Grade 3 Unit 5/Week 1: Cultures What can happen when someone`s

Grade 3
1. something
2. above
3. animal
4. heard
5. thing
6. however
7. hear
Unit 5/Week 1: “Suki’s Kimono”
Spelling Words
8. read
9. both
10. house
11. trio
12. audio
13. medium
14. idea
15. create
16. video
17. stadium
18. duo
19. pioneer
20. patio
What can happen when someone’s clothes are different?
Challenge Spelling Words
21. audience
22. radiate
23. cereal
24. Creole
25. recreation
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
cotton – Cotton is a cloth made from soft, white fibers that grow in branches on the cotton plant.
festival – A festival is a program of entertainment or a series of performances usually held annually often in one place. A
fiesta, a carnival, or a celebration would be examples of a festival.
graceful – If a person is graceful, the person is beautiful in form or movement. A ballerina is very graceful.
handkerchief – A soft, usually square piece of cloth
used for wiping your nose, face or hands is called a
paces – Paces are steps taken when walking or running.
pale – If something is pale, the color is not bright and is very dim.
rhythm – Rhythm is the natural strong beat that some music or poetry has.
snug – If something is snug, it fits your body closely.
Grade 3
1. something
2. above
3. animal
4. heard
5. thing
6. however
7. hear
Unit 5/Week 1: “Suki’s Kimono”
Spelling Words
8. read
9. both
10. house
11. trio
12. audio
13. medium
14. idea
15. create
16. video
17. stadium
18. duo
19. pioneer
20. patio
What can happen when someone’s clothes are different?
Challenge Spelling Words
21. audience
22. radiate
23. cereal
24. Creole
25. recreation
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
cotton – Cotton is a cloth made from soft, white fibers that grow in branches on the cotton plant.
festival – A festival is a program of entertainment or a series of performances usually held annually often in one place. A
fiesta, a carnival, or a celebration would be examples of a festival.
graceful – If a person is graceful, the person is beautiful in form or movement. A ballerina is very graceful.
handkerchief – A soft, usually square piece of cloth
used for wiping your nose, face or hands is called a
paces – Paces are steps taken when walking or running.
pale – If something is pale, the color is not bright and is very dim.
rhythm – Rhythm is the natural strong beat that some music or poetry has.
snug – If something is snug, it fits your body closely.
Grade 3
1. under
2. below
3. show
4. keep
5. study
6. across
7. whole
Unit 5/Week 2: “How My Family Lives in America”
Spelling Words
8. paper
9. try
10. far
11. week
12. weak
13. our
14. hour
15. stair
16. stare
17. flour
18. flower
19. write
20. right
21. their
22. there
23. they’re
How are communities and famili8es similar around the world?
Challenge Spelling Words
24. weather
25. whether
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
admire – If you admire someone or something, you look at it with wonder, pleasure, and approval.
custom – A custom is an old or popular way of doing things. It is a tradition or something that people always
do in a particular way.
famous – If a person is famous, that person is very well known; noted. A movie star or the President of the
United States is an example of someone who is famous.
mention – If you mention something, you tell, speak, or write about it in a brief manner or casual way.
overnight – Overnight means “during the night.”
popular – To be popular means to be liked by most people.
public – If something is public, it is “of or for everyone.” It belongs to the people.
twist – A twist is a braid formed by weaving together three or more strands of hair, ribbon, or yarn.
Grade 3
1. under
2. below
3. show
4. keep
5. study
6. across
7. whole
Unit 5/Week 2: “How My Family Lives in America”
Spelling Words
8. paper
9. try
10. far
11. week
12. weak
13. our
14. hour
15. stair
16. stare
17. flour
18. flower
19. write
20. right
21. their
22. there
23. they’re
How are communities and famili8es similar around the world?
