ders i̇çeri̇kleri̇

CSH 701
Health Problems of Child Health and Roles of Nurse
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Child health in the world and in Turkey, specialties, requirements and rights of
child; health care system in Turkey, health policies in Turkey; the factors that affect
child health; features of childhood periods; childhood nutrition; infectious diseases,
genetic factors; the maternal and child health nursing; school health nursing, familycentered care.
CSH 703
Nursing Process in Children's Care
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Nursing models; nursing process system; determination of requirements; taking a
history of nursing, nursing diagnosis; care plan; evaluation of plan.
CSH 705
Nurses' Role in Child Growth and Development
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Human development; development through life-span, developmental theories; Freud;
Erikson; Piaget; infancy period, childhood period, adolescence period.
CSH 707
Nursing Care of the Children with Psychosocial Problems
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Child mental health and development and the role of the nurse; problems related with
the child's mental and cognitive periods and the nurse's role in specific developmental
periods; adaptations and behavior problems in childhood; autism, and nursing care,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and nursing care; nursing care of enuresis and
encompresis, adjustment and behavior problems in adolescent the period and nursing
care; tic disorders in children and adolescence, sexual education and role of nurse,
suicide and the role of nurse in suicide attempts.
CSH 709
Role of Nurse in Child Nutrition
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
The importance of nutrition; breast-feeding; artificial feeding; supplementary foods;
infant foods and environmental pollution; assessment of nutritional status;
malnutritions and nursing care, the mother's nutrition education; practical work for
infant and child nutrition.
CSH 711
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
General information; zygote period; the embryonic period; fetal period; teratogenic
factors; congenital abnormalities; the muscle-skeletal system; digestive system;
cardiovascular system; urogenital system; nervous system, respiratory system, eye
and ear development.
CSH 713
Nursing Care of Newborn
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Evaluation of the newborn; newborn's physiological functions; nursing care of
normal newborn; evaluation of high-risk newborns; gestational age or newborns who
are at risk due to birth weight; nursing care of newborn with hematologic and
cardiovascular disorders; nursing care of the newborns with respiratory,
gastrointestinal problem, nursing care of the newborns with neurological system
disorders care of the newborn, nursing care in newborn’s infectious diseases.
CSH 715
Nursing Approaches of İll Child’s Care
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Hospitalization and the stress; crisis and crisis intervention, preparation of the child
for hospitalizatıon; responses of children to illness and the hospitalizatıon; separation
anxiety, child and play; importance of play for hospitalized child; hospitalization and
nursing care practices according to the childhood periods; infancy period; toddler
period; school-child period; adolescence period.
CSH 717
Child Born with Physical Development Disorder and Nursing Care
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Child with congenital anomaly and parents' responses; congenital heart disease and
nursing care; congenital anomalies of the central nervous system and nursing care;
congenital anomalies of the respiratory system and nursing care; congenital
anomalies of the gastrointestinal system and nursing care; congenital anomalies of
the genitourinary system and nursing care; congenital anomalies of the
musculoskeletal system and nursing care.
CSH 719
Philosophy in Nursing
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
What is philosophy?; the importance of philosophy in nursing, nursing concepts,
nursing theorist; human-society-environment; health-illness concepts; stress-crisis;
loneliness-separation; death-grief; hope-despair; adjusment; child abuse; working
children; children in crime.
CSH 721
Methods of Physical Examination in Children
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Introduction to Physical examinatıon; antropometic measurements; skin; head, eyes;
ears, nose and throat; neck; chest and respiratory system; circulatory system;
abdomen; perinatal and genital area; musculoskeletal system; nervous system.
CSH 797
Seminar in Child Health Nursing
Local Credit: 0
ECTS Credit: 3
The topics covered will be determined by the student.
CSH 702
Child Health Nursing Practice
Local Credit: 4
ECTS Credit: 6
Planning and studying on nursing care plan with a sample case studies with children
who are underlying children's wards of hospitals.
CSH 704
Research Methods in Nursing
Local Credit: 4
ECTS Credit: 6
Research principles; research techniques; research types, planning research; data
collection, preparation of data for analysis; data analysis and writing a research.
