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1. Τhe Turkish Press recycles reports that Premier Karamanlis agreed to
help Turkey avoid its EU obligations
2. Statements by Talat to TRT
3. The number of the voters in occupied Cyprus is 151.635
4. The European Parliament Greens Group to hold its executive board
meeting in the occupied by 40,000 Turkish troops territory of Cyprus
5. Erdogan warns of a new situation if the faits accomplis of the
Turkish invasion are not legitimized
6. Greeks of Pontus to recourse to the EU regarding the genocide against
their ancestors
7. Turkish and U.S. diplomat to be permanently in each other´s Ministry
8. Final retouches to Turkey-US 'strategic vision' paper
9. KIBRISLI accuses the British High Commissioner in Cyprus of being a
1. Letter by British shows the struggle going on in occupied Cyprus to
share the properties the Greek Cypriots were forced to abandon in 1974
1. Τhe Turkish Press recycles reports that Premier Karamanlis agreed to
help Turkey avoid its EU obligations
Turkish Vatan, Cumhuriyet, Turkish Daily News and the New Anatolian
newspapers carry a report on the meeting between the Turkish and Greek Prime
Ministers in Vienna.
Following is the report in the New Anatolian newspaper (16.05.06) published
under the title:
“Karamanlis – Erdogan agree on avoiding Cyprus crisis”:
“Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis agreed not to make a major problem
out of the Turkish government's refusal to open its ports and harbors to Greek
Cypriots this year, the Greek media reported.
According to a report in daily Eleftherotypia, at a meeting in Vienna on Friday
Karamanlis and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked about a
possible crisis in European Union-Turkey relations this fall due to a deadlock in
the Cyprus problem.
Citing domestic problems and upcoming elections as the main obstacles to
opening Turkey's ports and harbors to Greek Cypriots in 2006, Erdogan asked
his Greek counterpart not to make the matter a major issue. According to Greek
media reports, the Turkish prime minister also assured Karamanlis that he'll be
flexible on the issue in 2007 and Karamanlis reportedly agreed on avoiding a
crisis in Turkey's EU process. The Turkish and Greek prime ministers also
agreed in principle to temporarily suspend military exercises in the disputed
Aegean Sea during the summer.
The EU has been urging Ankara to implement the additional protocol which
extends the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU to the 10 new members,
including the ‘Greek Cypriot administration.’ The Turkish government is required
to ratify the additional protocol and open its ports and harbors to the Greek
Cypriots this year.
But the Turkish government argues that before such a move, the EU also has to
keep its promises and end to economic isolation of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus (TRNC). According to Ankara, if the EU doesn't ease the
isolation of Northern Cyprus and Turkey opened its ports and harbors to the
Greek Cypriots, it would be nothing more than promoting Greek Cypriot leader
Tassos Papadopoulos' uncompromising stance on the Cyprus issue.
The Turkish government in January took a new initiative and called for a mutual
lifting of all restrictions on the island of Cyprus by all parties but the Greek
Cypriot administration immediately rejected the suggestion.
Cyprus has been divided along ethnic lines between the Greek-Cypriot south and
the “TRNC” since 1974, when Turkey sent troops in to foil a coup engineered by
Greek Cypriots seeking union with Greece.
The last United Nations-led efforts to reunite the island failed in April 2004 when
the Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly rejected a UN unification plan which was
approved by the Turkish Cypriots. Ankara also backed the plan.
After that, the Greek-Cypriot south became an EU member claiming to represent
the whole island. The “TRNC” in the north is currently only recognized by Turkey,
though it's made recent inroads towards a greater international presence.
Subtitle: Karamanlis may visit Turkey late this year
In related news, Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis said over the weekend
that it's likely Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis may visit Turkey by the
end of the year.
"We're now trying to fix a date for the visit through diplomatic channels. It might
take place this year," Bakoyannis said in an interview with Greek daily Ethnos.
