055 - Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

Individual/Organisational name:
Ergon Energy Corporation Limited and Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd
Office Use Only
What state/ territory are you from? Queensland
Model Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice - Public Comment Response Form
1) First Aid in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
The draft code of practice appears to be quite similar to the previous code. There doesn’t appear to be
any major changes that would require Ergon Energy to amend their processes.
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
Ergon Energy doesn’t anticipate any major potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code.
2) Managing Risks in Construction Work
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
No comment
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
No comment
3) Preventing Falls in Housing Construction
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
No comment as not relevant to business
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
4) Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
No comment
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
No comment
5) Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Ergon Energy is meeting or exceeding the requirements in Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals
model code of practice.
While Ergon Energy does not have any specific comments it is noted that there will be a need to modify a
number of internal documents related to managing hazardous chemicals to reflect terminology changes,
requirement to determine the level of risk assessment required, and training concerning the storage and
Individual/Organisational name:
Ergon Energy Corporation Limited and Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd
Office Use Only
What state/ territory are you from? Queensland
handling of hazardous chemicals.
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
The requirements to comply with GHS labelling will require an additional training package to be
developed as it’s phased into the business within the 5 year period resulting in some additional costs for
development and delvery.
A cost saving will be experienced by Ergon Energy by no longer requiring to pay local council fees for
Flammable and Combustible liquids licensing. Process improvements will be felt by Ergon Energy as only
the LGDL or Manifest sites will require applications and renewals. This will be achieved by liaising with
one government department and not individual local councils with differing processes.
6) Managing Risks of Plant in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
No comment
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are
different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
No comment