US Presidents Bio/Fact Sheet


A.P. U.S. Government

US Presidents: Lists and Records

Presidential birthplaces

Mr. Lucot

Presidents born before the USA became a country:

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe,

John Qunicy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison

Presidents born in Ohio

Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William

McKinley, William Taft, Warren Harding

Presidents born in Pennsylvania: James Buchanan

Presidents born in Virginia

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William

Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Woodrow Wilson

Deist presidents: Thomas Jefferson

Episcopalian presidents

George Washington, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John

Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Chester Arthur, Franklin Roosevelt, Gerald

Ford, George Bush

Quaker presidents: Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon

Roman Catholic presidents: John Kennedy

Presidents without church affiliation: Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson

Presidential Military Experience

Presidents who served in wars

 George Washington - Commander in Chief of Continental Army during the

American Revolution.

 James Monroe - served in American Revolution

Andrew Jackson - American Revolution, War of 1812, First Seminole War

 William Henry Harrison - Indian wars in the NW territory, War of 1812

 John Tyler - War of 1812

 Zachary Taylor - War of 1812, Black Hawk, Second Seminole, and Mexican wars

Franklin Pierce - Mexican War

 James Buchanan - War of 1812

Abraham Lincoln - Black Hawk War

Andrew Johnson - Civil War

 Ulysses Grant - Mexican War, Civil War

Rutherford Hayes - Civil War

 James Garfield - Civil War

Chester Arthur - Civil War

 Benjamin Harrison - Civil War

William McKinley - Civil War

Theodore Roosevelt - Spanish-American War

 Harry Truman - WWI

Dwight Eisenhower - WWII General

John Kennedy - WWII

 Lyndon Johnson - WWII

Richard Nixon - WWII

 Gerald Ford - WWII

 George H.W. Bush - WWII

Presidents who were in the military but who saw no action

 James Madison

James Polk

 Millard Fillmore

Jimmy Carter

 Ronald Reagan - kept out of combat due to bad eyesight

 George W. Bush

Presidents with no military experience

John Adams

 Thomas Jefferson

John Quincy Adams

 Martin Van Buren

Grover Cleveland

 William Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren Harding

 Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

 Franklin Roosevelt

 Bill Clinton

Presidents during wartime

 George Washington: war with Native Americans in Ohio

Thomas Jefferson: Tripolitan War, 1800-1805, against the Barbary pirates

 James Madison - War of 1812, 1812-1814, against the British

James Monroe - First Seminole War, 1817-1818

Andrew Jackson - Black Hawk War, 1832

 Martin Van Buren - Aroostook War, 1839; Second Seminole War - ended 1842

William Henry Harrison - Second Seminole War - ended 1842

 John Tyler - Second Seminole War - ended 1842

James Polk - Mexican War

 James Buchanan - beginning of the Civil War

Abraham Lincoln - Civil War, 1861-1865

William McKinley - Spanish-American War, 1898; Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1900

 Woodrow Wilson - WWI, 1914-1918

Warren Harding - formally concluded WWI

 Franklin Roosevelt - WWII, 1941-1945

Harry Truman - conclusion of WWII, Korean War - 1950-1953

 Dwight Eisenhower - conclusion of Korean War

John Kennedy - Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961; beginning of Vietnam War

 Lyndon Johnson - Vietnam War, Dominican Republic, 1965

 Richard Nixon - Vietnam War

 Ronald Reagan - Grenada Invasion, 1983

 George Bush - Invasion of Panama, 1989-1990; Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991

 George W. Bush - War against the Taliban, Iraq, 2001 to present.

Electoral Lists

Presidents who had been vice presidents

 John Adams, under George Washington

 Thomas Jefferson, under John Adams

Martin Van Buren, under Andrew Jackson

 John Tyler, under William Henry Harrison

Millard Fillmore, under Zachary Taylor

 Andrew Johnson, under Abraham Lincoln

Chester Arthur, under James Garfield

 Theodore Roosevelt, under William McKinley

Calvin Coolidge, under Warren Harding

Harry Truman, under Franklin Roosevelt

 Lyndon Johnson, under John Kennedy

Richard Nixon, under Dwight Eisenhower

 Gerald Ford, under Richard Nixon

 George Bush, under Ronald Reagan

Vice-presidents who were later elected president, without having served out the remainder of a predecessor's term

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, George Bush

Presidents who never ran for president

 John Tyler

Millard Fillmore

 Andrew Johnson

Chester Arthur

Presidents who were never elected president or vice president: Gerald Ford

Presidents who ran for president, but were never elected: Gerald Ford

Elected presidents whose parties did not nominate them for a second term

 Franklin Pierce

Presidents who ran unopposed

 George Washington, both terms.

