Orders, Surgical Consent and Patient Information for Percutaneous Nephrostolithotomy Enter information in the highlighted data boxes. Hit the [tab] key to go to the first data box. Hit the [tab] key again to move to the next data box. You may also click directly on a box. Enter surgeon last name: Nejd Alsikafi, M.D. Enter patient first name: sma Enter patient last name: housston Enter patient medical record number: 234 Enter patient medical record number again: 234 Enter the diagnosis: kidney stone Which kidney has the stone(s)? Left Click this button and the completed forms will print. Print Forms Nejd Alsikafi, M.D. 2160 South First Avenue Maywood, IL 60153 Loyola Medicine Department of Urology Phone FAX Order for Testing Name: housston, sma 708/216-6266 708/216-6585 Date: Diagnosis: kidney stone CBC BMP PT/PTT – INR Urinalysis [dip stick] Urine culture & sensitivity Chest x-ray EKG Type and cross ___ Units P.R.B.C. Nejd Alsikafi, M.D. 12 February 2016 Loyola University Medical Center Consent for Surgery Name: housston, sma MR#: 234 1. I hereby authorize Dr. Nejd Alsikafi, M.D., attending physician, and such assistants and associates as may be elected by him/her to perform the following procedure(s) upon: sma housston Patient’s Name Procedures: Percutaneous Left Nephrostolithotomy [removing a kidney stone or kidney stones through a tube placed through the skin of the flank into the kidney pelvis (drain system) 2. I understand that this procedure(s) appears to be indicated by the diagnostic studies and/or clinical observations already performed regarding the following condition: Condition requiring the procedure(s): 3. I authorize the administration of anesthesia as may, in the exercise of good professional judgment, be necessary or advisable by the physician responsible for administering anesthetics. 4. I authorize the administration of blood and blood components as may be considered necessary or advisable in connection with the procedure(s) described above. 5. The nature, purpose, and possible complications of the procedures and medical services described above, the risks and benefits reasonably to be expected, and the alternative methods of treatment and the risks/benefits of no treatment have been explained to me by my physician. Possible Complications: Failure to remove all stones or stone fragments, bleeding, infection, injury to the kidney, pneumothorax (air in the chest outside the lung), hydrothorax (water in the chest outside the lung), inability to remove all of the tumor, others 6. I recognize that during the operation unexpected conditions may be revealed which require my doctors to perform additional or different procedures than those described above. Since I may be under anesthesia or otherwise unable to give my consent to this treatment during the procedure(s) described above, I hereby authorize and request that the physician performing these procedure(s) and his assistants or designees perform such other procedures as are, in the exercise of good professional judgment, necessary and desirable. I understand that these procedures may include surgery as well as other forms of treatment. The authority granted in this paragraph shall extend to remedy all conditions found during the operation that require treatment, and that are not known at the time the procedure is commenced. 7. I acknowledge that I have received no warranties or guarantees with respect to the benefits to be realized or consequences of the aforementioned procedure. 8. I consent to the filming or recording of the procedure to be performed, including appropriate portions of my body, for scientific or educational purposes which arenot related to diagnosis or treatment of my condition, provided my identity is not revealed by the pictures or by descriptive texts accompanying them. I understand that I can revoke this consent for filming/recording by notifying my attending physician within five days of my surgery or procedure. In the event of revocation, I understand that any prior us of film or recordings up to the date of revocation may not be retracted. 9. For the purpose of advancing medical education, I consent to the participation of residents, fellows and health care students in the surgery or procedure and to the admittance of observers to the room in which the surgery or procedure(s) are performed. These observers may include representatives from medical device manufacturing companies who are demonstrating or providing technical support for new procedures or equipment. 10. I consent to the disposal by hospital authorities of any tissues, body parts or implants which may be removed. 11. I acknowledge that I have read this document in its entirety and that I fully understand it, that all blank spaces have been completed and that any disagreeable sections have been crossed off and initialed prior to my signing. 12. I understand that I have the right to cancel my surgery at any time, even after I have signed this consent form. I understand that I am under no obligation to proceed with the surgery. 13. I have had a full discussion about the proposed procedure with my physician and have consented to the procedure described on this form. I further understand that if I have questions about my proposed surgery or procedure, I have the right to have those questions answered before surgery or procedure. Date Print Name Time Print Name Signature of Patient Signature of Consenting Party Relationship to Patient AFFIRMATION OF INFORMED CONSENT BY PHYSICIANS I have informed the above-named patient or the patient’s authorized representative, of the condition requiring treatment(s), therapy(s) or procedure(s) described to on the front page of this Consent Progress Note and I have, consistent with my best medical judgment, fully explained the nature and purposes of all the treatment(s), therapy(s) or procedure(s), possible alternative methods of treatment(s), therapy(s) or procedure(s), the risks involved and the possibility of complications in the treatment(s), therapy(s) or procedure(s) consented to and in alternative treatment(s), therapy(s) and procedure(s), and that, after the foregoing information had been explained, the patient or representative indicated that he/she understood that information and consented to such treatment(s), therapy(s) or procedure(s). Date INTERPRETER I affirm that I acted as interpreter or translator for the patient or the patient’s representative and accurately and completely translated into the _________________________ language both the statements contained on this form as well as the statements made by the physician, Nejd Alsikafi, M.D., to the patient and/or the patient’s