Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Published Books
Chadwick, A, Morfett, J and Borthwick, M. (2004). Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
E & F N Spon, London.
Reeve, D E, Chadwick, A and Fleming, C. (2004). Coastal Engineering: Processes, Theory and Design
Practice. E & FN Spon, London.
Journal papers in preparation
Chadwick, A J, Karunarathna, H, Gehrels, H and O'Brien, D. (in preparation). A new analysis of
coastal processes for the Slapton Barrier Beach System. Maritime Engineering.
Ilic, S, Chadwick, A and Fleming, C. (in prep). Implications for design of shore parallel breakwater
schemes based on a physical model study in the UK Coastal Research Facility. Journal of Maritime
Ilic, S and Chadwick, A. (in prep). Multi-directional wave tranformations behind detached breakwaters: a
field and computational study. Coastal Engineering.
Pedrozo, A, Chadwick, A and Simmonds, D. (in prep). Measurement of wave reflection on coarse and
mixed grain beaches. Coastal Engineering.
Journal papers in Review
Karunarathna, H, Chadwick, A and Lawrence, J. (in review). Numerical experiments of swash
oscillations on steep and gentle beaches. Coastal Engineering.
Lawrence, J and Chadwick, A J. (in review). Boussinesq modelling of wave reflection: An investigation
of the hydrodynamics using numerical and full scale physical experiments. Maritime Engineering.
Lopez de San Roman-Blanco, B, Coates, T T, Holmes, P, Chadwick, A J, Bradbury, A P, Baldock,
T, Pedrozo-Acuna, A, Grune, J and Lawrence, J. (in review). Large wave channel (GWK) experiments
on gravel and mixed beaches: experimental procedure and data documentation. Coastal Engineering.
Maron, P, Reeve, D E, Rihouey, D and Dubranna, J. (in review). A study of a navigation channel
subject to regular dredgings using eigenfunction analysis: The Adour River mouth - France. Estuarine,
Coastal & Shelf Science.
Pedrozo, A, Simmonds, D, Otta, A K and Chadwick, A J. (in review). On the cross-shore profile
change of gravel beaches. Coastal Engineering.
Pedrozo-Acuña, A, Simmonds, D J and Silva, R. (in review). Descripción de la cinemática del oleaje
por medio de ecuaciones tipo Boussinesq. Revista de Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico, IMTA (in
Reeve, D E, Soliman, A and Lin, P. (in review). A numerical model for combined overtopping and
overflow of seawalls by random waves. Coastal Engineering.
Reeve, D E. (in review). An explicit expression for beach response to non-stationary forcing near a
groyne. ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Engineering.
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Rihouey, D, Maron, P and Reeve, D E. (in review). Analysis of the long-term morphological behaviour of
the beaches of Anglet. Journal of Coastal Research.
Rozynski, G and Reeve, D E. (in review). Multi-resolution analysis of nearshore hydrodynamics using
discrete wavelet transforms. Coastal Engineering.
Conference papers in review
Horrillo-Caraballo, J-M and Reeve, D E. (in review). Long-term evolution of offshore sandbank
morphology. Case study: Great Yarmouth Sandbanks, U.K. In: Coastal dynamics 2005.
Karunarathna, H and Chadwick, A J. (in review). Significance of low frequency waves in shoreline
motion driven by a partially saturated surf zone. In: Coastal Dynamics 05.
Karunarathna, H and Chadwick, A J. (In review). Long waves in the surf and swash, . In: Waves 2005.
Lawrence, J and Chadwick, A J. (in review). Scour of mixed beaches near a sea wall: cross shore
morphodynamic modelling and measurements. In: Coastal Dynamics 05.
Pedrozo, A, Simmonds, D, Otta, A K and Chadwick, A J. (in review). A numerical study of coarsegrained beach dynamics. In: Coastal Dynamics 05. Barcelona, Spain.
Shao, S, Reeve, D E, Chadwick, A J, James, P and Graham, D. (in review). Simulation of wave
overtopping seawall by SPH model. In: Coastal Dynamics 05.
Wang, B, Van der Meer, J W, Otta, A K and Chadwick, A. (In review). Reflection of obliquely incident
waves at low crested structures. In: Coastal Dynamics 05. Barcelona, Spain.
Journal papers accepted
He, Y-J, Perrie, W, Zou, Q-P and Vachon, P W. (accepted). A new wind vector algorithm for C-band
SAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Journals papers in press
Avila, A, Pedrozo-Acuña, A, Silva, R and Simmonds, D J. (in press). Evaluación de la inundación
generada por tsunamis en la costa pacífica mexicana Revista de Ingeniería Hidráulica en México.