 James Monroe, second term.

Vice presidents who became president through death or resignation of their president

 John Tyler - death of William Henry Harrison

 Millard Fillmore - death of Zachary Taylor

Andrew Johnson - assassination of Abraham Lincoln

 Chester Arthur - assassination of James Garfield

Theodore Roosevelt - assassination of William McKinley

Calvin Coolidge - death of Warren Harding

 Harry Truman - death of Franklin Roosevelt

Lyndon Johnson - assassination of John Kennedy

 Gerald Ford - resignation of Richard Nixon

Presidents who lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote

 Rutherford Hayes - Samuel Tilden won the popular vote, and probably the electoral college vote, but the results were fixed to give Hayes the majority.

 Benjamin Harrison - incumbent president Grover Cleveland won the popular vote

 George W. Bush - Al Gore won the popular vote. The electoral college vote was thrown into doubt by peculiarities in Florida's election, and the election was decided by the Supreme Court when they stopped the recount.

Presidents who won neither the popular vote nor the electoral college vote, but still ended up as president

 John Quincy Adams - Andrew Jackson had more votes in both categories.

Presidents who were chosen by the House of Representatives because no one had a majority

 Thomas Jefferson (1st term)

 John Quincy Adams

Presidents who defeated incumbents

 Thomas Jefferson - defeated John Adams in 1800.

Andrew Jackson - defeated John Quincy Adams in 1828,

William Henry Harrison - defeated Martin Van Buren in 1840.

 Benjamin Harrison - defeated Grover Cleveland in 1888.

Grover Cleveland - defeated Benjamin Harrison in 1892.

 Woodrow Wilson - defeated Howard Taft in 1912.

Franklin Roosevelt - defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932.

Jimmy Carter - defeated Gerald Ford in 1976.

 Ronald Reagan - defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Bill Clinton - defeated George Bush in 1992.

Presidents elected to two terms

 George Washington: 1789, 1792

 Thomas Jefferson: 1800, 1804

 James Madison: 1808, 1812

James Monroe: 1816, 1920

 Andrew Jackson: 1828, 1832

Abraham Lincoln: 1860, 1864

Ulysses Grant: 1868, 1872

 Grover Cleveland: 1884, 1892

William McKinley: 1896, 1900

 Woodrow Wilson: 1912, 1916

 Dwight Eisenhower: 1952, 1956

 Richard Nixon: 1968, 1972

 Ronald Reagan: 1980, 1984

 Bill Clinton: 1992, 1996

Presidents elected to one term

John Adams: 1796

John Quincy Adams: 1824

Martin Van Buren: 1836

 William Henry Harrison: 1840

 James Polk, 1844

Zachary Taylor, 1848

 Franklin Pierce, 1852

James Buchanan, 1856

Rutherford Hayes, 1876

 James Garfield, 1880

Benjamin Harrison, 1888

 Theodore Roosevelt, 1904

William Taft, 1908

 Warren Harding, 1920

Calvin Coolidge, 1924

Herbert Hoover, 1928

 Harry Truman, 1948

John Kennedy, 1960

Lyndon Johnson, 1964

 Jimmy Carter, 1976

George Bush, 1988

Presidents elected to four terms

 Franklin Roosevelt: 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944

Presidents who served non-consecutive terms

 Grover Cleveland

Presidents who received 100% of the electoral college votes

 George Washington

Ex-Presidents who tried unsuccessfully to regain the presidency

Martin Van Buren was defeated in the primary in 1844 by James Polk.

 Millard Fillmore was defeated in 1856 by James Buchanan.

Ulysses Grant was defeated in 1880 in the primary by James Garfield.

 Theodore Roosevelt was defeated in 1912 by Woodrow Wilson.

Presidential deaths and misfortunes

Presidents killed by the incompetence of their doctors

 George Washington - bled to death by his doctors as treatment for "inflammatory quinsy"

 James Garfield - whose doctors contaminated his bullet wound so that he died of infection.

