Leadership Clinic logic model - Place

2003 EETAP Leadership Clinic
Goals, Measurable Objectives, Outcomes, Outputs and Measurement Tools
To build the understanding and skills needed to create comprehensive and sustainable EE programs at the state and local level.
(Goal 1 in the Year 2-3 EETAP Work Plan)
Participants’ input will
drive the clinic’s design
and agenda.
(what clinic planners and/or
participants will be able to do)
(what clinic planners and/or
participants will produce)
1a. Team Participants (~50)
and Facilitators/Resource
People (~20) will have five
opportunities to provide
input into the design of the
Clinic Planners, with
participant input, will be able to
design and carry out a Clinic
agenda that addresses
participants’ professional
development and networking
Clinic Planners, with
participant input, will produce
a Clinic agenda that reflects
the professional development
and networking needs of
(what will be used to document
outcomes and outputs)
Pre-Clinic Written Survey sent
prior to development of an
agenda will solicit critical input
from team participants and
Facilitators/Resource People
Phone Survey will be held with
each team close to the date of the
clinic for feedback on the draft
agenda and their project
evaluation results.
Daily Check-ins for state and
local team members conducted
at the start of each day will
provide formative input for
agenda revision if needed at the
Daily Debriefs with team
liaisons and Resource People
will capture notes of their
feedback on each day’s agenda
and needed adjustments for the
next day will be made.
Clinic Evaluation Form will
measure the extent to which
1b. At least 80% of the
Professional Development
Sessions will reflect input
from participants.
Professional Development
session leaders will be able to
tailor how they plan and lead
Professional Development
Sessions to reflect input from
Professional Development
session leaders will produce
agendas for Professional
Development Sessions that
reflect input from participants.
participants felt: (1) they had
adequate opportunities to
provide input into the agenda;
(2) the agenda incorporated their
input and addressed their
networking and professional
development needs.
Pre-Clinic Survey (s) sent prior
to the Clinic to team participants
and Facilitators/Resource People
will solicit input on Professional
Development Sessions.
Phone Survey will be held with
each team close to the date of the
clinic for feedback on the draft
agenda and their project
evaluation results.
Leadership Clinic
principles, processes
and tools will be
modeled to provide
individuals and teams
with field tested
resources they can use
in their own settings.
2a. Team Participants (~50)
and Facilitators/Resource
People (~20) will
participate in an orientation
to Clinic principles,
processes and tools.
Participants will understand
and be able to use Clinic
principles, processes and tools
during the clinic.
Each of the participating
teams will produce Team
Progress Worksheets during
each of the five Team
Planning Sessions.
Professional Development
Session Evaluation Forms will
measure the extent to which: (1)
participants had adequate
opportunities to provide input
into the Professional
Development Sessions; (2) the
Professional Development
sessions incorporated
participants’ input and addressed
their networking and
professional development needs.
Clinic Evaluation Form
completed by participants at end
of Clinic will measure
participants’ understanding and
use of clinic principles,
processes and tools and possible
application in their own settings.
Participants will
increase their
understanding of state
and community level
capacity building and
how these are linked.
2b. Team participants (~50)
and Facilitators/Resource
People (~20) will
participate in at least 3
small and large group
3a. Each team will have at
least 2 opportunities to
examine and share its
progress toward achieving
comprehensive EE
programs (State teams) and
community-based EE
programs (Community
3b. Each participant will
participate in a session on
environmental education
that explores the
similarities and differences
between state and local
capacity building.
3c. Results of the Clinic will
Participants will be able to
identify small and large group
processes they may want to use.
Each participant will be able to
describe his or her state’s or
community’s environmental
education capacity building
accomplishments and future
Each participant will be able to
describe and identify relevant
ideas from other participants’
state and community
environmental education
capacity building
accomplishments and future
50% of participants will be able
to describe key competencies
and best practices in
environmental education.
Teams will produce first drafts
of Scopes of Work that may
include use of the Leadership
Clinic model and small and
large group processes where
Each State and local team will
discuss it's accomplishments
and goals and develop a
poster for a carousel session
presentation about their
projects at the Clinic Share
Clinic Evaluation Form
completed by participants at end
of Clinic will measure the extent
to which participants plan to use
small and large group processes
modeled at the clinic.
Completed Posters from each
state and local team and from
Resource people will depict
accomplishments and goals of
the teams.
Participants will provide and
build upon other's ideas and
input on newsprint during a
carousel poster session on
Community Based EE.