On the sidelines of a Balkan summit in Sofia earlier this month, Erdogan asked
the Greek premier to make his long-delayed visit to Ankara, but didn't receive a
clear positive answer.
Instead Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis is expected to attend a
journalism conference in Istanbul on June 10. Bakoyannis is also expected to
meet Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul.”
----------------(Tr.Note: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is the illegal regime set up by the
Turkish Republic in occupied northern Cyprus through the force of arms of
40,000 fully equipped Turkish troops”.)
2. Statements by Talat to TRT
Turkish Cypriot daily AFRIKA newspaper (17.05.06) reports that the Turkish
Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat has said in statements to Turkish state television
TRT that as long as the 541 and 550 resolutions of the UN Security Council are
valid, following the policy of seeking recognition of the “TRNC” is tantamount to
accepting the failure beforehand.
Mr Talat, who was visiting Istanbul yesterday for contacts, said: “What we have
to do is to develop proposals for a solution which the world could accept and it
could be in harmony with the parameters of the UN”.
Referring to the 541 and 550 resolutions of the UN Security Council, he added:
“Struggling to get rid of the above-mentioned resolutions could be an alternative.
However, as long as they exist, I do not see this idea as a serious alternative for
the policy in favour of the solution and the unification of Cyprus which we are
following at the moment. I do not see it as a policy that could have continuity.
This is the situation in the conditions of today. …I am not saying that the only
solution is the Annan Plan. Let us not forget, however, that the 65 % of the
Turkish Cypriots supported this plan. Therefore, the parameters of the plan
continue being a valid solution formula for us.”
Mr Talat noted that there are not many developments on the Cyprus problem and
that there is a stagnation regarding the responsibilities of Turkey towards the EU
deriving from the Ankara Agreement. He alleged that there are efforts to drag the
Cyprus problem into this “tense environment of crisis”.
Mr Talat said that the UN Secretary – General will send his representative to
Cyprus after the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Cyprus.
He also accused the President of the Republic, Tassos Papadopoulos, of being
intransigent. When asked whether or not a solution could be found “with such
actors”, he alleged the following: “It is very difficult, but it can happen. The lifting
of the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots is the only step to be made in the direction
of the solution.”
3. The number of the voters in occupied Cyprus is 151.635
Turkish Cypriot daily HALKIN SESI newspaper (17.05.06) reports that that Mr
Metin Hakkı, the chairman of the «High Election Commission” announced the
number of the “voters” for the forthcoming “municipal elections and” the “byelections” which will be held in occupied Cyprus on the 25th of June. The number
of the “voters” is 151.635.
Mr Metin Hakkı stated that the final lists as regards the number of the voters will
be announced on the 5th of June, 2006. According to the information that he
gave, the number of the voters on the 17th of April 2005, when the “presidential
elections” took place in the “TRNC”, was 147.823. As he said there was an
increase of 3. 812 “voters”.
Mr Metin gave also information about the voters in the various municipalities of
the “TRNC”: 47.773 persons “vote” in occupied Lefkosia, 39.908 persons in
Famagusta, 27.950 in Kyrenia, 20.340 in Morfou and 15.664 in Trikomo.
The European Parliament Greens Group to hold its executive board
meeting in the occupied by 40,000 Turkish troops territory of Cyprus
Under the title: “Greens take a giant step against isolation” Turkish Zaman
newspaper (17/05/06) reports that the European Parliament Green Group, which
supported Turkey’s EU membership process by holding its general assembly
meeting in Istanbul prior to the EU Summit on December 17th, decided to
organize a meeting of its executive board in the “Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus” (TRNC). The group will give a sound message to the European public
opinion by taking the first concrete step against political isolation of the “TRNC”.
AB HABER.COM (17/05/06 internet version) reports that European Greens will
hold this year’s summit in the occupied territories of the Republic of Cyprus.