Assassinated presidents

 Abraham Lincoln - assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

James Garfield - assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau

 William McKinley - assassinated by Leon F. Czolgosz

John Kennedy - assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald

Presidents who suffered attempted assassinations

 Andrew Jackson - would-be assassin: Richard Lawrence (both derringers misfired)

 Harry Truman - Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola attempted to storm Blair

House, residence of Truman

 Gerald Ford - would be assassins: Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme and Sara Jane

Moore, in two separate incidences

Ronald Reagan - shot and wounded by John W. Hinkley, Jr

Presidents who died in office of natural causes

 William Henry Harrison - died of "bilious pleurisy"

Zachary Taylor - died of cholera morbus

 Warren Harding - died of pneumonia or stroke

Franklin Roosevelt - died of cerebral hemorrhage

Impeached presidents

 Andrew Johnson

 Bill Clinton

Presidents who resigned

 Richard Nixon

Presidential Families

Presidents related to earlier presidents

 James Madison: half first cousin twice removed of George Washington

John Quincy Adams: son of John Adams

 Zachary Taylor: second cousin of James Madison

Grover Cleveland: sixth cousin once removed of Ulysses Grant

Benjamin Harrison: grandson of William Henry Harrison

 Theodore Roosevelt: third cousin twice removed of Martin Van Buren

Franklin Roosevelt: fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses Grant, fourth cousin three times removed of Zachary Taylor, fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt

 Harry Truman: great-great-great nephew of John Tyler

Richard Nixon: seventh cousin twice removed of William Taft, eighth cousin once removed of Herbert Hoover

George Bush: fifth cousin four times removed of Franklin Pierce, seventh cousin three times removed of Theodore Roosevelt, seventh cousin four times removed of Abraham Lincoln, eleventh cousin once removed of Gerald Ford

George W. Bush: son of George Bush

African-American Presidents

Note: Several presidents were allegedly of mixed European and African ancestry, which by U.S. reckoning would designate them as African-American. See The Five Negro

Presidents by J.A. Rogers and Six Black Presidents: Black Blood, White Masks by Auset


Thomas Jefferson

Andrew Jackson

 Abraham Lincoln

Warren Harding

Dwight Eisenhower

Presidents who married while president

James Tyler

Grover Cleveland

Woodrow Wilson

Bachelor presidents

 James Buchanan

Presidents with adopted children

 George Washington

 Andrew Jackson

 Ronald Reagan

Presidents who had children out of wedlock

Thomas Jefferson

Grover Cleveland

Warren Harding

Childless presidents

James Madison

James Polk

 James Buchanan

Divorced presidents

 Ronald Reagan

Presidents belonging to no party

 John Quincy Adams

Presidents at least temporarily without vice-presidents

 John Tyler - He had been William Henry Harrison's VP, and the position was not filled when Tyler assumed the presidency.

 Millard Fillmore - He had been Zachary Taylor's VP, and the position was not filled when Fillmore assumed the presidency.

 Franklin Pierce - William Rufus DeVane King was elected VP, but died before

 assuming office, and was not replaced.

Andrew Johnson - He had been Abraham Lincoln's VP, and the position was not filled when Johnson assumed the presidency.

 Ulysses Grant - His second-term VP, Henry Wilson, died in office and was not replaced, leaving Grant without a VP for more than a year.

 Chester Arthur - He had been James Garfield's VP, and the position was not filled when Arthur assumed the presidency.

 Grover Cleveland - His first-term VP, Thomas Hendricks, was not replaced after dying nine months into his term.

 William McKinley - His first VP, Garret Hobart, died in office in 1899, and was

 not replaced until March 1900 by Theodore Roosevelt.

William Taft - His VP, James Sherman, died shortly before the end of Taft's term

 and was not replaced.

Calvin Coolidge - He had been Warren Harding's VP, and the position was not filled until Coolidge was elected for his own term in 1924.

 Harry Truman - He had been Franklin Roosevelt's last VP, and the position was not filled until Truman was elected for his own term in 1948.

 Lyndon Johnson - He had been John Kennedy's VP, and the position was not filled until Johnson was elected for his own term in 1964.

Vice-Presidents who resigned as VP

 John Calhoun - Andrew Jackson's VP, resigned in 1832 to accept election to the


 Spiro Agnew - Richard Nixon's VP, resigned in 1973 to avoid criminal prosecution.

Presidents who killed people outside of war (or who were accused thereof)

George Washington - accused of murdering a French ambassador during peacetime.

Andrew Jackson - killed a man in a duel

Presidents with an alcohol problem

 Franklin Pierce

 Ulysses Grant

 George W. Bush

Presidents who owned slaves

 George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

 James Madison

Andrew Jackson

 James Polk

 Zachary Taylor

Presidents with facial hair

Martin Van Buren - large mutton-chops

 Abraham Lincoln - beard

Ulysses Grant - beard and mustache

 Rutherford Hayes - beard and mustache

James Garfield - beard and mustache

 Chester Arthur - mustache and sideburns

Grover Cleveland - mustache

Benjamin Harrison - beard and mustache

 Theodore Roosevelt - mustache

William Taft - mustache

Presidents who joined the Confederacy

 John Tyler

President who slept the most

 Calvin Coolidge - slept 10 hours a day.
