教 师 教 案 (2008 ~2009 学年第 2 学期) 课程名称: 授课题目: 授课对象: 授课教师: 职 称: 内科学 心血管疾病(介入治疗) 临床医学七年制 2005 级 佟 倩 副教授 吉林大学第一医院 Teaching Plan Name of Curriculum:Internal Medicine(Cardiovascular diseases) Name of the teacher Tong Qian Students Title Associate Profess 2005 seven-year program Clinial medicine Time 2009.4.25 the First Class (45 min) Type of the Class Theory class (bilanguage) Topic of the class The Interventional Therapy of Cardiovascular Disease Teaching methods Multimedia(ppt) 1. Master the fucntion of pacer and the indication of implanting pacer and ICD;Comprehend the operation methods and the complications of pacer. Aim and requirement 2.Master the indication of RFCA ,Be familiar with the principle of it. 3.Master the indication and clinical significance of PCI and PBMV;Be familiar with the process of the operation and associated disposal before and after the operation. 4.Comprehend interventional treatment of congenital cardiac diseases. Key points: Teaching key points and difficult points 1.The fucntion of pacer and the indication of implanting pacer and ICD; 2.The indication of RFCA ; 3. The indication and clinical significance of PCI; Difficult points: the principle of radio frequency catheter ablation Textbook and Reference Textbook:王吉耀 《内科学》第一版(8 年制教材) 人民卫生出版社 2005 Reference:1.叶任高、陆再英.《内科学》第六版, 人民卫生出版社 2004 Teaching Content The Interventional Therapy of Cardiovascular Disease 一 pacing: 1. overview about pacing 2. indication of implanting pacemaker acknowledged indications Disputed Pacing Indication 3. encoding of pacemaker 4. classification of pacemaker according to pacing chamber according to pacing physiologic effect 5.Implantation method Technique checkpoint: (1).vien choice (2).electrode lead fixation (3.)pacemaker implanted Time assignment 6.how to choose the mode of cardiac pacing 7.The function of ICD 8.indication of ICD 9.follow up visit and program control after implanting pacemaker 二 Radio-frequency Catheter Ablation to treat arrhythmia 1. overview 2. the forte of RFCA 3. indication W-P-W syndrome(atrioventricular bypass) AVNRT Atrial tachycardia Atrial flutter Atrial fibrillation Ventricular tachycardia 4. the application of RFCA 5. the method of RFCA Vessel acupuncture Vessel and inner-heart catheterization procedure Cardiac electrophysiology test Target-localization Radio-frequency ablation 三 interventional treament of coronary artery diseases 1.the anatomy and denomination of coronary artery 2.the gold standard for diagnosis coronary disease----coronary arteriongraphy 3.procedure of cardiograph 4.how to evaluate the degree of coronary artery stenosis 5.Standard of coronary flow (TIMI stage) 6.percutaeneous Coronary Intervention(PCI) Percutaeneous coronary andioplasty (PTCA) Coronary stent-implatation Coronary turnery intervention Coronary siting rotation Coronary aspirate system Coronary laser-angioplasty 四.Cardiac valve disease interventional therapy and Interventional therapy of congenital heart disease percutaeneous balloon mitral valvoplasty(PBMV) Review questions 1. What is the acknowledged indications of implanting pacemaker? 2 What is the acknowledged indications of ICD? 3. What is the indications of RFCA? 4. What is the standard of coronary flow? 5.What is the defination of RFCA? 6.What is the function of ICD? 7. What is the indications of PMBV? 8. What is the indications of interventional trement for atrial seotum defect? 1、using of powerpoint and lots of ECG and cardiac catheterization pictures can make students better undersand the content of the lesson . Summarization after class 2、explain all the focal points and difficulties detail,almost all the students are satisfied with present lesson. Problem and advice It is a little difficuly for all the students to teach in English, combining with chinese version may be a better way to understand easily.