Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Ministry of Agriculture Development & Agrarian Services Contract DSWRPP-1/CS/QCBS/02 Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) DAM BREAK SIMULATIONS MAHAWELI CASCADE DSWRPP-NCH-REP-POY-081-rev0 September 2010 Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations i Contact Pöyry Energy AG DSWRPP Project Office 11 Mahaweli Authority Jawatte Road Colombo 5, Sri Lanka Tel. +94 11 258 8184 Pöyry Energy AG Hardturmstrasse 161, P.O. Box CH-8037 Zurich/Switzerland Tel. +41 44 355 5554 Fax +41 44 355 5556 J. Lockwood Team Leader A. Sorgenfrei Dam Engineer Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations ii Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 Main Salient features of Randenigala Reservoir...................................................................... 2 Dam and River Channel Characteristics Pertinent to Dam Break Analysis ............................ 2 Dam and Reservoir.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Stream Channel ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 5 3 DATA COLLECTION .......................................................................................................... 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 Topographic Data ..................................................................................................................... 6 Field Reconnaissance ............................................................................................................... 6 Rainfall data ............................................................................................................................. 6 4 HYDROLOGIC MODELING .............................................................................................. 6 4.1 4.2 General Methodology .............................................................................................................. 6 Development of Probable Maximum Precipitation and Probable Maximum Flood ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT......................................................................... 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 General Methodology – Objective of the Model ..................................................................... 6 Geometry .................................................................................................................................. 7 Cross Sections ........................................................................................................................ 10 Structures ............................................................................................................................... 10 Roughness Values .................................................................................................................. 10 External Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................... 10 6 DAM BREACH ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 12 6.1 6.2 6.3 Dam Failure Scenarios ........................................................................................................... 12 Failure Characteristics............................................................................................................ 13 Determination of Breach Parameters ..................................................................................... 13 7 RESULTS OF DAM BREACH SIMULATIONS ............................................................. 14 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Model Calibration .................................................................................................................. 14 Results of Simulation ............................................................................................................. 14 Predicted Inundation .............................................................................................................. 16 Evacuation ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 1 1 INTRODUCTION Largest reservoirs in Sri Lanka are located in the Mahaweli river forming a cascade. Most upstream reservoir is the Kothmale Reservoir. Downstream of this Polgolla Diversion is located. The Victoria reservoir is the next reservoir in the cascade and downstream of this, Randenigala reservoir is located. A run-of-river generation Rantambe Dam is the next and last dam of the cascade. Kothmale Reservoir is the largest uppermost reservoir in the Mahaweli cascade reservoir system holding more than 174 mcm. The major diversion at Polgolla downstream of this reservoir takes water to North Central area of the country for irrigation. The reservoir is hence, centrally important to the country because of its storage for irrigation water, space for flood control of Gampola, Peradeniya and Katugastota townships and power generation. Power plant of the Kothmale Dam is situated about 13km downstream. About 42km downstream of the dam the Polgolla diversion weir is located. This diversion takes water to irrigate North Central area of the country. In the flatter flood plains of the river very populated townships of Gampola, Gelioya, Peradeniya, Getambe and Katugastota are located. The towns are the suburbs of main central country capital, Kandy. Polgolla dam is a run-of-river diversion sending Mahaweli river water to North-central province of Sri Lanka predominantly for irrigation. Hydropower