approval of Bills
The following was moved and seconded:
Legal Contingency:
Balance in account after transfer below $ 12,123.00
Please transfer $ 702.00 from the Board of Finance Legal Contingency line item to the
following line item:
Planning and Zoning
Dzialo, Picket & Allen, P.C. (Urban)
$ 34.00
Dzialo, Picket & Allen, P.C. (Gomes)
$ 51.00
Dzialo, Picket & Allen, P.C. (Miscellaneous)
$ 391.00
Dzialo, Picket & Allen, P.C. (Johnson)
$ 90.00
Dzialo, Picket & Allen, P.C. (Palka/69 Cedar Lake Road)
$ 136.00
Total Planning and Zoning
$ 702.00
The motion passed unanimously.
The following was moved and seconded:
Board of Finance
 At the First Selectman’s request, please transfer $825.00
From: 10-05-63-1165-125
Board of Finance – General Contingency
Tax Collector – Data Processing
The motion passed unanimously.
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Virginia Carmany nominated Jennifer Wislocki for Chairman of the BOF. The motion
was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Virginia Carmany nominated Chris Johnson for Vice Chairman of the BOF. The motion
was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
On a motion made and duly seconded, the BOF moved into Executive Session to discuss
legal issues and negotiations at 9:20 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Regular session resumed at 9:50 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the BOF is February 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Helchowski