PA Sample Job Duties

Community Medical Care, Inc.
Job Description
Title: Physician Assistant (Non-Surgical)
Date: October 2006
Employee Name:
Knowledge & Qualifications: The minimum knowledge and qualifications required to begin
working in this position include:
 Graduate of accredited Physician Assistant Program
 Currently licensed as a Physician Assistant by the Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine;
 Certification by the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants
 Provide a written agreement signed by the Supervising Physician/s
 Provide a Supervisor Registration Certificate
 Evidence of adequate professional liability insurance.
 Verification of health/immunization status (CBC, Rubella Titer & Tuberculin Skin Test)
The physician assistant shall, under appropriate direction and supervision by a physician assistant
supervisor, augment the physician’s data gathering abilities in order to assist the physician in
reaching decisions and instituting care plans for the physician’s patients. Physician assistants may
be permitted to perform the specific duties.
(1) Screen patients to determine need for medical attention.
(2) Review patient records to determine health status.
(3) Take a patient history.
(4) Perform a physical examination.
(5) Perform developmental screening examination on children.
(6) Record pertinent patient data.
(7) Make decisions regarding data gathering and appropriate management and treatment of
patients being seen for the initial evaluation of a problem of the follow-up evaluation of a
previously diagnosed and stabilized condition.
(8) Prepare patient summaries.
(9) Initiate requests for commonly performed initial laboratory studies.
(10) Identify normal and abnormal findings on history, physical examination and commonly
performed laboratory and other diagnostic studies.
(12) Initiate appropriate evaluation and emergency management for emergency situations, for
example, cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, injuries, burns and hemorrhage.
(13) Perform clinical procedures such as:
(a) Venipuncture.
(b) Intradermal tests.
(c) Electrocardiogram.
(d) Care and suturing of minor lacerations.
(e) Casting and splinting.
(f) Control of external hemorrhage.
(g) Application of dressings and bandages.
(h) Removal of superficial foreign bodies.
(i) Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.
(j) Audiometry screening.
(k) Visual screening.
(l) Carrying out aseptic and isolation techniques.
(14) Provide counseling and instruction regarding common patient problems.
(15) Administration of medications as it pertains to this list
(a) Antihistamines.
(b) Anti-infective agents.
(c) Cardiovascular drugs.
(d) Contraceptives—for example, foams and devices.
(e) Diagnostic agents.
(f) Disinfectants—for agents used on objects other than skin.
(g) Electrolytic, caloric and water balance.
(h) Enzymes.
(i) Antitussives, expectorants and nucolytic agents.
(j) Gastrointestinal drugs.
(k) Local anesthetics.
(l) Serums, toxoids and vaccines.
(m) Skin and mucous membrane agents.
(n) Smooth muscle relaxants.
(o) Vitamins.
(2) Categories from which a physician assistant may prescribe and dispense subject to
exclusions and limitations listed:
(a) Autonomic drugs. Drugs excluded under this category: Sympathomimetic (adrenergic)
(b) Blood formation and coagulation. Drugs excluded under this category:
(A) Anti-coagulants and coagulants.
(B) Thrombolytic agents.
(c) Central nervous system agents. Drugs excluded under this category:
(A) General anesthetics.
(B) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
(d) Eye, ear, nose and throat preparations. Drugs limited under this category: Miotics and
mydriatrics used as eye preparations require specific approval from the physician assistant
supervisor for a named patient.
(e) Hormones and synthetic substitutes. Drugs excluded under this category:
(A) Pituitary hormones and synthetics.
(B) Parathyroid hormones and synthetics.
(3) The physician assistant may not prescribe or dispense the list of drugs/agents as follows:
(a) Antineoplastic agents.
(b) Dental agents.
(c) Gold compounds.
(d) Heavy metal antagonists.
(e) Oxytocics.
(f) Radioactive agents.
(g) Unclassified therapeutic agents.
(h) Devices.
(i) Pharmaceutical aids.
(4) New drugs and new uses for drugs will be considered approved for prescribing and dispensing
purposes by physician assistants 90 days after approval by the Federal Drug Administration unless
excluded in paragraphs (2) and (3).
What is Prohibited
A physician assistant shall not:
Perform any services outside his or her job description.
Perform any services which are not included in his or her job description that has been
approved by the Pennsylvania State Board;
Independently practice medicine;
Be supervised by and work for more than three Supervising Physicians at one time.
Independently bill patients for services rendered;
Independently delegate a task assigned to him/her by the Supervising Physician/s
to another individual; or
Perform any services unless wearing a name-tag identifying the individual as a PA.
Supervision of Physician Assistant
Physician supervision requires, at all times, a direct, continuing, and close supervisory
relationship between the Physician Assistant and the Supervising Physician. The constant
physical presence of the Supervising Physician at the clinic is not required so long as (1) the
physician assistant is certified by the NCCPA, and 2) the Supervising Physician and the
Physician Assistant are or can be in contact with each other by radio, telephone, or
telecommunications. Supervision requires the availability of the Supervising Physician to the
Physician Assistant. An appropriate degree of supervision includes:
active and continuing overview of the Physician Assistant’s activities to determine that the
Supervising Physician’s directions are being implemented;
authentication and countersignature of all orders and other entries recorded by the
Physician Assistant in the medical records of patients;
availability of the Supervising Physician to the Physician Assistant for necessary
see each patient in his office every third visit, but at least once a year.
regular—all medical records as seen by the PA, and review documentation no less than
weekly—review by the Supervising Physician of the patient records upon which entries are
made by the Physician Assistant in order to assess the Physician Assistant’s practice in the
care center; and
regular—at least monthly—education and review sessions held by the Supervising
Physician with the Physician Assistant for the purpose of discussing specific conditions,
protocols, procedures, and specific patients.
If the Supervising Physician/s is unavailable to supervise the Physician Assistant when
required, the Supervising Physician/s may not delegate patient care to the Physician Assistant
unless appropriate arrangements for substitute physician supervision have been made and
approved by the PA State Board of Medicine.
A Supervising Physician shall supervise no more than two Physician Assistants.
No Physician Assistant may render medical services to a patient until the patient has been
informed that: (1) the Physician Assistant is not a physician; and (2) the Physician Assistant
will act pursuant to the direction of the Supervising Physician/s.
The PA will be provided a Community Medical Center Health System Orientation Manual that
provides information regarding the organization and patient care.
Additional Information as it pertains to this job description (PA) as listed:
When assigned the primary supervising physician will be Dr. _____________, License # MD______________ for _________________, PA
_________________, PA will have access to discuss any or all patients to whom he is assigned with
Dr. _______________________ at least eighty percent of the time that James Kincel, PA spends
seeing patients in the primary clinic setting located @ _________________________________
In the event that Dr. _________________ is not available physically to discuss or render a medical
opinion to ___________________, PA, ______________ will consult with Dr.
____________________, License # MD-_______________________, as the substitute supervisor
during her working hours.
In the event that neither the primary supervising physician or the substitute supervising physician
are not available in the actual clinic, _____________________________________, PA-C will have
immediate access to one these physicians by cell phone and/or beeper at all times when he is
performing patients exams and services, or needs assistance with any medical decision making.
These physicians have regularly assigned on call coverage arrangements for this practice.
Updated October 27, 2006