“Effects of Enhancing Lipids in Beef Cattle Diets” Honors Presentation Genag 515 Nicole Roberson Advisor: Dr. Jim Drouillard Effects of Enhancing Lipids in Beef Cattle Diets Dr. Drouillard helped me plan the research experiment. We used several pieces of background information to develop our thought process. First we know that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are toxic to rumen microbes, especially the protozoa. In an effort to detoxify the PUFAs rumen microbes, especially bacteria, biohydrogenate the unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it can be expected for feeding high levels of PUFAs to exceed capacity for ruminal hydrogenation. This could in turn become toxic to the microbes and decrease the population. We also know that while in the rumen fermentation occurs which releases heat and methane causing energy losses. However, if we can bypass the rumen the abomasum posterior functions like the monogastric gut. Also, monogastric animals are more efficient then ruminants, partly because of the rumen fermentation. Since monogastric animals do not hydrogenate unsaturated fatty acids they will deposit fatty acids akin to that in their diets. Because of their lower melting point unsaturated fats are softer than saturated fats, and softer fats may be more desirable in some markets, for example one of the Japanese main criticisms of beef is that the fat is too hard. Furthermore, PUFAs especially omega-3 fatty acids may be preferred by health conscious consumers, as omega-3 fatty acids offer certain health benefits when compared to omega-6 fatty acids (Drouillard). Based upon these pieces of background information we hypothesized that feeding a diet containing high levels of PUFAs will become toxic to rumen microbes, shifting digestion to the lower GI tract, thereby increasing growth efficiency and absorption of PUFAs. We choose to use flaxseed. Flaxseed is about 40-45% oil and of that 55-60% is in the form of linolenic acid. Linolenic acid is an 18 carbon omega-3 fatty acid with three double bonds. The objectives of the experiment were to create a toxic environment to the microorganisms in the rumen, and decrease the population. This would then allow us to bypass the rumen and increase digestion in the post ruminal tract. Accomplishing this would allow the cattle to escape fermentation and become more efficient. Also, it would prevent biohydrogenation and increase the amount of unsaturated fatty acids absorbed. We started with 27 yearling crossbred heifers that weighed approximately 650 pounds. We weighed them prior to starting the trial and stratified their body weights. We then randomly assigned them to pens and one of three diets. Our control diet was a steam flaked corn and alfalfa ration; our intermediate, Flax-10, diet was steam flaked corn, alfalfa, and 10% ground flaxseed, and our hi-fat, Flax-50, diet was an extruded diet with 50% ground flaxseed, hi protein about 26% to compensate for an expected decrease in intake, and no roughage. The control diet was about four percent fats, Flax-10 was about seven percent fats, and Flax-50 was about twentyone percent fats. We individually fed the heifers once a day, and adapted them to their final diets over a period of 38 days. Bunks were read each morning to determine the amount of feed that would be sufficient to result in only trace amounts left on the following day. Any excess feed was removed and analyzed for dry matter, which was subtracted from the amount offered to determine the actual dry matter intake. The heifers were weighed four times through the study. Average daily gain was computed for each period. And, efficiency was calculated as gain to feed and reported as feed to gain. We also took blood samples on each weigh day via the jugular vein. After centrifuging we placed the plasma into microcentrifuge vials to analyze the fatty acids by gas chromatography. Yet, unfortunately the blood samples perished during a freezer malfunction so my data is limited to performance only. All the diets showed to be different with a probability of less than 0.05 with respect to average daily gain. While the Flax-10 cattle gained about 3.33lbs/day and the Control cattle gained about 2.88lbs/day, the Flax-50 cattle unfortunately only gained approximately 1.85 lbs/day. However, there was no real difference between the diets for dry matter intake, but the Flax-50 showed a tendency to eat about a pound per day less. This left the Flax-50 heifers being the least efficient cattle with a feed to gain ratio of 7.54 compared to Flax-10 which was 4.32 and the Control which was 5.16 with all diets being different from each other (Roberson). Data was ran through SAS to determine whether or not the diets were different and the standard error. We also noticed that the fecal material from the Flax-50 cattle was gray and had a soapy appearance. In addition, all of the Flax-50 cattle showed bloat to some extent during the trial, but none were severe. After completing the trial we placed the cattle into three pens and stepped up onto a common diet. During this time one of the heifers that had been on the Flax-50 diet expired from overeating. During the trial she had an average dry matter intake of 22.74 lbs/day, an average daily gain of 1.76 lbs/day, and a feed to gain ratio of 12.91. The rest of the cattle on the Flax-50 diet were able to make up a lot of compensatory gain before slaughter. The hot carcass weights showed the Flax-10 was different from Flax-50 and Control, but Control and Flax-50 were not different. No real differences showed on any other carcass attributes probably because there was such a small number of cattle being processed (Roberson). To summarize the Flax-10 diet improved all areas of performance. However, Flax-50 decreased average daily gain, decreased intake, resulted in poorer feed efficiency, and increased bloat. So in conclusion based on these results, feeding high levels of lipid to “bypass” rumen digestion is not a feasible method for improving efficiency. Works Cited Drouillard, Dr. James. “Advising Sessions”. March 2006- June2006. Roberson, Nicole. “Roberson/Drouillard, Enhanced Lipids, 2006-08” June 2006- September 2006.