Innovative Learning Environments Expo 1 Sandown Racecourse Springvale, Tuesday 20 July 2010 Presentation transcript Modification of existing environments Brentwood Secondary College Introduction: This podcast is brought to you by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria. Emcee: Welcome to Session 2 of the Innovative Learning Environments Expo. This presentation is from Brentwood Secondary College and today Vicki Forbes, the principal of Brentwood, Secondary College will be sharing with you how they have made modifications of their existing environment. I am sure you will enjoy this session and if you have any questions just please keep them to the end and we hope to get to them if we have time. So if you would like to join me in welcoming Vicki today. Vicki Forbes: Thank you, everyone. I didn’t want to use the, the lectern because it’s so far away and I want to be able to move around a little bit. What I wanted to do was just, give you bit of an overview of what we did at Brentwood Secondary College. I responded particularly to the...being one of those perfect students, I responded to the questions that Lynn had given us in talking about coming along to this present...and giving a presentation about what we’re doing at Brentwood. So I wanted to just go through the origins of our project which we have called TLC, which refers to “Thinking, Learning and Creativity.” And as I move through the presentation, I will give you a bit of background about how that started. I am not going to read through all of the slides. What I really wanted to focus on was...I guess what I’ve learned about change in this process and I think that’s perhaps been the most powerful thing about, the process for me as a principal of the school and I think the...the learning for the teachers and, in their development has been really important and of course all of that is wrapped around the learning for the kids. So, the origins of our project. The project was called “Thinking, Learning and Creativity” and it came about as a result of the Leading Schools Fund initiative of the first Blueprint. And what that really did was put some pressure on in some really positive ways in terms of how we moved to develop something quite new. So the origins of the TLC, we had this opportunity to apply for some significant funding and the funding involved three extra teachers over and above our entitlement which we could use to develop a new program. The funding also provided an opportunity for a new building and as many of you will be aware who were around then that that was too good an opportunity to pass up. So we had to work out what we wanted to do in terms of writing a proposal to have an opportunity to be successful around the Leading Schools Fund strategy. So we looked at areas where we thought there were some challenges and focused on Year 7 where we really believed that our students were underachieving. Our attitudes to school survey results were fairly poor and really we hadn’t had the impact that we thought we would have on integrating thinking skills, metacognition, learning how to learn into our classrooms. The Leading Schools Fund resource, we were successful in our proposal but writing the proposal was a really important part of developing a vision or an educational rationale because it required someone to actually sit down and do the deep thinking that’s required when you have to write in a very articulate and concise way. The resource as I said was fantastic and it really gave us an opportunity to play and to experiment and the school also put a lot of money into the project. What research informed our design? I am a great lover of Julia Atkin’s work because so much of it for me is linked to relationships and how you nurture learning. Julia introduced me to the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument many years ago in the, in the 90s and I have been, particularly in love with that model as a way of helping people to understand how they learn and have used it with staff and...and with students. Some of the...the key quotes, I guess if you like our key statements that really framed our thinking came from the work of Yoram Harpaz and his discussions about communities of thinking and the notion of having a concluding performance or presentation was very much an influence in fact during the design of our building and in our thinking as well. We wanted to create a space where ICT was just like the lights. You just turn it on or you pick up a piece of electrical equipment when you need it, when you want it. So the key thinking was around flexibility and we also wanted the opportunity for students to develop those skills that relate to thinking, learning and creativity. So Art Costa’s work was very influential in our thinking in the original design and I will just let you read that statement because that really helped to gain to shape our thinking in terms of constructing the vision. As I mentioned, the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument model helped to improve our understanding about how we learnt as adults at Brentwood. I first used this model with the whole staff some nine years ago, and there’s many different models around on the market, there’s the MyersBriggs model, there’s the DISC Profiles, there’s Belbin Teams, but what the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument model does is that it gives you a language that focuses on colours when you talk about strengths and weaknesses rather than particular traits. The HBDI has a game called the diversity game, which is trademarked and we use that with...we adapted that and used it with the students so that they began to develop an understanding of their thinking preferences. And when they talked about their preferences they talked about colours, so their strength was, “Oh, you know, I’m really a blue-green type of person, so it’d be good if I had someone who was red and yellow to work with me.” And it’s a very non-judgemental way to talk about preferences when you use the word colours. The colours were also very influential in the fit-out and design of the building. This is what the physical space looks like. It’s an extension of, just focus up here, there’s...these...these two doors here are attached to the original school building and this