Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (A Government of Orissa Undertaking) IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar- 751022 Phones: (0674) 2542784, 2540820, Fax: 2542 956 Email: cmd@idcoindia.com ISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION No.HO/P&C/Est/E-3624/01/2005- 3756 Date:08.03.06 TENDER CALL NOTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COMPOUND WALL FOR PROPOSED BIOTECHNOLOGY PARK AT ANDHARUA, BHUBANESWAR, The Chief General Manager (P&C), IDCO, IDCO towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar invites sealed tender from the registered contractors from IDCO,vender/State PWD/CPWD/Railway/MES for the works detailed below. Sl. No Name of work Estimated cost (Appx) ( in Rs) 01. Construction of Compound wall for proposed Biotechnology Park at Andharua, Bhubaneswar 43.70 lakhs. Bid security/ EMD (in Rs) 44,000/- Cost of document (in Rs.) Period of completion Class of tender 6,000/(Six thousand only) 06 (Six) Calendar Months Range above Rs.25.00 lakhs and up to Rs.500.00 lakhs for IDCO venders. Special class & “A” class contractors of PWD & other dept. The Tender document may be purchased during office hours from the office of the Joint Manager (P&C) IDCO, IDCO Towers, Bhubaneswar/ Divisional Head, IDCO BCD-I Division, Bhubaneswar up to 3.00 PM from Dt.21.03.2006 to Dt.25.03.05 2006 on production of IDCO vender/valid license, valid PAN, valid STCC/TIN and valid EPF registration certificate. The Contractor should have completed similar type of work of value not less than Rs.30.00 lakhs in a single agreement and also have to produce necessary completion certificate of the work / project from the concerned client such as Govt.Departments, PSU, Registered Society with proof of owner ship of machineries both in self possession or hire while purchasing the tender documents. The tender documents can also be down loaded from IDCO’s website www.idcoindia.com which must accompany the tender document cost of Rs,6,000.00 (Rupees six thousand)only (Non refundable) in shape of DD along with the tender drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation payable at Bhubaneswar, and the above D.D be purchased within the date of sale of tender paper, failing which the tender will be rejected. The sealed tender of packet-1 superscribing “Technical Offer” containing the Bid Document and the cost of tender document (if downloaded from the website) and attested copies of IDCO vender/valid license, EMD, Experience Certificate, STCC/TIN, PAN, EFP Registration, proof of ownership machineries both in self possession or hire and other). Packet2 superscribing the “Financial Offer” Should be kept inside one packet superscribing on the top “Tender for Construction of Compound wall for proposed Biotechnology Park at Andharua, Bhubaneswar”,so as to reach the same to Joint Manager(P&C), IDCO, IDCO Tower, Bhubaneswar on or before Dt.03.04.2006 during office hours though registered post/speed post only. The EMD shall be in shape of demand draft payable at Bhubaneswar or in shape of Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format from any Nationalized bank in favour of “Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation”. The tender will be opened on Dt.04.04.2006 at 11.30 AM in the office of the Joint Manager (P&C), IDCO, IDCO Tower, Bhubaneswar in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who wishes to attend. The technical offer will be opened first. The price bids shall be opened only of the technically qualified bidders after scrutiny of the Technical bids on 05.04.06 at 11.30 AM. If the office happens to be closed on the date of last sale /receipt/opening of bids as specified, the same will be sold/received/opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. The undersigned will not be responsible for any loss, damage or delay if any in the delivery of the documents or non-receipt of the same. IDCO reserves the right to cancel any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/Chief General Manager (P&C)I/c.