CURRICULUM VITAE FULL NAME: Dr Norman Duncan Macaskill DATE OF BIRTH: 29th July 1948 ADDRESS: Dalbeg House 60 Stumperlowe Crescent Road Sheffield S10 3PR TELEPHONE: MOBILE: 0114 2302755 07941939097 CURRENT POSTS: Full time private medico / legal practice (from 1st August 2003) PREVIOUS POSTS: 1. Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy Department of Psychiatry University of Leeds And Honorary Consultant Psychotherapist Leeds Community Mental Health Trust 1996-2003 2. Medical Director Leeds Post Traumatic Stress Service 19962003 QUALIFICATIONS: Bmed. Biol Immunology (Hons) University of Aberdeen – 1970 MB ChB University of Aberdeen – 1973 MRCPsych – 1978 Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy University of Aberdeen – 1978 Emotive Assoc Fellow, Institute for RationalTherapy, New York – 1991 Successful completion of AUTP Behaviour Therapy Training, Maudsley Hospital, London – 1985 AWARDS: TRAINING IN PSYCHIATRY: ‘C’ Merit award 1991 Aberdeen 1973 – 1981 Senior House Adult Psychiatry, Kingseat Hospital, Aberdeen Officer (Dr G Faulkner) 1973 – 1974 Psychiatry of the Elderly (Dr D Alexander) Registrar 1974 – 1977 Adult Psychiatry, Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen (Dr P McCance) Rehabilitation Psychiatry (Dr G Faulkner) Psychotherapy, Ross Clinic Day Hospital (Dr K Morrice) Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Service (Dr R Drummond) Child Psychiatry, Department of Child Psychiatry (Dr D Cowie) Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Kingseat Hospital (Dr D Le Poidevin) Senior Registrar 1978 – 1981 Psychotherapy, Ross Clinic Day Hospital (Dr K Morrice) Adult Psychiatry, Ross Clinic (Dr J Henderson) Forensic Psychiatry, Assessments at Top Security Prison, Peterhead and responsibility for Secure Treatment Unit, Cornhill Hospital PSYCHOTHERAPY TRAINING 1977 – 1979 Diploma in Psychotherapy, Aberdeen University Supervisors: Prof M Miller, Dr J K W Morrice, Dr D Le Poidevin, Dr W Brough and Prof D Alexander 1978 – 1980 Attachment to a Therapeutic Community, Aberdeen (Dr J K W Morrice) 1979 – 1981 Training Analysis – Dr W Brough 1973 – 1981 Weekly Supervision Psychotherapy in Psychodynamic and 1981 Appointed as Consultant Psychiatrist, Whiteley Wood Clinic, Sheffield 1985 Successful completion of AUTP Behaviour Therapy Training, Maudsley Hospital, London 1985 – 1986 Cognitive Behaviour Cognitive Therapy 1985 – 1989 Rational – Emotive Therapy Associate Fellowship Training Supervisors: Dr A Ellis, Prof A T Beck, Prof W Dryden 1997 (April – May) Visiting Therapist with Prof A T Beck, Centre for Cognitive Therapy, Philadelphia. Supervisors: Prof A T Beck, Dr J Beck. Training Workshop – Beck’s PREVIOUS POSTS 1981 – 1984 Consultant Psychiatrist, Whiteley Wood Clinic, Sheffield 1984 – 1986 Consultant with responsibility for Rehabilitation Services, Sheffield (with Dr A McNeil) this was an additional responsibility to meet service needs 1984 – 1993 Consultant with a special interest in Psychotherapy, Whiteley Wood Clinic, Sheffield 1993 – 1996 Consultant Psychotherapist, Nottingham Psychotherapy Service (half time) Consultant Psychotherapist, Sheffield (half time) 1996 - 2003 Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, University of Leeds Department of Honorary Consultant Psychotherapist, Leeds Community Mental Health Trust CURRENT POST August 2003 Full time medico / legal private practice ADDITIONAL (Past) 1982 – 1987 ADMINISTRATIVE AND SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES Psychiatric Postgraduate Clinical Tutor, Sheffield. (This responsibility was assumed after an unsatisfactory College Approval Panel visit resulting in a threat of withdrawal of approval. During my tenure the training was significantly improved resulting in full approval by the college for the training scheme). 1987 – 1990 Chairman, Division of Psychiatry, Sheffield 1988 – 1990 Consultant Director of the Inpatient Behaviour Therapy Unit, Sheffield 1988 – 1995 Vice-Chair, Trent Regional Advisory Committee on Mental Illness 1986 – 1989 Consultant Advisor to ENB 650 Behaviour Therapy Course and ENB 953 Advances in Psychiatric Nursing Course, Sheffield 1984 – 1993 Director, Cognitive Therapy Training Course, Sheffield 1989 – 1993 Liaison Psychiatry Service to Rheumatology Department, Sheffield 1993 – 1995 Trent Regional Psychotherapy Audit Committee Member 1993 – 1995 Director, Introductory and Advanced Courses in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, University of Nottingham 1993 Committee Member, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Advisory Group 1996 Member of National Executive Committee