section is new. This area was the performance space which was very much influenced by, as I said, the communities of thinking model and the ideas of performance. There’s a small stage across here, just a platform and there are double doors that open here out into a large courtyard area and there’s a bit of a grassy knoll around here. These are offices, store spaces and classroom areas. One of the great things about the design is the curved walls because they really dissipate the noise and just you can...this is sort of standing at one edge and this is the central performance area that’s known as TLC1, just around the back there is a small platform. There’s a large screen. These are offices. These are sort of more traditional type classrooms. So what in effect happens is that students can move in and out of the spaces. And think if I have to describe one word for my view or the vision that we originally had around the design of the TLC space and the curriculum, it would be flexibility. So that...there’s the opportunities for students to choose how they learn, where they learn and what tools they use as they move through their learning. So what does it look like on the timetable? TLC has become the name that’s use for the subject and the space. So the kids talk about, “Oh, I’m doing TLC today” and then they’ll all be...also be suddenly saying, “Well, I’m going to the TLC.” So it’s sort of, just got blurred in terms of outsiders understanding of the two, uses. It’s an interdisciplinary subject combining History, Geography and English. ICT has been integrated into the TLC curriculum and it focuses on the explicit teaching of thinking skills, metacognition, learning how to learn and reflective practises. What do teachers do differently? I think what the Leading Schools Fund allowed us to do was to put extra teaching time into the development of a program and give teachers the opportunity to collaborate and to really contest their ideas. And I think that I would probably underline the notion of contesting because what teachers... what we as a profession don’t do particularly well, I don’t think, is we don’t argue and really challenge each other’s thinking and push each other such that we come up with the best ideas and the best way forward. And that was allowed to happen because in the first couple of years, I was able to give the team of teachers who took over the program a lot of time to actually develop and work on the curriculum design. They learn with the students. They engage in the explicit teaching. They allow students to be involved in a lot of decision-making about their learning and they also model the sorts of qualities that they want the students to develop. Now, why is it different? You might say that this is what primary schools have been doing for a long time or this is what great teachers have been doing for a long time, and in fact, it is what competent teachers and great teachers have been doing for a long time. Why it’s different really, I think is because we now have all 10 teachers who teach at Year 7 who teach TLC have reached agreement about the best way to do things and that is different because it means that for every student that comes into Year 7, it doesn’t depend on which teacher you get in determining what quality of education you get in those subjects, and that is different certainly’s something that, as we all know that often the quality, the education meant the...the teacher that you got and there were some teachers who are better than other teachers and the way learning was delivered, even though the course content was the same, it was often different in terms of what actually happened in classrooms. And I think what I was saying before about this notion of actually teachers having the time to get together and agree on “the what” and “the how” of the learning in the classroom and that opportunity to contest each other’s ideas and reach agreement has been integral to the development of a common curriculum delivered in a common way. What do students do differently? I think probably the most powerful thing has been making decisions about their learning, actually having the English phrase is “choice and voice” or “voice and choice” but really it’s about having decisions and taking control, giving students choice, helps them to feel empowered. They of course don’t have completely free choice. It’s negotiated with their teachers. They are able to articulate the why and the how. I can go into the TLC centre and talk to kids and say what are your learning and why and they are very articulate. ICT is just a matter of course. It’s there. They use it as they need it. There are also books from the library that are there. They use those as they need them. So it’s really helping them to be independent, self-directed learners. They are very good at using reflective practises. They of course have digital portfolios but the culture is very...I can walk into a classroom and hear students having conversations to each other about, “Well, what did you learn when you were doing that? And what would you do differently next time?” I watched a group of students giving a presentation the other day. They were responding to a fertile question and this was just around the teaching of history and the fertile question was, “Was ancient Egypt an advanced society?” And so each child had had to investigate that and then produce an item to be presented at a, a sort of uh, an antiquities road show as what they call it, where they showed off their models and designs but they actually had to stand up and talk about and respond to that question. And what impressed me most was, at the end of each little presentation, they had obviously been trained to say, “Well, what I learnt about this and what I would do differently” and then the interrogation from the rest of the class was very much around that notion of, “How did you learn this or what would you do differently or what was your thinking behind that?” So they’re far more articulate about that notion of being learners. They’re also happy to teach others and teach the teachers. And the thing that I think gives me the greatest joy when I go into the classes is that they’re very proud of their learning because there’s that intrinsic connection often, because they have had the choice to