generation is an additional benefit on the water course of this diversion. The dam is nationally important as the irrigation area under it is significant to influence the national economy. The dam is built across Mahaweli River at Polgolla. The dam is equipped with double leafed gates which has its sill levels close to the river bed. At fully open position they represent the unobstructed river cross section except for the piers. The downstream reach from Polgolla dam up to the entrance to Victoria Reservoir is inhibited. These people have experienced several large flood discharges, however has not experienced flood discharges near magnitudes corresponding to PMF or dam break discharges. Therefore it is important to know the effect in downstream due to a catastrophic failure of the dam. The Victoria Dam is the only concrete arch dam in the country. It is the highest dam creating one of the largest reservoirs. Main purposes of the reservoir are hydropower generation and irrigation. The reservoir is the hub of both hydro electric network and the largest irrigation scheme. Part of the irrigation areas are located further down the river and downstream of Randenigala reservoir which is the next reservoir in the cascade. The area below Randenigala reservoir is populated with Mahiyangana Town located closer to the river. The reach between the Randenigala Reservoir and the Victoria reservoir is a river gorge and is not inhibited except for the hydro power plant of Victoria Reservoir. Randenigala Reservoir is the largest reservoir in Sri Lanka holding more than 860 mcm. The reservoir is centrally important to the country because of its storage for irrigation water, space for flood control and power generation. The irrigation area extends to the Easters plains of the country. Just below the Randenigala Dam a run of the river power plant called Rantambe is situated. About 4km downstream of this Minipe diversion weir is located. This diversion takes water to irrigate both left bank and right bank of the river. Further down the river is the Mahiyangana Township which is the largest inland town in the eastern plains of the country. The town is the social, Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 2 economic and agricultural hub coordinating and providing for all needs of the agriculture community of the irrigated lands. Rantambe Reservoir is the last reservoir in Mahaweli cascade system. It has a low capacity of less than 11.2mcm. Regulating the discharge is done by upstream Randenigala Reservoir and this dam serves as run-of-the river type power generation after picking up the discharge from Uma Oya. The reservoir is centrally important to the country because of its power generation and its location upstream of the Mahiyangana city that attracts pilgrims. About 4km downstream of this dam, Minipe diversion weir is located. This diversion takes water to irrigate both left bank and right bank of the river. The irrigation area extends to the Easters plains of the country. Further down the river is the Mahiyangana Township which is the largest inland town in the eastern plains of the country. The town is the social, economic and agricultural hub coordinating and providing for all needs of the agriculture community of the irrigated lands. One major component on which the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the reservoir system is based on is the Inundation Maps. Such maps are extremely important to recognize and demarcate the inundation area, decide on evacuation centers and escape routes and to develop a notification flow chart. This document reports the procedure, parameters and results of inundation mapping during a dam breach event. A dam breach scenario is therefore analyzed for Mahaweli Cascade considering the effect of breach of upstream dam on the immediate downstream dam. The inflow during the breach is considered as the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) inflow to the reservoirs. The PMF derived for spillway adequacy analysis is used in this study and it is described in detail in the ‘Detail Design Report’ of dam safety review. The PMF design is based on Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) derived using the methods specified in the World Metrological Organizations Manual. Breach parameters for the dam were estimated using several equations that described such situation and most appropriate values were selected as described in the in dam breach reports of the individual dams. Analysis conducted with the HEC-RAS software package, performing unsteady flood routing along the channel stream. 1.1 Main Salient features of Kothmale Reservoir Pertinent information of the Kothmale Reservoir is summarized as follows: Dam Type = Rock fill with upstream concrete apron Dam Crest Elevation = 706.5 m MSL Dam Crest Length = 600 m Maximum Dam height = 87 m Top width = 10 m Storage at FSL = 174 mcm Spillway type = Radial gated open chute Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 1.2 3 Effective spill crest elevation = 688 m MSL Crest Length = 3 x 14 m Gate size = 16.75 m (H) x 14 m (W) Flood discharge = 4668 m3/s (at PMF) Afflux at PMF = 16.24 m Main Salient features of Polgolla Reservoir Pertinent information of the Polgolla Reservoir is summarized as follows: 1.3 Dam Type = Gated Barrage (Commissioned in 1977) Dam Crest Elevation = 447.45 m MSL Dam Crest Length = 143.86 m Maximum Dam height = 14.63 m Top width = 10.36 m Storage at FSL = 4.1 