Animal Tissues and Organ Systems

Animal Tissues and Organ Systems
The following objectives are NOT covered in the textbook. They will be covered using
in-class notes.
1. Diagram the hierarchy of organization of the human body.
---atoms-->molecules-->organelles-->cell-->tissue-->organs-->organ system-->organism
2. Define tissues.
---organized layers or masses of cells that have a common function
3. Name the four categories of animal tissues.
---epithelial, connective, muscle, and neural
4. State the functions of epithelial tissues.
---an epithelium is a layer of cells that forms a barrier with specific properties
---epithelia cover every exposed body surface and line digestive, respiratory,
reproductive, and urinary tracts (passageways that communicate with outside
---also line internal cavities and passageways such as chest cavity, fluid-filled chambers
in brain, eye, and inner ear
---lines inner surfaces of blood vessels and heart
5. State a general function of connective tissues
---bind structures, provide support and protection, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, store
fat, produce blood cells, protect against infections, and help repair tissue damage
6. List examples of connective tissue.
---loose fibrous connective tissue forms delicate, thin membranes throughout body
--binds skin to underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles
--lies beneath most layers of epithelium where its many blood vessels nourish
nearby epithelial cells
---adipose tissue [fat] is specialized form of loose fibrous connective tissue
--develops when certain cells store fat in droplets within cytoplasm & enlarge
--cushions joints and some organs; insulates, and stores energy in fat molecules
---dense fibrous connective tissue contains many closely packed, thick, collagenous
--binds body parts together as component of tendons (muscle to bone) and ligaments
(connect bones at joints)
---cartilage is partly rigid & partly flexible connective tissue
--provides support, frameworks and attachments, protects underlying tissues, and
forms structural models for many developing bones
--hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
---bone is the most rigid connective tissue due to mineral salts between cells
--supports body structures; protects vital parts in body cavities, houses marrow; and
stores inorganic chemicals such as calcium and phosphorous
---blood transports substances; helps maintain stable internal environment
--tissue is composed of cells suspended in fluid matrix called blood plasma
7. State the function of muscular tissue.
---muscle tissue specialized for contraction and muscle cells possess organelles and
properties distinct from those of other cells
--elongate cells can shorten and pull at attached ends which moves body parts or
performs specialized function
8. Name the three types of muscle tissue in the body and state a location for each.
---skeletal muscle found in muscles that attach to bones and under conscious control
--long, threadlike cells have alternating light and dark cross-markings called striations
--move head, truck, and limbs; enable facial expressions, writing, talking, chewing,
swallowing, and breathing
---smooth muscle cells lack striations, are shorter than skeletal muscles, spindle-shaped
with single, centrally located nucleus
--located in walls of hollow internal organs [stomach, urinary bladder, uterus, & blood
--actions are involuntary
--moves food through digestive tract (peristalsis); constricts blood vessels; empties
urinary bladder
---cardiac muscle found only in the heart; striated cells; involuntary; has intercalated
--responsible for pumping blood through heart chambers and into blood vessels
9. List the functions of nervous tissue.
---neural tissue specialized for conduction of electrical impulses from one region of body
to another region
---coordinate, regulate, and integrate many body functions
10. State where nervous tissue is located in the human body.
---98 percent of neural tissue in body is concentrated in brain and spinal cord
---other 2 percent distributed over body in varying concentrations
11. Name the systems of the human organism.
---Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic,
Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive
12. Summarize functions for each of the human systems.
---Integumentary system include the skin and associated hairs, nails, and exocrine
--protection, excretion, maintenance of normal body temperature, synthesis of Vitamin
D3, storage of nutrients, and detection of touch, pressure, pain, and temperature
stimuli and relay of that info to nervous system
---Skeletal system includes bones of skeleton and cartilages, ligaments, and other
connective tissue that stabilize or connect them
--support, storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production, protection, and leverage
---Muscular system includes skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle
--without these muscle tissues, nothing in body would move and no body movement
could occur
--produce skeletal movement, maintain posture and body position, support soft tissues,
guard entrances and exits, and maintain body temperature
---Nervous system provides swift but brief responses to stimuli by temporarily modifying
activities of other organ systems
--modifications appear in milliseconds but effects disappear soon after neural activity
--sensory function-->integrative function-->motor functions
---Endocrine system contains cells, tissues, and organs that secrete hormones directly
into body fluids
--help regulate metabolic processes, control rates of chemical reactions, aid in transport
of substances across membranes, help regulate water and electrolyte balance, and play
vital roles in reproduction, development, and growth
---Cardiovascular system contains heart and extensive system of blood vessels
--vital for survival because without circulation, tissues lack supply of oxygen and
nutrients, and wastes accumulate
---Lymphatic system consists of network of lymphatic vessels, fluid called lymph, and
lymphoid organs
--functions in production, maintenance, and distribution of lymphocytes; return of fluid
and solutes from peripheral tissues to blood, and distribution of hormones, nutrients,
and wastes products from their tissues of origin to general circulation
---Respiratory system includes the tubes that remove particles from incoming air and
transport air into and out of the lungs; also includes many microscopic air sacs where
gases are exchanged
--provides area for gas exchange, moves air to and from exchange surfaces, protects
respiratory surfaces, produces sounds involved in speaking, and provides olfactory
sensations to CNS from olfactory epithelium in nasal cavity
---Digestive system consists of muscular tube (digestive tract) and accessory organs
--functions include ingestion, mechanical processing, digestion, secretion, absorption,
and excretion
---Urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
--performs vital excretory functions and eliminates organic wastes generated by
cells throughout body
--also functions to regulate blood volume and blood pressure; regulate ion
concentrations, stabilize blood pH, converse valuable nutrients, and assist liver
in detoxification of poisons
--during starvation, can deaminate amino acids so they can be broken down by other
---Reproductive system is only system not essential to life of the individual
--produces, stores, nourishes, and transports functional reproductive cells (gametes)
--includes gonads, ducts that receive and transport gametes, accessory glands and
organs that secrete fluids into these and other excretory ducts, and perineal structures
associated with reproductive system (external genitalia)
13. List the primary organs in each human system.
---review #12 above