Universities’ Psychotherapy Association (elected nationally by peers) 1998 Expert Consensus Panel Member for the Production of National Guidelines for Psychological Therapies, Centre for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness, The British Psychological Society, UCL, London. Nominee of The Royal College of Psychiatrists 1998 Member of Executive Committee, Psychotherapy Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (co-opted) Executive Member – Research Committee United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy 1999 EXTERNAL EXAMINING AND SUPERVISION RESPONSIBILITIES 1984 – 1992 Supervisor and Examiner, Post-graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy, Sheffield 1988 – 1993 MRCPsych Part 1 Examiner 1996 - 2003 Research Supervisor, University of Leeds 1996 - 2003 Director and Supervisor, Cognitive Therapy for Depression Training Course, Leeds. (This is a continuation of the course started in Sheffield in 1984, making it one of the longest established training courses in cognitive therapy in the UK). Masters in Psychotherapy, 1996 - 2003 Trainer and Supervisor for SPRs in Leeds for Cognitive Psychotherapy 1996 - 2003 Supervisor in Cognitive Therapy Psychotherapist, Nottingham for Consultant 1997 - 2003 Clinical training and supervision in Cognitive Therapy for Research Therapists at Psychological Therapies Research Centre, Leeds These activities were in addition to the normal teaching responsibilities associated with my previous post. PUBLICATIONS 1. Macaskill, N D (1980) The Narcissistic Core as a Focus in the Group Therapy of the Borderline Patient. British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 53, pp 137-44 2. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1981) The Use of the Term ‘Borderline Patient’ by Scottish Psychiatrists: A Preliminary Survey. British Journal of Psychiatry., Vol 139, pp 397-9 3. Macaskill, N D (1982) The Theory of Transitional Phenomena and its Application to the Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient. British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol 55, pp 349-60 4. Macaskill, N D (1982) Therapeutic Factors in Group Psychotherapy with Borderline Patients. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Vol 32, pp 61-73 5. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1983) Preparing Patients for Psychotherapy. British Journal of Clinical and Social Psychiatry, Vol 2, pp 80-3 6. Macaskill, N D (1985) Homework Assignments in Brief Psychotherapy. British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 2, pp 134-41 7. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1985) The Use of the Term ‘Borderline Patient’ by Scottish Psychiatrists: A Conceptual Analysis. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol 31, pp 47-53 8. Macaskill, N D (1986) The Sheffield Cognitive Psychotherapy Training Course. Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Vol 10, pp 78-9 9. Macaskill, N D (1986) Cognitive Therapy. Nursing Mirror (October), p 42-3 10. Macaskill, N D (1987) Delusional Parasitosis: Successful Non-Pharmacological Treatment of a Folie-a-Deux. British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 150, pp 261-3 11. Macaskill, N D (1988) Personal Therapy in the Training of the Psychotherapist: Effective? British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 4, pp 219-26 Is it 12. Macaskill, N D (1989) Cognitive Therapy in Resistant Depression: Does it have a Role? Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 5, pp 58 13. Macaskill, N D (1989) Rational Emotive Therapy of Depression in Terminally Ill Patient. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 6, pp 58 14. Macaskill, N D (1990) Self-Help Books for Depression. Psychiatric Bulletin, Vol 14, pp 2608 15. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1990) Is Group CBT a Viable Alternative to Individual CBT in the Treatment of Depression? Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 7, pp 59 16. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1990) Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Predictors of Outcome. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 8, pp 513 17. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1991) Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Does it Prevent Relapse? Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 9, pp 512 18. Macaskill, N D (1990) Cognitive Therapy Training: The Sheffield Programme. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 8, pp 23-4 19. Macaskill, N D, Geddes, J and Macaskill, A (1991) DSM-III in the Training of British Psychiatrists: Results of a National Survey. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol 37, pp 182-6 20. Macaskill, N D (1991) Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 10, pp 30-2 21. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1991) Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Efficacy with Severely Depressed Inpatients and Outpatients. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 10, pp 5-12 22. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1991) Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Efficacy of Minimal Intervention Programmes. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 10, pp 13-20 23. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1991) Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A Selective Review of Patient Self-Help Materials. Bulletin of the Association of Behavioural Clinicians, Vol 11, pp 5-13 24. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1992) Psychotherapists in Training evaluate their Personal Therapy: Results of a UK Survey. British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 9, pp 133-8 25. Macaskill, N D et al (1994) The Return of L-Tryptophan – Case Reports. International Journal of Human Psychopharmacology, Vol 9, pp 336-40 26. Macaskill, N D et al (1994) Good Practice in the Supervision of Cognitive Psychotherapy. Behavioural Cognitive Bulletin, Vol 2, pp 5-9 27. Macaskill, N D (1995) Educating Clients about Rational-Emotive Therapy. In W Dryden (Ed), Rational-Emotive Therapy: London – Sage A Reader – 28. Macaskill, N D, Pearson, R and Macaskill, A (1996) Plaster of Paris Phobia: Three cases of an unusual phobia. Behavioural Cognitive Bulletin, Vol 4, pp 29-33 29. Macaskill, N D (1996) Improving clinical outcomes in CBT: 1. The use of Audio taping. Journal of Rational-Emotive Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Vol 14, pp 199-207 30. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1996) Cognitive therapy plus pharmacotherapy versus pharmacotherapy on its own in the treatment of high cognitive dysfunction depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, Vol 20, pp 575-592 31. Macaskill, N D (1996) Maintaining quality and morale in the face of overwhelming demand: Strategies for coping creatively in beleaguered CBT Services. Behavioural Cognitive Bulletin, Vol 5, pp 25-33 32. Macaskill, A, Macaskill, N D and Nicol, A (1997) ‘The Defeat Depression Campaign’ : a mid-point evaluation of its effectiveness. Psychiatric Bulletin, Vol 21, pp 148-50 33. Macaskill, N D and Macaskill, A (1999) Failure to diagnose depression in patients referred for psychotherapy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol 45, pp 140-147 34. Macaskill, N D Psychopathology is a Reality and Psychodiagnosis is a Necessity. In C Feltham (Ed) : Controversies in Psychotherapy. London : Sage 1999 35. Ness G, Macaskill N Near drowning: self therapy in situ . BMJ 2000; 321 : 1604 - 6 36. Gillian Hardy, J Cahill, D Shapiro, M Barkam, A Rees and N D Macasilll (2001) Client Interpersonal and Cognitive Styles as predicted of response to time limited cognitive therapy for depression. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology 2001, Vol 69, p 841-5 37. Ness G J Macaskill N. D (2003) Preventing PTSD : The value of inner resourcefulness and a sense of personal control of a situation : Is it a matter of problem solving or anxiety management. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol 31, p 463-466 38. Cahill J, Barkham M, Hardy G, Rees A, Shapiro D. A, Stiles, and Macaskill N.D. (2003) Outcome of patients completing and not completing cognitive therapy for depression. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol 42, p 133-143 39. Hardy G. E, Cahill J, Stiles W. B, Ispan C, Barkham A, and Macaskill N.D (2005) Sudden gains in Cognitive Therapy for Depression – A Replication and Extension. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology, Vol 73, p 59-67 CURRENT MEDICO / LEGAL PRACTICE I complete on average approximately 150 to 200 medico / legal reports per annum. As an Expert Witness, I attend Court on average four times a year. WAITING LIST My current waiting list for assessment is 3 weeks. I normally provide a report within 4 weeks of seeing a patient. FEE ESTIMATION I charge £160.00 per hour for work related to a report. (My average charges for preparing a report are currently £500.00). Prior to the introduction of the new Civil Procedure laws, approximately 90% of my cases were for the Claimant. Currently 60% of my cases are for Claimants and 30% are joint expert reports and approximately 5-10% are for the Defendant.