HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC REPORT S.R. 4005, SECTION 006 SEGMENT 0050, OFFSET 0000 OVER TRIBUTARY TO SHAMOKIN CREEK SNYDERTOWN BOROUGH NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District 3-0 P.O. Box 218, 715 Jordan Avenue Montoursville, PA 17754 Prepared by District 3-0 Bridge Unit HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC REPORT S.R. 4005, SECTION 006 SEGMENT 0050, OFFSET 0000 OVER TRIBUTARY TO SHAMOKIN CREEK SNYDERTOWN BOROUGH NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY “We do hereby certify that the information contained in the accompanying plans, specifications, and reports has been prepared in accordance with accepted engineering practice, is true and correct, and is in conformance with the standards and requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection.” Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis and Assessments, Plans and Specifications , P.E. Signature District Bridge Engineer Date TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND NARRATIVE Introduction and Project Description Watershed Characteristics Watershed Description Channel Characteristics Channel Description Flood History Project Description Temporary Channel Hydrologic Analysis Hydraulic Analysis Stormwater Management Flood Plain Management Analysis Risk Assessment Erosion and Sediment Control Wetland Involvement Alternative Analysis Conclusion Summary Data Sheet 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 13 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The intent of this report is to present information to the PA Department of Environmental Protection, the PA Fish and Boat Commission, and any other agencies, for the purpose of obtaining a Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit. This study will provide information to support the fact that the replacement of the existing bridge and implementation of a new structure will not cause any excessive mean velocities that result in scour or intolerable conditions. The project involves replacement of the single span steel I-beam bridge with a precast reinforced concrete box culvert, having a clear normal span of 18.0 ft. at the same location. This project is located on State Route 4005 at Segment 0050 Offset 0000 over a Tributary to Shamokin Creek, Snydertown Borough, in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. S.R. 4005 is classified as a rural minor collector with an average 2005 ADT of 471. The existing structure has a normal clear span of 17.0 ft., a curb-to-curb width of 22.75 ft., a maximum under clear of 5.1 ft., and is on an approximate skew of 77° with the roadway. Proposed construction consists of an 18.0 ft. span x 6.0 ft. rise precast reinforced concrete box culvert placed with a 76° skew. The proposed structure will be approximately 47.98 ft. long, including the inlet and outlet precast sections, with a curb-to-curb width of 28.0 ft. Due to the low ADT, a detour will be utilized during replacement of the existing structure. The Tributary to Shamokin Creek is not listed on the PA Fish & Boat Commission’s listing of stockable trout waters. However, it is classified in Pennsylvania’s Chapter 93 for Water Quality Standards as CWF. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses are performed for the existing and proposed structures. No detailed FEMA study is available for this site. Therefore, the hydrologic analysis is performed in accordance with the procedures in PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2 for non-FEMA and un-gaged watersheds. The hydraulic analysis is performed using the HEC-RAS 3.1.2 computer program. The Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit No. 3 (PASPGP-3) applies to the proposed activities. 