Co:Writer 6 (CW6) Webinar Hi, Before class begins could you please go to the following website and print-off pp. 414 (of the 20 pages pdf) Train-in-30 (minutes) Tutorial. Thanks, Cynthia Co:Writer 6 (CW6)—is a Word Prediction program that offers phonetic spellings, dictionaries for students at different levels, topic specific dictionaries, personal dictionaries, etc. * Helps writers construct sentences that match their thinking. * Co:Writer knows where you are in the sentence so that: The first word in the sentence is automatically capitalized. Each predicted word is a “grammar fit” — all words are grammatically correct. Needs to be connected to a program such as Write:OutLoud (WOL)—talking word processing program, Word Program, also can be put on an AlphaSmart device, email, facebook, blogs, wikis, etc. 1. Type sentence with inventive spellings with 1 finger: flex-spell to correct inventive spelling. I watched an lafent and jerf roller-skate down the street. *If you don’t see the predicted word type the next letter(s) in the word and watch for it to be predicted. Or press the right arrow key to get more guesses. * Point to each word to hear it before choosing the word. This helps writers who may have trouble recognizing the words. *Co:Writer automatically puts a space after each word in the sentence, saving keystrokes. * Whenever you select a word, the word predictions change to the next words that could go in the sentence. An option is to use the number to select the predicted word. This is a good method for writers who are better with the keyboard than the mouse. Review with ~ key to speak whole sentence. Then insert bu-- (busy) street. TRUE KEYS: Adding Numbers: Hit esc. key, type numbers, then reactivate CW with + key 2. Topic dictionaries. More than 200 are built-in. * Topic Dictionaries contain words, names, places or phrases typically associated with the topic. They help writers get the words they need more quickly. * The words in Topic Dictionaries prompt thinking on the topic. TOPICS—More Topics 1. Categories listed on L (famous people, geography & travel, history, holidays, just for fun, literature, math, 2. Topic Dictionaries listed on R—over 200 available; can have up to 7 dictionaries open at once; 3. Sample of words in that dictionary is listed if click on that dictionary Albert Einstein—check topic dictionary. Type “al”—Albert Einstein comes up. * Not only are keystrokes saved but spelling errors are avoided. * Key names are predicted as well as topic words and phrases such as theory of relativity “Albert Einstein thought about gravity in space.” 4. Create Word Bank—from internet, etc. 5. Create Word Bank—for younger student 6. Word Banks- Click the Word Bank tab to bring it forward. o List o Cloud--Select cloud to see the words in different sizes, the larger words being the most used. Select cloud to see the words in different sizes, the larger words being the most used. * Filter words by nouns, adjectives and verbs. Helps you target support and curriculum goals. * Helps writers focus on the topic, brainstorm ideas for writing, build vocabulary and spell more difficult words. 7. Vocabulary— Here are the Dictionaries from which Co:Writer draws its word predictions. There are two types: the Main Dictionary and Personal Dictionary. 1) Main Dictionary—Advanced 40K, Intermediate 12K, Beginner 6K. 2) Personal Dictionary--- holds words that are important to the writer (and that are not in the Main Dictionary), they can be easily added to the Personal Dictionary and then Co:Writer will predict them. [For ex., people’s names, pets’ names or favorite titles, sibling’s name, school’s name. It can be more than one word such as words about current events and figures such as global warming and President Obama.] 1. Abbreviation Expansion: Add personal words— ex. eps=Everett Public Schools 8. Individual User Settings a. New User b. Activate Selected User-- When changes are made to settings after the writer is activated, those changes are automatically saved to the writer’s name. 9. Writing Other Places: Sometimes, such as when typing web URLs, addresses or numbers, it may be better to temporarily put Co:Writer aside so that you don’t get predictions. When you are done, you can bring Co:Writer back. Here’s how. a. Writing on the Internet a. Launch your Internet browser. b. Minimize Co:Writer by clicking the minimize button. c. Type this web URL and press return. * True Keys mode also lets you type without any predictions. Press [esc –key] to type URLs, numbers, addresses or passwords. Press [esc –key] again to return to word prediction. 10. Speech on the Web--speak the statement on the web. 1. Highlight the statement with the mouse. 2. Point to the Commands button in the upper right corner. 3. Press your mouse button down and see the menu. 4. The first item is Speak. Select that with your mouse. * The keyboard shortcut to speak the sentence is the tilde key ~ . Highlight the sentence and press the tilde key ~ . OTHER: Huge amount of resources available on Don Johnston website: Professional development individualized options 1. CW6 30 minute Tutorials: 2. Show-Me-How Video Tutorials a. CW6-- Getting Started Videos available on: How to use Co:Writer when you are not sure how to spell a word How to use CW to predict more words How to display the word bank How to activate a topic dictionary How to find the Topic Dictionary you just created How to add words to your personal dictionary How to change the main dictionary How to save settings and activate a user How to use the refresh button b. CW6—Advanced Videos available on: How to change the voice you use and rate of speech How to change text size and colors How to have CW repeat the sentence you just wrote How to type numbers in your sentence How to use abbreviation expansion How to use the CW talk window How to use CW6 with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 3. Quick Cards 2 page long pdf good for review