mcm Spillway type = double leaf vertical gates, sill on river bed Effective spill crest elevation = 434.34 m MSL Crest Length = 12.19 x 10 m Gate size = 6.4 m (H) x 12.19 m (W) Flood discharge = 4272m3/s (at design flood, water level at 443.66 m msl)) Afflux at design flood = 9.32 m Main Salient features of Victoria Reservoir Pertinent information of the Victoria Reservoir is summarized as follows: Dam Type = Concrete Arch (Commissioned in 1985) Dam Crest Elevation = 442.5 m MSL Dam Crest Length = 520 m Number of blocks = 35 Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 1.4 4 Maximum Dam height = 122 m Top width = 6m Full supply level = 438.0 Storage at FSL = 722 mcm Spillway type = Ogee & eight radial gates Effective spill crest elevation = 430.0 m MSL Crest Length = 12.5 x 8 m Gate size = 8.5 m (H) x 12.5 m (W) Sill Level of gates = 430.0 m MSL Flood discharge = 4920 m3/s (at design flood, water level at 438.82m msl)) Afflux at design flood = 8.82 m Main Salient features of Randenigala Reservoir Pertinent information of the Randenigala Reservoir is summarized as follows: Dam Type = Rock fill with central clay core Dam Crest Elevation = 239 m MSL Dam Crest Length = 485 m Maximum Dam height = 91 m Top width = 10 m Storage at FSL = 860 mcm Spillway type = Radial gated open chute Effective spill crest elevation = 218 m MSL Crest Length = 3 x 16.3 m Gate size = 16.7 m (H) x 16.3 m (W) Flood discharge = 8334 m3/s (at design flood) Afflux at design flood = 19.27 m Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 1.5 5 Main Salient features of Rantambe Reservoir Pertinent information of the Rantambe Reservoir is summarized as follows: Dam Type = Concrete gravity Dam Crest Elevation = 155.5 m MSL Dam Crest Length = 420 m Maximum Dam height = 41.5 m Top width = 10 m Storage at FSL = 11.2 mcm Spillway type = Radial gated ogee Effective spill crest elevation = 137 m MSL Crest Length = 4 x 16 m Gate size = 16.4 m (H) x 16 m (W) Flood discharge = 5551 m3/s (at design flood) Afflux at design flood = 15.37 m 1.6 Dam and River Channel Characteristics Pertinent to Dam Break Analysis 2 REFERENCES [1] Activity 11: Assessment of Adequacy of Spillway and Outlet Works Capacity and Flooding Impacts, Final Report, January 2004, Jacobs Gibb (Part A: Hydrology and Flood Routing) [2] Operational Hydrology Report No.1, (1986); Manual for Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation, World Meteorological Organization, WMO No. 332. [3] S Arumugam (1960) “The Floods of December 1957 and their Impact on Water Conservation Works”, Shanmugam Arumugam Commememoration Volume, Water for People and Nature; Edited by Badra Kamaladasa, D.L.O. Mendis. Department of Irrigation, Colombo. [4] National Engineering Handbook; Part 630 Hydrology, (1997), Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. [5] T.L.Wahl (1998) “Prediction of Embankment Dam Breach Parameters”, Dam safety office, Water Resources Research Laboratory, Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of Interior. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 3 DATA COLLECTION 3.1 Topographic Data 6 One meter contour data was derived by the Department of Surveys based on their ground data points for making 1:10,000 maps, engineering surveys and city maps. These data were then used to get the required river cross sections and also to derive the Digital Elevation Model for inundation mapping. The maps use Kandawala Datum of Sri Lanka. The extent of the maps are from Kothmale dam up to Mahaweli Flood plains downstream of Mahiyangana. 3.2 Field Reconnaissance A field reconnaissance surveys were conducted by the Consultants with respect to each dam in the cascade for the preparation of dam break EAP reports. Field observations were made of the river channel and overbank of Kothmale Oya and Mahaweli River. River channel and overbank roughness characteristics were noted. 3.3 Rainfall data Annual maximums of the daily rainfalls at NuwaraEliya and Katugastota rainfall gauging station was collected for last hundred years from the Department of Meteorology. 4 HYDROLOGIC MODELING 4.1 General Methodology Hydrologic flood routing of the Kothmale reservoir, Polgolla Reservoir, Victoria Reservoir, Rantambe Reservoir and Randenigala Reservoir showed that probable maximum flood can be managed satisfactorily and the spillways are adequate to pass the flood. Breaching of the dams under a PMF is considered is simulated in this model. The dams were set to breach when the water levels reached the dam top levels. HECRAS version 4.1 is used for the unsteady simulation of the flood wave routing with a dam breach. Method of calculation and flood hydrographs of PMF are given in the hydrology report of each dam. 5 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT 5.1 General Methodology – Objective of the Model HEC-RAS version 4.1 was used to conduct the dam breach analysis for Mahaweli Cascade. It is a one-dimensional unsteady flow routing model capable of integrating complex channels and structures under dynamic hydrologic conditions. HEC-RAS also has the capability to model dam breach events under a wide range of scenarios. A 1-D model such as HEC-RAS is appropriate for modelling inundation of Mahaweli casca in an event of dam break. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 7 Cross sections, stream centrelines, and other geometric features of the stream were extracted from available topographic data using HECGeoRAS. Arc GIS was used to derive the Digital Elevation model to be used in the HEC Geo RAS. 5.2 Geometry The HEC-RAS model of the Mahaweli cascade does not consists of any storage areas. Major structures like bridges were incorporated in the model. The reservoir upstream of the dam was modelled with a series of cross sections giving the same topographic geometry and area-capacity curve. HEC-GeoRAS, Version 4.2.93, was used as an extension to ArcGIS to generate the Stream Centreline and cross sections for the HECRAS model of this study area. A plan view of the HEC-RAS Model is shown in Figure 1. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 8 Figure 1a: Plan view of the Kothmale Reservoir study area as modelled in HEC RAS Figure 1b: Plan view of the Polgolla - Victoria Reservoirs study area as modelled in HEC RAS Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 9 Figure 1c: Plan view of the Randenigala Reservoir and study area as modelled in HEC RAS Figure 1d: Plan view of the Rantambe Reservoir study area as modelled in HEC RAS Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 5.3 10 Cross Sections Cross sections are used to define the shape of the stream channel, adjacent floodplain and characteristics such as roughness, flow expansion and contraction, and ineffective flow areas. The cross sections were extracted from the DEMs using HEC-GeoRAS supplemented with topographic maps for the channel geometry. The cross sections were located to adequately describe geometric features such as hydraulic roughness changes, grade breaks, and flow expansion and contraction. The cross sections are generally oriented perpendicular to the expected flow lines of the maximum flood wave. 5.4 Structures The major structures present in the downstream reach of the Kothmale Dam up to Mahiyangana which could withstand or impede a flood wave caused by a dam breach were considered. Altogether there were eight bridges and one weir. All such structures, were defined as in-line structures. The HEC-RAS model dam geometry is derived from field survey data, as well as data obtained from the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka and Jacob GIBB’s reports on respective Dams. Data for components such as outlet works, embankment side slopes, coefficients etc. were entered directly into the HECRAS model. 5.5 Roughness Values Manning’s n-value ranged from 0.03 to 0.045 for the main channel and 0.04 to 0.055 for overbank areas. To provide numerical stability to the hydraulic model Manning’s nvalues were based on published values for similar conditions, and on engineering judgment and experience. Observed water depths at Peradeniya in 1978 were used to calibrate the river roughness values. 5.6 External Boundary Conditions For the unsteady flow model the upstream boundary conditions are input as discharge hydrographs. The input hydrographs for the Kothmale dam breach model represent the PMF flood event. The PMF inflow hydrograph is shown in Figure 2. The downstream boundary condition was set to inline structure which is the Polgolla dam. The Polgolla – Victoria model uses the PMF inflow to Polgolla and Victoria reservoirs combined with the Resulting flood hydrograph of Kothmale dam breach. Similarly the Randenigala Rantambe system has the respective PMF inflows and resulting flood hydrograph from Victoria dam breach. The Victoria and Randenigala dam breachs are considered here only if the flood levels in the respective reservoirs exceed the dam top levels. Also for Randenigala – Rantambe system 40% PMF is taken as the inflows as the high rains in Kothmale – Polgolla - Victoria catchments do not coincide with high rains in Randenigala – Rantambe reservoirs. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 11 Figure 2a: The PMF inflow hydrograph used as upstream boundary condition of Kothmale reservoir Figure 2b: The combined PMF and Kothmale dam break hydrographs used as upstream boundary condition of Polgolla - Victoria reservoir Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 12 Figure 2c: The combined 40% PMF and Victoria dam break hydrographs used as upstream boundary condition of Randenigala reservoir Figure 2d: The combined 40% PMF and Randenigala dam break hydrographs used as upstream boundary condition of Rantambe reservoir 6 DAM BREACH ANALYSIS 6.1 Dam Failure Scenarios The breach of the upstream most reservoir, the Kothmale reservoir, is taken to be triggered by the PMF inflow to the reservoir. The resulting dam breach flood wave will Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 13 result overflow of the downstream reservoirs and as the water level at the dam top level is taken as the dam breach triggering event for the downstream. 