cows 76

Krzysztof Walawski 1, Ryszard Ziemiński 2, Andriej Novokszonov 1,
Urszula Czarnik 1, Tadeusz Zabolewicz 1
of Animal Genetics, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
ul. M. Oczapowskiego 5, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
2Department of Cattle Breeding and Milk Production, University of Agriculture,
ul. Chełmońskiego 38C, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland
The investigations aiming to implicate interaction effects between milk protein polymorphic loci and complex of
environmental factors differentiating milk yield and milk composition were carried out in the group of 2559 cows
characterising Polish Black-and-White cattle population. The results of routine milk control were usefulness for
categorisation of 16 cattle herds according to the criterion of different milk productivity. Five categories, namely
above 10000kg, 8000-10000 kg, 6500-8000 kg, 5000-6500 kg and below 5000 kg of average milk productivity were
selected. Milk samples were randomly collected from 3-4 years old cows. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was
used for simultaneous detection polymorphic variants of β – lactoglobulin (LGB), α - S1casein (CSN1 S1), β - casein
(CSN2), and κ – casein (CSN3). Investigated cows population was characterise by typical for Black-and-White cattle
genotype and gene frequencies. Further research was limited to LGB and CSN3 polymorphic systems, showing
relatively well balanced genetic structure. Statistically significant differences were obtained for milk yield efficiency
(LGB AA>LGB BB, CSN3 AB>CSN3 AA, CSN3 BB), fat yield efficiency (LGB AA>LGB BB), protein yield
efficiency (LGB AA>LGB BB, CSN3 AB>CSN3 AA, CSN3 BB), as well as, for the fat content (CSN3 BB>CSN3
AB) and protein content (CSN3 BB>CSN3 AA) in milk of I lactation period. The results have shown the divergent
selective preferences of LGB and CSN3 genotypes, namely the positive effects of homozygous LGB AA genotype
was recognised in cows group provide from the herds of high milk productivity level however, the profitable effect
of LGB AB and CSN3 AB heterozygous genotypes was expressed in cows provide from the herds of extremely low
level of milk productivity and livelihood conditions.
Key words: Black-and –White cows, various livelihood maintenance, milk protein polymorphism, milk performance
The overweight biological function of mammalian female individuals is to reproduce and
maintain healthy offspring. Therefore, mother milk is indispensable natural nourishment of
newborn animals. The normal physiological range of milk composition and efficiency is limited
by protection of defence function and somatic growth development in progeny. Cows milk is also
one of main components of full correct human diet. Due to result of intensive selective breeding
work, cattle breeds of very high milk productivity, multifold excesses of calf feeding
requirement, were exceeded the efficiency range. Breeding selection procedures, aiming to
maximal economic profits, are generally in contradiction to natural selection factors, embraced
biological conformed parameters of animal welfare. The main direction of cattle breeding is
actually progress of milk protein content as well as, adjustment milk properties to requirement of
food processing technology (Lodes et al. 1997, Coulon et al. 1998). Additionally, candidate genes
for animal health is peculiar inquired (Schwerin et al. 2002).
The natural genetic markers of milk performance features are polymorphic milk proteins,
encoded by multiple codominant alleles (Jakob 1994). The genetic polymorphism is well
recognised in cases of proteins useful in milk technology procedures, as: αS1-casein (CSNS1), βcasein (CSN2) and κ-casein (CSN3) as well as, in cases of whey proteins: β-lactoglobulin (LGB)
and α-lactalbumin (LALBA), fulfils natural defence functions. Chromosome location of milk
genes are well recognised. Therefore, the casein genes are located at BTA6 q 31-33 in the
following order: CSN1S1 - CSN2 - CSN1S2 - CSN3 (Ferreti et al. 1990), β-lactoglobulin gene is
placed at BTA 11 q29 chromosome as well as, α-lactalbumin encoding gene creates LALBA –
LYS cluster at the chromosome BTA5 q12-13 (Eggen and Fries 1995). Organisation of milk
protein genes is typical for Eukariota. Therefore, poly-adenilation sequences are placed on the
3’-end, the promoter sequences, and probably tissue specific transcription sequences are placed
on the 5’ end (Mergier and Violette 1993). Expression of milk genes is submitted to hormonal
regulation. Therefore, prolactin influences on all secretion stages, glicocorticoides increases
prolactin mainly in levels of transcription and mRNA stability, progesterone limited of prolactin
activity, insuline exciting transcriptional rate however, not influencing for stimulation remaining
gene expression stages (Zwierzchowski 1989).