AB HABER.COM reports that the Greens, with the initiative of the European
Parliament member Cem Ozdemir is getting ready for taking a historic step. The
AB HABER.COM claims that this step will lend a strong support to efforts aimed
at the unification of the island and the removal of the so-called isolations imposed
on the Turkish Cypriots. With this step, the settlement of the Cyprus problem will
be on the EU and the world’s agenda again.
Moreover the Turkish TV channel CNN TURK this morning (17/05/06 08:00
hours) carried
out live interview with Mr. Ozdemir through telephone during
which the Greens Euro MP said that the summit will be held after the summer
holidays part in the “TRNC” and part in the Green Line.
Turkish daily ZAMAN newspaper (17/05/06 internet version) reports that the
members of the Executive Committee of the Greens will arrive in Cyprus from the
legal entry points of the Republic of Cyprus and then cross into the occupied
territories of the Republic of Cyprus. The paper adds that the members plan to
stay in the north during the course of the meetings. Mr. Ozdemir further
explained that the reason for holding this meeting in Cyprus in 2006 is to soften
the “ports crisis” and to point the importance of the continuation of the EU-Turkey
negotiations. The paper reports that Daniel Cohen-Bendit, Monica Frassoni,
Turkey-EU joint parliamentary committee co-chairman, Joost Lagendjik, Cem
Ozdemir and members of the Executive Committee will attend the meeting. The
committee members will meet Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.
5. Erdogan warns of a new situation if the faits accomplis of the Turkish
invasion are not legitimized
Turkish daily ZAMAN newspaper (16/05/06) reports that Turkish Prime Minister
Recep Tayip Erdogan warned that if the so-called isolations “imposed on the
Turkish Cypriots are not removed, then a new situation might be created.”
Regarding the additional protocol Erdogan said that on this issue Turkey has
something to say, “On this issue I had a meeting with the Austrian Chancellor
Schussel. He will come back to us as regards our proposals as the term
president of the EU. There could be new situations. The prime minister of Greece
Mr.Karamanlis will continue to support Turkey’s EU process. The Greek foreign
Minister will visit our country and our foreign minister will visit Athens. We say ‘if
you do not take steps regarding the isolations we, as a guarantor state, have to
take steps. In order not to experience any bottleneck during the screening and
negotiation process we are meeting the term presidents. I am of the conviction
that there will be no bottlenecks’.”
6. Greeks of Pontus to recourse to the EU regarding the genocide against
their ancestors
Turkish daily MILLIYET newspaper (17/05/06) reports that the Greeks of Pontus
have decided to recourse to the EU regarding the genocide committed against
them during the 1914-1924 period in Turkey by Young and Kemalist Turks.
The Chairman of the Federation of the Pontian Associations Mr.Yorgos
Parharides told MILLIYET that their objective is to get international recognition for
the genocide committed against the Greeks of Pontus. He said that this is a
historic event and the best thing for Turkey is to admit this crime committed by
their ancestors. He urged Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to apologise for the
crime perpetrated by his ancestors.
7. Turkish and U.S. diplomat to be permanently in each other´s Ministry
Turkish daily SABAH newspaper (17/05/06) reported that a permanent Turkish
diplomat will serve in the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Likewise, an American
diplomat will work in the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
According to the secret diplomacy traffic conducted between USA and Turkey,
both diplomats will serve as a bridge against the possible crisis between both
countries. American diplomat who will come to Ankara will be a Turkey specialist
and will speak perfect Turkish. On the other hand, Turkish diplomat in
Washington will also make shuttle diplomacy for Middle East and Middle Asia.
8. Final retouches to Turkey-US 'strategic vision' paper. Cyprus among the
The New Anatolian newspaper (17.05.06) reports the following:
“The Turkish-U.S. "strategic vision" paper will be concluded this week, following
weeks of discussions, diplomatic sources told The New Anatolian yesterday.
Washington will send an envoy to Ankara on Thursday to finalize the document.