Revista de Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico, IMTA (in Spanish).
He, Y-J, Perrie, W, Xie, T and Zou, Q-P. (in press). Ocean wave spectra from a linear polarimetric SAR.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Conference Papers accepted
Pedrozo, A, Chadwick, A and Simmonds, D. (accepted). Modelling swash zone morphological changes
in gravel beaches. In: Physics of Estuaries & Coastal Seas.
Wang, B, Otta, A K and Chadwick, A J. (accepted). Analysis of oblique wave transmission at smooth
and rubble mound structures. In: Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005. London.
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Conference papers in press
Bullock, G, Obhrai, C, Muller, G, Wolters, G, Peregrine, H and Bredmose, H. (In press). Field and
laboratory measurement of wave impacts. In: Proc, Int. Conf. Coastal Structures August 2003. Portland.
Bullock, G, Obhrai, C, Müller, G, Wolters, G, Peregrine, H and Bredmose, H. (in press).
Characteristics and design implications of breaking wave impacts. In: 29th International Conference on
coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Fourudi, P, Aziz, J and Fleming, C A. (In press). An overview of planning, design and construction of
sohar industrial port. In: 4th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures
(ICOPMAS). 4th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS), Bander
Abbas, Iran.
Grune, J, Bullock, G, Obhrai, C and Wang, Z. (in press). Violent wave overtopping on vertical and
sloped walls: large scale model tests. In: 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Li, B and Fleming, C A. (In press). A three dimensional hydrodynamic model for current flow. In: XXIX
IAHR Congress. XXIX IAHR Congress, Beijing.
Mason, T, Priestley, A D, Blanco, B, Bradbury, A P, McCabe, M, Reeve, D E, Coates, T T and Smith,
N D. (in press). Acoustic characterisation of shingle sediment transport. In: 29th International Conference
on coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Obhrai, C, Bullock, G, Müller, G, Wolters, G, Peregrine, H, Bredmose, H and Grüene, J. (in press).
Violent wave impacts on vertical and inclined walls: large scale model tests. In: 29th International
Conference on Coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Otta, A K and Pedrozo, A. (in press). Swash boundary and cross-shore variation of horizontal velocity on
a slope. In: 29th International Conference on coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Pedrozo, A, Simmonds, D and Silva, R. (In Press). Aplicación de la teoría del caos para el
procesamiento de señales de oleaje no lineal. In: XX Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, . XX
Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, La Habana, Cuba. p IAHR.
Peregrine, H, Bredmose, H, McCabe, A, Bullock, G, Obhrai, C, Müller, G and Wolters, G. (in press).
Violent water wave impact on walls and the role of air. In: 29th International Conference on coastal
Engineering. Lisbon.
Simmonds, D, Pedrozo, A and Silva, R. (In Press). Estimacion de la reflexion generada por estructuras.
In: XIX Congreso Latinoamerican de hidraulica. XIX Congreso Latinoamericanode hidraulica, Cordoba,
Soliman, A and Reeve, D E. (in press). Numerical Study for Small Freeboard Wave Overtopping and
Overflow of Sloping Sea Walls. In: Proceedings of Coastal Structures 2003. Portland, USA.
Taylor, P, Hunt, A, Borthwick, A and Stansby, P. (in press). Phase inversion and the identification of
harmonic structure in coastal engineering experiments. In: 29th International Conference on coastal
Engineering. Lisbon.
Wolters, G, Müller, G, Bullock, G, Obhrai, C, Peregrine, H and Bredmose, H. (in press). Field and
large scale model tests of wave impact pressure propagation into cracks. In: 29th International
Conference on coastal Engineering. Lisbon.
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Published Journal papers
Perrie, W, Toulany, B, Hu, Y-C, Padilla-Hernadez, R, Smith, P, Zou, Q-P, Zhang, W-Q and Ren, X-J.
(2004). Waves in Hurricane Juan. CMOS (Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society) Bulletin,
32, 2, p 45-48.
Reeve, D E and Spivack, M. (2004). Probabilistic methods for morphological prediction. Coastal
Engineering, 51 (special issue on coastal morphodynamic modelling (invited paper)), p 661-673.
Reeve, D E. (2004). Accounting for variability in coastal prediction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers - Water & Maritime Engineering, 157, p 35-46.
Zou, Q-P. (2004). A simple model for random wave bottom friction and dissipation. J. Phys. Oceanogr,
34, (6), p 1459-1467.
Badr, A and Reeve, D E. (2003). Self help: On the need for performance criteria for domestic flood
systems. Water & Environmental Manager, 8, 7, p 16-17.
