CR - Inservice Testing Owners Group

Rev. 0
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Condition Report Engineering Evaluation
Form 1
Engineering Evaluation (Typical)
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Condition/Action Summary:
STP has been granted an exemption from Inservice Testing Requirements of the ASME OM
Code for Low and NRS components. Evaluate the testing requirements for GQA Risk Rank
“Low” pumps in IST group CSPP (pump tags are listed in evaluation that follows).
Engineering Evaluation:
The goal of the exemption allowance is to focus resources on safety significant components
and eliminate unnecessary burden while providing sufficient confidence that Low Risk/Non
Risk significant SSCs will satisfy their design functional requirements. Since these pumps
are Low risk and may be exempted from IST requirements, this CREE will document the
basis for reasonable confidence that these pumps will operate satisfactorily.
This evaluation will include a review of the failure history for the pumps, maintenance
history, operational evolutions involving these pumps and a review of inspection and testing
results, as applicable.
IST pump group CSPP 1(2)PA101A, 1(2)PA101B, 1(2)PA101C
Containment Spray Pump
1. Supply borated water from the RWST to the containment spray ring header during the
short-term injection phase upon receipt of a “Hi-3” containment pressure signal.
2. Recirculate borated water from the containment sumps to the containment spray ring
header during the long-term recirculation phase.
Additional Actions Required?
Brad Scott
Preparer (Print/Sign)
 No
 Ye If Yes, list CR
Action #s
Approval (Print/Sign)
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Condition Report Engineering Evaluation
Form 1
Engineering Evaluation (Typical)
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This pump group contains 3 pumps in each unit for a total of 6 pumps. These pumps are
motor driven vertical centrifugal canned suction pumps with a design point of 1900 gpm at
560 feet of water.
Maintenance, testing and operational history from 1990 to present has identified several work
activities associated with these pumps. These work activities were attributed to routine pump
maintenance related to the worn pump/motor bearings, mechanical seal leakage, loose
fasteners, and flange leakage. In all cases the pumps were repaired using routine
maintenance to restore the pumps to service following satisfactory post maintenance testing.
Review of the maintenance history since 1990 has not identified any Inservice Testing
failures during the operation of these pumps for testing.
None of the maintenance activities for this pump group represent a failure of the pumps to
perform their design function. The maintenance activities identified for this pump group
were typical of pump behaviors and maintenance patterns. No catastrophic pump failures
were identified.
These pumps are included in the station Preventive Maintenance Program and required to
have an inspection and diagnostic test performed every 78 weeks. In addition the pump 0rings and mechanical seals are required be replaced once every 676 weeks. Maintenance
activities identified for these pumps are consistent with the EPRI templates for Pumps.
These pumps are tested for mechanical and hydraulic performance each quarter in
accordance with the Containment Spray Pump Inservice Test, 0PSP03-CS-0001/2/3.
These tests verify the ability of the pumps to perform their design functional requirements.
Upon removal from the IST Program, there is reasonable confidence that these pumps will
continue to satisfy their design functional requirements when demanded based on the
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Condition Report Engineering Evaluation
Form 1
Engineering Evaluation (Typical)
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a) The Containment Spray Pumps are normally in the standby mode. The pumps start
automatically upon receipt of a Hi-3 containment pressure signal to deliver spray flow to
the containment spray ring header during the injection and recirculation phases of an
accident requiring containment spray. Failure of any one of the pumps to start would not
affect the safety function of the system since three 50% capacity pumps are provided and
only two are required to provide the necessary design spray flow. In addition, the pumps
are powered from redundant independent power supplies.
b) These pumps will continue to be tested once every 54 months in conjunction with
Response Time Testing per procedure 0PSP03-SP-13A/B/C. This testing satisfies
Technical Specification In addition, pump testing can also be performed in
conjunction with System Leakage Testing per procedure 0PSP11-CS-0006/7/8. This
testing satisfies Technical Specifications 6.8.3.A. If the pumps do not operate and deliver
flow as required during any test, a Condition Report will be generated to
investigate/correct the concern.