Diplomats said that it won't be signed by the parties or be legally binding but will
serve as a guideline for the Turkish government and the U.S. administration.
During U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's visit to Ankara last month,
both sides agreed on the general framework of the document and instructed
diplomats to finalize it soon.
According to sources, the document includes the following common goals:
- Turkey's European Union accession
- Settlement of the Cyprus problem
- Eliminating the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) threat
- Enhancing stability and democracy in Iraq, maintaining its territorial integrity and
political unity
- Success in Afghanistan's political and economic reconstruction
- Stronger Turkish role in the Greater Middle East Initiative (GME)
- Closer cooperation on energy
- Normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia
- Establishment of new permanent mechanisms to boost exchange of ideas on all
levels in the areas of politics, the economy and defense.
9. KIBRISLI accuses the British High Commissioner in Cyprus of being a
Under the banner front page title “Millet came out to be a liar!” Turkish Cypriot
daily KIBRISLI newspaper (17.05.06) reports that the Cleveland Police have sent
a statement to the newspaper and refuted the allegations of the Greek Cypriots
and the British High Commissioner in Cyprus, Peter Millet who stated that there
is an arrest warrant against the British businessman Gary Robb, who is currently
in the occupied areas of the Republic of Cyprus.
The paper publishes a text in the English language which has allegedly been
sent by the Cleveland Police. The text is the following:
16TH May 2006
A warrant was issued by a Crown Court judge for the arrest of Garry Robb after
fled the country during a trial where he faced a number of charges including
conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.
The warrant is still active. Cleveland Police will arrest him should he return to the
UK. Action will also be taken should he knowingly come into the jurisdiction of a
country with an extradition treaty with the UK”.
The paper wonders whether or not Mr Millet “has been a victim of the orthodox
1. Letter by British shows the struggle going on in occupied Cyprus to
share the properties the Greek Cypriots were forced to abandon in 1974
Turkish Cypriot “Cyprus Times” newspaper (17.05.06) publishes the following
letter under the title “Letter to the Editor”:
We write this letter to bring to the attention of your readers a situation involving a
building company based in the TRNC. In July of 2005, my wife and I entered into
a contract with Kofali Construction to have a property built on a development in
Alsancak. Unwin Estate Agents were responsible for marketing the sale of the
properties, and it was through their offices that the purchase was being
processed. We exchanged contracts and paid an instalment of £19,000 Sterling
to Unwin.
In October, we were requested by Kofali to pay a further £44,975Sterling towards
the cost of the property.
Photographs of the building were provided to show the extent of the building
work. On examination, we realised that the property shown could not have been
the one we had purchased. We noted our concern to our lawyer, and to Unwin.
My wife and I traveled to the island later in October in order to clarify the
situation, only to be told by Unwin that Kofali had entered into a separate contract
with another party. At no time during our stay on the island did Kofali make
themselves available to discuss the matter.
Through our lawyer, they were
advised that they were in breach of contract, and that all monies should be
returned including expenses which we incurred. At this time of writing, we still
await the return of our monies, despite numerous attempts by our lawyer to have
Kofali do so.
This has been a particularly distressing experience for both my wife and I, and
has soured our hopes of being able to have a property in the TRNC.
It also creates a poor image of the construction industry on the island at a time
when many Europeans may be interested in acquiring property.
We appreciate this opportunity to highlight this issue through your publication.
Yours faithfully,
Mr & Mrs James Gallacher.
17 Russell Rd
G81 6JP
(Tr. Note: TRNC is the illegal regime set up by the Turkish army in the properties
of Greek Cypriots in the occupied northern part of Cyprus. The whole Greek
population of occupied Cyprus is forced to live in poverty in temporary refugee
housing estates when British and other foreigners, Turkish colonizers and the
Turkish army officers plunder their property while, on top of this injustice, the
plunderers hypothetically complain that they are kept isolated by their victims”.