The whites of milk are subject to modifications fast - translational before emission from cells
mlekotwórczych. Caseins are subject to fosforylacji, odszczepieniu peptide sygnalnego as well as
in case CSN3 glikozylacji. It the attention was turned was on physiological functions, connected
from part these proteins in process cytolizy with part the cytotoksycznych of lymphocyte T, one
does not explain however mechanism of their working in udder and the milk (Grusby and the
wsp. 1990). LGB shows to small hydrofobowych substances relation, such how and acids fatty
retinol, which shows on possibility of part in metabolism and transportation these relationships.
LGB raises with calves the activity of lipase tłuszczów influences on ability assimilating (Perez
and Calvo 1995). Affirm, that the LGB being the factor the mitogennym can control the
development of somatic cells (Asquith and the wsp. 1970). the LALBA co-operates from syntazą
the laktozową modifying peculiarity of this enzyme in relation to substratum in this way, from
the transfer UDP catalyzes - the galaktozy on glucose from producing the bond the beta -1,4
glikozydowego of lactose [Zwierzchowski 1998].
The theoretical possibilities of obtainment of effective changes of composition and propriety
of milk are very large because the total part of polymorphic whites hugs about 90% general
content of proteins of milk. The polymorphism of whites of milk majority races cattle is however
in considerable degree handicapped. It polymorphism LALBA steps out exclusively at races
taking out from Bos indicus. In case different proteins, from among series alleli be happened on
totality in grounds of individual races tylko two polymorphic variants. Alleli polymorphism LGB
be limited on totality to occurrence LGB And and LGB B, creator three genotypes LGB - AA,
LGB - AB and LGB - BB. The polymorphism CSNS1 manifests the presence the alleli CSNS1 B
and CSNS1 C, creator the genotype of homozygotes CSN1- the BB and very seldom happened
genotype heterozygot CSN1- the BC. Arrangement CSN2 characterizes the considerable
superiority of number of homozygotes CSN2 AA as well as few part heterozygot CSN2 AB. The
comparatively most sedate polymorphism shows casein - kappa, represented through allelomorph
CSN3 And and CSN3 B creator often happened genotypes CSN3-AA and CSN3-AB as well as
seldom stepping out genotype CSN3-BB. The numerous investigations shew on occurrence
between genotypes the dependence CSN3 and the differentiation the processing proprieties of
milk [Jakob and Puhan 1992]. The polymorphism of sour - milk whites shows the relationship
from differentiation the immunological functions. It the relationship was registered was between
polymorphism the LGB and number of somatic cells in milk as well as connected from
occurrence the mastitis of coefficients of sanitary state and usefulness technological the milk
(Walawski and the wsp. 1997, Strzałkowska and the wsp. 2002). The investigations of
coefficients of diagnostic bloods leading with cows and young cattle were affirmed the essential
differences between animals about different genotypes. The functional effects of polymorphism
LGB be connected with strenghten tendency of direction changes of structure genetic population.
It in period 20 years of improvement of the black and white cattle's milk usefulness (1980-2000)
the decrease the frequency of allelomorph was registered was the LGB And and the homozygotes
LGB - AA as well as it enlargement the frequency of allelomorph the LGB B and the
homozygotes LGB - BB (Walawski and the wsp. 1999). In summers these 90 - were worked out
the procedure PCR - RFLP enabling the identification of genotypes of polymorphic proteins
milk without regard on sex, the age and state physiological the animals. The routine signs the
polymorphism of genów LGB and CSN3 be executed with bulls (Rogne and wsp. 1989, DeNise
1992). They were created so the conditions of precise selection the peer parental, aiming to
obtainment of desirable of structure of genetic population animal changes. The restrictive factor
practical utilization in the cattle's farming the polymorphism of proteins of milk the relating
doubts of estimation of global selective effects are stepping out still, hugging the both basic
features of efficiency and content of components, as and the propriety the phisics - chemical the
decisive about processing usefulness of milk milks, the taking into account moreover the
relationship of milk usefulness with reproduction and symptoms of natural the cattle's resistance.
