


(Scale is noted in the image name, use scale photomicrographs provided)

Smear slides:

1316A4H-6-55a_40x Fore-mound silt sized sediments. Angular quartz and feldspar

(note plagioclase twinning) grains as well as carbonate grains (likely bioclastic debris). Clay sized material includes illite, other clay sized silicates and coccoliths.

1316A4H-6-55b_40x Same field as 55a in plane polarized light.

1316A4H-6-55c_40x Organic debris (possible woody material).

1317A9H-1-127_10x Nanoplankton silty mud making up the bulk of the mud mound facies. Note the scattered silt sized quartz grains and foraminifera.

1317A9H-1-127_63x Closer view of mud mound matrix. In this field fine silt sized carbonate (calcite and/or aragonite) grains are visible. These likely are bioclastic debris from the breakdown of macrofossils common in the mound facies.

1317A9H-1-127_40x Another view of the mud mound matrix. Note angular quartz silt grains and a possible dolomite rhomb in the lower left field.

1317A9H-1-127_100x Close-up of coccoliths making up the bulk of the clay sized sediment in the mud mound facies.

1317C4H-6-116a_40x Tourmaline crystal in silt sized fraction of the mud mound facies.

1317C4H-6-116b_40x Same field as 116a rotated displaying pleochroism in tourmaline crystal.

1318A1H_-6-88_40x Iron sulfide framboid.

1318A10H-2-19a_100x Tourmaline crystal in silt sized fraction of back-mound sediments.

1318A10H-2-19b_100x Same field as 19a rotated to display pleochroism in the tourmaline crystal. Note that the crystal is multicolored, bluish in the upper half and greenish in the lower half. Such color variation is common in tourmaline.

1318A10H-2-19c_100x Same field as 19a and b in cross polarized light, rotated to display birefringence colors.

1318A14H-2-75_10x Sponge spicules.

1318A14H-2-75a_40x Close-up view showing glauconite filling a sponge spicule.

1318A14H-2-75b_10x Glauconite filling a sponge spicule adjacent to a silt sized glauconite grain.

1318B24H-1-16_10x Lithified zone near base of back mound facies.

1318B24X-1-16a_40x Lithified zone near base of back mound facies. Note the dominance of dolomite rhombs. Silt sized quartz, a glauconite grain and micritic calcite are also visible.

1318B24X-1-16b_10x Same field as 16a in cross polarized light.

1318B26X-2-75a_100x Possible ikaite (CaCO


6H 2 O) near base of cored section in back-mound facies.

1318B26X-2-75a_100x Same field as 75a in cross polarized light.

1318C3H-3-110a_10x Siliciclastic clay siltstone overlying the phosphatic bed in the back-mound facies.

1318C3H-3-110b_10x Same field as 11a in cross polarized light. Note silt sized quartz and carbonate grains.

1318C3H-3-110_40x Close-up of 110a & b. Clay sized fraction is primarily silicate in composition. Note possible dolomite rhomb right center field.

1318C3H-4-30a_10x Phosphatic bed showing fine sand sized apatite (nearly opaque), quartz, a single glauconite grain (center field), and carbonate bioclasts.

1318C3H-4-30b_10x Same field as 30a cross polarized light.

1318C3H-4-30a_40x Zircon grain in the silt to fine sand sized fraction. Note the very high relief indicating high index of refraction.

1318C3H-4-30b_40x Same field as 30a in cross polarized light.

1318C3H-5-110_10x Coccolith mudstone with silt grains underlying phosphatic bed in the back-mound facies. Clay sized fraction is primarily of calcite (coccoliths) composition.

1318C3H-5-110_40x Close-up of foraminifera(upper left and lower right) below phosphatic bed.

Thin sections:

1316C11R-1-48-52_10x Lithified zone. Note silt grains, glauconite, and foraminifera in left field.

1316C11R-1-48-52b_10x Another view of the lithified zone.

1316C11R-1-48-52_40x Close-up of lithified zone. Note that the ground mass is made up of faintly visible dolomite rhombs (2-5 µm) and barely visible micritic calcite grains.