CSH 706
Nursing Care of Children with Chronic Disease
Lokal Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
The concept of chronic illness; the effect of chronic illness on child and parents; the
effect of chronic illness on role and relationships family members'; coping with
chronic illness; coping methods used by children, utilization of social support; the
role of the nurse chronic illnesses.
CSH 708
Nursing Care of Fatal Diseases Child and Family
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Development of the death concept
in children and responses to fetal illness;
awareness of child of death; explain death to children; methods for coping with fetal
illness; support methods of family of child’s with a fatal disease; the role of nurse in
terminal period of illness, supporting the family and the siblings after the child's
death, nurses responses to fatal illnesses.
CSH 710
Nursing Care of Child with Haematological System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Embryology of the blood; composition and properties of blood; the clotting
thrombocytopenic purpura; blood applications.
CSH 712
Nursing Care of Child with Oncological Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
The incidence of cancer in the world and our country; cancer etiology; cancer and
diagnostic methods, treatments of children with cancer and the role of the nurse;
cancer prevention and the importance of early diagnosis and nursing responsibilities;
and acute leukemia and nursing care; lymphomas and nursing care; and nursing care,
neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma, and nursing care; bone tumors and nursing
care, brain tumors and nursing care.
CSH 714
Nursing Care of Child with Neurological System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system; diagnostic methods of neurological
system, evaluation of the child with neurological dysfunction; increased
intracranial pressure; coma; brain eodema; head trauma; paroxysmal disorders;
convulsions; status epilepticus.
CSH 716
Nursing Care of Child with Musculoskeletal System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy and physiology, evaluatıon of problems related to musculoskeletal system;
diagnostic methods; immobilization and nursing care; bone growth disorders;
neuromuscular disorders; cerebral palsy; extrimity trauma; inflammatory and
infectious problems of bone and joints.
CSH 718
Nursing Care of Child with Genitourinary System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy and physiology of genitourinary system; providing the fluid and electrolyte
requirement, urinary tract infections; glomeruli diseases; nephrotic syndrome, renal
tubular insufficiency, renal failure; prevention from diseases.
CSH 720
Nursing Care of Child with Infectious Disease
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
The epidemiology of infectious diseases; the role of nurses in the prevention of
infectious diseases; the role of nurses in the care of rash-fever diseases; upper
respiratory tract diseases and nursing care; lower respiratory tract diseases and
nursing care; gastrointestinal system infections and nursing care ; viral hepatitis,
sepsis and cardiovascular system infections and
nursing care; central nervous
system infections and nursing care, joint and bone infections and nursing care;
tuberculosis; HIV/AIDS, diseases caused by A and B group streptecoccus and
nursing care; rabies and nursing care.
CSH 722
Nursing Care of Child with Respiratory System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system; providing the oxygen requirement
of infants and children; nursing care of the upper respiratory tract disease, otitis
media and nursing care; streptococcal infections and nursing care; lower respiratory
tract diseases and nursing care, nursing care of pneumonia; complications of the
respiratory system diseases; role of nurses in the prevention of respiratory system
CSH 724
Nursing Care of Child with Cardiovascular System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
The anatomy of the cardiovascular system; the physiology of the cardiovascular
system; history taking
of cardiovascular system; diagnostic methods for the
cardiovascular system; congenital heart disease and nursing care; heart diseases in
and nursing care; role of nurses in prevention and family education of cardiovascular
system diseases; discussion of sample care plans.
CSH 726
Nursing Care of Child with Endocrine System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system; thyroid gland diseases and nursing
care; parathyroid gland diseases and nursing care; adrenal gland, thymus gland,
pineal gland diseases and nursing care; pancreas gland diseases and nursing care;
diabetes mellitus and nursing; practical work.
CSH 728
Nursing Care of Child with Immunological System Problem
Local Credit: 3
ECTS Credit: 6
Anatomy of the immune system; physiology of immune system; common allergic
diseases in children and nursing care; asthma and nursing care; Wiskott-Aldrrich
syndrome, HIV/ AIDS and nursing care; practical work.
CSH 797
Seminar in Child Health Nursing
Local Credit: 0
ECTS Credit: 3
Meltem KURTUNCU TANIR,Phd,Assist.Prof.
Chairman of the Department of Child Health Nursing