It the the taking into account foreseen effect of genetic interaction polymorphic the loci of
whites of milk and factors pose genetic investigations aiming to settlement of dependence
between polymorphism LGB as well as CSN3 and features of the cows' milk usefulness were
undertaken was creator the same population, but provide for in herds about diverse efficiency of
The investigations were hugged the cows' group characterizing the national population of
black and white race. The signs the polymorphism of whites of milk were conducted together at
2559 cows come from from 16 herds about diverse level the maintenance. Led in summers 2000
the results of control of milk usefulness-2002 were according to criterion of average of year - old
efficiency milk the basis of categorization of herds. It it was distinguished was five the category
of herds about diverse level of milk usefulness, and namely: the category And - hugging 193 cow
provide for in two herds about efficiency 10 000 identifier of milk, category II hugging 910 cows
above come from from five herds about efficiency 8 000 - 10 000 identifier of milk, category III
hugging 777 cows provide for in three herds about efficiency 6 500 - 8 000 identifier of milk,
category IV - 429 cows provide for in three herds about efficiency 5 000 - 6 500 identifiers of
milk, category V hugging 250 cows come from from three herds about efficiency below 5 000
identifier of milk.
It take the tests of milk from the cows being in And or II lactation, the older cows were
skipped was as well as dried. The preparation of tests of milk hugged on heating the exposition
the fan heater, the causing enlargement the concentration of components the milk and even
dispersal of fat. It the polymorphism was marked was in tests of full milk, conserved the
dwuchromianem of potassium. It elektroforezę was applied was horizontal in starch gel according
to description Michalaka [1969]. It the transparent painting of polymorphic proteins of milk was
got was, the enabling the recognition of genotypes LGB, CSN1 S1, CSN2 and CSN3. The cows'
groups come from from herds about diverse conditions maintenances and diverse efficiency were
had the self - characterized on basis of genotypefrequency and alleli of proteins milk as well as
coefficients milk usefulness. It the results of routine control of efficiency milk, efficiency of fat
and proteins were considered was as well as the proportional content of fat and corrected in
period the proteins 305 - dniowej the And lactation. It the relationship of polymorphic variants
LGB and CSN3 with guilds of cows' milk usefulness in grounds of considered categories of herds
about diverse efficiency of milk was verified was applying the method of analysis wariancji
statystycznie (ANOVA) in arrangement nieortogonalnym.
Cow - elements, provide for in herds about diverse productive level they distinguish oneself with
relatively high efficiency of milk, placing oneself in borders of normatywnych values, being with
basis of categorization of herds. The average the efficiency of milk in group And 10199 carried
out ± 1360 identifier, in group II 8106 ± 1501 identifier, in group III 6733 ± 1005 identifier, in
group IV 6938 ± 1170 identifier, in group V 5063 identifier ± 1305 identifier. The content of
components of milk be shapes on relatively high level and carries out for content of fat the
average µ = 4.35 ± 0.51 % showing very large treat not the regular differentiation, be comprising
in borders µ = 4.86 ± 0.50 % in the cows' group provide for in herds about efficiency 5000-6500
identifier of milk and µ = 4.77 ± 0.38 % in herds about efficiency above 10 000 identifier of milk
as well as ? = 4.04 ± 0.46 % in herds about efficiency 8000-10000 identifier of milk. Average
content proteins in studied cows' milk carried out ? = 3.36 ± 0.35 %, showing the highest level ?
= 3.41 ± 0.36 % in cows' group provide for in herds about average efficiency 8 000-10 000
identifier milk as well as the lowest level ? = 3.26 ± 0.32 % in herds about efficiency below 5 000
identifier of milk.