2 WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS Area = 0.67 square miles Shape = irregular Terrain = rolling hills of forest, fields, pasture Elevation Range = 1120 to 484 ft. Land Use = Residential, Forest, Agriculture (Cropland & Pasture) Forest = 57.8% The project is not located within a detailed FEMA Study Area and no gage data exists for the Tributary to Shamokin Creek. Therefore, the hydrologic analysis is performed in accordance with the procedures in PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2 for non-FEMA and un-gaged watersheds. WATERSHED DESCRIPTION The terrain is composed of rolling hills of forest, cropland, pasture, and residential areas. Elevation ranges from 1120 to 484 ft. Approximately 57.8% of the watershed is forest. The drainage area is taken from the Riverside, PA quadrangle of the USGS 7.5-Minute Series Maps. CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS Top Width = 30 ft. Bottom Width = 11 ft. Bank Height = 4.5 ft. Alignment = Good – the proposed structure will be constructed on a 76° skew. Stability = Good Vegetation on Bank = Grasses downstream, Brush and trees upstream Channel = Stones and Sediment throughout Stream Slope = 0.0102 ft. /ft. Water Quality = Good High Water – No data exists CHANNEL DESCRIPTION The channel has an average top width of 30 ft. and an average depth of 4.5 ft. The average stream flow width varies due to seasonal changes, with an average width of 11 ft. and normal flow depth of 12 inches. Minor channel scour is evident at the abutments. No abutment footings are exposed. 3 FLOOD HISTORY During the 1996 high water event, the water surface elevation overtopped the bridge and roadway. Based on FEMA, the bridge location is in the special flood hazard area, inundated by the 100-year flood of Shamokin Creek. The flood zone for this area was determined by approximate methods, with no flood elevations of flood hazard factors determined. No flood damage was noted for the September 2004 high water event. The high water mark for the September 2004 event was 2 in. above the bottom of beam at the inlet. The approximate elevation was 490.12 ft. No flood data exists for the 1972 flood event. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject project is located on State Route 4005 at Segment 0050 Offset 0000 over a Tributary to Shamokin Creek in Snydertown Borough, Northumberland County, PA. The exact location of the project is presented in Attachment C. The existing structure is a single span steel I-beam bridge built in 1938 with a 77° skew and a curbto-curb width of 22.75 ft. The structure has a normal clear span of 17.0 ft. and exhibits a maximum under clear of 5.1 ft. Photographs of the project site are presented in Attachment J. The proposed structure is an 18.0 ft. span x 6.0 ft. rise precast reinforced concrete box culvert placed on a skew of 76° with a guide rail to guide rail width of 28.0 ft. The disturbed channel at the inlet and outlet will be reconstructed using R-8 rock. The inlet and outlet channel’s final grade and cross section will provide a defined channel upstream, downstream, and through the structure. The following list of work items is proposed: Replace the existing single span steel I-beam bridge with the proposed precast reinforced concrete box culvert. The inlet and outlet wings of the proposed structure will be precast sections. Rock protection will be placed at all wings. A detour will be used during construction of the bridge replacement project. The low traffic volume on S.R. 4005 makes a detour the most feasible alternative for maintaining traffic. TEMPORARY CHANNEL During construction the stream flow will be pumped around the project. Details of the filter bag and concrete barrier are in the construction plan (Attachment E). No Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is required for this project since the impacts will be less than 5000 SF. 4 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS The project is located in a non-FEMA area and within an un-gaged watershed. Therefore, the hydrologic analysis is performed in accordance with the procedures in PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2 for non-FEMA and un-gaged watersheds. The drainage area was calculated to be 0.67 mi.² using the Riverside, PA USGS map. The NFF method is used in obtaining the peak discharge values for the watershed. HEC-1 and PSU-IV are used as comparative methods only. The results are summarized below. 2 year HEC-1 PSU-IV NFF 222 cfs --- 2.33 year -62 cfs 82 cfs* 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 337 cfs 99 cfs 130 cfs* 465 cfs 138 cfs 182 cfs 691 cfs 202 cfs 266 cfs 908 cfs 261 cfs 343 cfs 100 year 1180 cfs 331 cfs 436 cfs 500 year 1917 cfs 549 cfs 718 cfs * Values extrapolated using a best fit curve. The HEC-1 method results in higher flows as compared to the PSU-IV and NFF methods. All three sets of results are utilized in HEC-RAS to determine the validity of the data. The NFF method is utilized since the high water elevations compare closely to the high water event data of the stream during flooding. Utilizing soils maps, an average CN value of 74.7 is calculated for the entire drainage area composed of rolling hills of forest, cropland, pasture, and residential areas. The SCS methodology is used in the HEC-1 model in WMS v. 8.0. The NRCS Type-II 24-hour storm is input for the precipitation, with the following rainfall amounts for Northumberland County: 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year 25 Year 50 Year 100 Year 500 Year 2.9 in. 3.5 in. 4.1 in. 5.1 in. 6.0 in. 7.1 in. 10.4 in. The drainage area centroid is approximately located at latitude 40° 53' 00" and longitude 76° 40' 00". The area is also located in Region 2 according to Plate 1 of PSU-IV. Percent of forest is estimated to be 57.8% from the land use maps in the WMS computer software. The standard deviation is determined to be 0.292 as per Plate 2. Plate 3 represents the skew coefficient as 0.400. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Design Manual, Part 2 in Section 10.12 and StrikeOff Letter 439-99-11 (April 21, 1999:page 15) specifies a 25-year design flow with consideration given to the rural location of the project site and the improbability of property damage. The 100year flow was also checked. 5 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Flow depths, overtopping frequency, and water velocities for the existing and proposed conditions are determined using the HEC-RAS 3.1.2 computer program. A field study is performed to obtain existing stream and roadway cross-sections and profiles. Manning’s ‘n’ roughness coefficients are determined from field observations. Existing Conditions - The hydraulic opening of the existing structure is 17.0 ft. wide with a maximum depth of 5.1 ft., for a total area of 59.27 ft². Roughness Coefficient is 0.045 for the upstream channel, 0.100 for the upstream overbanks, 0.035 for the downstream channel, and 0.060 for the downstream overbanks. The existing low chord elevation at the inlet is 489.90 ft. The overall low chord of the existing bridge, located at the outlet, is 488.42 ft. - The 25-year flow of 266 cfs results in a water surface elevation of 488.49 ft. that is approximately 1.41 ft. below the existing low chord at the inlet. - The 100-year flow of 436 cfs results in a water surface elevation of 489.70 ft. that is approximately 0.20 ft. below the existing low chord at the inlet. The roadway is not overtopped by the 100-year flow of the Tributary to Shamokin Creek. However, the bridge will be overtopped by the Shamokin Creek flood waters, as approximated by FEMA flood maps. Proposed Conditions - Proposed conditions (18.0 ft. span x 6.0 ft. box culvert with one foot of bottom depression and 6” x 6” haunches at all corners of the box) provide a hydraulic opening of 89.75 ft². The hydraulic opening is increase by 51.4%, or 30.48 ft². Roughness Coefficient is 0.011 for the structure surface and 0.035 for the natural stream bed through the culvert. The proposed inlet low chord elevation at the box inlet is 489.55 ft. The overall low chord of the proposed box culvert, located at the outlet, is 489.15 ft. The overall low chord will be raised 0.73 ft. - The proposed conditions pass the 25-year design storm with a headwater elevation of 487.83 ft., which is 1.72 ft. below the low chord elevation at the inlet of the proposed structure. - The 100-year flow results in a water surface elevation of 488.98 ft. that is approximately 0.57 ft. below the proposed low chord at the box culvert inlet. The roadway is not overtopped by the 100year flow. However, the bridge will be overtopped by the Shamokin Creek flood waters, as approximated by FEMA flood maps. - The proposed structure reduces the 25-year water surface elevation by 0.66 ft. and the 100-year water surface elevation by 0.72 ft. immediately upstream of the structure. 6 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The proposed bridge will be constructed on a 76° skew. The project will produce very little to no change in the watershed hydrology. The project will improve the hydraulics within the project area, and the Tributary to Shamokin Creek will not be impacted due to the replacement of this structure. Currently, no stormwater management plan exists for this area in Snydertown Borough. The borough and county have been notified of the proposed project in accordance with PA ACT 14, P.L. 834. No objections have been raised concerning this project. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS The project is not a part of a FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Snydertown Borough; therefore, it is not a detailed FEMA study area. NFF is used to obtain the design flows. The 25-year and 100-year storms are modeled using HEC-RAS for both the existing and proposed conditions. The models show that the proposed structure would reduce both the 25-year and 100-year storm’s water surface elevations, as shown in the Hydraulic Data Table on the Summary Data Sheet. The Borough and County officials have been notified and no concerns have been raised. RISK ASSESSMENT The proposed structure will reduce the flood risk of both the 25-year and the 100-year flood. The proposed structure reduces the 25-year water surface elevation at the inlet from 488.49 ft. to 487.83 ft. The 100-year water surface is reduced from 489.70 ft. to 488.98 ft. The construction of the proposed structure should reduce the risk of flooding in the adjacent area. Given the rural location of the structure and the low ADT, no adverse economic or social impacts are expected with the replacement of this structure. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL An erosion and sedimentation plan will not be used on this project. Impacts will be less than 5000 SF. WETLAND INVOLVEMENT Wetlands are not present in the proposed worksite location. 7 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The alternatives to replacing this structure are to do nothing (no build alternative) or to rehabilitate the existing structure. The existing single span steel I-beam bridge, built in 1938, is in poor condition due to severe deterioration of the abutments. The existing structure has a curb-tocurb width of 22.75 ft. This width is considered substandard and unsafe by current highway design standards. The rehabilitation alternative will prove to be costly and will not provide any benefit relative to providing a safer roadway or improving the hydraulic capacity of the structure. Replacing this bridge will be less costly, provide a wider and safer roadway crossing with a longer design life, and improve the crossing’s hydraulic capacity. Therefore, the replacement alternative is selected because it provides the best cost-benefit ratio to the Commonwealth’s taxpayers. CONCLUSION The proposed reinforced concrete box culvert will replace the existing single span steel I-beam bridge. Hydraulic computations show that an improvement in the hydraulic capacity for both the 25-year and 100-year flow events will occur. The proposed structure will have no adverse impacts and will reduce the risks to public safety. No fill below ordinary high water will be placed, and no cultural resource or endangered species impacts or conflicts is expected. Proper erosion and sediment pollution control measures will be employed during construction. The Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit (PASPGP-3) applies to the proposed activities. In view of the hydrologic studies, approval is recommended for the proposed structure replacement. 8 Existing Conditions - 25 year flow Upper Reach Lower Reach Station W.S. Elevation Velocity (ft.) (ft./s) 1035 489.32 1.61 1020 489.29 1.59 1005 489.28 961 489.22 930 915 Station W.S. Elevation Velocity (ft.) (ft./s) 450 487.68 3.27 435 487.65 3.16 1.54 420 487.60 3.52 1.47 405 487.59 3.11 489.19 1.28 390 487.48 3.91 489.17 1.23 375 487.42 3.99 885 489.14 1.21 360 487.30 4.49 870 489.12 1.21 345 487.28 3.85 840 489.09 1.17 330 487.20 4.11 810 489.08 0.99 315 487.16 3.67 795 489.07 1.12 300 487.10 3.88 765 489.03 1.60 270 487.01 3.80 735 488.99 1.89 255 487.01 3.21 705 488.95 1.75 240 486.96 3.40 690 488.94 1.73 225 486.91 3.62 675 488.92 1.69 210 486.86 3.71 645 488.91 1.49 195 486.83 3.52 615 488.89 1.22 165 486.70 3.70 585 488.88 1.32 150 486.57 4.23 570 488.86 1.49 135 486.52 3.71 555 488.82 1.99 120 486.39 4.16 540 488.60 3.57 105 486.35 3.63 525 488.49 4.02 75 486.33 2.12 60 486.32 1.91 30 486.25 2.52 15 486.17 3.19 Bridge 9 Existing Conditions - 100 year flow Upper Reach Lower Reach Station W.S. Elevation Velocity Station W.S. Elevation Velocity (ft.) (ft./s) 1035 490.21 (ft.) (ft./s) 1.27 450 488.61 3.28 1020 490.20 1.26 435 488.61 2.91 1005 490.20 1.24 420 488.60 3.02 961 490.18 1.14 405 488.60 2.62 930 490.17 0.99 390 488.02 6.25 915 490.17 0.97 375 487.97 4.47 885 490.16 0.94 360 487.99 3.83 870 490.16 0.92 345 487.98 3.18 840 490.15 0.90 330 487.96 3.00 810 490.14 0.93 315 487.52 5.88 795 490.14 0.99 300 487.44 4.74 765 490.12 1.31 270 487.34 4.67 735 490.11 1.52 255 487.33 3.93 705 490.09 1.51 240 487.26 4.20 690 490.08 1.57 225 487.20 4.41 675 490.07 1.61 210 487.16 4.38 645 490.06 1.49 195 487.12 4.09 615 490.05 1.35 165 487.00 4.06 585 490.03 1.51 150 486.94 3.95 570 490.01 1.70 135 486.88 3.76 555 490.00 1.92 120 486.68 4.90 540 489.85 3.26 105 486.65 4.20 525 489.70 4.10 75 486.63 2.62 60 486.61 2.36 30 486.54 2.78 15 486.47 3.40 Bridge 10 Proposed Conditions - 25 year flow Upper Reach Lower Reach Station W.S. Elevation Velocity Station W.S. Elevation Velocity (ft.) (ft./s) 1035 489.24 (ft.) (ft./s) 1.76 450 487.68 3.27 1020 1005 489.21 1.75 435 487.65 3.16 489.18 1.69 420 487.60 3.52 961 489.11 1.66 405 487.59 3.11 930 489.05 1.48 390 487.48 3.91 915 489.03 1.44 375 487.42 3.99 885 488.97 1.45 360 487.30 4.49 870 488.94 1.47 345 487.28 3.85 840 488.88 1.47 330 487.20 4.11 810 488.86 1.15 315 487.16 3.67 795 488.84 1.34 300 487.10 3.88 765 488.78 1.99 270 487.01 3.80 735 488.67 2.54 255 487.01 3.21 705 488.59 2.48 240 486.96 3.40 690 488.54 2.48 225 486.91 3.62 675 488.51 2.41 210 486.86 3.71 645 488.46 2.08 195 486.83 3.52 615 488.43 1.61 165 486.70 3.70 585 488.40 1.70 150 486.57 4.23 570 488.36 2.01 135 486.52 3.71 555 488.26 2.72 120 486.39 4.16 540 487.87 4.88 105 486.35 3.63 525 487.83 4.16 75 486.33 2.12 60 486.32 1.91 30 486.25 2.52 15 486.17 3.19 Culvert 11 Proposed Conditions - 100 year flow Upper Reach Lower Reach Station W.S. Elevation Velocity Station W.S. Elevation Velocity (ft.) (ft./s) 1035 489.82 (ft.) (ft./s) 1.67 450 488.61 3.28 1020 1005 489.81 1.66 435 488.61 2.91 489.79 1.63 420 488.60 3.02 961 489.76 1.51 405 488.60 2.62 930 489.73 1.31 390 488.02 6.25 915 489.72 1.27 375 487.97 4.47 885 489.70 1.23 360 487.99 3.83 870 489.69 1.22 345 487.98 3.18 840 489.68 1.20 330 487.96 3.00 810 489.66 1.15 315 487.52 5.88 795 489.65 1.25 300 487.44 4.74 765 489.62 1.72 270 487.34 4.67 735 489.59 1.95 255 487.33 3.93 705 489.57 1.84 240 487.26 4.20 690 489.55 1.86 225 487.20 4.41 675 489.54 1.86 210 487.16 4.38 645 489.52 1.70 195 487.12 4.09 615 489.51 1.46 165 487.00 4.06 585 489.48 1.62 150 486.94 3.95 570 489.46 1.83 135 486.88 3.76 555 489.41 2.41 120 486.68 4.90 540 489.03 4.74 105 486.65 4.20 525 488.98 4.44 75 486.63 2.62 60 486.61 2.36 30 486.54 2.78 15 486.47 3.40 Culvert 12