6.2 Failure Characteristics Because dam failure is a hypothetical event, the actual breach size, location, and timing are unknown and must be estimated. A range of potential breach sizes and formation times, location of the breach and the breach initiation were considered as explained in the reports on individual dams. 6.3 Breach Parameters Table 1 shows the selected dam breach parameters of each reservoir. Table 3a: Selected Breach Parameters of Kothmale Dam Dam height (m) Full formation time (hours) Side slope (H:V) Bottom of breach width (m) 87 2.77 0.5:1 58 Table 3b: Selected Breach Parameters of Polgolla Dam Dam height (m) Full formation time (hours) Side slope (H:V) Bottom width of breach (m) 14.63 0.25 0:1 28 Table 3c: Selected Breach Parameters of Victoria Dam - Abutment Failure Dam height (m) Full formation time (hours) Side slope (H:V) – Left Bank Side slope (H:V) – Right Bank Bottom of breach width (m) 122 0.5 1.2:1 0:1 15 Table 3d: Selected Breach Parameters of Randenigala Dam Dam height (m) Full formation time (hours) Side slope (H:V) Bottom of breach width (m) 91 3.00 0.5:1 140 Table 3e: Selected Breach Parameters of Rantambe Dam Dam height (m) Full formation time (hours) Side slope (H:V) Bottom of breach width (m) 41.5 0.5 0:1 50 Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 7 RESULTS OF DAM BREACH SIMULATIONS 7.1 Model Calibration 14 Model calibration was performed in this case using the flood of 1978. Depth at the Peradeniya gauging station and field observations were used for calibration. The field observations according to personal memories of inundation levels were also used for calibration. The river roughness was changed to get the near coincidence of the inundation levels. In the areas where no such details were available, standard roughness parameters were used. 7.2 Results of Simulation The resulting flood propagation and its attenuation from the Dam Breach simulations with HEC-RAS for the reach from Kothmale to Polgolla is shown in Figure 3a. The reach from Rantambe to end of simulation is shown in Figure 3b. For Kothmale reservoir the highest discharge at the dam is 21,358 m3/s just after the breach. This peak is attenuated along the river to a peak of 13,275 m3/s when it reaches Polgolla. After cascade breach the peak discharge at Rantambe 64525 m3/s which get attenuated to a peak of 48125 m3/s at the end of considered simulation extent. Figure 4 shows the flood water depth distribution. The flood water depth in the each from Kothmale to Polgolla reach a maximum of 35m in the reach Gampola – Gelioya while it reaches a maximum of about 24m in Gohagoda – Polgolla reach. The Rantambe downstream reach, though carries a larger discharge will have a depth between 5 to 25m. The reach close Mahiyangana will have a depth between 5 to 15m. A three hour delay is observed in flood wave propagation from Kothmale to Polgolla. Storage routing in Victoria and Randenigala reservoirs delay this peak by another four hours. Further two hours of delay is seen for flood wave propagation from Rantambe to Mahiyangana. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations Figure 3a: 15 Dam breach flood wave progression with time (Dam at 4454m, Confluence with Mahaweli at 10805m) Figure 3b: Dam breach flood wave progression with time for Rantambe Reservoir Figure 4a: Maximum water depths in river channel from Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 16 Figure 4a: Maximum water depths in river channel from Rantambe reservoir 7.3 Predicted Inundation The inundation shows that all main roads connecting Kandy and Gampola with other cities will be inundated due to an catastrophic failure of the Kothmale Dam. Most of the populated areas of the towns of Gampola, Katugastota, Gelioya and Penideniya will be inundated. Gampola, the upstream most town will receive the flood wave within two hours from the initiation of the breach. The inundation shows that the KandyMahiyangana roadway across the Mahaweli River running along downstream banks of the dam will be inundated. Mahiyangana Township, roads to Dehiattakandiya and Hasalaka will be inundated. The extent of maximum inundation is shown in Figure A1. Only about 25km out of 52km is covered with measured cross sections. The other cross sections were derived from 1m contours obtained from survey Department which have lower accuracy. In order to improve the accuracy it is recommended to re-model using measured river cross sections. Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 17 Figure A1-1: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 18 Figure A1-2: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 19 Figure A1-3: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 20 Figure A1-4: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 21 Figure A1-5: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 22 Figure A1-6: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 23 Figure A1-7: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 24 Figure A1-8: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Kothmale to Polgolla Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 25 Figure A1-9: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Victoria to Randenigala Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 26 Figure A1-10: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Randenigala to Rantambe Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 27 Figure A1-11: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Rantambe downstream Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations 28 Figure A1-12: Maximum inundation due to dam breach flood wave Rantambe downstream Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project (DSWRPP) Mahaweli Cascade – Dam Break Simulations Kothmale - Polgolla - DB 29 Plan: Plan_01 2/27/2011 750 Legend WS Max WS 700 Ground Elevation (m) 650 600 550 500 450 400 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Main Channel Distance (m) Figure A2-1 Maximum water depths from Kothmale to Polgolla Rantambe_4 Plan: Plan 01 3/13/2011 180 Legend WS Max WS 160 Ground Elevation (m) 140 120 100 80 60 0 10000 20000 Main Channel Distance (m) Figure A2-1 Maximum water depths from Randenigala 30000 40000