The studied population characterizes typical for cattle of black and white race with genetic
structure of polymorphic proteins of milk. In arrangement animals LGB the most often be
happened heterozygotyczne LGB AB (q = 0.51), however homozygotes LGB BB step out more
twice often (q = 0.33) than homozygote LGB AA (q = 0.16). 10 000 identifier of milk,
characterizing the highest frequency heterozygot LGB AB shows sure distinction provide for in
herds the cows' group about efficiency above ( the q = 0.59) as well as the the lowest frequency
of homozygotes the LGB BB ( the q = 0.26). In arrangement CSN1 S1 make up gigantic majority
homozygote CSN1S1 BB (q = 0.97), heterozygoty step out very seldom CSN1S1 AB (q = 0.03),
and the genotype of homozygotes was registered CSN1S1 AA in individual cases tylko. The
genetic structure of arrangement CSN2 is misshapen also, the cows about genotype step out very
often CSN2 the AA ( the q = 0.91), comparatively seldom the cow about genotype CSN2 the AB
( the q = 0.09), one does not affirm however the homozygotes CSN2 the BB. The arrangement
polymorphic CSN3 characterizes the high frequency of homozygotes CSN3 the AA ( the q =
0.61), the considerably lower part the heterozygot CSN3 the AB ( the q = 0.36) as well as very
low the frequency of homozygotes CSN3 the BB ( the q = 0.03). She settled for studied the cows'
population frequency alleli ( the CSN And -0.79, CSN3 B -0.21) be approximate to affirmed in
the bulls' group applied in reproduction of national cattle of black and white race (CSN3 And 0.84, CSN B -0.16) (Kamiń ski and the wsp. 2002). The differentiation the genotypefrequency
in grounds of population steps out CSN3. The cows' come from from herds about high efficiency
of milk groups (above 10 000 identifier as well as 8 000-10 000 identifier) CSN3 characterize the
the highest frequency of homozygotes the AA ( the q = 0.68-0.69) as well as the lowest
frequency the heterozygot CSN3 the AB ( the q = 0.29-0.31) and the homozygotes CSN3 the BB
( the q = 0.01-0.02).
It taking under attention the specific of genetic structure of studied population, more far
investigations aiming to settlement of dependence between polymorphism of whites of milk and
differentiation features of the cows' milk usefulness it was limited was to two polymorphic
arrangements, and namely the LGB and CSN3. Characterizing efficiency of the cows' milk
values in schedule 1 were have taken down numbered to alternative genotype groups the LGB
and CSN3. The regular tendencies of differentiation of genotype groups were observed the LGB.
It it the highest efficiency was affirmed was was at homozygotes LGB AA, heterozygoty LGB
AB shew indirect efficiency, and homozygote LGB BB the lowest efficiency. In cows' provide
for in herds about relatively high efficiency groups (group And, II, III), differences between
homozygotes LGB AA and LGB BB were statystycznie extremely essential (p < 0.01).
Regularity this does not hug however provide for in herds about the lowest efficiency of milk the
cows' groups (group of V), in which the efficiency heterozygot LGB AB was the higher the than
homozygotes LGB the AA and LGB the BB. Differentiation groups genotype CSN3 has irregular
character. It the Statystycznie essential differences were affirmed was with numbered to group II
cows only (CSN3 the AB > CSN3 the AA, CSN3 BB) as well as groups V (CSN3 the AA, CSN3
BB > the LGB AB), moreover the provide for in herds of group cows And they show the
different specific of in a row of genotype groups (CSN3 the AA ? CSN3 the AB ? CSN3 the BB)
in comparison with come from from herds about indirect efficiency cows (CSN3 the AB ? CSN3
the AA ? CSN3 the BB), however provide for between the cows' groups the differences in herds
III and IV they were statystycznie unimportant. Taken down in schedule 2 results show on small
differentiation between considered genotype groups the efficiency of fat. It although general
depending on regular in a row genotype groups LGB regularity was observed was (AA > AB >
BB), however statystycznie essential differences (LGB AA > LGB BB) they step out with
provide for in herds of group cows tylko III. Efficiency proteins shows statystycznie extremely
essential differentiation between genotypes LGB AA and LGB BB in classified to II herds and III
group. It the differentiation in milk the proportional content of fat and white was passed was in
schedule 3. the supplied documentary evidence differences of content of fat Statystycznie (p <
0.05) CSN3 was affirmed in reference to polymorphic arrangement in numbered to group II herds
tylko (CSN3 AB > CSN3 BB), however extremely essential differences (p < 0.01) content was
affirmed proteins in numbered to group herds exclusively And (CSN3 BB > CSN3 AA).
