Born on 12 November 1975 (France)
IRD BP A5 98848 Nouméa Cedex, New Caledonia
 +687 26-07-46
E-mail :
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Univ. de la Méditerranée (Marseille, Fr)
Master in Marine Biology, Univ. Paris VI (Paris, Fr)
Bachelor degree, Biology-Ecology, Univ. of Brest (Brest, Fr)
Research scientist (Oct. 2007), IRD-UR103 CAMELIA, DME
Importance of boring microflora in coral reef functioning and maintenance : effects of
anthropogenic activities and climate change on their diversity, abundance and metabolism.
Post-doctorate (Sept. 2006-Sept. 2007), Laboratory of Pr. Marlin Atkinson at HIMB (Hawaii)
Effects eutrophication and ocean acidification on coral communities and boring microflora in
situ and under controlled conditions.
Post-doctorate (Sept. 2005-Sept. 2006), Laboratory of Dr. Peter Vroom at Coral Reef
Ecosystem Division (CRED)- NOAA Fisheries and Ecosystems (Hawaii)
Variability in space and time of the diversity and abundance of coral reef macroalgae in US
Pacific Island (e.g. Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Main Hawaiian Islands, Line Islands).
Post-doctorate (Nov. 2002- Sept. 2004), Laboratory of Dr. Chris Langdon, Columbia
University (New York city) – Biosphere 2 Center (Arizona) & HIMB (Hawaii)
Effects of ocean acidification on boring microflora metabolism: dissolution of carbonate
substrates such as coral skeletons.
Teaching research assistant (Sept. 2001- Aug. 2002), Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille,
DIMAR. Lectures in « Marine biology ». Classes of students (Bachelor degree) from the
University of Méditerranée (Marseille)
PhD (Mar. 1999- Dec. 2001), Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, DIMAR
Biorosion processes on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) : importance of boring microflora.
Master (Feb. 1998- Jul. 1998), University of Paris VI – Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille
Bioerosion of thalli of the crustose coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes by boring microflora in
French Polynesia (Moorea).
Lectures in « Bioerosion in coral reefs ». Class of students (Bachelor degree) from University
of Canberra (Australia) (2009).
Supervising and training of several students from Bachelor to PhD level (1999-2009)
Scientific animation at the Oceanographic Center of Monaco (popularization, 1998)
Diversity of boring microalgae and macroalgae in the Pacific Ocean
Identification in situ and in the laboratory by using two approaches (microscopy and molecular
Metabolism of benthic phototrophic organisms including boring microflora
Quantification of primary production rates of epilithic and endolithic organisms in situ (coral
reefs) and ex situ (tank experiments) under various environmental conditions.
Bioerosion processes
Determination of agents of bioerosion (grazers, macroborers and boring microflora), their
abundance, distribution and rates of dissolve calcium carbonate under different environmental
conditions and over time. Techniques are derived from marine biology, geology, and water
Windows, Word, Excel, PPT, Staview, SuperANOVA, Statistica, Primer-E, JASCO, CPCe,
Acrobat Professional, Illustrator & Photoshop…, English (fluent) & Spanish (school level).
P1- Tribollet A, Vroom P, Schils T (accepted with revisions) Diversity and relative abundance of
macroalgae in American Samoa between 2004 and 2006. Phycol.
P2- Tribollet A, Godinot C, Atkinson M, Langdon C (2009) Effects of elevated pCO2 on dissolution
of coral carbonates by microbial euendoliths. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 23: GB3008, doi:
P3- Tribollet A (2008) The boring microflora in modern coral reefs: a review of its roles. Wisshak M,
Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Berlin-Heiderlberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 67-94
P4- Tribollet A, Veinott G, Golubic S, Dart R (2008) Infestation of the north American
freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata (Head Lake, Canada) by the euendolithic cyanobacterium
Plectonema terebrans Bornet et Flahault. Algol. Stud. 128: 65-77
P5- Tribollet A (2008) Dissolution of dead corals by euendolithic microorganisms across the northern
Great Barrier Reef (Australia). Microb. Ecol. 55: 569-580
P6- Tribollet A, Vroom P (2007) Temporal and spatial comparison of the relative abundance of
macroalgae across the Mariana Archipelago between 2003 and 2005. Phycol. 46 :187- 197
P7- Tribollet A, Atkinson MJ, Langdon C (2006) Effects of elevated pCO2 on epilithic and endolithic
metabolism of reef carbonates. Global Change Biol. 12: 2200-2208
P8- Tribollet A, Langdon C, Golubic S, Atkinson M (2006) Endolithic microflora are major primary
producers in dead carbonate substrates of Hawaiian coral reefs. J. Phycol. 42: 292-303
P9- Tribollet A, Golubic S (2005) Cross-shelf differences in the pattern and pace of bioerosion of
experimental carbonate substrates exposed for 3 years on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Coral Reefs 24: 422-434 (Award of the best paper 2005)
P10- Tribollet A, Decherf G, Hutchings PA, Peyrot-Clausade M. (2002) Large-scale spatial
variability in bioerosion of experimental coral substrates on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) :
importance of microborers. Coral Reefs 21: 424- 432
P11- Tribollet A, Payri C (2001) Bioerosion of coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes by microborers in
the coral reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia. Oceano. Acta 24: 329-342
L1- Golubic S, Tribollet A (in press) Bioerosion. Reitner J. (ed) Encyclopedia of Geobiology.