Challenge Spelling Words
24. weather
25. whether
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
admire – If you admire someone or something, you look at it with wonder, pleasure, and approval.
custom – A custom is an old or popular way of doing things. It is a tradition or something that people always
do in a particular way.
famous – If a person is famous, that person is very well known; noted. A movie star or the President of the
United States is an example of someone who is famous.
mention – If you mention something, you tell, speak, or write about it in a brief manner or casual way.
overnight – Overnight means “during the night.”
popular – To be popular means to be liked by most people.
public – If something is public, it is “of or for everyone.” It belongs to the people.
twist – A twist is a braid formed by weaving together three or more strands of hair, ribbon, or yarn.
Grade 3
1. world
2. form
3. kind
4. food
5. second
6. father
7. change
Unit 5/Week 3: “Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong”
Spelling Words
8. hard
9. answer
10. without
11. drawn
12. flaw
13. author
14. applause
15. false
16. already
17. because
18. almost
19. also
20. walnut
What is gained and lost in a move from one culture to another?
Challenge Spelling Words
21. awesome
24. faucet
22. altogether
25. laundry
23. awning
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
airport – An airport is an area used regularly by aircraft to land and take off.
curious – Curious means “strange, odd, or unusual.” If you are curious about something, you are eager to
know about it or get information about it.
delicious – If something is delicious, it is very pleasing or satisfying. Something delicious can be delightful
especially in taste or smell.
described – If something is described, it is told in words how something looks, feels, or acts. To describe
something is to record the most important things about a place, a thing, or an event.
farewell – Farewell means “parting or last.” It is an act of leaving or marking somebody’s departure.
homesick – If a person is homesick, they are very sad because they are away from home, and they want to be
back home with their family and friends.
memories – Memories are persons, things, or events that you can remember.
raindrops – Raindrops are the water that falls in drops from the clouds.
Grade 3
1. saw
2. head
3. took
4. page
5. light
6. soon
7. picture
Unit 5/Week 4: “Jalapeno Bagels”
How can food from different cultures be mixed?
Spelling Words
Challenge Spelling Words
8. near
15. brought
21. sidewalk
24. overwrought
9. better
16. cough
22. distraught
25. beanstalk
10. told
17. caught
23. afterthought
11. daughter
18. stalk
12. taught
19. bought
13. chalk
20. fought
14. talk
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
bakery – A bakery is a place where bread, pies, cakes and pastries are made and/or sold.
batch – A batch is a quantity f something made at the same time. You and your grandma may make a batch of
cookies or brownies when you get together.
boils – If liquid boils, the liquid is caused to bubble and give off steam by heating it.
braided – If something is braided, it is woven or twined together.
dough – Dough is a soft, thick mixture of flour, liquid, and other things from which bread, biscuits, cake, and
pie crusts are made.
ingredients – Ingredients are the parts of a mixture especially items of food or flavoring included in the recipe
for preparing a dish.
knead – To knead is to press or mix together dough or clay into a soft mass.
mixture – A mixture is a “mixed condition.” In a mixture a combination of different ingredients are combined
Grade 3
Unit 5/Week 5: “Me and Uncle Romie”
How are families changed by the kind of place they live?
Spelling Words
Challenge Spelling Words
1. several
8. asked
15. childhood
21. assignment
24. environment
2. best
9. mother
16. neighborhood 22. livelihood
25. guilty
3. white
10. sentence
17. movement
23. stylish
4. being
11. crunchy
18. treatment
5. until
12. rainy
19. parenthood
6. great
13. selfish
20. pavement
7. every
14. foolish
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
cardboard – Cardboard is a stiff material made out of layers of paper pulp that is pressed together.
Cardboard is used to make cards, posters, boxes, etc.
feast – A feast is a big meal for a special occasion shared by a number of people.
fierce – To be fierce is to be wild and frightening.
flights – Flights are sets of stairs from one landing or one story of a building to the next.
pitcher – A pitcher is a baseball player who throws the ball to the catcher.
ruined – If something is ruined, it is completely destroyed or spoiled.
stoops – Stoops are porches or platforms at the entrance of a house.
This girl is sitting on a stoop.
treasure – A treasure is any person or thing that is loved or valued a great deal.