Reeve, D and Badr, A. (2003). Performance of sandbags for domestic flood defence. Proceedings of the
Institution of Civil Engineers-Water and Maritime Engineering, 156, 4, p 341-349.
Reeve, D E, Horrillo, J-M and Young, R. (2003). Quantitative analysis of morphological changes in the
Humber Estuary over a 150-year epoch. Singapore Maritime & Port Journal, 156, p 137-150.
Zou, Q-P and Hay, A E. (2003). The vertical structure of the wave bottom boundary layer over a sloping
bed: theory and field measurements. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 7, p 1380-1400.
Zou, Q-P, Hay, A E and Bowen, A J. (2003). The vertical structure of surface gravity waves propagating
over a sloping sea bed: theory and field measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 108, (C8): Art. No. 3265.
Dronen, N, Karunarathna, H, Fredsoe, J, Sumer, B M and Deigaard, R. (2002). An experimental study
of rip channel flow. Coastal Engineering, 45, p 223-238.
Li, B, Reeve, D E and Fleming, C A. (2002). An investigation of inshore wave conditions using satellite
data. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water and Maritime Engineering, 154, 4, p 275283.
Obhrai, C, Nielsen, P and Vincent, C E. (2002). Influence of filtration on suspended sediment under
waves. Coastal Engineering, 45, p 111-123.
Reeve, D E. (2002). Comments on "Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a beach in the
southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis" Coast. Eng. 43 (2001) 41-58.
Coastal Engineering, 44, 3, p 267-269.
Reeve, D E. (2002). Reply to reply to comments on "Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a
beach in the southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis" Coast. Eng. 43 (2001)
41-58. Coastal Engineering, 44, 3, p 273-274.
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Zou, Q-P. (2002). An analytical model of wave bottom boundary layers incorporating turbulent relaxation
and diffusion effects. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 9, p 2441-2456.
Bullock, G N, Crawford, A R, Hewson, P J, Walkden, M J A and Bird, P A D. (2001). The influence of
air and scale on wave impact pressures. Coastal Engineering, 42, 4, p 291-312.
Li, B and Fleming, C. (2001). Three-dimensional model of navier-stokes equations for water waves.
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 127, 1, p 16-25.
Reeve, D E, Li, B and Fleming, C A. (2001). Long-term morphological variations of a sandbank system.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Maritime and Energy, 148, 1, p 15-23.
Reeve, D E. (2001). Erosion today, groyne tomorrow. Mathematics Today, 37, 5, p 143-147.
Reeve, D, Li, B and Thurston, N. (2001). Eigenfunction analysis of decadal fluctuations in sandbank
morphology at Gt Yarmouth. Journal of Coastal Research, 17, 2, p 371-382.
Published Conference papers
Bashir, M T and Reeve, D E. (2004). Using web-based learning systems to enhance student learning; an
approach adopted for coastal engineering education. In: Proc . Intl Conf on Innovation, Good Practice and
Research in Engineering Education. Wolverhampton. vol 1, p 143-148.
Hames, D, Reeve, D E, Marriott, M and Chadwick, A. (2004). Effect of data quality on the analysis of
water levels along the Cumbrian coastline. In: Proc. IMA International Conference on Flood Risk
Management. Bath. p 139-148.
Hawkes, P, Gouldby, B, Sun, W, Tawn, J, Reeve, D E, Hames, D, Blackman, D and Sprowson, R.
(2004). A comparison of marginal and joint extremes predicted from synthesised wave and water level
data. In: Proc. 1st IMA Conference on Flood Risk Assessment. Bath. p 65-74.
He, Y-J, Zou, Q-P, Perrie, W and Vachon, P W. (2004). Wind retrieval algorithm from Envisat images.
In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
Weston, B, Taylor, P, Borthwick, A and Hunt, A. (2004). Godunov-type Boussinesq modeling of
extreme wave run-up. In: Shallow Flows. G.H. Jirka and W.S.J. Uijttewaal (eds), p 615-622. A.A.
Zou, Q-P, He, Y-J, Perrie, W and Vachon, P W. (2004). Wind vector inversion from radarsat sar images:
a new algorithm. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
Avila, A, Pedrozo-Acuña, A, Silva, R and Simmonds, D. (2003). Principales teorías para el modelado
matemático de la propagación de oleaje. (in Spanish). In: IV Congreso Internacional Puertos y Costas,
Realidades y Perspectivas, AMIP. Acapulco, México.