c) A pump test will continue to be performed to verify the pumps operate and deliver flow
following any maintenance activity affecting operation of these pumps.
d) If the Technical Specification requirements in item (b) above is deleted or extended,
administrative controls (PM task/procedure) will be generated to ensure these pumps are
operated and deliver flow every 18 months.
e) Any failure of the pumps to operate and deliver flow during testing or normal operations
will be identified and corrected in accordance with the STP Corrective Action Program.
f) Routine Operator rounds and periodic System Engineering walkdowns during normal
plant operations will identify visible pump deficiencies. Any deficiency identified during
these inspections will be documented corrected in accordance with the STP Corrective
Action Program.
There is reasonable confidence that these pumps will continue to have the capability to
perform their intended design safety function throughout the life of the plant.
response time testing and system leakage testing ensures the operational readiness of these
pumps. Periodic Operator and System Engineering inspections will continue to be performed
to detect any visible external degradation of the pumps. In addition, these pumps will
continue to be maintained in the STP Preventive Maintenance program.
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Condition Report Engineering Evaluation
Form 1
Engineering Evaluation (Typical)
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These pumps will be removed from the scope of the IST program. The Technical
Specification surveillance requirements for Response Time and System Leakage testing will
continue to be performed for these pumps.
Update the Inservice Testing Program by performing the following activities: For each
pump in IST pump group CSPP include a reference to this Engineering Evaluation in
the STPIST inservice testing database, update the IST Plan to show these pumps have
been exempted from IST testing, and update the IST Basis Document to include a
discussion of the basis for exemption and the alternate method of determining
functionality described in this Engineering Evaluation.
Revise 0PSP03-CS-0001, 0PSP03-CS-0002 and 0PSP03-CS-0003 to remove these
pumps from surveillance testing per Technical Specification 4.0.5.
Update the Surveillance Testing database to reference this Engineering Evaluation and
to show that the Inservice Testing (TS 4.0.5) surveillance tests are no longer required.
The following procedures should be revised to provide assurance that the subject
pumps will be maintained within the procedures and tested as stated in this evaluation.
Train A ESF Actuation and Response Time Test, 0PSP03-SP-0013A
Train B ESF Actuation and Response Time Test, 0PSP03-SP-0013B
Train C ESF Actuation and Response Time Test, 0PSP03-SP-0013C
Containment Spray System Train 1A/2A Contaminated System Leakage Test,
Containment Spray System Train 1B/2B Contaminated System Leakage Test,
Containment Spray System Train 1C/2C Contaminated System Leakage Test,
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Condition Report Engineering Evaluation
Form 1
Engineering Evaluation (Typical)
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STPEGS 2nd Interval Inservice Testing Plan
IST Program Basis Document
RI-IST Maintenance History review
RI-IST Preventive Maintenance Activities review
P&ID 5N109F05037, Containment Spray System
DBD 5N109MB1024, Containment Spray System
Procedure 0PSP03-CS-0001, Containment Spray Pump 1A(2A) Inservice Test
Procedure 0PSP03-CS-0002, Containment Spray Pump 1B(2B) Inservice Test
Procedure 0PSP03-CS-0003, Containment Spray Pump 1C(2C) Inservice Test
Procedure 0PSP03-SP-0013A Train A ESF Actuation and Response Time Test
Procedure 0PSP03-SP-0013B Train B ESF Actuation and Response Time Test
Procedure 0PSP03-SP-0013C Train C ESF Actuation and Response Time Test
Procedure 0PSP11-CS-0006, Containment Spray System Train 1A(2A)
Contaminated System Leakage Test
Procedure 0PSP11-CS-0007, Containment Spray System Train 1B(2B)
Contaminated System Leakage Test
Procedure 0PSP11-CS-0008, Containment Spray System Train 1C(2C)
Contaminated System Leakage Test
UFSAR Section, Containment Heat Removal Systems
UFSAR Section 6.2.2, Containment Heat Removal Systems
UFSAR Section 6.5.2, Containment Spray System – Iodine Removal
UFSAR Table 16.1-4, Engineered Safety Features Response Times
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications 6.8.3.A