Diversified tendencies of differentiation in the cows' groups about different genotypes the
efficiency and content of components of milk LGB find confirmation in investigations different
authors. It the the highest efficiency of milk was recorded was the most often in cows' group
about genotype LGB AA (Walawski and wsp. 1994, Ikonen and wsp. 1999, Kamiń ski and
Zabolewicz 2000, Ziemiń ski and wsp. 2000, Strzałkowska and wsp. 2002) in different cases
differences between genotypes LGB were statystycznie not essential (Marziali and Ng - Kwai Hang 1986, Gonyon and wsp. 1987), or one affirmed opposite it in a row genotype groups (LGB
BB > LGB AB, LGB AA) (Jairam and Nair 1983). The relationship of polymorphism LGB with
content of components of milk was object of many investigations. It the following sequence of
genotype groups for content of dry mass of milk was established was: LBG BB > LGB AB, LGB
AA, however for content proteins: LGB AA > BB, LGB BB (Strzałkowska and wsp. 2002). It it
was affirmed was moreover that cows' summary milk about genotype LGB AA contained about
28% more proteins of whey, 7% less caseins, 11% less fat and 6% less dry mass, than cows'
summary milk about genotype LGB BB (Hill 1992). The genotype LGB BB influenced on
enlargement the content of casein as well as the decrease the content of whites of whey
(Braunschweig and the wsp. 2000), he caused moreover it enlargement the content of fat in milk
as well as it decrease the content the proteins total (Ng - Kwai - Hang and the wsp. 1984). It
influence allelomorph was affirmed was positive LGB B on content casein as well as fat in milk
(Lunden and wsp. 1997, Ikonen and wsp. 2001). The results of investigations aiming to
settlement of dependence between polymorphism cows' and efficiency milk CSN3 are not
unambiguous it because the higher efficiency of milk was affirmed was both at homozygotes
CSN3 BB how and with animals about genotypes CSN3 AA and CSN3 AB (van Eanennaam and
Medrano 1991, Mao and wsp. 1992, Walawski and wsp. 1994, Ziemiń ski and wsp. 2000).
Sentence many authors allelomorph CSN3 conditions higher content proteins in milk (Mayer and
wsp. 1997, Coulon and wsp. 1998). Dependence this results first of all with gene larger caused in
regulating part with mutation expression (Robitaille and Petitclerc 1998). In consequence the
relative content CSN3 the BB in general pool of whites the kazeinowych is in comparison about
25% larger average with content CSN3 the AA (Lavas 1993). CSN3 usefulness intergenicznych
haplotypów be considered in grounds, the the highest content of total white near what was
affirmed with cows about wangled genotype of two couplings loci CASK3-R / PM - AA / PM
(Kamiń ski and wsp. 2002).
The genetic variants of proteins of milk differ with substitute of one or several amino acids.
The small changes of structure of polipeptydowego chain cause the essential functional
consequences. The taking into account the aspect of technological usefulness of milk the largest
meaning has the polymorphism of proteins the kazeinowych. They the casein create the specific
spatial structure of micella in which the external layer the state the casein - the kappa, fulfilling
the part of factor stabilising. The size of micella is dependent from part of fraction the
kazeinowych of milk, conditioned with genotype of protein components indirectly (Lodes and the
wsp. 1996, Walsh and the wsp. 1998, Devold and the wsp. 2000). Micellas about small
dimensions contain more caseins - kappa than stepping out in cows' milk about genotype CSN3
AA micellas about large dimensions. Smaller micellas create concise blod clot and homogenny as
well as the adsorbcji of larger quantity of solid substances milk show ability (Schmidt 1980). The
susceptibility of casein in process of technological processing of milk was used on working the
rennet. The course of process of coagulation the milks as well as quality of blod clot are
dependent from polymorphic variants CSN3. The cows' milk about genotype CSN3 the BB
contains the more caseins, it characterizes shorter about 10-30% time forming the blod clot the
coagel about better consistency creates, what conditions the larger technological efficiency of
production of cheese, than the cows' milk about genotype CSN3 the AA (Jakob and Puhan 1992).