representative and that the patient or the patients representative stated that he or she understood all of the statements and consented to the treatment and/or other procedures described in those statements. Date Signature Relationship to Patient Print Name Patient or Consenting Party signed this form in my presence or consented by telephone If an RN is witnessing the signature, a properly executed Consent Progress Note must be in the medical record. Witness (print name and title) Signature Date Additional Witness (For telephone consent, interpreter or, translator or if patient signs with an “X”) Signature Date Information for Patients about Percutaneous Nephrostolithotomy How is a kidney stone removed? Your surgeon recommends a surgical procedure called percutaneous [through the skin] nephrostolithotomy [tube in the kidney, removal of stone] There are usually three connections to the kidney: an artery (a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the kidney), a vein (a vessel that carries filtered blood from the kidney back to the heart) and a ureter (the drainage tube that carries urine to the bladder). The surgery to remove a kidney stone can be done through a tube placed through the flank into the kidney pelvis. In order to place the tube, a needle is passed through the skin into the pelvis of the kidney. A wire is passed through the needle and then a dilator is used to stretch the size of the opening until it is large enough to accept a tube about the size of a little finger. A telescope is passed through the tube and smaller stones or stone fragments are grasped with an instrument that resembles a pickle fork and then removed. For larger stones, a laser or a shock wave generator is used to break the stone into small pieces. After the stone is removed, sometimes a catheter [drain tube] is left in the kidney. This tube will be removed either before you leave the hospital or in the clinic. What are the possible complications of having a kidney stone removed? Although we try our best to do everything possible to make the surgery safe, there are potential complications of the procedure. The most common complication of a kidney stone removal is failure to remove the stone or pieces of the stone. We cannot guarantee that every time we attempt to remove a kidney stone that we will be successful. Bleeding is also possible. This can occur when the needle is placed, when the tract into the kidney is dilated or when the stone is removed. If bleeding occurrs, a blood transfusion or another procedure may be necessary. This is relatively uncommon. Infection is also possible following major surgery such as this. If an infection occurred following a kidney stone removal, antibiotics may be necessary. It might also be necessary to place a drain catheter or to perform a second surgery to drain an infection pocket. Because other organs lie near the kidney, it is possible that those organs (the lung, the spleen, stomach, intestine, etc.) could be injured during the surgery. If so, a repair surgery may be required. This is quite rare. If air leaks through the tube entering the kidney into the space around the lung, it may be necessary to place a drain tube into the chest. During the surgery water is used to allow us to see in the kidney pelvis. If this water leaks into the space around the lung, it may be necessary to place a drain tube into the chest. As with any major surgery, it is possible that a blood clot in the leg, a blood clot traveling to the lung, or pneumonia could develop following kidney donation. We take special precautions to try to prevent such complications. This includes having the patients cough and take deep breaths regularly to keep the lungs opened up. We also encourage patients to walk starting the day following the surgery. Other more rare complications could also occur. If you have specific questions, please ask your surgeon. How long will I stay in the hospital? Most kidney patients are ready to leave the hospital 1-2 days after surgery. Of course, each patient is unique, so your hospital stay could be longer. When you are eating regular food, when your pain is controlled with pain pills and when you are able to do the physical activities necessary at home, you will be ready to leave the hospital. How much pain will I have? What can you do to control the pain? How long will the pain last? These are some of the most difficult questions to answer because each person experiences pain in a different way. Following your surgery, you will be given pain medicine (pills or through an intravenous line). We will give you a prescription so that you can take the pain medication at home. Because each person is unique, it is impossible to predict how long you’ll need to take pain pills. When will I be able to eat? After surgery you can drink liquids if you feel up to it. Starting in the evening after surgery you can eat your normal diet. Many patients notice that their appetite isn’t as strong for a few days following surgery. When can I drive again? We recommend that you not drive until you no longer need narcotic pain medication. When can I go back to work? You can probably return to work in 1 – 3 weeks. Some patients are ready to go back to work sooner and some are ready later. You will need to listen to your body to know when you are ready. It may be helpful to return to work part-time or doing light work at first. If you need a letter for your employer, let us know. What physical activities can I do following the surgery? After you get home from the hospital, you should plan to do a little walking every day. Start slowly and gradually build up your endurance. If you overdo it, you will be sore. Listen to your body and use your head. Starting 1-2 weeks following the surgery, you may begin to do some stretching exercises that will help you to stay limber. Starting two weeks following the surgery, you may begin to do some light exercise. Gradually build up your exercise plan over the next two weeks. When can I shower? You can take a brief shower (5-10 minutes) starting the day following the surgery. Will I need to eat a special diet after the surgery? No. You can eat anything you would like. Of course, we recommend that you eat a healthy diet including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. What if I have other questions? We’re happy to answer all of your questions. It may be best to write down questions as you think of them. Please call your surgeonr with any questions you may have. Department of Urology Loyola University Medical Center 2160 S. First Avenue Maywood, IL 60153 Office: Appointments: Central Scheduling (all clinics) 708/216-4076 708/216-8563