Philosophy - Eastern Illinois University

The Eastern Integrative Experience – Philosophy Major
The Philosophy Major
encourages integrative
Appreciative and
General Education
Co-curricular activities
Student Life
Research and Creative
The Philosophy major at EIU requires components from Eastern Philosophy,
Ethics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, and Ancient and Modern
Philosophy. Philosophy Department participates in the Pre-Law Minor, the
Criminology Minor, the Medieval Studies Minor, the Asian Studies Minor and
the Neuroscience Minor. Our Cultural Foundations courses are team-taught
with faculty from the English Department.
Philosophy majors are assigned advisers as soon as they declare a major.
Advisers may be changed at the student’s request if the student becomes
more engaged in a particular area of philosophy. Advisers engage students in
conversation about possible career paths and graduate programs such as law
school and advanced study in philosophy. Advisers also help students
prepare for application to such programs. In addition, advisers help students
identify possible scholarships, programs, and co-curricular activities of
Philosophy offers general education courses in Humanities, Social and
Behavioral Sciences and Senior Seminars. We offer courses in Logic,
Religion, Ethics, Language and Human Nature, Cultural Foundations, Social
and Political Philosophy, and The Meaning of Life. These courses emphasize
critical thinking and provide opportunities for research, persuasive writing, oral
presentations, group projects, community service, and field research.
Eligible philosophy majors are invited to join Phi Sigma Tau the philosophy
national honor society; the department also offers an Outstanding Senior
award. Majors are also encouraged to submit papers to the Illinois
Philosophical Association for possible presentation at the IPA regional
conference and also to submit papers for EIU events, such as Women’s
History Month Student Awards. Majors are also encouraged to participate in
Study Abroad.
Philosophy majors are encouraged to join Philosophy Club (formerly
Philosophy Forum) and to sponsor events on campus which would lead to
interaction among other majors and clubs.
The curriculum reflects global and cultural sensitivity. Moreover, courses in
philosophy also reflect requirements or electives in the Medieval Studies
Minor, the Pre-Law Minor, Asian Studies Minor, Criminology Minor, and
Neuroscience Minor. The department is currently developing a minor program
in Religious Studies. Cultural Foundations I and II are team taught with the
English Department.
Writing in philosophy courses is critical and creative. Students have many
opportunities in philosophy courses to write persuasively and formulate new
and original ideas and theses. Students are encouraged to submit their
papers to regional conferences and they may also present them to other
students and faculty through Philosophy Club.