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Baldock, T, O'Hare, T, Huntley, D, S, C, Bird, P and Bullock, G. (2003). Surf beat kinematics induced
by random waves. In: Coastal Engineering 2002. Jane McKee Smith (ed) Proceedings of the 28th
International Conference Coastal Engineering 2002 (ICCE 2002), vol 1, p 1130-1142. World Scientific
Chadwick, A J. (2003). Evaluation of a cross-shore hydrodynamic and morphodynamic numerical model
from GWK experiments on mixed beaches. In: GWK Joint user/user selection panel. Hanover.
Hunt, A, Taylor, P and Borthwick, A. (2003). Focused Waves & Solitons in the UK Coastal Research
Facility. In: Peking University, China.
Hunt, A, Taylor, P, Borthwick, A, Stansby, P and Feng, T. (2003). Kinematics of Focused Waves on a
Plane Beach in the UK coastal Research Facility. In: 4th International Coastal Structures Conference.
Portland, Oregon. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ilic, S and Chadwick, A. (2003). Velocity moments around detached breakwaters. In: Coastal
Engineering 2002. Jane McKee Smith (ed) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Coastal
Engineering 2002(ICCE 2002), vol 2, p 1671-1683. World Scientific Publishing.
Lawrence, J, Karunarathna, H, Chadwick, A J and Fleming, C A. (2003). Cross-shore sediment
transport on mixed coarse grain sized beaches: modelling and measurements. In: Coastal Engineering
2002. Jane McKee Smith (ed) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference Coastal Engineering
2002 (ICCE 2002). vol 3, p 2565-2577. World Scientific Publishing.
Otta, A K. (2003). Harbour excitation due to a coast-parallel current. In: Coastal Engineering 2002. Jane
McKee Smith (ed) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference Coastal Engineering 2002 (ICCE
2002), vol 2, p 1303-1314. World Scientific Publishing.
Pedrozo, A, Chadwick, A, Avila, A, Simmonds, D J and Silva, R. (2003). Modelacion a gran escala de
playa compuestas por sedimentos gruesos. In: Proceedings of IV Congreso International Puertos y
Costas, Realidades y Perspectivas. Acapulco, Mexico.
Pedrozo-Acuña, A, Avila, A, Simmonds, D J and Silva, R. (2003). Descripción del oleaje con las
ecuaciones de tipo Boussinesq. (in Spanish). In: IV Congreso Internacional Puertos y Costas, Realidades
y Perspectivas, AMIP. Acapulco, México.
Reeve, D E and Horrillo-Caraballo, J-M. (2003). Analysis and prediction of complex estuary
morphology. In: Proceedings of COPEDEC VI 2003. Sri Lanka. Paper 117, Ch 17, 14pp.
Reeve, D E, Bovey, J H, Guthrie, G and Budzynski, C. (2003). Stable bay theory and integrated coastal
development: a case study. In: Proceedings of 6th ICE International Conference on Coastal Management
2003. Brighton. p 313-326.
Reeve, D E. (2003). Probabilistic methods for flood risk assessment. In: Proceedings 28th ICCE. J
McKee Smith (ed) Cardiff. p 2324-2334. World Scientific.
Reeve, D E. (2003). Probabilistic modelling of nearshore morphodynamics and shoreline changes. In:
Coastal Zone - summer school workshop. Lubiatowo, Poland. p 237-264. Institute of Hydroengineering,
Polish Academy of Sciences.
Soliman, A, Raslan, M S and Reeve, D E. (2003). Numerical simulation of wave overtopping using two
dimensional breaking wave model. In: Coastal Engineering Vi - Computer Modelling and Experimental
Measurements of Seas and Coastal Regions. Environmental Studies Series, vol 9, p 439-447. WIT
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Spivack, M and Reeve, D E. (2003). A stochastic model for shoreline evolution. In: Proceedings 28th
ICCE. J McKee-Smith (ed) Cardiff. p 3433-3437. World Scientific.
Weston, B, Taylor, P, Borthwick, A and Hunt, A. (2003). Boussinesq Model of focused Wave Groups.
In: International Symposium on Shallow Flow. Delft, Netherlands.
Horrillo-Caraballo, J-M and Reeve, D E. (2002). Eigenfunction analysis of complex estuary morphology.
In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Cardiff. p 777-784. IWA Publishing.
Hunt, A, Taylor, P, Borthwick, A, Stansby, P and Feng, T. (2002). Focused Waves onto a Plane
Beach. Poster. In: 7th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting. Banff, Alberta,
Jones, M, Li, B, Fleming, C and Reeve, D E. (2002). Classification of beach behaviour using singular
vectors. In: Poster. 28th ICCE. Cardiff.