Newsprint results of Community
Based EE session will capture
the input of participants.
Clinic Evaluation Form will
assess the extent to which the
Share Fair provided meaningful
information including the link
between state and community
EE capacity building
Team members and resource
people will consider how the
information presented might fit
into their capacity building
Clinic Evaluation Form will
assess the extent to which the
session on Community Based
EE provided meaningful
information including the link
between state and community
EE capacity building.
All clinic participants and
Scope of Work Planning
Worksheets will document
whether or not states and
communities increase their
efforts towards CBEE
Final Clinic Report will describe
The results of clinic sessions
be shared with state and
community EE leaders in
order to keep the EE
capacity building network
updated, informed, and
Each team will begin
development of it's
2003-2005 Scope of
The agenda will support
team needs for
networking, planning,
evaluation and
6. New insights and new
or adapted processes
and tools will update
and improve Leadership
Clinic model for
4a. Each team will make
progress on 2003-2005
Scope of Work goals,
strategies and measurable
others who receive news from
NEEAP will have access to
updated clinic sessions and
results of the clinic.
Each team will be able to make
plan for their future capacity
building efforts through the
EETAP States and
Demonstration Communities
and team Scopes of Work will
be made available to the clinic
participants on a CD including
pictures from the clinic.
The broader EE community
will receive news of the clinic
through NEEAP’s website and
Team will produce a Scope of
Work Planning Worksheet.
5a. 40% of the agenda will
emphasize team planning
time, 20% for professional
development sessions, 20%
sharing and discussing
evaluation, 10%
networking and 10% for
Clinic participants will be able
to accomplish their planning
goals and have their
professional development,
networking and reflection needs
Clinic planners will produce a
Clinic agenda in which 40% is
devoted to team planning time,
20% to Professional
Development sessions, 20% to
sharing and discussing
evaluation, 10% to networking
and 10% to reflection.
6a. New or adapted group
processes and tools will be
developed to address the
specific needs of the 2003
Leadership Clinic
Planners will be able to identify
new processes and tools for use
by future clinic planners.
New or adapted group
processes and tools will be
added to the Leadership Clinic
model and manual.
new or adapted group processes
and tools resulting from the 2003
Leadership Clinic.
Clinic CD will combine various
evaluation results and documents
related to the clinic and make
them available to participants
and others.
Scope of Work Planning
Worksheets will document state
and community planning
Clinic Evaluation Form
completed at end of Clinic will
measure participants’
perceptions of how well the
Clinic equipped them to update
their teams’ Scopes of Work.
Clinic Evaluation Form
completed at end of Clinic will
measure participants’
perceptions of how well the
Clinic agenda supported team
needs for networking, planning,
professional development and
Leadership Clinic Debrief Call
conducted following the Clinic
will review and add to data
collected from the evaluation
forms about what worked and
continued and expanded
participants and sponsors.
what to change for future
Final Clinic Report will describe
new or adapted group processes
and tools resulting from the 2003
Leadership Clinic.
Possible Measurement Tools
Pre-Clinic Written Survey (s) sent prior to the Clinic to participants and facilitators/ resource people will solicit input for developing the agenda.
Pre-Clinic Team Phone Survey(s) will be conducted after the first draft of the agenda to get input on the agenda and find out about team evaluation progress.
TeamDaily Debriefs with team liaisons and Facilitators/Resource People will capture notes of their feedback on each day’s agenda.
Daily Check-ins conducted at the start of each day will get a “pulse” of how the Clinic is going from participants’ perspectives and make needed adjustments.
Team Focus Groups will take place on the second to last day of the clinic to evaluate what teams have most gained from, what they have concerns about and how they
wish to spend the remainder of their time at the clinic.
Clinic Evaluation Form completed by participants at end of Clinic will measure participants’ perceptions of the Clinic and all of its elements.
Professional Development Session Evaluation Forms will measure the extent to which: (1) they had adequate opportunities to provide input into the Professional
Development Sessions; (2) the Professional Development sessions incorporated participants’ input and addressed their networking and professional development needs.
Scope of Work Planning Worksheet will be an action plan worksheet each team will be responsible to complete by the end of the clinic.
Leadership Clinic Debrief Phone Call conducted with the Planning Team following the Clinic will review and add to data collected from the evaluation forms about what
worked and what to change for future Clinics.
Final Clinic Report will report on the results of the Clinic including new or adapted group processes and tools. This report will be culled from these sources:
o Clinic Evaluation Form
o Planning Team Conference Call
o Report from the Lead Facilitator