UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Environmental Health and Safety Check List for Certificate of Environmental Compliance (CEC) Project Information Principal Investigator: Project Title: Funding Agency or Source: Please indicate which of the following describes the scale of your proposed project? __ Laboratory Research: Location of your lab (building/room): ________________________ __ Pilot or Proof-of-Concept Scale Research __ Full-Scale Demonstration __ Bench-top Scale Research __ Data analysis including computer sciences/modeling or applied mathematics __ Pilot Plant Construction/Operation __ Field Research: Field Location_____________________ __ Other (briefly describe project): Will the proposed action involve any of the following items or activities? __ Chemical use/storage. If checked, please list chemicals used for this project, including pesticides: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. I certify that my chemical inventory is current & accurate: Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: _____________________________ To open a chemical inventory account, contact Michelle Lee: 323-864-3188, or Alfred Bouziane: 213-923-507. __ Infectious or potentially infectious materials (Biosafety Level 2 or 3 Agent). Describe: _______ _____________________________________________________________________________. __ Human or Primate Cell, Tissue, Blood, or Blood Products. Describe: _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ Recombinant DNA Material, e.g., plasmids or viral vectors. Describe: ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (If my research involves an above biological agent) I certify that I have a current Biohazard Use Approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) that includes all agents listed above. Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: _____________________________ Questions? Contact EHS Biosafety Office at or 323-442-2200. Page 1 of 2 __ Use radiation or radioactive materials. List materials or type of radiation producing equipment: __________________________________________________________________________ I certify that my Radiation Permit is current and accurate: Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: _____________________________ Questions: Contact EHS’ Radiation Safety Office at 323-442-2200 or __ My research may create an occupational or environmental concern, e.g., noise, dust, heat, cold. __ My project entails a tenet improvement or space modification that may potentially disturb asbestos or lead paint (e.g., removal of old paint, interior wall or counter top). Facility Management: 213-740-6833. __ Import or manufacture a toxic substance; list material: ________________________________. Contact Michelle Lee, Environmental Safety Specialist, at 323-864-3188 for further information. __ Manufacture, Purchase, or Use of Nano materials. List nanomaterials: _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __ Use of Controlled Substances. List substances: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ My research staff attended or is enrolled in Lab Safety Training and Annual Refresher Training. __ My lab follows USC’s Hazardous Waste Generator Guidelines. I hereby certify that the information provided above is current, accurate and compete as of the date noted with my signature: Name ___________________________ Signature _________________________ Date ____________ Environmental and Health Safety (EHS) Only __ Chemical Inventory Account __ IBC Approval __ Radiation Committee Approval __ AQMD Permit (scrubber) __ Department of Homeland Security Interest Chemical: __________________________ __ Highly toxic or Regulated Carcinogen or Substances: ___________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Approved _____ Review Date: Not Approved _____ In Progress _____ _______________________ Name of Reviewer: _______________________ Signature : _____________________________ Page 2 of 2