Otta, A K. (2002). Nonlinearity of Boussinesq-type equations and its role on wave transformation. In:
Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis. Billy L Edge and J Michael Hemsley (eds), vol 1, p 854-863.
American Society of Civil Engineers/US Army Corps of Engineers.
Reeve, D E, Li, Y, Shankar, N J and Leung, C F. (2002). Wave energy dissipation on barred equilibrium
beaches. In: Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings. Singapore. p
771-774. World Scientific.
Zou, Q-P, Bowen, A J and Hay, A E. (2002). The shear stress distribution of dissipative and nondissipative waves in variable water depth. In: American Geophysics Union Meeting. San Francisco,
Baldock, T E, Huntley, D A, Bird, P D, O'Hare, T J and Bullock, G N. (2001). Surf beat generation by a
time-varying breakpoint. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) vol 2, p 1398-1411. American
Society of Civil Engineers.
Bin, L and Fleming, C A. (2001). A three-dimensional model based on Navier-Stokes equations for wave
breaking. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) vol 1, p 916-927. American Society of Civil
Chadwick, A J. (2001). EPSRC/MAFF/EA Coastal Engineering and Processes Workshop. In:
EPSRC/MAFF/EA Coastal Engineering and Processes Workshop. London.
Dingemans, M W and Otta, A K. (2001). Nonlinear modulation of water waves. In: Advances in Coastal
and Ocean Engineering. Philip L-F Liu (ed) vol 7, p 2-75. World Scientific.
Fleming, C A and Hamer, B. (2001). Successful implementation of an offshore reef scheme on an open
coastline. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) p 1813-1820. American Society of Civil
Ilic, S, Chadwick, A J, Pan, S, Simmonds, D J and O'Connor. (2001). The evolution of an equilibrium
bay. In: Coastal Dynamics 01. Hans Hanson and Magnus Larson (eds), Coastal Dynamics 01
Coastal Group Publications 2001-04
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Coastal Dynamics, p 16-25. American Society of Civil
Lawrence, J, Chadwick, A J and Fleming, C A. (2001). A phase resolving model of sediment transport
on coarse grained beaches. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) vol 1, p 624-636. American
Society of Civil Engineers.
O'Hare, T J, Baldock, T E, Huntley, D A, Bird, P D and Bullock, G N. (2001). Free longwave shortwave
interaction in a surf zone. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) vol 2, p 1448-1461. American
Society of Civil Engineers.
Reeve, D E and Spivack, M. (2001). Prediction of long-term coastal evolution using moment equations.
In: Coastal Dynamics '01: Proceedings. Lund, Sweden. p 723-731. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Reeve, D E and Spivack, M. (2001). Stochastic prediction of long-term coastal evolution. In: Coastal
Engineering V - Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions. C Brebbia (ed) Environmental Studies
Series, Rhodes, Greece. vol 6, p 55-63. WIT Press.
Reeve, D E. (2001). Comment on "Integrating reliable flood modelling with probabilisitc analysis in
practice" by P Sayers, B Gouldby, M Crossman, I Meadowcroft & A Moody. In: Proceedings of 36th
DEFRA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers. Keele. p 7.6.3.
Silva, R, Pedrozo-Acuña, A, Díaz, G, Salles, P, Aguilar, M and Contreras, A. (2001). Oceanographic
Risk from Hurricanes on the Mexican Pacific Coast. In: PACON. San Francisco California, USA.
Simmonds, D J, Lawrence, J and Chadwick, A J. (2001). Characterisation of wave sequencing in
surface elevation time series. In: Coastal Dynamics 01. Hans Hanson and Magnus Larson (eds), Lund,
Sweden. p 82-91. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Van Wellen, E, Baldock, T E, Chadwick, A J and Simmonds, D S. (2001). STRAND - a model for
longshore sediment transport in the swash zone. In: Coastal Engineering 2000. Billy L Edge (ed) vol 4, p
3139-3150. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Zou, Q-P and Hay, A E. (2001). On the "representative wave" and bottom friction estimation for irregular
waves. In: EOS Transactions. American Geophysics Union Meeting, San Francisco, California. vol
Zou, Q-P and Hay, A E. (2001). Velocity profiles above and within the wave bottom boundary layer over
a sloping bottom. In: Proc. 27th Int. Conf. Coastal Eng. p 94-107.
Zou, Q-P, Hay, A E and Bowen, A J. (2001). Vertical Structure of wave induced velocity field over a
sloping bottom: linear, nonlinear theory and fields measurements. In: American Geophysics Union
Meeting. San Francisco, California.