The large part of casein in general pool of whites of milk is the essential technological coefficient
of serowarskiej production, not tylko with regard on physical proprieties of micella in process of
hydrolysis, but also with regard on intermicelarną the hydrofobową reaction after addition to milk
the rennet (Schmidt 1980). The efficiency of process of production cheese from the cows' milk
the CSN BB is near 10% larger, the loss of fat is smaller about 50%. It it was affirmed was
moreover, that for obtainment 1 the identifier the cheeses cream the wastes were one should 16
litres of the cows' milk about genotype CSN3 the AA, 4.33 litres of the cows' milk CSN3 AB and
tylko 3.73 litres of the cows' milk about genotype LGB BB (Havliček and the wsp. 1996). Also
the proteins of whey full moon the indirectly significant part in technology of processing of milk,
because the complex connections during heating create from casein - the kappa. The complexes
LGB - CSN 3 brake the course of process it coagulation the milk contributing oneself to it
enlargement the ability hydrofilnych as well as stability thermal the milk (Smits and the van
Brouwershaven 1980). The allelomorph LGB And it shows larger the than LGB B the expression
which causes it enlargement the synthesis of proteins of whey (Graml and the wsp. 1989). It the
negative correlation was affirmed was between content of proteins of whey and the sum of
content of proteins the kazeinowych (Ng - Kwai - Hang and Who 1996). In consequence the
cows' milk about genotype LGB BB contains the larger quantity the proteins total the and casein
(Feleń czak and the wsp. 1987), it favours oneself moreover the higher value of number the
kazeinowej as well as higher content of fat and dry mass ( the Douglas and wsp. 1984, Hill 1992).
The polymorphism LGB be connected with technological efficiency of production of cheese
(Schaar and the wsp. 1985, Marzialli and Ng - Kwai - Hang 1986), and also the coagulability of
milk and endurance of blod clot (Schaar and the wsp. 1985, Mayer and the wsp. 1997, Ostersen
and the wsp. 1997, Ikonen and the wsp. 1999) and the thermal stability of milk (Walawski and
the wsp. 1994, Paterson and the wsp. 1999).
It explain the mechanism of differentiation of content of components of milk the investigation
in which it was affirmed was that the sour - milk fraction of milk brakes expression the CSN1S1
as well as sekrecję of caseins and synthesis of fatty acids across inhibicję of activity of
mammogen (Shamay and the wsp. 1997). It is the source of differentiation of composition and
propriety of milk doubtless co-operation many genów and pozagenetycznych of factors of
environment. It interaction was affirmed was loci CSN2, CSN3 and LGB for content proteins
total the, casein, of proteins of whey and fat (Mayer and wsp. 1997).
The cattle's selection the the taking into account possibility of inclusion as factors of MAS the
polymorphic whites of milk ( the Marker Assisted Selection) she was the object of controversial
considerations many the authors Gibson et al. 1990, Pedersen 1991, Bovenhuis and Weller,
1994). The presence on the chromosome BTA6 of markers QTL's the milk usefulness, mainly the
markers of content the proteins in milk (Velmala et al. 1999) it shows on usefulness the complex
coupling the loci the CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3 or haplotype of polymorphic caseins (Lien et al.
1995, Velmala et al. 1995, Ikonen et al. 2001, Kamiń ski et al. 2002). It opinions were moved
was also that utilization for improvement of cows' milk usefulness milk protein polymorphism in
traditional breeding program can not bring satisfactory effects (Gibson et al. 1990). The opinion
be presented also, that the milk protein polymorphism can be usefulness as additional selective
factor in cases of MOET program by possibility to utilize the genotypes of both sexes [Bovenhuis
and de Boer 1994].
The economic advantages in range of production and technology of processing milk are on
totality in opposition to biological selective preferences. Comparing the calves of meat breeds,
that the animals about genotype CSN3 BB show the lowest of body mass (Henderson and
Marshall 1996).