make. They look and sound happy and they say stuff like, “Well, I love TLC” which is fantastic to hear. Individual learning needs are met through that notion of flexibility and choice and negotiated learning tasks. The teachers structure the groups in a variety of ways and this is something that primary school teachers have always done, and it’s really the notion of learning through growth using Vygotsky’s Zone rather than learning to achieve a standard, although, we are still tested on standards. But what I think I learnt most was around the notion of change and at this...this time, I must have got hold of John Kotter’s book on managing change and he talks about an Eight-Stage Process. And what I’ve tried to do in this table is on the left I have listed the stages that he identifies and then I’ve tried to link that to our process in terms of the TLC. So establishing that sense of urgency really came out of the Leading Schools Fund proposal. There was a deadline. There were guidelines and the pressure was on to meet that deadline. And the motivation was very high because it was a lot of money, it was a building and it was three extra teachers. Creating the guiding coalition; the single most important thing I did was appoint the right person as leader and give them the time to really get their head into that space. And every time I think that we have looked at change in schools, we have taken a change initiative and we’ve overlayed it onto someone else’s already busy role. So they haven’t’s not just the physical time, it’s having the head space to really think about, investigate, research, design and develop a program. The TLC team of teachers worked as a professional learning team. They were...they self-nominated but were selected as well. So they could self...they could nominate but they had to be selected and they had to be able to fit that into their curriculum in terms of their timetable. So we had a team of teachers in the beginning who were doing nothing else but working in TLC. So they had a lot of time to really think about, collaborate and contest each other’s views. One of the most surprising things for the team leader who actually had a History background...remember this is a new subject that’s integrating English, History and Geography, her background was History. There were 10 teachers in the group. She was blown away with how long it took the English teachers to come to an agreement about what they thought was the best way to introduce the teaching of essay writing in Year 7. If I had have asked the head of English 12 months before this, “Does everybody do the same thing across the 10 Year 7 classes in English?” She should...would’ve said, “Yes, we have an agreed model.” But when it actually got down to sitting around the table and trying to explain what that agreed model would look like to non-English teachers, it was very clear that there was different mental models in everybody’s head about how best to teach the writing of an essay at Year 7. And this is where the contesting of ideas came in. It wasn’t just about collaboration. It was actually arguing about the best way to move forward and building a shared understanding, but then reaching a shared agreement about, “Well, this is the way we are going to introduce essay writing at Year 7 at Brentwood” and it took a lot of discussion. The vision and the strategies; the vision really came out of the proposal that we had to write but what the team of teachers, the TLC team then did is their very first step, was that they constructed a Y chart and they wanted to collect together an understanding of what it will look like, what it will sound like and what it will feel like for the students in the TLC program. We had the VELS documents that were just being introduced. So it really meant that they had to start at the very beginning with a clean slate and this is another element of change that I think we often do in schools. We try to overlay stuff on top of practises that are already established rather than starting from the beginning. So the fact that they had to start from the beginning, they had to really contest their thinking around what’s essential to learn in the traditional discipline of history. What’s essential to learn in the traditional discipline of geography and what literacy skills do we want to transfer across the entire curriculum in this subject? Communicating the change vision; this was really much...very much again that notion of giving the group time and the physical time as well as the head space time because the original team only worked in TLC, they had a lot of time to really do the thinking and they had a lot of time to communicate. John Kotter talks about the major reasons why change initiative’s fail and he identifies communication as perhaps being one of the single most important things. In fact, in his book, he writes “Reasons Why Change Fails” = lack of communication x 10 x 100 x 1,000. And the only way that communication can happen such that you can ensure a shared understanding is the people actually have to sit down and talk and talk and talk. I was able to quarantine the time again because of that funding. Broad-based action, and these again the 5, 6, 7, 8 are directly from Kotter’s Eight Stage Change model. We were able to encourage a culture of risk taking and I used the language of trialling and risk taking as did the leader of the program. So people knew that this was a trial. They had each other for support and the support was there from the way the curriculum was structured in terms of the total school curriculum and also in terms of the priority around staffing. Generating short term wins was really visibly recognising and the innovation branch have done that a lot in a way they have been able to promote what’s happened in schools that were involved in Leading Schools Fund. Consolidating the change and generating more change; staying the course. This has been the really challenging part because every area of the curriculum in a secondary school wants priority and there is always a push to change the way the TLC is structured. We have two lots of three periods then one four-period block, that puts enormous pressure on everything else on the curriculum. So there was always pressure to change that because of the implications further