CASE STUDIES ON THE APPLICATION OF GEOSTATISTICS TO IN SITU NATURAL STONE CHARACTERISATION Pereira, H.G., Sousa, A.J., Ribeiro, J., Albuquerque, T., Luís, G., Lamberto, V., Saraiva, J. CVRM / IST – Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Fax 351-21-8417442 e-mail ABSTRACT The planning of natural stone exploitation suffers from a serious drawback stemming from the lack of quantitative tools for the prediction, ex ante, of the in situ value of the material to be extracted. This value, apart from extrinsic market factors that can not be controlled, depends on a series of geological characteristics that can be measured or observed in the faces of the quarry, like fracture density and attitude, presence of other discontinuities and intrusions. When the fracture pattern is the most important factor controlling the value of the natural stone, the main problem is a geometric one and a 3-D model can be simulated, giving rise to the evaluation of the block size distribution. This model is established by the geostatistical simulation of the spatial distribution of the fracture system. The results predicted by the model are cross-validated against the zoning of the region where the quarries are located. This zoning is based on real data referring to the dimensions of blocks and slabs produced by the quarries that are active in the area. Two case studies referring to marble are presented, in relation with this geometric approach. For the cases where there is a multiplicity of factors affecting the value of the natural stone, a synthetic index can be calculated in order to express those factors in a single quantitative scale. This index, calculated by a modified Correspondence Analysis procedure, is the analogue, for natural stone, of grade for metallic ores. Once calculated this index, the standard geostatistical estimation methodology based on Kriging can be applied, provided that validation procedures are available. Two case studies regarding marble and granite are presented in order to illustrate the methodology, emphasising the specific features of each particular geological setting, as well as different end-uses of each type of material depending on other features, besides dimension. 2 INTRODUCTION Natural stone characterisation for exploitation planning purposes rises a variety of challenging problems to the application of geostatistics. In fact, the nature of the available basic information, on which the value of the material to be extracted is based, is far more complex than in metallic deposits, consisting of a blend of quantitative and qualitative attributes, namely the fracture system occurring in the deposit and in its regional geological envelope. Hence, the specific data available in natural stone quarries call for important adjustments in geostatistical methodologies. These adjustments apply in a different way when the main issue is a geometric model based on fractures or when the quality of the stone depends also on other characteristics, beyond fractures. In the first case, the 3-D model of the deposit is obtained by geostatistical simulation of the fracture density, combined with Monte Carlo simulation of other characteristics of the fracture system, as proposed by Luis et al. 1999. In the second case, an analogue of the grade in metallic ore bodies must be calculated, summarising the set of observable attributes in a quality index, according to the methodology proposed in Pereira, 1988 and applied by Pereira et al., 1993, Ribeiro et al., 1997, Taboada et al., 1999 and Saraiva et al., 1999. This methodology relies on the construction of a quantitative index by extracting the eigenvectors of the inertia matrix derived from the extreme poles of quality, being these poles defined by an expert guess on the weights to be given to the categories of the available attributes in order to account for the extreme configurations (‘GOOD’ and ‘BAD’ poles). Based on this index, the estimation of the quality in non-sampled blocks can be performed by kriging, including in same cases an external drift representing the influence of regional accidents on the local value of the blocks to be evaluated. In the following case studies, the adjustments performed to cope with the specific nature of natural stone data are illustrated, emphasising the repercussion on the geostatistical methodologies of particular issues arising from different real problems faced by the natural stone industry. CASE STUDY 1 – PREDICTING BLOCK DIMENSION DISTRIBUTION This case study illustrates a methodology for calculating the block dimension distribution of a marble deposit located in Southeast Portugal. The proposed methodology relies on a 3-D model of the fracture system occurring in the area, obtained by geostatistical simulation. The data on which the case study is based were obtained by drilling 16 holes and photographing 104 faces of 6 quarries operating in the deposit, as sketched in Fig. 1. By this procedure, a total of 5161 fractures were recorded in a geo-referenced file that constitutes the basic input where the methodology is grounded on. 3 Deposit outline Quarries Boreholes Face m Collar of borehole Fracture 1 Fracture 2 Face height Core 1 Core characteristics Core Length Beginning End Azim. Dip Fracture 1 “scanline” Fracture n Fracture 3 Face width Fracture 2 Fractures distances from collar and their attitude Fracture n No fract. Dist. Azim. Dip Core 2 Plant of the quarry Table of fracture identification of face m Code Azim. Dip 1 2 N Face m Table of input data to the simulation model n Code X Y Z Azim. Dip Fig. 1 - Sketch of the procedure used to record the basic information on the fracture system Based on this file, the RV Linear Fracture Density (LFD – number of fractures per length unit) was calculated for each one of the 4 families of fractures recognised in the deposit and the correspondent variogram was modelled by a spherical scheme, as depicted in the example of Fig. 2. Experimental variogram of the linear fracture density (h) The estimation of the above mentioned RV was then performed Azimuth N 55ºE and dip 65º by kriging a set of 50x50x50 m 0.36 0.32 cubes enveloping the area of the 0.28 0.24 0.20 study. The geostatistical simulation C0 - 0.03 0.16 0.12 C1 - 0.115 A1- 25 m C2 - 0.09 A2- 150 m 0.08 of the LFD was produced by the 0.04 0.00 0 --- 20 40 60 THEORICAL VALUE 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Distances (m) EXPERIMENTAL VALUE Fig. 2 - Example of variogram of the Linear fracture density for family 1 turning bands method, on the grounds of the histogram and variogram of the real fractures, and of the estimated average value of the LFD within each 50x50x50 m cube that constitutes the geometric model of the deposit. Using the results of this geostatistical simulation, combined with a Monte Carlo simulation of the other relevant 4 characteristics of the fractures (attitude, dimension, probability of fracture intersection), a 3-D model of the global fracture system occurring in the deposit is obtained. Based on this model, a cumulative histogram of blocks that do not intersect any fracture is calculated, providing the expected block size distribution, which is the final result of the study (cf. Fig. 3). Nº of cubes with 0.25 m face length 10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.25 Dimensions of face lengths of composite cubes Fig. 3 – Expected cumulative histogram of the blocks that can be extracted in the marble deposit based on the fracture model CASE STUDY 2 – ZONING BASED ON BLOCK SIZE AND SHAPE DATA For the same marble massif which the precedent case is referred to, data were collected in 15 operating quarries, providing the distribution of the following dimensional parameters of extracted material: maximum block size and shape of the slabs produced. A data base containing 6289 blocks was obtained in the quarries that represent the area of the massif (cf. Fig. 4). Fig. 4 – Location of the quarries where data were collected in relation with the marble massif Based on this data, two RV were defined : the maximum dimension of blocks and the proportion of slabs exceeding the standard linear dimensions accepted by the transformation factory (2.5x1.6 m). An example of a variogram for the second variable is given in Fig. 5, as 5 well as the parameters of the fitted spherical model. Fig. 5 - Variogram of the RV ‘proportion of slabs exceeding the standard dimensions’ On the grounds of these two variables, an estimation by kriging was performed for the entire area of the massif, producing the maps given in Fig. 6, where the zoning of the massif can be visualised, from the standpoint of maximum size and shape of expected blocks and slabs. Fig. 6 - Zoning of the marble massif based on kriging of maximum block size and slab shape CASE STUDY 3 – INCORPORATING REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION This case study, referring to a marble formation located in Southeast Portugal where 15 quarries were sampled for the relevant local attributes (fracture length, curvature and density, number of joint intersections, veining and ‘running’), illustrates how to incorporate, in the estimation of the in situ quality of the material to be extracted, the influence of geological regional accidents, like faults, metavulcanites and doleritic veins (cf. Fig. 7) The two scales, local and regional, are linked in what concerns the in situ quality of the marble, since there is a significant correlation between the index based on local attributes and 6 the distance of each support where the attributes were observed to the nearest regional accident (cf. Fig 8). N Graphic Scale Fig. 7 – Locations of the quarries where local attributes were captured in relation to regional accidents Fig. 8 – Correlation between the local index and the distance to the nearest regional accident In order to account for this regional information in the evaluation of marble quality, the distances to the nearest accident were included in the estimation procedure as an external drift, giving rise to the results depicted in Fig. 9, where the improvement brought by the regional information can be assessed by comparison with the corresponding output produced by kriging the local index. This comparison is based on cross validation by the leave-one-out procedure, providing the scatterplots of real vs. estimated points depicted also in Fig. 9. 7 a) b) Fig. 9 – Results of the estimation by kriging (a) compared with the external drift (b) CASE STUDY 4 – ACCOUNTING FOR OTHER LOCAL QUALITY ATTRIBUTES APART FROM FRACTURES This case study illustrates the prediction of in situ value of natural stones based on attributes that do not depend on fractures, but on other characteristics of the rock, like enclaves, veins, dykes and schlieren. To account for these characteristics, the above described methodology 8 for the index calculation was generalised by the establishment of a third pole (besides the GOOD pole and the BAD RECOVERY pole). This new pole, denoted BAD QUALITY pole, encompasses the observable attribute categories that are relevant for quality definition, besides fractures. The case study refers to a granite quarry located in Southeast Portugal, where important features contributing to bad quality occur (cf. Fig. 10) Fig. 10 - Plant of the granite quarry showing the location of attributes that contribute to bad quality, besides fractures Since these attributes are included in the third pole (BAD QUALITY), the resulting index contains two components: component 1 gives the transition from good to bad blocks and component 2 gives the transition from bad quality blocks to bad recovery blocks. Experimental variograms and spherical models for the two components are given in Fig. 11. Component 1 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES MODEL ADJUSTMENT DISTANCE (m) Component 2 c0 = 0.29 c1 = 0.085 a = 12 m EXPERIMENTAL VALUES MODEL ADJUSTMENT c0 = 0.03 c1 = 0.033 a = 12 m DISTANCE (m) Fig 11 -Variograms of the component 1 and 2 of the index 9 Results of the estimation by kriging are given in Fig. 12. 6750 N 6740 6730 6720 6710 6700 6690 6680 6670 GOOD BLOCK 6660 BAD RECOVERY BLOCK BAD QUALITY BLOCK 6650 5980 5990 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 Fig. 12 - Estimation of the in situ quality of granite based on kriging of the two components of the index CONCLUSIONS The case studies presented in this paper demonstrate how to handle, in geostatistical terms, the variety of variables that control, on geological grounds, natural stone in situ value. For modelling the fracture system and predicting the expected block dimension distribution, geostatistical simulation and estimation revealed to be valuable techniques to cope with specific features of the problem. The zoning of a marble massif based on kriging real production data referring to block dimension proved to be a sound basis for validation of simulation results. Regarding the forecasting of in situ quality, the case studies reported here show that it is possible to account for regional geological information and for local attributes, other than fractures, that affect recovery. The validation of the methodology to summarise the observable attributes depends on the availability of a training set where the estimations provided by kriging are to be compared with real data on the commercial value of particular blocks. 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. grants supporting this research in the scope of VIROC project (Forecasting the in situ value of Natural stones). REFERENCES Luís, G., Sousa, A.J., 1999 – Geostatistical simulation of fracture networks. 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