The results of presented own investigations in context of notified proposals of utilization of
polymorphic whites of milk in animal practice considering were it been possible to judge that the
effect of interaction of genotype proteins milk and conditions maintenance in herds about diverse
level of milk usefulness animals should be with additional decission criterion. Got results show
on animals' divergent selective preferences about different genotypes LGB and CSN3. It the
positive effect of state of homozygosity LGB was observed was with provide for in herds about
high efficiency cows, however in herds about low level of efficiency of milk and conditions the
maintenances overweigh the symptoms of profitable effects of state heterozygotyczności
polymorphic arrangements the LGB and CSN3. Wholesome state is the modifying the efficiency
and propriety of milk factor it exchanges cows. The conditions of maintenance of animals are the
main factors of differentiation of patogennych threats as well as ability of starting the processes
of natural resistance, influencing on state of health and the animals' productive efficiency.
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Związek między polimorfizmem białek mleka i cechami użytkowości mlecznej krów rasy
czarno-białej, utrzymywanych w stadach o zróżnicowanym poziomie wydajności mleka
Przeprowadzono badania zmierzające do wyjaśnienia efektu interakcji polimorficznych loci białek mleka i
kompleksu czynników środowiskowych, różnicujących wydajność i zawartość składników w mleku krów.
Badaniami objęto 2559 krów charakteryzujących krajową populację rasy czarno-białej. Uwzględniając wyniki
kontroli użytkowości przeprowadzono kategoryzację stad według kryterium zróżnicowanej wydajności mleka.
Wyodrębniono pięć grup krów utrzymywanych w 16 stadach o średniej wydajności powyżej 10000, 8000-10000 kg,
6500-8000 kg, 5000-6500 kg oraz poniżej 5000 kg mleka. Próby mleka pobierano losowo od krów 3-4 letnich.
Polimorfizm oznaczano metodą elektroforezy poziomej w żelu skrobiowym. Uzyskiwano przejrzysty obraz
polimorficznych frakcji białek mleka, umożliwiający rozpoznanie genotypów LGB, CSN1 S1, CSN2 i CSN3.
Badana populacja charakteryzowała się typową dla rasy czarno-białej strukturą genetyczną, w grupach zwierząt
pochodzących ze stad o zróżnicowanej wydajności nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic frekwencji alleli i genotypów.
Dalsze badania ograniczono do układów polimorficznych LGB i CSN3, wykazujących relatywnie zrównoważoną
liczebność grup genotypowych. Statystycznie istotne zróżnicowanie wskaźników użytkowości mlecznej stwierdzono
dla wydajności mleka (LGB AA>LGB BB, CSN3 AB> CSN3 AA, CSN3 BB), wydajności tłuszczu (LGB AA>LGB
BB), wydajności białka (LGB AA>LGB BB, CSN3 AB>CSN3 AA, CSN3 BB) oraz zawartości tłuszczu (CSN3
BB>CSN3 AB) i zawartości białka w mleku (CSN3 BB>CSN3 AA) pozyskiwanym w okresie I laktacji. Uzyskane
wyniki wskazują na rozbieżne preferencje selekcyjne zwierząt o różnych genotypach LGB i CSN3. Pozytywne
efekty stanu homozygotyczności LGB AA zaobserwowano u krów utrzymywanych w stadach o wysokim poziomie
wydajności, natomiast w stadach o niskim poziomie wydajności mleka zarejestrowano symptomy korzystnych
efektów stanu heterozygotyczności LGB AA oraz CSN3 AB.
Table 1. Milk yield at the period of I lactation
Milk (kg)
of herds
Average values marked by the same letters differs statistically highly significant at p < 0.01
Table 2. Milk fat and protein yield at the period of I lactation
of herds
according to
average milk
Fat (kg)
Protein (kg)
Values marked by the same letters differs statistically highly significants at p < 0.01
Table 3. Milk fat and protein content at the period of I lactation
of herds
cording to
Fat (%)
Protein (%)
Values marked by the same capital letters differs statistically highly significant at p < 0.01,
values marked by small letter differs statistically significant at p > 0.05.