Springer Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Berlin-Heiderlberg
L2- Tribollet A, Golubic S (in press) Bioerosion processes in coral reefs. Dubinsky Z (ed) Corals and
Coral Reefs. Berlin-Heiderlberg, Springer-Verlag
L3- Ganachaud, A., A. Sen Gupta, J. Church, M. Hemer, J. Kruger, C. Maes, K. Ridgway, C.
Steinberg, A. Tribollet, B.Qiu, S. Wijffels (in press). Observed and Expected Changes to the Pacific
Ocean. In: Vulnerability of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Pacific to Climate Change (J.D. Bell,
ed.). Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
L4- Tribollet A, Golubic S, Radtke G (in press) Microbiocorrosion. Reitner (ed) Stromatolites.
Oral communications
C1- Tribollet A (2010) Chewing, Rasping, and Drilling: Bioerosion Rates on Reefs. Conférencière
invitée par Dr J. Kleypas (Climate & Global Dynamics National Center for Atmospheric Research,
USA). AAAS annual meeting, session “Will coral reef disappear: Separating fact from conjecture”,
San Diego (USA).
C2- Tribollet A, Atkinson M, Langdon C (2009) Effects of rising pCO2 on reef carbonate dissolution
by euendoliths. 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress & 2nd Symposium on French Research in the
Pacific, Tahiti (French Polynesia)
C3-Tribollet A, Atkinson M, Langdon C (2008) Carbonate dissolution by euendolithic
microorganisms increases with rising pCO2. 11th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Florida (USA)
C4- Cuet P, Atkinson M, Tribollet A, Falter J, Fleming J (2008) Nutrient loading affects the
relationship between coral calcification and aragonite saturation state. P. Cuet a présenté les résultats.
11th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Florida (USA).
C5- Tribollet A (2008) Roles of the boring microflora in modern coral reefs and effects of various
environmental factors. 6th Int. Bioerosion Workshop, Salt Lake City (Utah, USA)
C6- Tribollet A (2005) Role of the boring microflora in coral reef ecosystems- effects of
environmental factors on its activities (bioerosion, productivity). ASLO meeting, Santiago de
Compostella (Espagne)
C7- Tribollet A, Langdon C (2004) Coral rubble primary production in Kaneohe Bay and in
controlled mesocosms (Biosphere 2 Center): impact of eutrophication and increasing pCO2 with
special reference to the boring micro-flora, its role and significance. 10th Int. Coral Reef Symp.
Okinawa (Japon)
C8- Tribollet A, Peyrot M, Hutchings P (2002) Temporal variability and gradient of bioerosion along
a cross shelf transect on
the GBR (Australia). European Meeting of ISRS. Cambridge (UK)
C9- Tribollet A (2001) Spatial and temporal variability in bierosion by microborers of experimental
substrates on the GBR (Australia). 18tème Forum des Jeunes Océanographes. Arcachon.
C10- Tribollet A (2001) Spatial variability in bierosion of blocks of Porites on the GBR (Australia).
1er prix de l’Ecole Doctorale de Marseille (France)
C11- Tribollet A, Poggiale C (2000) Role of the boring microflora and meiofauna communities in
the destruction processes of coral reefs. Variability of bioerosion in experimental coral substrates on
the GBR, Australia. 9th Int. Coral Reef Symp. Bali (Indonesia)
C12- Tribollet A, Peyrot M, Hutchings P (2000) Microbial euendolithic communities in experimental
coral substrates on the GBR (Australia) : impact of environmental factors and variability of
bioerosion. 3rd Int. Bioerosion Workshop, Barcelona (Espagne).
P1- Tribollet A, Payri C, Le Campion-Alsumard T (1998) Poster “Bioerosion of live and dead
crustose coralline alga : Hydrolithon onkodes (Heydrich) Penrose and Woelkerling (Moorea, French
Polynesia)". 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Perpignan (France).
Fev. 2010
Sep. 2009
Juin. 2009
Oct. 2004
Jan. 2004
Juin 2003
Sep. 2002
Fév. 2001
AAAS annual meeting, session “Will coral reef disappear: Separating fact from
conjecture”: “Chewing, Rasping, and Drilling: Bioerosion Rates on Reefs” . Invited
by Dr J. Kleypas of Climate & Global Dynamics National Center for Atmospheric
LOPB Marseille: “La bioérosion récifale, face cachée des récifs”. Invited by Dr F.
Centre I.R.D. de Nouméa: “La bioérosion récifale, face cachée des récifs”. Invited by
Dr A. Ganachaud
Université de Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK): "Role of the boring microflora as primary
producers in coral reefs". Invited by Pr. Nicholas Polunin.
Tufts University (Boston, USA): "Bioerosion processes in coral reefs". Invited by
Dr. Randi Rojtan.
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (Hawaii, USA): "Bioerosion processes in coral
reefs"dans le cadre du "Edwin W. Pauley Summer Program: Assessing the Health of
Pacific Corals". Invited by Dr. Forest Rohwer (University of San Diego).
Biosphere 2 Center – Columbia University en Arizona (USA): "Bioerosion processes
in coral reefs". Invited by Dr. C. Langdon.
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes de Perpignan (FR) on "Les processus de bioérosion
récifale sur la Grande Barrière de Corail (Australie). Invited by Pr M. Pichon.