up the timetable. There’s always pressure on the staffing. People want to move out of the program and that’s...that’s great because the whole concept was that we had a team that could be the innovators and that could...teaching in TLC could be like a, an innovation bubble where people could try things and then move out into other classes across the curriculum and spread their learning. Reinvigorating the process; we are now four years down the track and it’s very, it will be very easy for the whole position to sort of just, to come into play and people have to be continually I guess working on revisiting their vision, revisiting the values that underpin that vision and going back the Y chart about what will...what would TLC look like, feel like and sound like has been really powerful for the teachers who work in the program. The other research around change that really helped me to understand the way we respond to change was the work of William Bridges who talked about transitions. He talked about changes being the physical building, the new curriculum the new design but it was the transition that really made or broke a change process and this is the...the sort of the psychological part of the change. And in terms of what we’re able to do with the Leading Schools Fund was to attend to the psychological process of putting teachers into a new environment and asking them to change their practises. So what did we learn? What I learnt was that often and probably the...the key role in a secondary school where we demanded almost competing skill sets was the role of a curriculum coordinator and curriculum coordinators are expected to be experts around teaching and learning and the content and often, creative. But because they lead major change usually in schools, they’re also expected to have almost an opposing set of skills which is the organisational strategy, implementation-type skills. And so I think it’s, it’s been really important in terms of my learning around who I put in charge of a major change and assessing the skill set that they have because often a person who has the...the uh, skill to develop and implement strategy may not necessarily be an expert around what the change is where...and then usually it’s to do with some area of teaching and learning. It takes time, time and more time. As I said from the beginning, in the year 2000, we had a charter that had a focus on thinking skills, learning how to learn, metacognition and embedding elearning into all of that and it was happening in gaps. You know, there were...there were pockets of fantastic teaching across the school but it just takes a lot of time to change the way people, traditionally think and traditionally practise their...their skill or their craft in the classroom because even the younger teachers in our schools have come through a system where what we call the old fashioned style of teaching was pretty much the default and that’s...that’s where people moved to when, when they’re out of their comfort zone. So in terms of the change, we’ve had to continually improve and continue to innovate, which means someone’s got to be doing the pushing. The other thing that was a really big point of learning change for the teachers wasn’t necessarily change for the students. So the students don’t know any different in terms of coming into a secondary school, coming into Year 7. The teachers thought it was a really big deal what they were doing in terms of innovative, and being creative but it was normal to the first group of Year 7s that just came into the school and started the program, so that...that anxiety for the students was perhaps unnecessary. And the same with technology, what we can often think is some creative or innovative, may well just be par for the course, for the kids. So it’s a, it was a really important point to listen...learn and remember. So what outcomes have been achieved out? Attitudes to school survey data has definitely improved. The teachers believe that student learning has improved. The students in the way they direct their learning and manage their learning, there’s a belief that that’s improved. It certainly looks like it’s improved. In terms of academic gains, we don’t have a benchmark because we couldn’t have a placebo group to compare and in the time that the program happened, we moved from CSF to VELS and then from AIM to NAPLAN. What the teachers definitely believe and what I believe in observing the teachers is that they have developed their skills considerably, and that learning has been transferred across the school. There has been a core group who have stayed in the program and teachers cycle in and out. So, they might spend two years teaching at Year 7 and then move back into the rest of the curriculum. And teachers definitely have higher expectations of student learning and the products that students can...students can produce. And there’s the list of references for you. But I think the...the message for me is that it just takes time and more time and more time and you can’t relax and to embed a completely new way of working across the whole school, remember this is just a Year 7 program, I envisage will continue to take more time. So thank you. Emcee: Thanks Vicki. I think we’ve seen here today, it’s not just about the building, the most integral part about the education revolution. I suppose it’s about what’s happening inside the buildings and the support that, leadership give the, teachers as well. There’s a really good quote inside the E5 black album just in front in one of the, the doors that they have on the front and it talks about the experience of disorientation and alienation is profound. And unless teachers are given considerable psychological and practical support over a longer period of time, which is what you were saying, they will revert back to their old familiar practises. So I’d like you today, to please join me in thanking Vicki for her presentation and her time and her, and sharing her expertise. Thank you. We will be commencing lunch now if you’d like to make your way down to the multi-purpose room and session three will begin at 20 past 1.00. Thank you. Close: For more information about the topics discussed in this podcast, please visit the Department for Education in Early Childhood Development’s website: