Course Title and Facilitator

Cwm Taf Safeguarding Children Board
Training Programme 2015-2016
This document contains the core Cwm Taf Safeguarding Children Board training that will be taking
place during 2015-16. Alongside the core training and where possible, additional events will be
planned to meet emerging needs:
You will see that alongside each course title a level is indicated, level 2, 3 or4. These levels refer to
the CTSCB Safeguarding/Child Protection Training Strategy. If your service/inspection standards
state that you or your staff should, for example, attend Child Protection training every three years,
it is generally not necessary to repeat the same course but far more beneficial to attend other
Safeguarding courses set at this level or above.
Cwm Taf Safeguarding Children Board welcome nominations for training events from all staff and
volunteers across both RCT and Merthyr.
The Venue, be it RCT or Merthyr, will dictate method of application.
Refreshments will be provided at all courses.
How to Apply to Attend Training Courses taking place in RCT
1. Information regarding the training courses will be sent to Team Managers via email/or hard
2. RCT Team Managers can enrol delegates via the on-line booking system SDMS – click here to
access. You will need to register before you can access this system – contact to be set up as a user. Information is also available on RCT
CBC Intranet Page – click here to access.
3. Applications to attend training can be sent via e mail to /or
tel. 01443 668879, using the application form on page 15.
Team Manager approval must be sought before applying to attend.
4. Approximately 2 weeks prior to the training date you will receive an e-mail from the Training
Unit confirming your place on the course.
How to Apply to Attend Training Courses taking place in Merthyr
1. Information regarding the training courses will be sent to Nominating Managers via email.
2. Nominations to attend training must be sent to the training department using the application
form on page 16 of this programme or the online booking facility if that is available to you.
3. Approximately 2 weeks prior to the training date nominating managers will receive an e-mail
from the Training Unit confirming successful and unsuccessful applications for places on the
Please note that places on training courses can be very expensive, we therefore ask
participants to inform the training department as soon as possible if they cannot
attend. Line managers will be informed if participants fail to attend
(Click course title for quick link to course detail)
of Courses
Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) (Level 2) – Raising Awareness to
Domestic Abuse Raising Awareness (Level 2)
Reduction of Suicide and Self Harm (Level 2)
Sexual Abuse Awareness (Level 2)
Domestic Abuse, Risk Management & the Effects on Children (Level 3)
Domestic Abuse (Level 3)
Freedom from Domestic Abuse (Level 3)
Hidden Harm (Level 3)
Safeguarding Children (Child Protection)– From Recognition to Response
(Level 3)
Safeguarding Children (Level 3)
MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) (Level 3)
An Introduction to Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence (Level 3)
Understanding Your Role and Responsibilities at Child Protection
Conferences and Core Groups (Level 3)
Substance Misuse - Raising Awareness (Level 3)
Understanding and Recognising Child Sexual Exploitation (Level 3)
Child Protection Process and Practice (Level 4)
Child Protection Conference and Core Groups (Level 4)
Challenges of Child Protection (Level 4)
Enhancing Behaviour Change in Families
Lowering Resistance to Behaviour Change in Families
Working with Substance Misuse in Families
IFSS Family Focussed Intervention (working with complex families)
Promoting Behaviour Change in Families
Booking Form for RCT Courses
Booking Form for Merthyr Courses
Course Title and Facilitator
Learning Outcomes:
Safeguarding Children–
Raising Awareness to
(1/2 day)
Child Protection
(Level 2)
Facilitated by Members of the
LSCB Training Delivery Group
 Develop a basic understanding of child protection
and abuse
 Gain Knowledge of Child protection terms
 Consider how to respond as an individual
Facilitated by Anne Evans and
Louise Thomas from Domestic
Abuse Team, Oasis Centre
19th August 2015 at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
(9:30am – 12.30pm)
23rd September 2015 at Integrated Children’s
Centre, Merthyr (9:30am – 12.30pm)
4th February 2016 at Integrated Children’s Centre,
Merthyr (9:30am – 12.30pm)
Domestic Abuse Raising
(Level 2)
8th May 2015 at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT CF37
(1.30 – 4:30pm)
21st January 2016 at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
(1.30 – 4:30pm)
½ day course -Target group: staff
from Social Services and all
partner agencies that have
contact with children and families
but may not necessarily work
directly with children.
(1/2 day)
Date Time and Venue
15th September 2015
9.30am – 12.30pm
 Provide introductory Domestic Abuse awareness
training for all staff working with adults, children and
young people throughout RCT
21ST January 2016
9.30am – 12.30pm
 Enable participants to acquire a knowledge in the
recognition of Domestic Abuse
All courses to take place at Heddfan,
Rhydyfelin, RCT CF37 5PN
Reduction of Suicide and Self
(1 day)
(level 2)
Facilitated by members of the
Reduction of Suicide and Self
Harm Strategy - Training
Delivery Group
This course is aimed at staff
members who have direct contact
with children, young people
(under 25 years) and families and
in a position to identify concerns,
for example, classroom teachers,
non-teaching staff, child care
workers, youth workers, primary
care clinical and non-clinical
staff, PCSO’s, probation officers,
YOS etc
 The focus of this Suicide and Self Harm training is
from recognition through to evaluating concerns,
responding appropriately and referring to the
relevant agencies if necessary
5th May 2015 Block F,The Pavilions, Clydach Vale
Participants will:
3rd June 2015 Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, Mountain Ash
6th May 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
2nd June 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
 Have improved awareness of what constitutes self harm 8th July 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
and suicide
 Be more able to identify the risks
 Be more able to recognise the differences between
suicidal and self harming behaviour
 Have some basic skills to manage disclosures and
take appropriate further measures
21st July 2015 Heddfan, Rhydyfelin
6th Aug 2015 Block F The Pavilions, Clydach Vale
3rd Sept 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
16th Sept 2015 Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, Mountain Ash
7th Oct 2015 Block F The Pavilions, Clydach Vale
3rd Nov 2015 Block F The Pavilions, Clydach Vale
To book places on these courses please e-mail
tel. 01443 744862
5th Nov 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
2nd Dec 2015 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
3rd Dec 2015 Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, Mountain Ash
2nd Feb 2016 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
1st March 2016 Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr
2nd March 2016 Block F The Pavilions, Clydach
All courses 9.30am – 4.30pm All courses 9.30am
– 4.30pm
Sexual Abuse Awareness
(Level 2)
(1 day)
Facilitated by Llamau
 Describe the behaviours included in the term ‘sexual
 Analyse how myths and stereotypes about sexual
abuse have an impact on service users
 Explain the range of responses a service user may
have to sexual abuse
2nd December 2015
9.30 – 4.30
At Children’s Integrated Centre Merthyr
 Discuss appropriate responses to a disclosure of
sexual abuse
Domestic Abuse,
Risk Management & the
Effects on Children
(1 day)
(Level 3)
Staff should, unless experienced
in this area of work, attend the ½
day Domestic Abuse Raising
Awareness course prior to
attending this training day.
To provide awareness and knowledge around domestic
abuse including its prevalence and its impact on victims
 Improve communications between professionals and
develop a common understanding of key terms,
definitions and thresholds for action
 Enable effective working relationships to develop,
including the ability to work in a multi-agency setting
 Ensure staff have an understanding of stalking
behaviour and associated legislation
 Ensure staff have a clear understanding of the effects
of Domestic Abuse on children
28th May 2015
17th September 2015
17th November 2015
19th January 2016
22nd March 2016
Facilitated by Anne Evans and
Louise Thomas from the
Domestic Abuse Team at Oasis
Centre Pontypridd
CPEL, UNIT 1 - 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; : 1..4; 2.3; 2.4; 3.1;
3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 4.6
CPEL UNIT 2 – 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4
CPEL UNIT 3 – 1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6;
3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 5.1; 5.2; 5.3
All courses to take place 9.30am – 4.30
pm at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
CF37 5PN
Domestic Abuse
( Level 3)
(1 day)
Facilitated by BAAF
Staff should, unless experienced
in this area of work, attend the ½
day Domestic Abuse Raising
Awareness course prior to
attending this training day.
Freedom from Domestic
(level 3)
(1 day)
Facilitated by New Pathways
Hidden Harm
(Level 3)
(1 day)
Facilitated by BAAF
Suitable for all professionals
working within adult or children’s
Understand complex issues of domestic abuse including
types of abuse and dynamics
12th May 2015
 Develop awareness of the local and national
prevalence of domestic abuse including why victims
 Understand the role of specialist domestic abuse
services and know where to refer and signpost
 Develop an awareness of risk assessment and safety
planning procedures for professionals working with
victims of domestic abuse
9.30am – 4.30pm
Understand the traits of a perpetrator
17th September 2015
Understand the effects of domestic abuse on family
9.30am – 4.30pm
Awareness of issues for BME groups
Knowledge of the civil and legal processes
New Pathways, Willow House
Know how to develop a safety plan with a victim
 To increase understanding of how parental substance
misuse affects children and young people and how
agencies should work together with families to
address this
 Explore barriers to joint working and identify
At Integrated Children’s Centre Merthyr
11 Church Street, Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 0BS
16th September 2015
1 December 2014
9.30am – 4.30pm
Integrated Children’s Centre, Merthyr
1st April 2015
27th May 2015
Safeguarding Children–
From Recognition to
(1 day)
Child Protection
( Level 3)
Facilitated by Members of the
LSCB Training Delivery Group
This course is aimed at staff
members who have direct contact
with children, young people
(under 25 years) and families and
in a position to identify concerns,
for example, classroom teachers,
non-teaching staff, child care
workers, youth workers, primary
care clinical and non-clinical
staff, PCSO’s, probation officers,
YOS etc
 Have an awareness of what is meant by child abuse
and neglect and learn about the possible signs,
symptoms and indicators of abuse and neglect
 Be aware of basic information relating to processes
and legislation in child protection including
recommendations from serious case reviews/public
protection policies and guidance
17th June 2015
22nd July 2015
12th August 2015
26th August 2015
16th September 2015
 Understand how our values and attitude can influence
our judgement
 Know how to respond to families and children where
there are child protection concerns
 Knowing how to report child protection/safeguarding
concerns in relation to your agency’s policies and
procedures and those of the All Wales Child
Protection Procedures
14th October 2015
18th November 2015
15th December 2015
20th January 2016
22nd February 2016
23rd March 2016
LO 1 -1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4
LO 2 -2.1; 2.3; 2.4
LO3 - 3.3;
LO4 -4.1; 4.2; 4.3
LO7 – 7.1; 7.2
9.30-4.30pm at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
1st July 2015
30th November 2015
1st March 2016
9.30-4.30 at Integrated Children’s Centre
15th September 2015, 1.30-4.30pm
Enable professionals to understand the history,
context and framework of risk assessment and risk
management procedures for domestic abuse
(1/2 day)
(Level 3)
Facilitated by Anne Evans and
Louise Thomas from the
Domestic Abuse Team Oasis
Centre Pontypridd
An Introduction to Forced
Marriage and Honour Based
(1/2 day)
(Level 3)
Facilitated by Anne Evans and
Louise Thomas from the
Domestic Abuse Team Oasis
Centre Pontypridd
19th November 2015, 9.30am –12.30pm
25th February 2015, 9.30am – 12.30pm
To promote the CAADA DASH RIC Assessment Tool
and understand how it is used in screening and risk
Have an understanding of the MARAC (Multi-agency
Risk Assessment Conference) process, including
theory, multi-agency referral routes, process and
action planning procedures
 Understand the practice of forced marriage, the use
of violence to reinforce ‘honour’, the impact on
victims and how this can lead to ‘honour killings’
CPEL UNIT 1 – 4.2; 4.3
CPEL UNIT 3 – 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5;
2.7; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
All at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
CF37 5PN
19th November 2015, 1.30- 4.30pm
25th February 2016, 1.30- 4.30pm
at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT
CF40 2JF
Understanding your Role
and Responsibilities at Child
Protection Conferences and
Core Groups
(1 day)
(Level 3)
Facilitated by Judith Davies
and Pat Humphreys
A one day course for multi agency
practitioners who attend Child
Protection Conferences and Core
Groups and do not need to attend
a three day course. Social
Workers and those who take a
lead role in the process should
attend the 3 day course detailed
on page 6
Substance Misuse Raising
(1 day)
(Level 3)
Facilitated by Ceri Watts
To understand the purpose and function of child
protection conferences and core groups and the roles
and responsibilities of conference and core group
18th June 2015
18th September 2015
To clarify the procedures involved in the child
protection process
16th November 2015
To understand the decision-making processes which
determine whether a conference is convened
26th February 2016
To clarify To develop skills at report writing, and to
improve information sharing and analysis of risk at
conference and core groups
All 9.15am – 4.30pm at Heddfan,
Rhydyfelin, RCT CF40 2JF
To understand the scope and purpose of child
protection plans and improve skills in the
Development and review of plan
 To raise participants awareness of substance use
 Describe methods in which drugs can be used
 Discuss different levels of drug use
15th October 2015
9.15 – 4.30pm
 List substances in clinical categories
 Discuss a variety of substances
at Heddfan, Rhydyfelin, RCT CF40 2JF
 Discuss the legal implications of drug use
CPEL UNIT 3 – 2.1
Participants will have the opportunity to consider all
forms of child sexual exploitation:
Understanding and
Recognising Child Sexual
(1 day)
(Level 3)
Facilitated by
Lynwen Hartnell
Child Protection Process &
(6 and a half days)
Facilitator Jan Little.
( Level 4 )
Target Group: Senior Pracs,
Social Workers, A.C.M’s (Priority
will be given to newly qualified
social workers) and staff from
partner agencies
Participants must attend all
sessions and complete a set piece
of work to be awarded a
certificate of completion.
 Understand grooming and abusive exploitative
 The use of communication technology including
abusive images
5th June 2015
10th September 2015
5th November 2015
 Links with Child Trafficking
 Become familiar with sexual offences legislation
9.30am – 4.30pm
 Recognise when young people may be at risk or
involved by identifying vulnerability & warning signs
of CSE
at Glyncornel, Llwynypia, RCT CF40 2JF
To consolidate and expand the knowledge,
understanding and skills required by individual
practitioners in protecting children and young people
 Develop the participant’s ability to work in
partnership with children and their families/carers
19th, 20th May, 2nd, 3rd 16th and 17th June,
with half day recall on 30th June 2015
 Promote effective inter-agency and inter-professional
22nd and 23rd September and 6th, 7th, 20th
and 21st October with half day recall on 12th
November 2015
 Increase participants’ confidence.
CPEL, UNIT 1 - 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; : 1.4: 2.1: 2.2; 2.3;
2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 4.5;
4.6 and 5.1.
9th, 10th, 23rd and 24th February, 8th and
9th March with half day recall on 22nd
March 2016
CPEL UNIT 2 – 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4;
All courses at Glyncornel, Llwynypia, RCT
CF40 2JF
9.15am – 4.30pm full days
9.15am – 12.30pm ½ day
CPEL UNIT 3 – 1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6;
2.7; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4;5.1;5.2; 5.3
 Explore the factors that constitute best practice in CP
Conferences & Core groups with an emphasis on
multi-disciplinary working & research findings
Child Protection
Conference and Core Groups  Gain an understanding of the purpose & structure of
CP Conference & Core Groups, including D.O.H.
(3 days)
Guidance and all Wales’ Child Protection procedures
Facilitated by Jan Little.
(Level 4)
The first two days concentrates
on the conference with a
subsequent day looking at core
Participants must attend all three
This course is run twice per year.
Target Group: Snr Pracs, Social
Workers, ACM’s and staff from
partner agencies who regularly
attend Child Protection
Conferences and Core Groups.
 Gain knowledge and responsibilities in preparing for
CP Conferences with specific reference to: preparing
families; preparing reports and assessing risks;
exploring the attendance of Children
 Gain knowledge and skills in formulating effective
child protection plans and further assessments
 Gain an understanding of the complex factors and
skills involved in the CP Conference process.
Specifically how: - group dynamics and lack of
conflict & challenging affects the process
 Gain an understanding of the role of the Lead Agency
and key worker; gain an understanding of the family’s
6th, 7th and 14th May 2015
9.15am – 4.30pm
15th, 16th and 29th September 2015
9.15am – 4.30pm
Both at Glyncornel, Llwynypia, RCT CF40
CPEL, UNIT 1 - 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; : 1.4: 2.1: 2.2; 2.3;
2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 4.5;
4.6 and 5.1.
CPEL UNIT 2 – 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4. .
CPEL UNIT 3 – 1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6;
2.7; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4;5.1;5.2; 5.3
Explore the dynamics between carer and child that
result in abuse and identify how according to
research professional can increase these negative
dynamics rather than diminish them
28th and 29th April 2015
Identify how hostile parents can lead to nonintervention rather than protection of the child
9.15am – 4.30pm
Begin to look at how to give professional feedback to
each other as the first steps in professional challenge
Recognize the inevitable human exchanges between
service users and ourselves
27th and 28th October 2015
The effects of stress, and feeling out of control,
Transference, Projection, and the need to manage
our emotions
To evaluate ourselves in terms of effective child
protection workers and to identify the underlying
beliefs in our team and ourselves that affect our work
Challenges of Child
Facilitated by Jan Little.
(Level 4)
2 day course held twice a year.
Target group: Team Managers,
Snr Pracs, Social Workers with 2
years + experience and
experienced staff from partner
agencies who routinely work in
the Child Protection arena and
have previously attended Child
Protection Process and Practice
and Conference and Core Group
These courses are open to any partner
agency/agency who works with IFSS or is
interested in working with or currently delivers
whole family intervention:
This module is designed to increase participants
Enhancing Behaviour Change in
(1 day)
Understanding of the concept of motivation
Understand the concepts of internal and external
Practice the skills developed to enhance motivation
and assist people through change
Facilitated by IFSS
9.15am – 4.30pm
both at Glyncornel, Llwynypia, RCT
CF40 2JF
To register interest in the following courses
please e-mail:
or call 01443823939
7th April 2015, 9.30am – 4.30pm
IFSS Offices, Unit 2, Fairway Court, Treforest
Industrial Estate, Pontypridd
CF37 4LR
This module is designed to increase participants
Lowering Resistance to Behaviour 
Change in Families
(1 day)
Understanding of the nature of resistance and how it
impacts on behaviour change
Experience the dynamics associated with building
and lowering resistance
IFSS Offices, Unit 2, Fairway Court, Treforest
Industrial Estate, Pontypridd
Recognition of resistance in service users
CF37 4LR
Practice strategies to reduce it
Facilitated by IFSS
Working with Substance Misuse
in Families
(2 days)
Facilitated by IFSS
15th May 2015, 9.30am – 4.30pm
This module is designed to increase participants ability
2nd and 3rd July 2015, 9.30am – 4.30pm
 Describe the positive and negative effects of mood
altering substances
 Describe the risk factors and protective factors in
families where there is substance misuse
28th and 29th January 2016, 9.30am – 4.30pm
 Describe the skills needed to work with families
where there is substance misuse to include use of :
Open Questions
Reflective Listening
IFSS Offices, Unit 2, Fairway Court, Treforest
Industrial Estate, Pontypridd
CF37 4LR
IFSS Family Focussed
(working with complex families)
(4 days)
Facilitated by IFSS
This course is designed to provide training in the IFSS
Model and provide a platform of common
understanding of the techniques and theories used. In
addition the service, systems and model process will be
explored. At the end of the course staff will also be able
 Describe the philosophy and the underpinning
 Demonstrate skills and strategies implicit to the
 Share a collective view of the process from beginning
to end
17th, 18th, 24th and 25th September 2015
18th, 19th, 25th and 26th February 2016
9.30am – 4.30pm
IFSS Offices, Unit 2, Fairway Court, Treforest
Industrial Estate, Pontypridd
CF37 4LR
This will then equip staff to select and deliver elements
of the model to enhance their own practice
Promoting Behaviour Change in
(1 day)
Facilitated by IFSS
This module is designed to
 Consider the value of a whole family approach to
behaviour change
 Practice strategies and skills to engage with whole
family behaviour change
 Consider how to maximise opportunities to engage
the whole family in behaviour change
21st October 2015, 9.30am – 4.30pm
IFSS Offices, Unit 2, Fairway Court, Treforest
Industrial Estate, Pontypridd
CF37 4LR
Centre for Learning and Development in Social Care
Canolfan Addysg a Datblygu Proffesyddol ym maes Gofal Cymdeithasol
Course Title
In order to ensure that the correct training attendances are recorded against the correct person we require a
unique reference. For RCTCBC employed staff, this can be your 6 digit pay number, for other agencies, please
enter your NI Number or Date of Birth. These details will be stored on our secure database and not shared with
any other agencies, other than you current employer / line manager.
Staff No:
Other Agencies:
NI Number or DoB
Job Title
If RCTCBC please state which
division you are employed in
Address for
E-mail Address
Telephone Number
Special Requirements
e.g. Access / Dietary
Line Managers
You must complete all information above and obtain your line managers signature as well as your own
(unless returning via email)
Please return to:
Centre for Learning and Development in Social Care
Ilan Avenue
Tel: 01443 668867
Fax: 01443 668850
CF37 5PN
Partneriaeth Datblygu Gweithlu Gofal Cymdeithasol Merthyr Tudful
Name of Course
All fields are mandatory – if information is not complete the training and development may not be able to
accept the booking form
Organisational Managers MUST complete all the form (managers details, full address, email
address and nomination) and return the whole page of the booking form to reserve place(s) on
the training
Contact Name:
Job Title:
For organisational manager – please provide an email address for above person as the Training and
Development Unit will be providing confirmation on whether nominations are successful/unsuccessful
via email (if you do not have an email address please enter N/A and will send via post)
Please nominate candidates in priority order (use another sheet if necessary)
Please state any additional needs if required:
If your nominations are unsuccessful, please tick in the box provided if you would like your
nominations to be filed in the next available course.
I confirm that the above information provided is accurate and all the above nominees will be available to
attend the above training event.
Please return this course flyer to: Admin. Assistant – Social Care Workforce Development Partnership,
Post Office Lane, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8BE
or email
Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Deana Amblin on 01685 727015, Sharon Davies on 01685
724610, Jayne Williams on 01685 727311 or Lyndsey Foley on 01685 727017