STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN MEDIA DAN GAYA BERPIKIR SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA INDONESIA DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI KOTA SEMARANG (2007) The Media-Assisted instructional Strategy and Students’ Thingking Styles Impact on Indonesia Languange Learning Outputs in State Primary Schools of Kota Semarang (2007) SRI SULARTI DEWANTI HANDAYANI ABSTRACT This study examines the impacs of media-assisted instructional strategy and thinking styles on the learning output of bahasa Indonesia amongst the first-year students of the state primary schools of Kota Semarang. It employs an experimental method. Data was collected from the selected students, through questionnaires and their participation in the media-aided instruction. The data analysis technique used is Two-Way Analysis of Variance (Two-way Anova). This study founded that; (1) the learning output of the students taught in the periodical-media-display strategy is higher than that of those who were not; (2) the divergent students’ output is higher than the convergent; (3) there is an effect of the interaction between, thinking styles, and the students’ learning outputs; (4) the divergent students taught in the periodical media display strategy has a higher learning output than those who were taught in the non periodical one; (5) the convergent students taught in the periodical-media-display strategy has a lower output than those taught in the non-periodical one; (6) the learning output of the divergent students taught in the periodical media display strategy is higher than that of the divergent; (7) the learning output of the divergent students taught in the periodical media display strategy is higher than that of the convergent ones. This study concludes that; (1) the periodical media display instructional strategy has a significant influence on the improvement in the students learning output of bahasa Indonesia, (2) the student with a tendency to divergent thinking style have a higher learning output of bahasa Indonesia than that of their convergent counterpart either in the periodical and non periodical media display strategy. Keywords: Instructional strategy, media, divergent, convergent PENGARUH PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN DAN KEMAMPUAN VERBAL TERHADAP KEMAPUAN BERBICARA BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA SMA NEGERI 14 DAN 21 MEDAN (2012) The Effect of Instructional Approach and Verbal Reasoning on Students’ English Speaking Competence SMA Negeri 14 and 21 Medan (2012) NAEKLAN SIMBOLON ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to know the effect of instructional approach and verbal reasoning on students’ English speaking competence SMA Negeri 14 and 21 Medan. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 14 and 21 Medan, in the first semester 2010/2011 academic year. The experimental research is done by using 2 x 2. Trarment by level design, with 160 students as sample thet were taken by random sampling. The instrument used were verbal reasoning test and English speaking competence observation. The result of the research shows that: (1) there is the difference of students’ speaking competence between students taught by Contextual Teaching and Learning and expository instruction, (2) there is the interaction between instruction approach and verbal reasoning and speaking English competence of SMA Negeri 14 and 21 Medan, (3) there is the difference of the students’ English speaking competence between students who have high verbal reasoning and low verbal reasoning, (4) there is the difference of the students’ English Speaking Competence who have low verbal reasoning taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning compare with the students who taught by using expository instruction. Keywords: Contextual teaching and learning, expository instruction and verbal reasoning MODEL PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUKSIONAL PROMOSI KESEHATAN STUDI PENGEMBANGAN PADA MAHASISWA FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN KRIDA WACANA DAN UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK INDONESIA ATMA JAYA DI JAKARTA Research and Development Model Instructional Development of Health Promotion Study on Medical Students of Krida Wacana Christian University and Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta RUDI PEKERTI ABSTRACT The aim of the study to create deepen learning instructional model health promotion advocacy for medical students to cope the unmet need. Methods used based on educational research and development, data compiled from in-depth interview, questionnaires, test from respondents. The sample purposively focus on the whole clerkship population of the study for Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University respondents who used collaborative teamwork CAKES model. And Krida Wacana Christian University – UKRIDA individual respondents who used traditional learning method. Research result products, namely: (1) The CAKES’ model, a collaborative learning rooted from gamelan’s learning. The CAKES’ model enriching the SPICES – PBL model of Indonesian Medical Council. (2) The Health Promotion Advocacy Module, while each module is consisted of thirteen instructional and content elements to cater to student’s need with facilitator’s guidebook. (3) The Cycle of Ten Steps Educational Research & Development of Health Promotion. (4) The Crosslink Theory Among Brain Networks. All respondents (33) increase their gain score. All of Atma Jaya’s learning teams presented one minute advocacy message and advocacy plan of action with good result. The mayority of UKRIDA’s respondents practiced advocacy on their job after four years learning outcome. And the mayority of Atma Jaya respondents put advocacy as a public health armament. (5) Video advocacy products existed to explain the cross-link loops theory, 2010. Limitation of the study it would be best to scale up the study to represent nationwide base for policy usage backup and to study further the cross-link loops theory. Recommendation: Sustainable improvement of educational products, develop multimedia enjoyable learning products, application model to other fields, compile Indonesia’s health advocacy cases, further study cross-link theory among brain networks for general application. Keywords: health promotion, health advocacy module and facilitator’s guidebook, medical education, cycle steps of health promotion educational research and development, neuroscience, neuroeducation, cross-link theory. PENGARUH STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN (PROJECT BASED LEARNING vs. KONVENSIONAL) DAN GAYA KOGNITIF TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR TIK DI SMA (2010) The Effect of Instructional Strategy (Project Based Learning vs. Conventional) and Cognitive Style on the Learning Outcome of ICT in Senior High School (2010) I PUTU SUKA ARSA ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to find out the effect of project based learning and cognitive style on the senior high school student learning outcome. The strategy of this study is the project based learning and conventional and the student’s cognitive style types, field independent and field dependent styles. The method used was a quassy experiment of 2 x 2 factorial designs. The sample size was 224 students of SMA N 3 Singaraja in 2009/2010, who were selected by multistage random sampling. The result showed the following (1) the learning outcome by the project based learning was better than the conventional way, (2) the students with the field independent cognitive style, showed higher learning outcome than the conventional way, (3) the student with the field dependent cognitive style showed higher learning outcome through conventional strategy than the project based learning, (4) there was also found the interaction between learning strategy and cognitive style toward learning outcome of ICT. HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENGETAHUAN AWAL, GAYA BELAJAR, DAN MOTIVASI BERPRESTASI DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS DI MTs NEGERI 15 JAKARTA UTARA (2012) CORRELATION BETWEEN ENTRY LEVEL, LEARNING STYLE AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION WITH ENGLISH LEARNING RESULT AT MTs 15 NORTH JAKARTA (2012) MUHAMMAD HATTA ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between antry level, learning style and achievement motivation with English learning result. The research was conducted at MTs Negeri 15 Jakarta Utara, 2007 with n=80 selected randomly. The result of research shows: 1) there is a positive correlation between entry level with English learning result; 2) there is a positive correlation between learning style with English learning result; 3) there is a positive correlation between achievement motivation with English learning result and 4) there is a positive correlation between entry level, learning style, and achievement motivation cooperatively with English learning result. Based on the result of research, the students’ English learning result could be enhanced by increasing entry level about English and accommodating the students’ learning style and achievement motivation, since the result of verivication simply be able to prove the entry level, learning style and achievement motivation to be significant determinant factors. HUBUNGAN ANTARA PARTISIPASI DALAM PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN, PERCAYA DIRI, DAN KREATIVITAS DENGAN PROFESIONALITAS WIDYAISWARA PROPINSI (2012) The Correlation Between Participation on Training, Self Confidence, Creativity and Trainers’ Profesionality on Provincial (2012) TITIEK FATONAH ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to gain sufficient information on the relationship between participation on training, self confidence, creativity and profesionality of trainers. The research was conducted at Provincial Training Centre of Home Affair Ministry using a survey method and correlation analysis in testing hypothesis. 139 trainers were chosen to be the samples of the research by simple random sampling. Data analysis and interpretation suggest that: (1) there was a positive correlation between participation on training and profesionality of trainers; (2) there was a positive correlation between self confidence and profesionality of trainers; and (3) there was a positive correlation between creativity and profesionality of trainers. Furthermore (4) there were positif correlation between participation on training, self confidence, creativity as well and profesionality of trainers. The finding show that participation on training, self confidence, and creativity are the determinant factors of profesionality of trainers. They also indicate that profesionality of trainers can be improved by developing participation on training, self confidence, and creativity. Keywords: participation on training, self confidence, creativity, profesionality of trainers