

V.Ye.Podolski ~ A.F.Pisetsky ~ S.M.Brodovich














Tambov Regional Center of New Information Technologies of Tambov State Technical University (TambovCNIT of TSTU)

Address: 106 Sovetskaya st. Tambov, 392000

Phone/fax: (0752) 471313,

E-mail: postmaster@tixmcnit.tambov.su

WWW-server http://www.tstu.ru has been created and developed by the experts of Tambov

Regional Center of New Information Technologies (CNIT) of Tambov State Technical University

(TSTU). It contains information about Tambov and the Tambov region, its educational and industrial spheres, historical and cultural heritage.

So long as social and economic situation at present doesn't promote keeping and, especially, increasing of historical and cultural values, it should be given consideration to information about it in the Internet. It seems to be rather important to give the information about Russian cultural and historical roots and its popularization for the contemporary generation via the Internet. Besides it is impossible a valuable entry of Russia to the world information space without presentation of our cultural achievements in the Internet. WWW-server of TSTU has sites devoted to such famous persons, connected with the Tambov region, as V.I.Agapkin, A.N.Verstovsky, S.V.Rakhmaninov,

P.I.Tchaikovsky, I.A.Shatrov, Ye.A.Boratynsky, G.R.Derzhavin. The information about the composers are added with the graphic and audio materials. It includes a complete list of poems by

Ye.A.Boratynsky. To receive more information the references to other sources of information in the

Internet are placed on the site. It is supposed to create the sites about A.M.Zhemchuzhnikov,

A.P.Platonov, S.N.Sergeyev-Tsensky.

One of the information blocks is dealing with the information devoted to A.S.Pushkin and his connection with the Tambov region. The section "Their names are connected with the Tambov region" is a regional studies reference book. More than 250 representatives of science, culture, art and church, statesmen and public figures, who thrown their lots with our region, are presented in it.

The considerable information block includes the information about museums of the Tambov region. It is very important to create sites about museums, because in such a case a number of potential visitors increases - since thousands till millions. Server www.tstu.ru contains rather detailed information about:

Tambov Museum of Regional Ethnography (collection of ceramics, exhibition of Russian decorations, archaeological and ethnographical expositions, nature department);

Tambov Regional Art Gallery (Russian, Soviet and West European Art departments);

Museum of the first People's Commissar of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Georgy

Tchicherin (the manorial estate of the 19th century). It contains information about the relatives of G.V.Tchicherin, his private life and history of the museum;

Museum of the first People's Artist of the USSR, the first president of the Academy of Arts of the USSR Alexander Gerasimov in Michurinsk (The site includes information about the museum devoted to Gerasimov, his private life and several works by the artist);

Museum of the Great Russian Composer Sergei Rakhmaninov in the Country- house in Ivanovka (museum interior, Sergei Rakhmaninov's private life, bibliography, list of musical compositions, information about musical festivals);

Morshansk Historical and Art Museum (wooden sculptures, materials in Mordovian archaeology, painting, ceramics).

Our goal is to give an idea about each museum, supplied with the illustrated materials. Complete digital preservations of museum collections couldn't be realized at present. In addition it is

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V.Ye.Podolski ~ A.F.Pisetsky ~ S.M.Brodovich necessary to give information about museums of the outlying districts of our region, which are often unknown, but have very interesting displays. The unique wooden sculpture collection of Morshansk

Historical and Art Museum is a bright example of it. Unfortunately the subsequent work on this subjects is being delayed because it requires large financial resources. In some cases it is compensated by the disinterested aid of the museum employees.

The immidiate task should focus on presenting in the Internet the information about the unique

Museum of History of Medicine of the Tambov Region, Museum of Weaving and Textile Industry

History in Rasskazovo and creation of the Internet-version of the prominent Russian poet

Ye.A.Boratynsky's country \-house "Mara"(creation of real museum is hardly probable in the near future for want of funding). The site devoted to the Museum of History of Medicine will give the access to the information about the future and present of medicine in the Tambov region. Also there will be information about the prominent surgeon, the archbishop Luka (V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky) and about one of the founders of cosmic medicine and biology, artist, poet and inventor

A.L.Tchizhevsky as well.

Vladimir Ye. Podolsky

Vice-rector for informatization of TSTU, director of TambovCNIT of TSTU

Burthday: 1948

Education: Higher, Tambov Chemical Engineering Institute, electromechanic engineer of the technological processes automation, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Work experience: since 1969 work in the field of elaboration and implementation of information technologies

Publications: In Russian periodicals, at conferences and exhibitions

Participation in the projects: Projects of the information technologies implementation in educational scientific technical and regional programmes.

Alexander F. Pisetsky

Deputy director of TambovCNIT of TSTU

Burthday: 1950

Education: Higher, Tambov Chemical Engineering Institute, electromechanic engineer of the technological processes automation

Work experience: since 1974 work in the field of elaboration and implementation of information technologies

Publications: In Russian periodicals, at conferences and exhibitions

Participation in the projects: Projects of the information technologies implementation in educational scientific technical and regional programmes.

Sergey M. Brodovich

Chief of the department

Burthday: 1953

Education: Higher, Tambov Chemical Engineering Institute, electromechanic engineer of the technological processes automation

Work experience: since 1976 work in the field of elaboration and implementation of information technologies

Publications: At conferences and exhibitions

Participation in the projects: Projects of the information technologies implementation in educational scientific technical and regional programmes.

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V.Ye.Podolski ~ A.F.Pisetsky ~ S.M.Brodovich

Regional Center of New Information Technologies of Tambov State Technical

University (TambovCNIT of TSTU)

Surname, first name(s) of persons, authorized to act on behalf of the institution (list of actions); persons, having the right of signature on legal documents:

Vladimir Yefimovich Podolski - Vice-Chancellor for informatization of TSTU, director of TambovCNIT

Establishing and legal form : State institution

Authorized capital (if there is any), information about departments:

Division of TSTU with legal status

Main field:

Research. Scientific trends:

 integrated information-telecommunication networks and systems in the sphere of education system and regional informatization;

 new information technologies in the training process in higher educational institutions.

Membership in the professional associations: 4

Staff: 88

Part-time employees (in 1997): 131

Participation: in the interuniversity scientific and research programmes:

 information technologies in education system and science (1998-2000);

 analysis and scientific and technical support of the perspective researches in higher school; project of the interuniversity scientific and research multiaccess laboratory and center for higher qualification expert training in the sphere of scientific research computer science;

 corporative networks;

 complex scientific and technical programme "Higher education science - to the regions".

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